Anyone Successfully Quit Sugar?



  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I have given up refined sugars for over three months now and feel great. I have found that I don't crave sweets anymore - other than fruits! LOL We try and not eat white breads or pastas and have actually switched to gluten free products to avoid the wheat products because of stomach issues and have found them to be just as good and no issues! I found that at work, it is now so easy to say no to sweets!!

    I would like to quit sugar as part of a hormonal balancing diet ...

    Has anyone quit sugar successfully and if so please share your story.



    I don't need to know why you want to quit processed sugars, or give you a lecture on my idea of sugars.

    My approach to change in life style is simple. Don't try to do it all at once.
    Look at what you are eating, find the things you can easily give up and start there.
    Then when you can do that easily find the biggest offender and see if you can cut back. Bit by bit you can work toward your goal. It won't always be easy but it will be more doable then trying to change to much to fast.
    Slow and steady seems to work best for me
    Don't beat your self up if you are not perfect on your journey there are always bumps on the way.
    Try not to make the change all consuming. There is a life to be lived, Friends and family to enjoy, and adventures to be had.