Diet Coke?



  • Heather2240
    All fizzy drinks, diet or not, are made with carbonated water which has the effect of retaining fluid in the body. I love diet coke but need to stay clear of it otherwise two litres could be gone before I know it
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Diet coke is a gateway drug, for me it started with one can a week. Then it was everyday , I fell so low so fast and didn't even know what hit me till I started selling my body for packets of sweet n low. It was then I realized I had a problem, and admitting it is the first step.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Diet drinks are the worst thing in the world for you if you are trying to lose weight. So are fruit juices from concentrate. The juices have a ton of sugar that will put pounds on you, and the diet drinks have aspartame, the fake sugar that will actually inhibit weight loss. Equal, sweet and low, splenda...all bad for you. I hear that stevia is a good sweetener, and I make my iced tea with it sometimes. Drink lots of water or make your own juice with a juicer. IF you simply cannot stand the taste of water, I suggest the mio liquid flavoring that you can squirt into water. It is aspartame free.

    Sugar will not "put pounds on you" unless you are overall consuming more calories than your TDEE for the day. Simple. A calorie deficit with higher amounts of sugar won't cause you to gain. Sweeteners have yet to be proven to be bad for you (unless you're a rat that drinks 24 cans of diet pop a day).

    Diet drinks can be a great addition to any healthy diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    How about this - the fact that coke and other soda pop is sweet, no matter what the sweetener in it, and it triggers your dopamine system (pleasure seeking part) in your brain, and that makes you want to crave it/keep on drinking it.
    So does nausea...........does that mean people will crave that too?
    If you think thats a bunch of unproven nonsense, try going without it and see how long you can go without craving it. That should prove whether it is addicting.
    Wait sex also raises dopamine. People crave sex lots of times during the day. So it must be addictive?
    Also, if it has diet sweeteners in it, those are chemicals, and so instead of choosing someting healthy, you are putting in an unhealthy chemical in it, so again I think it may not be the best nutritionally for someone who wants to eat healthy.
    The same chemicals (phenylalaine and aspartic acid) are in citrus fruits. How does the body's digestive system differentiate between them?
    On a more personal level, you may disagree with me all you want, but as I read the answers from people who claim they can have this or that and brag about it, or say how they enjoy it, it suggests to me that those products still have a hold on people, and that they cant easily give it up, if that were the case, then these people bragging on coke would instead be bragging on the nice fruit salad they ate, or the nice fresh fruit juice they drank. So i think based on the above answers, that tells me ya'll are addicted to the stuff and justifying it. But thats just my opinion, I cant indulge in it because I will want more.. I am a sugar addict, so i need to stay away. and i have.. hope i can make it becuase it is hard ,, because to tell the truth, if I could choose, I would drink about 2 cokes a day, and not that mediciny fake diet coke, but the real classic coke. sure tastes good when its hot. so i respect its power over me, and choose not to indulge, nor do i recommend playing around with this kind of product if i want to have better health.
    Lack of willpower is a personal level. People will ALWAYS crave what they LIKE when it's taken away from them. Most of the people that adhere to drinking diet soda (like myself) aren't uneducated. We look at peer reviewed research and studies that haven't shown the maladies claimed by those that don't like it or can't have it.
    Why do we drink it? Easy, saves on calories and tastes fine. That's it. I've tried "fruit" drinks with no calories. Doesn't taste as good.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • HDStretchman
    I used to drink diet soda. I switched to Crystal lite lemonade. Lemon supposedly has thermo genic properties. IDK, I just think it's better.
  • danielegabaree
    putting manufactured, synthetic chemicals in your body - even if 0 calories- can't be that great for you, can it? Acids, fake sugar and colourings, no thank you :)

    I avoid pop like the plague! You realise that once you haven't had them for a while, they actually taste disgusting! I am glad my parents made a rule of 'no soft drinks at home' when I was starting high school. That stuff is gross gross grosssss and so bad for you in every way possible.
    just some information about a chemical in there (an artificial sweetener)... so it can cause mental retardation in people susceptible. Something that can do that is not something that should be in my body!

