September 2015 Running Challenge



  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @WhatMeRunning that sounds like a plan. Exciting too!
  • endlessenigma
    endlessenigma Posts: 44 Member
    Finally got proper running shoes which is very exciting. To finish the day I had an amazing night walk/run!

    9/1 - 2.06 miles (walk)
    9/2 - 2.76 miles (run/walk)
    9/3 - 2.26 miles (walk/run)
    9/4 - 2.82 miles (run/walk)
    9/5 - 5 miles (walking) also kayaked about 4 miles!
    9/6 - 2.16 miles (walk)
    9/7 - approximately 4.42 miles. (Run/walk)
    9/8 - 2 miles (walk)
    9/9 - 2.46 miles (run/walk)
    9/10 - 2.40 miles (walk)
    9/11 - 2.34 miles (run/walk)
    9/12 - 8.26 miles (walk/run)

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    Friends: when I began running a couple of months ago, I was able to successfully deal with some pain in the knee hip area through stretching and strengthening of the muscles. Now, I need some suggestions with a different kind of pain: my left heal is bothering me. Not all the time or every time I run. But it has been bothering me to a greater extent in the last couple of days. Any suggestions for how to deal with that? Stretches, exercises? Thanks.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member

    @HonuNui - did vegas last year with friends and had a blast, so looking forward to repeating it. Good to meet up at the pre race concert (as Maclemore was pretty good last year).


    I did it last year, also. Ran with son's father in law (son bailed tho he promised to do it). But, it turned out to be an impromptu family reunion and sister-wedding, so a good time was had by all!

    I'll try to get to the pre-run concert (last year I showed up just in time to run--after stopping into a strip tourist trap to buy a t-shirt as the sleeveless wife-beater I was wearing was TOO COLD for the nighttime run!)

  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member
    30 mile goal

    9/2/ 1.8
    9/4 1.5
    9/6 3.7
    9/8 2
    9/10 2.2
    9/12 2 This was my first indoor room since it was raining. Ran on the Y track which was springy and not too crowded.

    16.8 miles to go!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: Rest
    9/2: 7 miles
    9/3: 8 miles am and 6 miles pm with the Thursday crew
    9/4: 6 miles
    9/5: Rest
    9/6: Brunch and walking around museums > running 6 miles in a new town
    9/7: 18 miles
    9/8: Rest
    9/9: 10 miles
    9/10: 7 miles speedwork am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    9/11: Rest
    9/12: 5 mile race (set new 5 mile and 5k PRs!)
    9/13: 12.3 miles

    A glimpse into fall weather was so nice this morning. It was 61 when I started at 7:15 (the last few weeks it's been 70 or so at 5:45...) and 65 when I got done a little after 9:00. The run went great, but around mile 10 I could really feel yesterday's race. My heel was a little whiny (darn Achilles!) and my knees were a bit achy, but I'm sure they'll be back to normal tomorrow.


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Best running weather I've experienced in nearly half a year this morning, as it was 50 degrees out when meeting up my Sunday AM running group. Returning to Florida Friday, so enjoying this while I can.

    @ddmom0811 - when I ran vegas last year (evening race) it was about 50 degrees and no humidity, so definitely some pretty good race conditions for that time of year. Hoping it'll be similar as I'd like to shave a few minutes off my time from last year.

    9/1 - 5 easy miles
    9/2 - 6 miles total (1.5 run + 4.5 run)
    9/3 - 11 miles total (1.5 run + 4 run + 5.5 run)
    9/6 - 6 miles
    9/7 - 5.5 miles
    9/9 - 5 miles
    9/10 - 8 miles
    9/11 - 8 miles
    9/12 - 4 miles (7 x 1/3 mile repeats w. 2 minute recovery jog at 6 min/mile pace)
    9/13 - 12 miles

    Total: 70.5 miles, 1 speedwork session
    Goal: 150 miles, 5 speedwork sessions
    Remaining: 79.5 miles, 4 speedwork sessions
  • pearshapedmum
    pearshapedmum Posts: 131 Member
    happy birthday to me :-) the big 3-6!! a gentle 7 miles for me this morning giving a total of 27 so far and 21 more to go. i reckon i might beat my target! got my new forerunner 220 today, so cant wait for my next run to play with it.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Drizzly and cool, which for me = Just Perfect. 5 miles at a decent pace, given yeterday's less-than-stellar long run.
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Sep 01      5.2      5.2
    Sep 04      9.1     14.3
    Sep 05      3.7     18.0
    Sep 06      5.0     23.0
    Sep 07      3.7     26.7
    Sep 10      6.2     32.9
    Sep 12     10.6     43.5
    Sep 13      5.0     48.5

  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    happy birthday to me :-) the big 3-6!! a gentle 7 miles for me this morning giving a total of 27 so far and 21 more to go. i reckon i might beat my target! got my new forerunner 220 today, so cant wait for my next run to play with it.

    Happy B'Day to you, you share a birthday with my hubby and happy running!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    snha wrote: »
    Friends: when I began running a couple of months ago, I was able to successfully deal with some pain in the knee hip area through stretching and strengthening of the muscles. Now, I need some suggestions with a different kind of pain: my left heal is bothering me. Not all the time or every time I run. But it has been bothering me to a greater extent in the last couple of days. Any suggestions for how to deal with that? Stretches, exercises? Thanks.

    I'm not particularly familiar with heel pain. MIght look at rotating your shoes a bit. If you are just starting to build a running base, it could be a muscle imbalance issue,especially if you had some knee/hip pains prior- often its related. Look in to IT band stretches, clam shells, pilates/cross training/plyometrics and core strength. The heel pain could be achilles? only guess I have is shoes or pushing to much to fast. Runner's World online has an IronStrength workout regimen for runners.. Good luck!
  • Dichotomy1976
    Dichotomy1976 Posts: 93 Member
    1/9: 7 miles
    4/9: 6.8 miles
    6/9: 13.7 miles
    8/9: 4.5 miles
    11/9: 1.2 miles (felt something tear from my hamstring to just below my knee - 2 days before my half marathon :( )
    13/9: 13.1 miles (despite some worry about running on my dodgy leg I took it easy and managed to complete my race - yay \o/)


  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @Elise4270 Thanks for the comments. I will check these today. Heel pain is on the other side of my body than the knee. So, it's probably not related. The knee and hip pain disappeared for the past three weeks. In any case, I just checked plantar fasciitis and it seems that's exactly the pain I am experiencing. I tried a couple of things they suggested and will continue to do. I think this might be related to the fact that I decided to run daily--that's probably premature and I will need to build up more muscle before doing that.

    But, good news is that I am so hooked on running: something I did not imagine before. So, today, after icing my heel a bit and doing some exercises, I decided to run. I did a 5k and actually did the best time in this round of running that started two months ago: pace was 9:51/mile. (I cannot believe I did a 5K in 24:29 three years ago! I quit running after that :(, but back to it hopefully for a long time to come.)

    9/1 rest day -- elliptical
    9/2 4.2 miles -- wasn't that easy for some reason, but done!
    9/3 rest day -- elliptical
    9/4 3.17 miles -- that was probably the most difficult run since I've started seven weeks ago. The humidity was so defeating and soul crushing!
    9/5 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/6 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/7 3.32--running again!
    9/8 rest day -- no workout
    9/9 3.52
    9/10 2 -- decided to run two days in a row for first time
    9/11 3.18 -- another day of running (three days in a row)
    9/13 3:11 -- took a day off bc of heel pain (did elliptical though) -- fasted 5K: pace 9:51/mile.


  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    kjm3579 wrote: »
    Completed so far:

    9/1 -- 2.04 miles
    9/2 -- 3.04 miles
    9/4 -- 2.25 miles
    9/5 -- 7.05 miles

    14.38 miles completed -- 35.62 remaining to my goal of 50 miles

    9/7 -- 2.49 miles walk
    9/8 -- 2.53 miles
    9/9 -- 3.56 miles
    9/11 -- 2.07 miles
    9/12 -- 8.05 miles

    30,59 running miles completed, 2.49 miles walked -- 19.41 running miles remain to my goal of 50 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @snha Look at you go! Awesome pace! Glad to hear you've found an idea on the heel pain. That running bug is hard to shake!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    snha wrote: »
    @Elise4270 Thanks for the comments. I will check these today. Heel pain is on the other side of my body than the knee. So, it's probably not related. The knee and hip pain disappeared for the past three weeks. In any case, I just checked plantar fasciitis and it seems that's exactly the pain I am experiencing. I tried a couple of things they suggested and will continue to do. I think this might be related to the fact that I decided to run daily--that's probably premature and I will need to build up more muscle before doing that.

