Dating Question (to stir the pot)



  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    wolfsbayne wrote: »
    That is also something i dislike short hand text and single word messages. If you really don't have the time too talk or don't want too talk. Then come back when you do

    Exactly, say something intriguing to grab my attention...Or you get the opposite guys who copy and paste a long *kitten* message to every girls inbox

    I think those are scammers. I've gotten a few messages like those from nice looking men (according to their pics) that are all very similar in composure. Usually, the grammar is a little off, like they don't speak English well. I just delete them.

    Recently, I've gotten messages from a few married men looking for side action. No pic (for obvious reasons) and they are up front. Usually lamenting that they aren't getting enough at home. Dude, maybe you suck at sex and she doesn't WANT to have sex with you.

    It's made me delete my accounts. I'm just annoyed with men at the moment.

    That was my thoughts exactly, you can tell when the spelling and grammar is slightly off and assume they are probably not American.

  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    ald783 wrote: »
    I'm not sure what site you're on but I think the "sup gurl DTF?" messages are the minority. Most people on there are weird for other reasons.

    I think it's good to go in open minded but I won't go out with someone if there is not some initial attraction based on conversation, etc. The idea of putting in legwork to arrange for what will intentionally be a one night stand seems way too tedious. I don't go in looking to get married but if they don't seem like someone I'd want to hang out with for more than a night I'm not going to go out with them in the first place when I could stay home doing something more important like watching Netflix.

    Its 3 sites specifically POF, OKCupid, and Tinder. I already deleted two of them and the third I barley ever check. I think its funny only 3 men chimed in to this conversation, i guess they dont want to reveal their hidden agendas lol

  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    now i want to go home and watch jurassic park damit lol
  • jessie51moore
    jessie51moore Posts: 133 Member
    I honestly think that most men on dating sites are cowards, it takes courage to walk up to a beautiful woman and ask her out. Online you can come out and say stupid *kitten* because your not face to face. So my opinion is stay off dating sites, wait till a man can approach you with what you wanna hear.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    It is, sadly, a fairly logistically solid way of going about it. There's around zero consequences for failure, and pretty good pay of for success, and it requires about the least amount of effort possible to get success.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    I wasted my time on a dating site for about six months. I let my membership lapse and 2 days later, I asked my company's payroll manager out on a date and we've been kicking it since. I have nothing against dating sites but they didn't work for me for some reason.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    And I'm kind of in the dark. I know what a ONS is but what is a DTF?
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Well, I have my suspicions what the F stands for (though I could be wrong)
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    If you know the F, Down To for the DT should fill you in.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Thanks, @senecarr , you darn tootin. lol
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    oh, man.

    I wish I had the energy, the willpower, and at least some opposing evidence to defend my gender (especially those of us under 28 years of age or so), but unfortunately, I have none of all three.

    if it's any consolation, I created a POF account a while back myself...and I can't say that some of the ladies handle themselves much better.

    quick story...

    one woman - late 30's/early 40's - wrote this long rant in her profile about how "all these stuck up guys on this site never respond to messages...i don't know why you can't at least reply...have a little respect even if you're not interested..." - blah, blah, blah...

    so I wrote her, and gave her four days and she didn't reply.

    so I wrote her again and called her out on it - very politely - and she LOST HER $H1T on me...complete with the F word and the whole nine yards..."i don't live on this f*(king site, *kitten*..." total class.

    end of rant.

    OP - all I can really say to you is're an attractive girl, and in this particular scenario, the downside to that is that you're going to attract ALL MANNERS of guys. you're going to get a lot of DTF bottom dwelling, mouth-breathing, monosyllabic rocket surgeons who probably shouldn't be allowed to breed in the first place. you'll get a lot of them because they outnumber the nice guys by a ridiculously huge margin.


    because nice guys are boring.

    why are nice guys boring?

    because that's the message women have been sending for generations now.

    we're still out here...but we're not as arrogant, not as forward, not as apt to come right out and ask you to drop your trousers and bend over while we do our what that means is that you're going to have to use a little patience and effort to weed through the DTF crowd to get to one of us.

    like so, SO many other things in life, instant gratification is extremely temporary.

    if you want the good stuff, it's gonna take some time to find...and it's gonna take some work to get...and it's gonna take some effort to hold on to.

    but don't lose hope. you're young, and you've got time.

    you don't have to kiss every frog to find a prince...he'll show up on his own eventually, and you'll know it when he does.

    good luck. :)
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    oh, man.

    I wish I had the energy, the willpower, and at least some opposing evidence to defend my gender (especially those of us under 28 years of age or so), but unfortunately, I have none of all three.

    if it's any consolation, I created a POF account a while back myself...and I can't say that some of the ladies handle themselves much better.

    quick story...

    one woman - late 30's/early 40's - wrote this long rant in her profile about how "all these stuck up guys on this site never respond to messages...i don't know why you can't at least reply...have a little respect even if you're not interested..." - blah, blah, blah...

    so I wrote her, and gave her four days and she didn't reply.

    so I wrote her again and called her out on it - very politely - and she LOST HER $H1T on me...complete with the F word and the whole nine yards..."i don't live on this f*(king site, *kitten*..." total class.

    end of rant.