    INDEED! Just do yourself a favor, add a few years to you're life by avoiding soda in general... Coke zero, diet coke... Whatever.
  • serioustuff
    I am not sure why but as soon as I eliminated diet coke from my diet I started losing weight and stopped craving carbs. Go figure. I hope someone else can explain it! lol

    me too - I find any pop/soda just makes you bloated!!! I drink only water or diluted ice cold squash. Mush more thirst quenching, better for your teeth, refreshing and dosn't bloat you out or give you bad wind!!
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    I have not read other posts sorry if I am being repetitive, but diet anything is bad for you in general. Here is a few links to articles which are supported by a lot of scientific data that artificial sweeteners contribute to obesity and diabetes because they are unable to deliver the message to your brain you should be full. They also create a desire to have more sugary foods because your body is trained by these sweeteners to want sweet things. Artificial sweeteners are 150-7000 times more "sweet" then sugar. Also high fructose corn syrup is similarly bad because of the inability of our body to respond to fructose in the same way it does glucose.

    Artificial Sweeteners
    Summary of points artificial sweeteners are linked to weight gain
    By making unsweetened foods less attractive and increasing appetite, they ultimately lead to greater calorie intake
    People who drink more diet drinks are at higher risk for obesity, & metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure and insulin resistance).

    High fructose corn syrup


    Something to keep an eye out for
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    I wrote a long research paper on aspartame (the artificial sweetener in diet stuff) when I was in college several years ago. That stuff is scary. It turns into formaldehyde in your body and stays there, it isnt flushed out easily. It's been linked to depression recently, also, I believe....
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    some people think they gain...but it's gas...they're bloated most of the time.

    Some say it's good...some say it's not.
    My father used to work for Pepsi and we've been drinking it all the time.
    My mother only drinks Diet and she's been drinking it since it came out.... she's healthy,not fat and no problems what so ever...She drinks it everyday!
    I don't say it's the best....Water is the best but.......... There's worst!

    A little won't kill you....
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    Switching to non-sweet drinks changed my pallet. I found I liked my food saltier to enhance the sweetness as well.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    So I'm not sure if anyone has said this or not (if so, ignore me) but the main reason diet soda=fat is that you're brain can't tell the difference between artificial and natural sugars. When you consume something sweet, your body immediately jumps into compensation mode. Tastes like a sugar? Time to release insulin! But without the control mechanism of sugar actually rising and falling. So you get the side effects of sugar drinks along with all of the negatives of ingesting chemicals. Best to just leave it alone or splurge on a real sugar Coke everyone once in a while.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    I have not read other posts sorry if I am being repetitive, but diet anything is bad for you in general. Here is a few links to articles which are supported by a lot of scientific data that artificial sweeteners contribute to obesity and diabetes because they are unable to deliver the message to your brain you should be full. They also create a desire to have more sugary foods because your body is trained by these sweeteners to want sweet things. Artificial sweeteners are 150-7000 times more "sweet" then sugar. Also high fructose corn syrup is similarly bad because of the inability of our body to respond to fructose in the same way it does glucose.

    Artificial Sweeteners
    Summary of points artificial sweeteners are linked to weight gain
    By making unsweetened foods less attractive and increasing appetite, they ultimately lead to greater calorie intake
    People who drink more diet drinks are at higher risk for obesity, & metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure and insulin resistance).

    High fructose corn syrup


    Something to keep an eye out for
    While the first 3 are legit studies. "links" aren't causes, but for some they should be aware of calorie intake regardless of diet soda or regular soda. Let's face it, it's not the diet soda making people fat on it's calorie's people over consuming other stuff. And most people have done it on their own without the help of diet soda. That's why they're here.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    I wrote a long research paper on aspartame (the artificial sweetener in diet stuff) when I was in college several years ago. That stuff is scary. It turns into formaldehyde in your body and stays there, it isnt flushed out easily. It's been linked to depression recently, also, I believe....
    Did you also write that is happens with citrus fruits? And yes formaldehyde is easily flushed from the body and we encounter it everyday giving the perception that it's not.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    All diet soda's are generally HIGH in sodium, which in turn makes you retain fluid, which keeps you from dropping the pounds more quickly. I have gone to unsweetened ice tea.