    But, good news is that I am so hooked on running: something I did not imagine before. So, today, after icing my heel a bit and doing some exercises, I decided to run. I did a 5k and actually did the best time in this round of running that started two months ago: pace was 9:51/mile. (I cannot believe I did a 5K in 24:29 three years ago! I quit running after that :(, but back to it hopefully for a long time to come.)

    Congrats on the new-best 5k time!

    Re: heel pain. I had some mild Achilles problems earlier this year (April-July), and I had great success using KT tape. You have to be fairly precise in how you use it, but the KT tape site has a ton of tutorials for every muscle-related malady you can think of (including PF). I managed to more or less cure my heel problem (it's about 90% healed, I'd say) while still building from 35 to 50 mpw in July and August. Icing it, possibly using KT tape and taking a 2-3 days off during the week til you build back up to more frequent days of running would probably be a wise route of action :)
  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    9-1: 3.08 km...everything was going fine for the first 2k. First run after a very well-fed and drank vacation (seriously, a rib-eye the size of my forearm for the last dinner). 2.5k, I notice how tight my right leg feels. I loosen up my shoe and that does nothing. I started walking, and tried to pick back up but I was in so much pain I had to call my mom for rescue. Ugh.
    9-4: 4.24 km...Wanted to take it slow today so as not to agitate anything (foam-rolled the sheet outta my leg the other day). Very hot, not a fun run at all. Slow paced, so slow it was on par with my c25k week 7 overall pacing which INCLUDES the 10 minute warmup/cooldown. Boo.
    9-6: 5.45 km. My longest run yet! Pacing was much better than it has been in the last 2 weeks. First race is 2 weeks from today, looking good!
    9-10: 2.12...treadmill running. I don't know how I'm gonna stay motivated if I'm stuck on a treadmill.
    9-11: 3.83 km. Treadmill running. Blech. On the plus side I completed my first week of student teaching!
    9-13: 5.52 5k best of 38:02!


    My first race is next Sunday (!!!) and I'm nervous but also excited. I know I'm ready and I hope I can run a 37:30, but a sub-37 would be a dream.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited September 2015
    Like lots of other people Cool and Drizzling, 9C = 50F. Was a nice run - even though I struggled - Probably due to the 11.4km run I did yesterday.

    1-Sep 0 0 140km goal
    3-Sep 6km
    4-Sep 6km
    7-Sep 7.4km
    12-Sep 11.4km
    13-Sep 6.5km 37.3 102.7 km to go

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/9 12 miles
    02/9 12 miles
    03/9 10k
    04/9 12 miles
    05/9 10k
    06/9 34.1k
    07/9 10k
    08/9 20k
    09/9 20k
    10/9 10k
    11/9 20k
    12/9 10k
    13/9 39.1k


    mission accomplished, 24.2 miles done, even if still not at 100% (foot problem, bit of sickness)

    and GPS was OK today, so I could relax a bit more during the training

    almost ready for my first marathon, body should be ok, still working on my mind

    and congratulations to all here for their achievements, I'm so glad I discovered this wonderful sport, nothing is better than the feeling of achievement after a run
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for September

    9/1 10.5 miles - 10.5
    9/2 6.6 miles - 17.1
    9/3 9.5 miles - 26.6
    9/4 6.85 miles - 33.45
    9/5 20 miles - 53.45
    9/6 REST DAY
    9/7 10.4 miles - 63.95
    9/8 10.25 miles - 74.2
    9/9 7 miles - 81.2
    9/10 10 miles - 91.2
    9/11 6.5 miles - 97.7
    9/12 21.5 miles - 119.2
    9/13 REST DAY