    OP - all I can really say to you is're an attractive girl, and in this particular scenario, the downside to that is that you're going to attract ALL MANNERS of guys. you're going to get a lot of DTF bottom dwelling, mouth-breathing, monosyllabic rocket surgeons who probably shouldn't be allowed to breed in the first place. you'll get a lot of them because they outnumber the nice guys by a ridiculously huge margin.


    because nice guys are boring.

    why are nice guys boring?

    because that's the message women have been sending for generations now.

    we're still out here...but we're not as arrogant, not as forward, not as apt to come right out and ask you to drop your trousers and bend over while we do our what that means is that you're going to have to use a little patience and effort to weed through the DTF crowd to get to one of us.

    like so, SO many other things in life, instant gratification is extremely temporary.

    if you want the good stuff, it's gonna take some time to find...and it's gonna take some work to get...and it's gonna take some effort to hold on to.

    but don't lose hope. you're young, and you've got time.

    you don't have to kiss every frog to find a prince...he'll show up on his own eventually, and you'll know it when he does.

    good luck. :)

    Great advice, Tom. Guys our age tend to know how to tell it like it is. :smile:
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    @ready4_50 - thanks, man. us old farts have to stick together. :)
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    oh, man.

    I wish I had the energy, the willpower, and at least some opposing evidence to defend my gender (especially those of us under 28 years of age or so), but unfortunately, I have none of all three.

    if it's any consolation, I created a POF account a while back myself...and I can't say that some of the ladies handle themselves much better.

    quick story...

    one woman - late 30's/early 40's - wrote this long rant in her profile about how "all these stuck up guys on this site never respond to messages...i don't know why you can't at least reply...have a little respect even if you're not interested..." - blah, blah, blah...

    so I wrote her, and gave her four days and she didn't reply.

    so I wrote her again and called her out on it - very politely - and she LOST HER $H1T on me...complete with the F word and the whole nine yards..."i don't live on this f*(king site, *kitten*..." total class.

    end of rant.

    OP - all I can really say to you is're an attractive girl, and in this particular scenario, the downside to that is that you're going to attract ALL MANNERS of guys. you're going to get a lot of DTF bottom dwelling, mouth-breathing, monosyllabic rocket surgeons who probably shouldn't be allowed to breed in the first place. you'll get a lot of them because they outnumber the nice guys by a ridiculously huge margin.


    because nice guys are boring.

    why are nice guys boring?

    because that's the message women have been sending for generations now.

    we're still out here...but we're not as arrogant, not as forward, not as apt to come right out and ask you to drop your trousers and bend over while we do our what that means is that you're going to have to use a little patience and effort to weed through the DTF crowd to get to one of us.

    like so, SO many other things in life, instant gratification is extremely temporary.

    if you want the good stuff, it's gonna take some time to find...and it's gonna take some work to get...and it's gonna take some effort to hold on to.

    but don't lose hope. you're young, and you've got time.

    you don't have to kiss every frog to find a prince...he'll show up on his own eventually, and you'll know it when he does.

    good luck. :)

    Wow she sounds like a class act! Right... At least Im not alone in this scenario. So I deleted my accounts like two or three weeks ago. Went on a date with a crazy and had some guy go off on me in an email in the same week so I said im all set with it. Some guy sent me a message and next time I logged in I had like 5 missed messages from him. When I didnt respond I got 5 more. I could tell already he wasnt for me so I didnt respond back...then his messages became mean and desperate so finally I said "Look its nothing against you, I just dont think we're a good fit." He responded back with "Whatever, idgaf, Im on depression medication from this F****** site anyway!"...yep really sorry I didnt message that one back O_O smh. Ill just stick to dating the old fashion way

  • Jessyd76
    Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
    Just deleted my profile last night. So over it. I'm taking a break for a while but when I'm open to dating again , it will be the old fashioned way as well.

    @hamptontom - 'Your' lady sounds like a class act! Sorry you had to deal with that. Sadly, its just as bad for us. Would love to meet a nice guy. But the ones I come across - while they are 'nice', they don't seem to have a backbone and aren't willing to 'take the lead' sometimes. Would love to know where the normal nice guys are - the ones who have their $h!t together! :)
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    i have to believe that women have it worse than men in that arena...because some of us are just plain idiots.
  • Jessyd76
    Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    i have to believe that women have it worse than men in that arena...because some of us are just plain idiots.

    Hahahaha! Too funny! :tongue:
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Put out or get out.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    well, there you go, ladies. the line forms here. no shoving. :)