

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    morning peeps -

    miriamwithcats = hope u feel better

    annr - you have to respect the fact that your husband talked to you about his concerns instead of giving you attitude and not knowing what he's pissed about. give him a thumbs up for me. i can understand where he is coming from but just DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME! :0)

    GODMOMKIM - may your computer rest in peace, my thought are with you and the family.

    jmok01 - thanks :0) i try, you'll get there.

    dreamwriter - lolol about the body snatchers catching your sis.

    grandmallie - u r a rockstar! my thoughts are always with u!

    tazgirl1960 - welcome back

    cynthiat60- HIIII!!!!!!!!! hope your hubby feels better, that was sweet of him to sanitized the knobs, what a guy!

    davidson1933 - welcome, love your profile pic!

    fanncy - u know y u were able to keep up w/her right? cuz YOU ROCK!

    grit - welcome to overweight status!! yeayyyyyyyyyyy!! we've had pure breds, golden retreivers and yogi a black lab, father an english lab, mom an american. but with that, pure breds have thier issues but that's what we want. yogi is turning out to be very smart and when i start running again, a good running dog. good luck in your search. they do have sights where you can enter your criteria and your lifestyle and based on what u enter, it picks the best kind of dog for you.

    shoulder hurt unusually bad last night. went to my last spin class this morning. starting next week, I spin at home and Kirby goes back to work. the spin bike that i'm borrowing won't have a mile, gear, average rpm or average watt meter to note so i'll just b spinning and marking the length of time and calories burned

    type to ya later
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sylvia (((Hugs))) Frustrating about son. Something was off in your son. What is was is not clear. Hope he is doing better. You do not need that kind of stress.

    I am taking it easy the last couple of days and will do so today, too.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Miriam, so sorry you have picked up a bug. I hope it doesn’t get worse and you get better real soon.

    Becca, that “thing” you showed the picture of is very pretty. That’s the kind of thing I try to walk past very quickly in the store. Lol In reading your posts the past two or three days, I’m wondering if I missed something that you posted earlier? Have you given us any information on why you are needing to rebuild trust? I’m not asking for anything that you haven’t already shared, but if you did I must have read it when I was napping or something. Anyway, good luck with your new plan on the internet. I not only have no desire but no time to read other threads as I spend more time on this one than I should. Wish I was a faster reader.

    MicheleNC, way to go on modifying the workout that you found. I am just always so impressed with what you do and it always seems to have a great variety. Thanks for the prayers for all the flood victims. I feel very blessed.

    Joyce, I hope the family Christmas situation gets solved soon. It’s ashamed to have such stress over something that should be a wonderful time. On the diapers, can you not just buy some to get him started or would that cause a problem? Sorry about your car battery but how wonderful to have a good Samaritan come to your rescue. It is always refreshing to see that there are good people left in this world.

    Sharon, good for you on riding to your sisters. Laffin’ about your DH and cheese. Good grief! Sorry for your DH that he felt ignored on his BD. Things like that can be so upsetting.

    Allison, I try not to say much about Tom other than you deserve better, but I can’t keep my mouth shut any longer. You do so much for him. If he keeps saying he is finished with the marriage maybe you should suggest that you two live as roommates for a while. That of course would mean that he do his own laundry and cook his own meals. I vote along with everyone else in that you need to at least talk to an attorney to find out how to protect yourself. I know you want to make your marriage work but I still have to ask if you are happier in it than you would if you were alone? If you did end up alone, do you want it to be there or in Florida?

    Terri, I still can’t believe how many bowling balls your guys have. When we lived in Milwaukee we bowled a lot and I had one. In fact I didn’t know anyone with more than one ball. How times have changed. I mean, that was only 40+ years ago. Lol

    Heather, I hope the worst of the family stress is behind you and DH. I’m sure the celebration will be a huge success.

    Davidson, welcome. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. This is a very supportive and informative group of ladies. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Sylvia, my heard sank just while reading your post. Thank goodness DS was okay but what a scare. What I don’t understand is how he can justify being mad at you, like any of it was your fault. I agree that “pound puppies” are the best. We’ve had a number of mixed breeds over the years and each one was better than the one before. (I’m sure that wasn’t because we were learning to be better owners?)

    Katla, so glad you took Barbie’s words to heart and have a different outlook on DD’s move. I’m sure she’d rather be moving in with you, but like you said, you simply don’t have room and it’s great that her DMIL has reached out to help.

    Pip, I can’t believe Kirby is back to work already. How time flies. Sorry for the pain. Are you over doing it?

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    What a beautiful day in SC. The sun is actually shining. B) It is chilly this morning but supposed to be in the low 80s the next two days. After a solid week of rain, this is a welcomed change.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    well,just got finished mowing the lawn, is a beautiful fall day out, and it's some exercise..
    going in at 1-6 5 hr day at least at the paying job...
    tomorrow is a much needed haircut and then back and wait for the pellet stove to come and be delivered..
    will feed DFIL early and then after they deliver stove or maybe before will grocery shop. this is the unpaid day off..
    December vacation cant come fast enough..
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Well, I’ve gotten way behind on posts again. Will try to catch up and add a few comments later.

    NSV – Had a physical with my doctor on Monday. Cholesterol is 180; blood pressure is 100/60; all other bloodwork came back normal except that my bad cholesterol is 106 and should be under 100. As I continue to exercise more and eat healthier, that should come back into normal range. Now I need to schedule a mammogram, or the boob squishing test as my daughter calls it.

    I’ve recently ended up with two fitness trackers – a Withings Activite Pop which I purchased and a Jawbone UP2 which the company sent me as a replacement for my broken Jawbone UP24. I’m testing these out and I’ll either keep one and give one to my daughter or I’ll return one and keep the other. I know… first world problems, right? :o

    My cute baby foster kitties were losing weight when they first came to my house. That’s not unusual when they are first placed in foster since it’s a new environment. But, happy to report that all four gained weight this morning! B)
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Becca in Oregon- I am sorry to see that the time you spend on MFP has been causing concerns for your DH, but I can understand why. I am very glad that you found a potential compromise that will make him comfortable but still allow you to stick with us. I would miss you if you had to drop out altogether. However, family and trust is important so do what you must to keep your life on track.

    That chocolate may not be healthy for your body, but occasionally your spirit need chocolate. Everything in moderation.

    Carol in NC – Congrats on taking 3 steps towards a new job. I’m so glad to see you are feeling better.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon – I’m glad to see you are starting to feel better about your DD’s move.

    No Excuses – Congrats on the good report from your doctor! That is terrific!

    Mia in MI

    October goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

    Word for the month - PERSEVERE
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - I hope your pain goes away! I didn't feel too much like a rockstar last night, I got a major crap that went from the inside of my leg from my knee all the way up in curved around to my butt! I went in and drink a quarter cup of pickle juice and almost immediately it went a way! I heard that that was a remedy for cramps but I never tried it before. I feel much better today.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Mary- re-read what you wrote, I almost peed myself :D
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mary, I swear by pickle juice after a hard workout- in my garden! I crave it and I am not as sore. It replaces electrolytes that you lose sweating. I pay attention to cravings after my first pregnancy. I was craving red meat and tomatoes- could not get enough! My blood pressure was really low- worrisome low. I happened to be reading a nutrition book and it said that the nutritional treatment for low blood pressure was... protein and Vitamin C!! Of course, sugar and chocolate cravings do no count!

    I am not coughing as much as yesterday by far, but managed to pull a muscle in my side coughing yesterday! It is really painful when I move so am spending a lot of time lying on a heating pad with the muscle stretched out.

