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September 2015 Running Challenge



  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    9/2 - 3.36 miles
    9/4 - 3.30 miles
    9/5 - 7 miles
    9/7 - 3.38 miles
    9/10 - 3.0 miles
    9/13 - 8.12 miles
    9/16 - 3.25 miles
    9/18 - 3.27 miles
    9/19 - 9.54 miles
    9/21 - 3 miles
    9/23 - 3.28 miles
    9/25 - 3.29 miles
    9/26 - 10.89 miles
    9/28 - 3.3 miles

    @kristinegift - thanks for the tip on the saucony bullet capris! I've been looking for some (I'm 5'4", so have similar problems). Under Armor heat gear has been pretty good for me, but still a tad long.

    @shanaber - love that pic! that was me this morning - sweating like crazy cause it was 65 out, and my husband was in jeans and a sweater.

    [img]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wzzWdl2/exercise.png [\img][/img]
  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    edited September 2015
    @kristinegift - congrats on the PR!
    @juliet3455 - that sounds totally sane to me...way to enjoy yourself!
    @skippygirlsmom - that picture is fantastic! I am hoping I can get one of my kids to enjoy running and running with me like you two do!
    @snha - Woo hoo! Great job on the 5k!
    @9voice9 - glad you found a group...and that you have done so well after you got tagged by a bonehead driver! Way to stick with it!

    9/1 - rest day
    9/2 - 5.2 miles treadmill "hill" workout with HM training group
    9/3 - 4.5 miles around the 'hood...heat and humidity is back 74° and sticky at 5:30 a.m.
    9/4 - 4 miles in the humidity...pretty good pace today
    9/5 - 8.2 mi with HM training group...tough, ended with a 1/2 mile hill...twice.
    9/6 - unplanned rest day
    9/7 - 5.76 miles of intervals with HM group
    9/8 - 4 miles in drippy, sprinkly and still humid weather...where is fall?
    9/9 - 4.5 miles, super comfortable. 64° and lower humidity...yay!
    9/10 - 5 miles treadmill/trek class...super sweaty
    9/11 - 4.4 miles...beautiful, cool morning...went downhill a bit after the run, though. Car issue.
    9/12 - 9.66 miles with HM group...beautiful weather!!
    9/13 - rest day
    9/14 - 5.43 miles of intervals / tempo with HM group
    9/15 - 4 miles of easy, comfortable running
    9/16 - 5.3 miles of hill repeats with HM group...I think I may die this morning...so hard!
    9/17 - rest day...semi-planned. Tomorrow and Saturday will have easy runs, with a 10-mile race on Sunday a.m.
    9/18 - 4.37 miles; nice weather; hips and glutes were still sore from Wednesday's hill work
    9/19 - 4.0 miles, easy run on a beautiful morning in DSM
    9/20 - 10.13 miles; Capital Pursuit 10-Mile; GORGEOUS morning to run and super happy with my time / pace...wish every run could be like this!
    9/21 - No run; had to go for my annual physical...turn my head and cough. It is nice not to hear "You should lose weight / exercise more / go on a diet" like I always used to.
    9/22 - 4.44 miles; humid today.
    9/23 - 5.01 miles of hill repeats with HM group...thankfully not as hard as last week.
    9/24 - 4.51 miles
    9/25 - No run today :'( Rough night with kids and (apparently) sick dog...little sleep, rough morning.
    9/26 - 11.39 miles with HM group. I felt horrible, total slog. Stomach hurt / cramping the whole time.
    9/27 - 3.0 miles. Again, just felt awful. Yuck
    9/28 - 5.05 miles. Finally felt a little better. Not sure what is up with my gut while running the last three days.

  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    kjm3579 wrote: »
    kjm3579 wrote: »
    kjm3579 wrote: »
    Completed so far:

    9/1 -- 2.04 miles
    9/2 -- 3.04 miles
    9/4 -- 2.25 miles
    9/5 -- 7.05 miles

    14.38 miles completed -- 35.62 remaining to my goal of 50 miles

    9/7 -- 2.49 miles walk
    9/8 -- 2.53 miles
    9/9 -- 3.56 miles
    9/11 -- 2.07 miles
    9/12 -- 8.05 miles

    30,59 running miles completed, 2.49 miles walked -- 19.41 running miles remain to my goal of 50 miles

    9/13 -- 2.22 miles walk
    9/15 -- 2.57 miles
    9/16 -- 4.05 miles
    9/18 -- 2.54 miles
    9/19 -- 9.21 miles
    9/20 -- 2.10 miles walk