    They are NOT high in sodium. 40 mg for a can is not a lot.

  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    So I'm not sure if anyone has said this or not (if so, ignore me) but the main reason diet soda=fat is that you're brain can't tell the difference between artificial and natural sugars. When you consume something sweet, your body immediately jumps into compensation mode. Tastes like a sugar? Time to release insulin! But without the control mechanism of sugar actually rising and falling. So you get the side effects of sugar drinks along with all of the negatives of ingesting chemicals. Best to just leave it alone or splurge on a real sugar Coke everyone once in a while.

    I would love to see the science backing this up . . . please.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Diet drinks are the worst thing in the world for you if you are trying to lose weight. So are fruit juices from concentrate. The juices have a ton of sugar that will put pounds on you, and the diet drinks have aspartame, the fake sugar that will actually inhibit weight loss. Equal, sweet and low, splenda...all bad for you. I hear that stevia is a good sweetener, and I make my iced tea with it sometimes. Drink lots of water or make your own juice with a juicer. IF you simply cannot stand the taste of water, I suggest the mio liquid flavoring that you can squirt into water. It is aspartame free.

    Sugar will not "put pounds on you" unless you are overall consuming more calories than your TDEE for the day. Simple. A calorie deficit with higher amounts of sugar won't cause you to gain. Sweeteners have yet to be proven to be bad for you (unless you're a rat that drinks 24 cans of diet pop a day).

    Diet drinks can be a great addition to any healthy diet.

    I drink a can of Diet Coke every day.

    I have lost 15 pounds over the past six months by eating at a healthy deficit.

    I am below my original goal weight and at the low end of my BMI.

    Diet Coke has had NO impact on my weight.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    So I'm not sure if anyone has said this or not (if so, ignore me) but the main reason diet soda=fat is that you're brain can't tell the difference between artificial and natural sugars. When you consume something sweet, your body immediately jumps into compensation mode. Tastes like a sugar? Time to release insulin! But without the control mechanism of sugar actually rising and falling. So you get the side effects of sugar drinks along with all of the negatives of ingesting chemicals. Best to just leave it alone or splurge on a real sugar Coke everyone once in a while.

    I have been a nurse caring for diabetics for 25+ years.
    Their blood sugar significantly increases with the consumption of concentrated sweets- cake, cookies, candy etc.
    Their blood sugar does not significantly increase (in general, unless they are "brittle") by consuming complex carbohydrates and limited amounts of "natural" sugars that are found in fruit etc.
    Artificial sweeteners do not signal the body to release insulin.
    If it did, there would be a lot of diet soda drinkers lying on the floor begging for a piece of candy.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Diet drinks are the worst thing in the world for you if you are trying to lose weight. So are fruit juices from concentrate. The juices have a ton of sugar that will put pounds on you, and the diet drinks have aspartame, the fake sugar that will actually inhibit weight loss. Equal, sweet and low, splenda...all bad for you. I hear that stevia is a good sweetener, and I make my iced tea with it sometimes. Drink lots of water or make your own juice with a juicer. IF you simply cannot stand the taste of water, I suggest the mio liquid flavoring that you can squirt into water. It is aspartame free.

    So in the same paragraph you tell people that fake sugar will inhbit weight loss, and splenda is bad for you, but then tell somebody they should use Mio which uses sucralose which is splenda? Either way pretty much everything you said has no basis to it.
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    [/quote]While the first 3 are legit studies. "links" aren't causes, but for some they should be aware of calorie intake regardless of diet soda or regular soda. Let's face it, it's not the diet soda making people fat on it's calorie's people over consuming other stuff. And most people have done it on their own without the help of diet soda. That's why they're here.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    By links I meant electronic links to pages - for clarification. Also I never said links were causes - sorry your statement is confusing to me. Lastly I should have said correlation so that causation was not implied. Much of the data is strong evidence for causation but scientific causation is difficult to prove. There is certainly numerous scientific studies identifying a correlation.