Cheat days ?



  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    What's your opinion on them and how often do you have them ? Me personally I like goal oriented cheat days instead of weekly, and I find that it helps me break through a plateau. But I can't seem to completely "let loose" on a cheat day cuz I kind of feel like it's a test. If you have to binge on a cheat day then how are you gonna be when the weight loss phase is over ? Just my opinion

    When im in full on weight loss mode then no I don't have them. But when im not aggressively working to lose or in maintenance than YUP. Cheat day. I usually just aim for a meal. Depending on how I feel that meal can really become a cheat day.

    Sometimes I still log on the cheat meal or day. Sometimes I dont. I really just listen to my body and make my decisions from that.

    If I am in weight loss mode then no my cheats don't cause me to binge.