    48.96 running miles completed, 6.81 miles walked -- 1.04 running miles remain to my goal of 50 miles

    9/22 -- 3.15 miles
    9/23 -- 1.64 miles walk
    9/24 -- 3.19 miles
    9/26 -- 6.04 miles
    9/27 -- 2.75 miles walk

    61.34 miles ran and 11.20 miles walked -- exceeding my running goal by 11.34 miles so far
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    jtarmom wrote: »
    Went to the running store, got new shoes...and WHOO HOO!!! I'm BACK baby :) Felt so much better. It was definitely a gamble to run my weekly long run in new shoes, but it was that or not run at all. Worked out, felt great. Officially registered for the Niagara International Half Marathon on Oct 25. My second half marathon, and in another country to boot. ETA: I saw everyone was talking about where they live - I live just south of Buffalo, NY.

    @jtarmom So the New Shoe Smell is gone!!. At my last event I was talking with 2 ladies at the Start area pre-race and naturally shoes came up. The one lady summed it up best when she said that as a Country Girl with Horses she thinks nothing of $200-300 for good Riding Boots but initially cringed at the $$ for true Running Shoes. But after getting her first pair thinks not about the $$ but how good they feel and that she is now Foot and Leg Pain free. Congrats on the new Shoes working out for the long run. Now that they are Proven go buy a second pair and stash them in the closet.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    9.1.15... 3.04...26:30- late 10 PM run
    9.2.15... 5.27.... 48 minutes: Woke up a little late- wanted to hit the road around 5:15- left at like 5:35- oh well- was worried about time due to it being the first five miler- I did okay - 48 minutes roughly- super busy yesterday didn't get a chance to update
    9.3.15... 3 miles- 27- super slow- stiff and heavy
    9.6.15- 3.02.... 28:56- I went ahead and shuffled my runs- workshop was to important to stress over a 9 miler and then the workshop. So Sunday- I did an easy 7:30 AM easy 3 miler- way more hilly than expecting- but no worries!
    9.8.15- 8.98 @ 1:34- this was rough- it was hot and humid- It was a chips and salsa left over sprint to unlock the door and straight to the toilet. Another sweaty toilet seat end to my run!!!
    9.11.15... 6.39... 55:16 felt really solid today- very disappointed I ran out of time!
    9.13.15..... 10.17.... 1.31.13- longest run of the training- mostly felt good- was VERY pleased with my first 4- a stead 8 and change landing me at 34.5 minutes- which made me happy. I ran 8 miles on the flat canal dirt path and two miles on asphalt side walk- 1 mile straight up through Princeton- and you can see on my split the last mile was down hill and quick. I didn't puke- and I didn't crap myself so WINNING!
    9.15.15... 3.06... 27 min- Sloppy night run- I really felt like I was just tired and my form was working against me- never the less- DONE SIR DONE. now- I better get up early to run my 5 tomorrow- or I'm gonna be super cranky pants about that!
    9.16.15.... 5.3... 47... rough- not recovering well and not getting enough sleep. but got it done- woke up hella late- so I'm behind- but here we go- down hill in the week! WOOT
    9.17.15... 3.17...26.30 minutes- I started out quick- like it felt like a 25 min or lower type run- but alas- not so much. didn't help my hair was falling out and I tried to tie it back up- but no luck- just broke so I lost a good 15-30 seconds fussing with that. Oh well. I was hella late from work today- so I ran from 5:30-5:55ish and then raced to the gym and lifted- then off to dance class. Definitely feeling the work the chiro/pt did on my glutes/IT bands- was just what I needed-but definitely feeling it- one more mile run- one mile closer to the half!!
    Womp womp
    9.19.15 (or 20th) bust. I opted to stay home- I had literally no excuse other than I wanted to spend time with my man. Fail- I could have easily run a 10K and been okay- he wouldn't have died but I didn't want to run badly enough quiet honestly.
    9.22.15- 3.04- 26 minutes. Nice and cool this morning- I'm going to have to start putting a real shirt on at some point- poop.
    9.23.15.... 5.28... 47- supposed to be race pace- but I feel a lot like my race pace is like my regular pace- I suspect I"m going to go with that for the race- every time I get a little punchy with my gate- I wind up winded much quicker than I want. But I finished strong- and felt really good about the whole thing.
    9.24.15... 3.00... 32:30- Flat out tread mill run- I just couldn't bring myself to get up and run. Which was sad- but useful- and I was able to make it a 'decent' hill run workout- so slow- but that's okay. Unfortunately- with hills this puts me just over a 2 hr run time with my average pace around 10 min/mile. We'll see. Goal is under 2 hrs for the half- but we'll see!!!
    9.27.15...11.39..1:45 Long long weekend for me- work Friday night- 2 hr class Saturday- up early to teach- more class- and then we hosted a sewing circle since we are prepping new costumes. I didn't get home till 4:30- recouped and got back in the car to drive to Princeton to run my 11 by 5:45- started running around 6- so I didn't finish till 7:45- which meant- with all the cloud cover it was hella dark. I felt mostly pretty good- I made a solid attempt to carb load the last 3 days- I think it worked- minus the wine/water issue. I didn't actually eat very well so I felt a little nauseous the first 2-3 miles. But I settled down and really I felt really good and I think my splits were quiet solid.

    I stopped by the studio on my way home- used their foam roller- banged on some stuff (we were having a drum circle for the blood moon) and then went home- stumbled into my door and immediately felt sick- wasn't sure if I was going to puke or crap my pants (so we are over an hour after my finish time at this point) which was concerning to me- but I suspect it had to do with dehydration. But- all in all was a nice run. Feeling a little stiff today- but I'm not unhappy.

    August: 66.23 of 75 miles
    September 74.13 of 104.5

    Total Half Training Mileage
    179.19 of total 225

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    @kristinegift nice on the runs- and the Bullet Capris- I love the idea of 3 pockets- I've started using mine more regularly and now I put pants on and I'm like- dafuk-where are my pockets!!!
    Also- I ran up Harrison as well as Alexander (ran the canal and then made the trip up a mile each way north)- was nice- I like that area- I think I'll try to definitely get up there more often run in princeton itself.
    @skippysmom nic eon the trail run- even if there were some booboos! Glad she is okay!
    @jtarmom YAY for new shoes!!! I have a groupon discount for new ones- I just need to actually go down there- new shoes are the best!!!
    @ddmom0811 running buddy - got it- off to google! I haven't dedicated much time to looking for gagets for myself- but I should LOL
    @ACSL3 How was the dutch park?
    @juliet3455 That's awesome- long day for sure- but sounds like a ton of fun!!!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for September

    9/1 10.5 miles - 10.5
    9/2 6.6 miles - 17.1
    9/3 9.5 miles - 26.6
    9/4 6.85 miles - 33.45
    9/5 20 miles - 53.45
    9/6 REST DAY
    9/7 10.4 miles - 63.95
    9/8 10.25 miles - 74.2
    9/9 7 miles - 81.2
    9/10 10 miles - 91.2
    9/11 6.5 miles - 97.7
    9/12 21.5 miles - 119.2
    9/13 REST DAY
    9/14 10.5 miles - 129.7
    9/15 10.5 miles - 140.2
    9/16 6.35 miles - 146.55
    9/17 10.1 miles - 156.65
    9/18 6.3 miles - 162.95
    9/19 20 miles - 182.95
    9/20 REST DAY
    9/21 10.6 miles - 193.55
    9/22 10.5 miles - 204.05
    9/23 6.5 miles - 210.55
    9/24 5.25 miles - 215.80
    9/25 REST DAY
    9/26 13.1 miles - 228.9
    9/27 REST DAY
    9/28 7.15 miles - 236.05


    Still very sore, and I am on a cut back week. Blah was all I had to say about this morning's run.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    9/1 - 3.5 miles - way too many pushes on the snooze this morning! :smiley:
    9/2 - rest day walked the doggie instead
    9/3 - 5.1 miles
    9/4 - 10 miles last 2 were HOT HUMID and MISERABLE LOL
    9/5 - rest day - cross country meet - Skip did great 24th in her division 23:37 no where near a PR but it was so hot and humid you could hardly stand to be out there to watch let alone run. Proud of my girl.
    9/6 - 5.1 miles
    9/7 - 5.2 miles of trail running - OMG we had so much fun!!! Skip wanted to practice trail running for her meets and folks gave me some great recommendations of trails to run. We went out this morning and had a blast. The first trail was marked as easy/difficult so it was some easy packed dirt and some gravel with harder roots and rocks to climb. The second was difficult and some parts were about 2' wide and quite a climb (for me LOL). We loved it!
    9/8 - 5.1 miles
    9/9 - 5.5 miles
    9/10 - 7.2 miles nice slow pace this morning, just wanted to get the miles in. Still pretty humid (97%) but the temp was 69 so it was nice. Annoying little doggie chased me this morning and nipped at my heels, honestly people it's dark out keep your doggies inside so they don't get run over.
    9/11 - 5.3 miles - cool 64 but humid 100% morning, but nice weather for a run
    9/12 - xc meet rest day
    9/13 - 2 miles - was going to rest, but did 2 miles at the lake to move my legs
    9/14 - 6.2 miles - good night 46 degrees in Alabama in September who would have thought it!
    9/15 - 5.4 miles
    9/16 - rest day
    9/17 - 8 miles - started off ugly and then got great and felt good. Negative splits the whole way...that never happens :smile:
    9/18 - 5.6 miles
    9/19 - XC meet - rest day
    9/20 - 10 miles felt good the whole run (that never happens) every mile under 11 mins most were around 10:34 the last was 9:56 giving me a 10:33 overall pace. I'd have to check but that has to be my best 10 miler. Taking Skip to see US Women's World Cup team play Haiti this afternoon. Can't wait.
    9/21 - 5.2 miles in the rain - well drizzly
    9/22 - 5.2 miles
    9/23 - rest day
    9/24 - 7 miles
    9/25 - 5.1 miles
    9/26 - rest day XC meet - another great one for Skip she placed 9th at 22:47. She was upset with her time until she saw the varsity boys that usually run 16 min running 17+.
    9/27 - 3.3 mile trail run - we cut it a bit short after Skip took a good fall, cut up her leg and hands. We talked to some nice runners who told her she's an official trail runner now, that once you take a header you're official. LOL
    9/28 - 8.3 miles

    123.3 of 120 miles


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    Congratulations on your PR @kristinegift
    Congratulations @7lenny7 on your 5K PR.
    Awesome to hear you found a good group of runners @9voice9 That always helps me.
    Awesome to hear about your race @snha
    Yes, Skip got broken in @skippygirlsmom LOL Hope she is OK tho.
    I hope you are OK too @juliet3455

    mwyvr wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom Love that photo! Triumph!
    @juliet3455 Sorry about your tumble but love the description of your trail run. Roads? We don't need no stinking roads!

    Roads? Where we are going, we don't need roads.

  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member

    Almost there. :)
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    Did my first half yesterday. 2:16:32. Not to shabby for a first timer I guess. :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2015
    @skippysmom ouch! Glad nothing too serious for Skip! I'm sure it's easy to trip up out there on the trails. I had to pass some folks walking and wound up running in a foot deep wash along the trail edge, just dumb luck I didn't do a face plant. Sure I looked like a goof, like I lost control of my legs... I do have a tear in both my hip abductors, that leads to poor navigation ya know :blush:

    @7lenny7 thanks for the kudos.. I swear next month I'll do better at following everyone progress and stories.

    I go back to the hip doc in 2 weeks and am hoping for surgical planning so I can get this behind me..
    Did my first half yesterday. 2:16:32. Not to shabby for a first timer I guess. :)
    Wow @Jennifer8348683 ! Thats a respectable time! I have my first half in a week, I'm just hoping it won't be a 3 hour run!
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    01/09 - 4.52 km
    02/09 - 3.04 km - A nice evening run
    03/09 - 4.56 km - Lunchtime run but without my run buddy :-(
    04/09 - Rest
    05/09 - Rest
    06/09 - 6.07 km - Lovely evening run
    07/09 - 2.04 km - Quick blast on the treadmill to finish my strength training session
    08/09 - 4.56 km - My run buddy pushed me hard today but I did get a new PB having cut off over a minute since last week :smile:
    09/09 - Rest day for me today.
    10/09 - 9.02 km - New distance PB and was amazed I got round without stopping!
    11/09 - Rest day while I re-learn to walk.
    12/09 - Unplanned rest day since the OH had to go to A&E after getting bitten by a dog.
    13/09 - Rest day. No motivation to run having only gotten home from A&E at 3.30am
    14/09 - 1.5 km to finish off my gym session. Getting a new gym plan next week so may not be able to manage much running at the end of each session, for the first couple of weeks anyway.
    15/09 - BAM! Just met and exceeded my monthly target with a 5.28 km lunchtime run :smile:
    16/09 - Rest day
    17/09 - Fairly speedy 3.85 km
    18/09 - Rest day
    19/09 - Rest day
    20/09 - Rest day
    21/09 - 1 km to finish off my gym session
    22/09 - Rest day
    23/09 - Rest-ish. Got my new gym programme tonight so tried out some of the new exercises but not a full workout.
    24/09 - First time through the entire of my new gym programme. Ouch!
    25/09 - 3.10 km at a fair pace to shake off some of the aches from yesterday's workout.
    26/09 - Rest day - visiting my parents
    27/09 - Rest day - still with the folks
    28/09 - Gym workout tonight - doubt I'll have anything left for running afterwards


  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Saturday I broke through my goal for this month. I'm so proud of myself lol

    I took yesterday off
    Just completed week 5 day 1 this am
    MTD - 62.6/60.00
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Did my first half yesterday. 2:16:32. Not to shabby for a first timer I guess. :)

    Congratulations. Not too shabby at all.

  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @skippysmom ouch! Glad nothing too serious for Skip! I'm sure it's easy to trip up out there on the trails. I had to pass some folks walking and wound up running in a foot deep wash along the trail edge, just dumb luck I didn't do a face plant. Sure I looked like a goof, like I lost control of my legs... I do have a tear in both my hip abductors, that leads to poor navigation ya know :blush:

    @7lenny7 thanks for the kudos.. I swear next month I'll do better at following everyone progress and stories.

    I go back to the hip doc in 2 weeks and am hoping for surgical planning so I can get this behind me..
    Did my first half yesterday. 2:16:32. Not to shabby for a first timer I guess. :)
    Wow @Jennifer8348683 ! Thats a respectable time! I have my first half in a week, I'm just hoping it won't be a 3 hour run!

    Thanks @Elise4270. I'm pleased with it. It was good for me. You'll do awesome too. :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Whew lots of posts to catch up on.
    Skip is fine, thanks for asking. I think she was more scared than hurt she went down hard. She didn't know I was taking that picture which made it even neater. I was snapping and she put her arms out like that. What made the meet more special this weekend was it was at our rival high school so for us to beat them was insane for us.
    @rogue024 @ewrook @7lenny7 and others I know I'm missing GREAT work hitting goal.
    @karllundy it really is great having her to run with, I ran behind her on the trail yesterday and I could just cry at how proud I am of her.
    @shanaber I watch the trail like a hawk I'm so clumsy. I also don't climb out on the rocks too much like her, I don't want my child to see my fall to my death because I tripped LOL
    @5beautifuldays Congrats on a great 10K
    @elise4270 love the picture
    @annekka have a great trip
    @9voice9 glad you found a good group to run with
    @kristinegift thanks for the tip on the capris. I'm taller 5'6" with legs that go all the way from my waist to the ground, but I love a good capri! Super job Hill Killer!!!
    @monkeymintaka is there any other reason to run races but the swag bag LOL. I'm over the moon when they give out women sized shirts and if they are dri fit I'm over the moon.
    @juliet3455 hope you are better - hate that you tripped.
    @jtarmom love new shoes! You are going to be an international half marathoner!
    @kjm3579 you are killing your goal
    @jorocka great run yesterday, I don't know how you fit it in with how busy your day was. How are you feeling today, it does sound like hydration
    @stoshew71 sorry the run was blah today. :disappointed: Love your video LOL
    @jennifer8348683 fantastic HM time!! Congrats

    Has any tried the Nuun Electrolyte tablets? I got some for Skip this weekend and I was wondering if anyone else has tried them. You put them in a bottle of water. She's so weight conscience that she doesn't like to drink gatorade or other sport drinks after a race and these are not supposed to have the sugar that most sport drinks have.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited September 2015
    Nuun tablets. I know Jennifer had gotten some in the past and I tried a couple of times. I guess they aren't too bad from what i remember. I tend to not get enough carbs back in me with the amount of distance that i do, so I personally have no problem downing a 32 oz of Gatorade or PowerAde when I get done. I even resorted to buying soda again just to get the extra sugar in me during the course of the day, and I feel much better for it.

    I would advise that she eat some healthy sugar when she get's done with a workout (a piece of fruit even) if she does the Nuun as well. She will need the sugar immediately after the workout to replace any glycogen. And a little protein will help too. Recovery, recovery, recovery.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Nuun tablets. I know Jennifer had gotten some in the past and I tried a couple of times. I guess they aren't too bad from what i remember. I tend to not get enough carbs back in me with the amount of distance that i do, so I personally have no problem downing a 32 oz of Gatorade or PowerAde when I get done. I even resorted to buying soda again just to get the extra sugar in me during the course of the day, and I feel much better for it.

    I would advise that she eat some healthy sugar when she get's done with a workout (a piece of fruit even) if she does the Nuun as well. She will need the sugar immediately after the workout to replace any glycogen. And a little protein will help too. Recovery, recovery, recovery.

    Thanks @stoshew71 she does good with the fruit after and water, but I'll make sure she gets in some protein.