I ate 3,000 calories today, and...



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    So today, I ate Wendy's, ice cream, Olive Garden, and I'm about to eat more ice cream.

    This was me yesterday, only I had Chipotle, fro yo, and then I ate a Skinny Cow ice cream bar. And 2 cupcakes.... *burp*
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member

    The most perfect post on all of MFP.

    I think I'm in love with you.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I was all down about hitting 3,000 on Sunday then I looked at my average for the whole week. It was LOWER than the previous week.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I somewhat agree, but some people cannot control themselves after one binge of 3,000 calories. When they do this, then the next day they will, and the next day, etc until it turns into a week. Then it feels like there is no hope left, and they just give up! Even though it's nice to have a fun day, the fun day can set off more and more days. This is part of the binge eating disorder that some have to deal with.

    Those who cannot control themselves tend to be "all or nothing" people. I am one of those people. But it also depends on my state of mind. If I am depressed, I am more likely to have an all out binge. To combat this, I allow myself to have a small treat each day so that I don't feel deprived. I also find healthier alternatives to my "trigger foods." I love ice cream, so I make creamy dessert-like protein shakes with frozen bananas and peanut butter.

    I probably do have a binge disorder, but I would rather just say "sometimes I eat way too much." That puts the responsibility back with me and it gives me hope. I know that sometimes I will binge. I have to make the choice to forgive myself and move on, or wallow in self pity and self hatred. I don't want to be obese and miserable again, so I choose the former.
  • lpkpbp
    lpkpbp Posts: 2 Member
    Love this!! Thank you for reminding us that it's ok to have a day to splurge. If anything, I think it helps me to keep from burning out and I am changing my eating habits to be a healthier me so this is a life long journey-not a diet for me.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The problem with bingeing leading to more bingeing is that they feel like they've failed their diet after one binge.

    That's the entire point of the OP. Having an occasional day where you eat yourself silly is not a failure. I think that if you can have a huge binge meal or day without feeling like you've failed yourself is a sign that you're mentally in a good place with regards to eating.

    If you can't handle a binge without feeling like a guilty failure then something is wrong.
  • Oohtobethin
    Oohtobethin Posts: 4 Member
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Excellent. Next time I see a newbie on here about to cry for going over by a bag of potato chips, I'm linking them to this post.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    AMEN. I just took 5 days off without logging anything while at the beach, and while I did stay lightly active, I LOST a pound.
  • vickilowell
    vickilowell Posts: 37 Member
    This might just be my favorite MFP post ever......ever. Well said!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    And the crowd goes crazy \0/ \0/ \0/ and then eats icecream :smile:

    Very sensible advice. And look at you - gorgeous proof that you can eat and do well! Terrific post!
  • armywife83
    armywife83 Posts: 17 Member
    Great post . ????????????????
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I absolutely Love this post.
    On Saturday, I went over about 4000 calories and I didn't care. I had Red Robin. Stack of onion rings to start. Bacon Cheeseburger with cheese and bottomless steak fries. And I had a Mountain High mud pie dessert that is meant for 4 and I ate it all myself. And I loved it. I didn't feel guilty. I didn't run to the scale. And when I weighed myself this morning, I actually weigh less than what I did before the cheat. So..
  • ellend17
    ellend17 Posts: 58
    Thank you for writing such a fantastic post - so inspirational and such a sensible reminder! :happy:
  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    Thanks for reminding me to keep things in perspective. My last 'binge' was 817 calories. Previous binge- 1,700, the one before that- 2,200. We are all in the process of undoing, it's going to take time and not beating ourselves up.
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    I feel great.

    Give me a second to explain myself. This is for all the topics I see on here, on a daily basis, that declare "I went ____ calories over my goal! I'm a failure!" Or "I totally binged today and ate 300 calories of cookies! I've ruined all my hard work!" If you've ever posted one of those threads, or thought something similar, I'd like to share some thoughts with you.

    My daily goal is to net about 1430 calories. Depending on exercise, this means I normally eat anywhere from 1400-1800 calories a day. I've been trying paleo recently (and actually loving it, but that's a different story), so my calorie intake has been a bit lower than normal because I've been adjusting to the new foods. Today, I was in a great mood and I decided I deserve a treat. I hadn't had a proper "cheat day" in a long time. Months, really. Maybe a couple hundred calories extra here or there, but nothing major.

    So today, I ate Wendy's, ice cream, Olive Garden, and I'm about to eat more ice cream. When all is said and done I will have eaten over 3000 calories today. Given that my daily goal is half that, you'd think I'd be upset.


    Why not?

    1) It was freaking delicious
    2) I won't gain weight this week, because I was under my goal the other days of the week

    and more importantly

    3) One day really doesn't make a gosh darn lick of difference in the grand scheme of things!

    Think about it. Many of you on this website have been overweight for YEARS, or maybe even your whole life. You've eaten thousands of calories on a daily basis. Now, you've turned yourself around. You're eating less, you're eating healthier, and that's great. But you're honestly going to get mad at yourself for ONE day of eating like you used to? C'mon, now. There's no need for that.

    Most people are on here are at a 500 calorie per day deficit (some more, some less... but for the sake of argument let's say 500/day). First of all, this means if you go 300 calories over your goal, YOU WON'T GAIN WEIGHT. You're still under your maintenance amount of calories. You won't even maintain your weight. You'll lose weight, maybe just not as fast as you would have at the 500 calorie deficit. If you go 400 calories over your goal, you won't gain weight. If you go 500 calories over your goal, you won't gain weight. Starting to see a pattern?

    If you go more than 500 calories over your goal, you probably STILL won't gain weight, because assuming you've been at your goal the rest of the week, you're still at an overall calorie deficit.

    Even if you have a true "binge" and go 5000 calories over your goal, SO WHAT? You might gain, what, a pound? Which you'll probably lose again in the next week? Calm down. Deeeeep breaths. If you've got 50 pounds to lose, and you've already lost 30, and you gain ONE, is that really the end of the world? In the grand scheme of your weight loss journey, does that really make a difference?

    What I'm trying to say is, too many people on this site see food and calories as the enemy. I can see where that's coming from - after all, calories are what made you fat, right? And you never want to go back to that! - but frankly, it's not healthy. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. And if you're beating yourself up about going a few hundred calories over your goal, you need to give yourself a mental break. It's OKAY. Seriously. You're going to be fine. You've done so well already, and you're going to keep doing amazing, and a bump in the road isn't going to change that.

    So next time you find yourself with your hand in the box of oreos after a perfectly healthy week, just enjoy the darn oreos. Seriously. Life is too short, people.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to curl up in bed with my half gallon of Edy's Butterfinger ice cream.

    This is the more relaxed attitude I have about my daily intake too.
  • shmatichka
    shmatichka Posts: 93
    Love the attitude :D:D:D
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    :-) Great Post! I SO agree!
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    :love: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    I had a big stuffed red velvet cake cupcake. I am sure it was about 700 calories, but I ate it and enjoyed. even startled my husband when I was making moaning noises while I ate it. I haven't had a cupcake in months, so I didn't bash myself! I totally agree!!:laugh: