

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to say "hi"!!!

    I've had a busy weekend hanging out with friends, cooking outdoors, talking and laughing! Life is good!!!

    Carey :) I think it was you that asked about being busier after retirement....yes!!! When did I ever have time to work, or clean house (or clean out my closet that I thought I would get to this summer :noway:) ??? I'm thinking I will probably slow down as the months get cooler, and maybe then I can get some chores done :laugh:.

    Joyce :) I am so glad your daughters are there, so glad you've been laughing and enjoying having someone to help with Charlie! Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers!!! Did the Dr. ever tell you what was going on with Charlie?

    DJ :) The beach sounds so nice! I was in Wilmington last weekend :love:, it was fabulous!!! Makes me want to move to the sand and surf!!!

    Becca :) What a handsome son!!! I like your stash in the kitchen!

    Pip :) OUCH!!!! Your shoulder really looks painful! Love your nails!

    Janie :) Hello sweet friend!!! We need to get Jb back on the thread too before Christmas, you guys come up with the best lyrics!!! Yay for losing inches!!!

    JanetR :) Sending good thoughts and prayers for your sister and brother in law!!!

    Alison :) Enjoy every minute of your time away!!!

    Rori :) Glad you have some time away from traveling!!! Congrats on your new position, will that still involve a lot of traveling? How is Mars doing?

    Welcome to everyone new! This is a great thread to a part of, the women here are kind and caring and smart!!! I've been a part of this thread since May 2012! Barbie is our fearless leader, and a wonderful woman! Come in often and chat away!

    Ms. Dog is climbing on my leg again, I'm about 30 minutes passed her dinner time, she is not happy with me at the moment. Those sweet puppy dog eyes looking at me and now she's starting to talk :# .

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!

    DeeDee in beautiful gorgeous NC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Elizabeth, i can relate to challenges of menopause, i also chose not to go down the hrt road, keep playing music, find some cooler sheets and nite shirts, they really help with the nite sweats. But the mood swings! I can tell u they pass thank heavens, but that is small comfort. Keep music and exercise going, i know it helps.
    Well, I did manage to get on the treadmill this morning to "earn" two beers at the bbq. I did have an okay time and i didnt stress eat despite all of my social anxiety. I am planning on another big workout tomorrow and not eat any of my exercise calories!
    Cheers to all celebrating the holiday tomorrow. Karen from ny
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, I love Kathy Reichs books, as well as Sara P...ski (blanking on her name). I like all the medical and forensic information I learn in Reichs' books, and Sara P's books are set in Chicago. She is another U of Chicago grad like me. I mostly read history or biography, but grab some of the fiction books occasionally. I like the Kellermans, both of them, although their son's book was a little dark for my taste. Oliver Sacks was a great writer too. And anything about the plasticity and training of the brain is fascinating to me.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    maeadair wrote: »
    Thank you Janet, I was clicking the wrong star :)

    You're so welcome. I did the same thing at first. We'll get it all figured out eventually. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Alison - so glad you had a better second day. We really love to cruise!

    Joyce - prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Pip - I'm another one that loves anything pumpkin! Will have to look for those in my stores.

    Lisa - thanks for showing the display from the Fitbit Charge HR. I haven't gotten one yet so it's helpful to see what kind of information it gives.

    Becca - those tomatoes looked great!

    Heather - thanks for sharing the information on the Spinach Feta pie. I made it a couple of times and we love it. I understand that it can be frozen but it doesn't last long enough to make it to the freezer. :smile:

    I have also made the brownie muffins from Hungry Girl and they have been a big hit. I plan on making the zucchini tots tomorrow. Enjoying trying these new recipes.

    Thank you for the kind words concerning my ailing furbaby.

    Not moving too much due to my back strain. DH is biting at the bit to go biking and kayaking so trying to get it better as quickly as possible. I will go to the chiropractor on Tuesday

    Well DH just asked me to make the zucchini tots now so I'm off to do that.

    Tina in MD

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    after having a chicken or tuna salad for a month straight for dinner, i'm switching to breakfast for dinner. huevos rancheros!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, I am aware that there are different “British accents” but trust me, they are “British accents” to us. Lol What do us Yanks know??? We love them all. I saw a sorta spoof on Americans and how we treat people from the UK and it was hilarious to hear them say Water, the way you probably do and then say it the way many Americans do; “Wadder”. The Brits would have to say that to get the Americans to understand them. I hope you can talk DH into another trip over here!!!

    , glad you are having a good weekend and good for you on the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Let us know how it works for you.

    Rori, glad you got to go home for a bit. That’s cool that you got to try the drink mix before buying it. Congrats on the job change being something you like.

    Allison, your day sounds lovely. Sorry you have to leave so early tomorrow but so nice that you got to go.

    Sylvia, your stay at the lake sounds great. You know you won’t be able to sell the cabin if it has lizzards, so you can just give it to me. weee.gif I won’t even charge you extra because of the lizard.

    Vicki, you go gurl! I’m sure the new lady will appreciate your efforts.

    Lauriebeloffm, welcome. You have come to the right place. This group of ladies is wonderful for support and information. Many of us realize we are tired of diets and doing it over and over again, so we have made this a lifestyle change. There are some here that have met their goals and been on maintenance for a few years. Most of us are still working to get there. Congrats on the loss you have made so far and good luck on your journey. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location is nice too, general or specific.

    Janie, congrats on shrinking into clothes. That is a wonderful NSV. Glad you got your IPad and hope to hear from you often.

    Becca, I sure don’t think it’s our job to make our DHs eat what we eat. Heck, mine always loses weight when I am the one eating right. Go figure. We eat the same protein and many same veggies but he still eats lots of things that I no longer eat. The ice cream in the freezer is his and the cookies in the pantry are his, along with most of the starches, etc. It still works for us, so that’s all that counts.

    Barbie, a nap on a drizzly day with your sweetie, sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Enjoy! smiley-sleep012.gif

    Joyce, there is no better medicine than laughter. So glad to hear the girls have you laughing. You enjoy the family while they are there.

    Dee Dee, how dare you be chatting with us when it’s past time for Ms Dog’s dinner! You know they have a built in clock. Glad you are enjoying retirement.

    Karen, good for you on not stress eating. Keep up the good work.

    Pip, I love breakfast for lunch or dinner. Enjoy.

    Well I spent another good part of the afternoon watching tennis again. The US Open and Wimbledon are the only two tournaments that I spend a lot of time watching. That is another nice thing about retirement; I can do this. 
    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    DARN! I just typed probably 15-20 lines here to update my status and it all disappeared! I HATE TYPING!
    Here goes again.
    I injured my right hand/arm/shoulder in 7/2012 had to wait for surgeries (hand/thumb/wrist/shoulder) til 11/2012, returned to work 5/2013. Took Family medical leave 8/2013 to help with care of my Mom. She developed Atrial Fib that caused a Stroke in late July. We took care of here with Hospice care at home til mid Nov.
    My siblings and a couple grand kids rotated shifts. I took the overnights because that was what I worked for years. Sometimes I would stay there and sleep in her spare room when others were awake with her. My sister hurt her back and shoulder trying to lift Mom by herself and then decided it was too much to care for her at home (Sis was Mom's POA). Several of us have nurses/medical training and felt we could keep her at home as was Mom's wish. Sis disagreed and had her admitted to a Hospice bed in nearby Nursing Home. We still continued our 'shifts'
    with Mom so she always had family with her. She Passed Thanksgiving evening 2013 about 9:20pm with me at her side; the others had already gone home for the night. Mom was cognizant and talking up til about the last 5-6 days. Those last days were nonverbal but she did squeeze hands.

    I returned to work then proceeded to slip on the Icy cement front doorsteps and get a concussion. Returned to work after about 1 week out, but found I was having balance issues. Landed in the Hospital in late Feb 2014 with Chest pain and erratic heart. They did full cardiac workup and said I was fine, all they could see was POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia) which means my pulse increase when I stand up. Many visits to PCP ( Primary Care Physician), Cardiologist, and Neurologist for passing out/balance issues/kidney issues/unstable vital signs (AP-apical pulse and B/P). Cardiologist did every test except 2. Did not do Catheterization nor Tilt Table. Results per Cardiologist was Only POTS that could be medicated for. I did not tolerate any of the meds tried, I take smaller doses than normal and still have major responses. New Neurologist (original one I loved has retired :/)
    has by passed the Cardiologist and states I have TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) that has knocked my ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) whacky! That is the part of your brain that controls things your body does automatically IE: Pulse/B/P/tears/sweat/balance/GI & Gu regulation, ETC. This is called DYSAUTONOMIA.

    I did 1 yr of PT/OT to try and help with balance/stamina. PT documented AP (pulse) would be in 80's sitting go to 90's standing and up into 120-130's walking slow pace, no resistance, flat plain on treadmill, THEN within 1.5 - 8 mins. I would drop to low 50's and be extremely light headed ( I call it 'greying out" as everything goes grey and looks like looking through fog). When using arms on the 'arm bike" I would do the same thing. My exercise/activity tolerance stinks! This makes doing the type of exercises I did before pretty much intolerable.

    My Employer has kept me an 'inactive' employee so I may return without losing my senority/years. However,there are no benefits! ObamaCare was denied stating I had access to employer Ins.. Yes, I can COBRA@$ 978./month!
    Who can afford that and then a $5000./ deductible to be met.before a 70/30 split for coverage. Worked with PCP to change what meds.we could to less expensive ones and document all my issues AND state they were on going issues but that I could not Afford to continue seeing PCP/Specialists every 4-6 weeks . I have kept a LOG of issues and abilities.

    Soc. Sec. Disability has denied x2. I now have a Lawyer as both PCP and Neurologist state I am unable to work. Disability worker said "...it is not what your Drs say, it is what Our reviewers say that matters." I have long standing history of Migraines which have worsened since the Fall; migraine induced stroke affecting entire left side ( I am lucky, I can use my side) I do things as long as I can see what I am doing but have no 'proper ' feeling on the left (paresthesia). I have had Pulmonary storms x2 and single PEs (pulmonary embolisms ie blood clots in the lungs). I now have balance issues/POTS/ changing vital signs with position changes &/or activities / Heat intolerance (comes with POTS they say)/Esophageal spasms, that I take Nitro for, they decided was/is what causes my 'Chest Pains' (which are different from my epigastric discomfort -GERD). My Cardiac sphincter( at the junction of esophagus and stomach) closes off at times not allowing any food/water to go down ....not nice when happens and whatever ingested comes back up! Extreme dry eyes and skin. Concretians on inside of eyelids that I get 'scraped' (ablation) 2-3x/yr or they scratch my eye. The dry eyes also affect my vision, causes blurring frequently. Balance issues are 2fold, 1) due to TBI and POTS 2) r/t improper feeling under left foot status post Stroke. I have been in the Hospital 6x in past 2 yrs., testing for Chest pains and POTS, Sepsis with temp. of 106.7 F, Kidney stones with blocked kidney and ureter and both were 3x normal size - ended up in Emergency surgery at 7:40 at night. Recent surgery to detach ureter from peritoneal wall where it grew after the blockage.

    Enough medical! I used to live alone but have fallen down cellar stairs a few times (to do laundry) due to balance issues that my son has moved home to "help" me ( a story for another time). Let's just say it is an adjustment for all.
    It has taken me 3 hours to write this ( in spurts) so I think enough for now.
    Only want to say I am back using MFP and trying to get exercise ( in spurts) to lose this weight I have gained back over past 2 yrs. Hope to be supportive and not complain too much> I also enjoy seeing peoples' diaries for food ideas. :)
    I will try to brief in the future LOL!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Sorry last was was soooooo long! :o
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Omg!!! Where do you live n your age?? My hubby is a Ss disability lawyer here in mn. Age has a lot to do but sounds like you have the medical reports. When was the last time treated?? SS isn't going to take a report years old, have to stay current even if it costs you money. Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    10,300 steps
    15 minutes of dog walking
    48 minutes walking in the neighborhood
    lots of time on the computer and knitting and watching TV

    Elizabeth, keep coming back and building healthy routines for yourself and you'll find ways to cope with the challenges in your life.

    , my retirement life is as full as my work life was, but what I'm doing is my much personally satisfying and designed by me. Aren't dogs great about the ways they tell you what they want?

    Karen, congrats on surviving the bbq.....I don't like social events, especially ones where food is served....I am very careful about accepting invitations because I've learned that they are not the place I want to be.

    Tina, sorry about your back....mine is ailing now too and I'm frustrated at not being able to do things. I have been to the chiropractor and think they are miracle workers.

    DJ, glad you found the time to watch tennis

    Mae, thank you for telling the story of your long challenging journey with your mother and then your own health. It helps us all get to know you better and understand your challenges. There is a lot of discussion on this thread about meal ideas and food plans and many of us have our food diaries open. I have learned through a lot of trial and error that simple food is best for me. I have a limited number of calories and don't waste them of sauces, salad dressing, alcohol, and dessert. Others are gourmet cooks and seek variety and feel deprived without special treats. The most important thing is to design a plan for eating and exercise that works for you.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    September resolutions
    *walk an average of 15,000+ steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *15 minutes a day organizing photo files on computer and phone
    * meditate for five minutes four or more days a week

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »

    To Susan in MN, I am from Georgia, but my DH is from Itasca County, grew up in Nashwauk. His parents moved to Grand Rapids after his dad retired. We've taken day trips to Bemidji a time or two when the kids were little.
    . That's amazing my husband grew up in Hibbing and lived in Grand Rapids many years! He probably knows your husbands family !!!

    Very possibly. His paternal grandparents owned and ran the newspaper in Nashwauk until they were both killed in a car accident while on vacation. I don't put my real name on here, because I don't want my posts to be found by Google, but it's Norwegian. That is enough hints if he knows them.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    after having a chicken or tuna salad for a month straight for dinner, i'm switching to breakfast for dinner. huevos rancheros!

    Sounds yummy :)
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Made the zucchini tots and now they're gone. :blush: So good! First gave DH two to try. He promptly asked for two more and said we could save the others and have them with breakfast. By the time I got the two on the plate, he said he was finishing them and more could be made tomorrow. :smile: Oh well, at least they were better than eating sweets.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I am so behind in this and my FB weight loss Bible Study group. I do so much better when I stay caught up. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Popping in to say good night...

    Carol in NC
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Stat for the day-
    38min 89r 108w 16.6mi 11-15g
    390cal total
    I've been trying to figure out what all this means. I'm stumped on some of it :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Elizabeth,my each another singer. Isn't it just the greatest? I don't play an instrument except my voice. I am an alto in the church choir and occaaionally in a duet or trio.

    Mae, I did have the tilt table test for my almost passing out several tie,s and it isn't any fun although it gave us good results

    Wel my family goes home tomorrow. They have been such a blessing to me. Grocery shopping......check. Checking heat pump filter.......check, getting new cat food which is ghee you song with heavy kitty litter which is heavy....check. Just loving on me and taking over and going early in the morning to hospital so I can sleep in......check. Helping me laugh and cry and see life in the world again......check. So it will be sad to at goodby tomorrow but I finally saw a teenager who is learning, taking part in political and current discussions has been really good to hear. And of course my Ellie hugs. Oh, she can be so exasperating sometimes due to her excuberance in life but it's a good part of what I love about her. But many times I would just love to take her giggle box out of her and put it on a high shelf and given back just as she is ready to get back in the car to go home.

    Again today the dr's fix for Charlie's appetite makes his sleep about 20 hours so the kids were allowed to stay mad little later so they could spend some quality time with Grandpa. And he eats so much better at 8 PM. I am trying t get used to being in this big house by myself now for several, weeks and that is on top of the now almost 2 weeks n the hospital. Have to pack his suitcase tomorrow, glad he had done his laundry before he got sick. His grand daughters separated his socks this morning so I can make sure I only pack socks with no holes n them.

    I actually ate two full meals today but they are using a wheel chair to trandsport everywhere in the hospital so I don't have very many steps to count t my name today, just a little more energy. Christina will drop me off at the door tomorrow morning and then wheel me up to his room but I'm on my own when I leave but security will help me to get to the car. It will be a very lonely drive home Tuesday afternoon from the rehab place. I guess that's when it will really hit me. As a nurse that did m nursing back in the days where they stayed there
    Omg enough that you walked yourself out of the hospital, I am not used to sending someone out in a wheelchair ambulance to somewhere other than home. I think it will be some what akin to the feeling like I had the second day he was there when I went took the hospital and he couldn't speak. I was expecting to take him home that day. So it's back to that first day of grief. I a, glad I got some R & R this weekend.

    So I hope b the end of the week I can be the kind of member here that I used to be.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of Brook Benton's Butt and Gutt DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Drill Max DVD.

    Have things ready for Amanda to come over. Now just to get the chickens ready to cook, empty the garbage (it needs it, but I'm going to wait until I have the wrappers from the chickens to put in there). Exercised, vacuumed out the spa, then went to Target to get Gatorade. I didn't tell Vince, but they didn't have the kind he wants so I went to WalMart and had them price match it. Came home and in the pool. Put a load of laundry in. Just getting things ready now

    I think I've pretty well decided what some of the things will be that I'll make for Denise. I'll have chocolate chip cookies for when she gets here, I'll make one of those strawberry shortcake cakes for dessert, some cake batter cookies for her to take home along with a chocolate pound cake. But what to serve? I may ask her if she'd maybe like the beer butt chicken. We'll be chicken'd out, but so what?

    Tried my new mandolin. Rori - glad we didn't have the tomato when you were here because I couldn't figure out how to slice the tomato on the mandolin. But I did slice some onion

    Beth - hope you get the anwers you're looking for

    Tina - so sorry for your furbaby. Two of our cats had cancer. It can be so heartwrenching. What an ordeal to get her up and down the stairs. You take care of yourself, ya hear?

    Mary in MN - you know when I find the frozen grapes especially helpful? When I get one of my hot spells.

    Sharon - congrats and more congrats. What an accomplishment!

    Alison - I remember sleeping on my grandmother's porch. It was heavenly

    Lisa - so happy for you bike riding with dh

    katla - safe travels

    Welcome everyone new

    Elaine - congrats on the new soon-to-be

    DJ - take one box devils food cake mix and one 15oz can pumpkin. Mix and bake at 400 in a 9 x 13 pan for 18-20 minutes. Cut into 16 bars

    Rori - that was so nice of that lady to give you a sample of the shake. I, too, don't like ordering a whole lot of something and not knowing if I'm going to like it. If I can try it, then I don't have a problem ordering a whole lot.

    Meg - safe travels to you, too.

    Renny - yep, tomorrow is labor Day here in the States. One year Vince got me a clothes basket for Labor Day. Well, it's labor....lol

    Vicki - so proud of you for sticking to your guns

    Becca - you must be so proud of your sons...I know that I would be

    maeadare - how good that you were with your mom when she passed. Thank you for sharing so much about yourself. What a lot you've had going on!

    Amanda, Andy and Aiden just left. We were supposed to get together for dinner at 5, they didn't get here until 6:30. I must admit, that sort-of peeved me. I think what happened (and I may be wrong) was that we talked last weekend (at the social) and decided on Sunday, I suspect they forgot. Andy was in Gastonia. Had the chickens all cooked, the burgers grilled, was just keeping them in the warming tray. They just left, I gave them all of the leftover chicken. I'm thinking that when Denise comes down next weekend we may have the chicken again, I don't know what to make that she'll eat.

    Jess just called to say that the following week she's coming Monday, Vince's procedure is Tuesday, she'll leave Thurs a.m. and come back Friday. Boy, is this going to be a whirl-wind time! I bet eating isn't going to be real good.

    Michele in NC