    Linda, so glad the kitties are doing well. I may very well have a new kitty. The last thing I need. It was stuck in a tree across the street and the neighbor girl asked me to get it down. It is pure white, with a yellow eye and a blue eye. White cats with blue eyes are genetically prone to be deaf. It is a gene that causes the inner ear to deteriorate after birth. Cats with one blue eye have a lesser chance, but it is still 40%. Sometimes they are deaf only on the blue eye side. This one appears to be deaf in both. It is very sweet and rather passive when held. Anyway, with two girls in my house it is hard to get rid of one once it is rescued, even if it was only supposed to be temporary. They worry someone will take it, and let it outside where it is very vulnerable.

    I am very upset with my sister today. Actually with her husband. He is greedy and resents helping support the girls. I get less than $500 a month from her for their expenses, but he is now saying that once I adopt them, then they lose their tax write off so they won't be able to help out! You cannot raise two kids on $500 a month, $6K a year! Much less on disability income ($1400/month). He says this a week after they were considering buying a new house that cost over half a million! He has his priorities all wrong in my opinion. And she goes along with it! I should just send the girls down to them for a few months, see how they manage. She is the VP of a hospital and he was an accountant at a hospital. They have lots of money- live in a gated community, plays golf every day, drive new cars every other year. ARGH. My son had anticipated this happening, but I poo pooed him. He is a better judge of character, I guess.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    mirianwithcats - for Heaven's sake; how did you get the girls in the first place? What were your sister and brother-in-law thinking? Children are not like a baby doll you get and give away or put up for adoption unless you (meaning 'they') are abusive and the court takes them away and then tells the parents 'you'll have to pay something towards their upkeep'. With good jobs and living the "Life of Riley". They need a 'wake-up call' and maybe taking the girls back to them would be 'it' (even if it is at the expense of the girls for a while). My BF had that done with her grandchildren; the mother was (at the time either single or just in a new relationship) and she had taken them for the summer for a friend of hers to 'take care of them' or 'have them there to play with her children'). Don't know the specifics; but, when it came time for the children to be enrolled in school this friend suggested that if they were not picked up, she would turn them over to DFACS and have them put in 'foster care'. She was not going to raise them. When my BF found out about it, she and her soon-to-be husband went up and got them. Bi-racial children; but, they did everything for them to assimilate them into a Caucasian household; even finding black teachers and/or coaches to help them and she also got the oldest one (a 'red') to a hair-stylist that knew something about how to handle her hair. They kept the boy's hair buzzed; and the middle one had soft hair like she did, so that was no problem for her. Their grades went from failing to passing to better than that. The next school year (after daughter had married) she took them back to her. It broke her heart; but, the daughter had matured a whole lot in the 15 months or so they kept them. Now they are all 'happy' and doing well; even though since they went back to live with their and her husband, she has had another child and a set of twins. Like having 2 sets of children. About 10-11 years difference in the youngest of the first 3 and the oldest of the second set of children.

    Children are a 'gift' and God will remember how they were treated when He gave them to them. I'm guessing that you took them so they would not have been put into the 'foster care' system; but, on $1400 a month? How do you even pay for the necessities in life for yourself and your son and a multitude of cats apparently? I'd go with your son; it can't be easy on him to see you try splitting your time between your 'own' child and that of your 'sister's'. He needs your attention . . . not them (even IF you think you are doing the right thing). Sure thing, if they get adopted that means their parents will not have to pay anything. I think I would go to a lawyer (most will give you 'free' advice for the first visit) and find out if being their 'guardian' would be something that will still make it so that your 'sorry@$$ed sister and BnL have to still pay for you to keep them; what would be the chances if the Judge gave you more, etc. If you took them to prevent them from being put into the 'foster care system' then God Bless You. I can't imagine that you'd have much use for your sister and BnL. I know I would not. The only way I would have taken my sisters' children to raise would be because they had died and the children had no where else to go. Maybe I have 'missed' your story on why and how you got them in the first place - so my comments are made based solely on your last post.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I'll probably get 'bomb-barded' for that, too.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    these are my sister's grandchildren. The parents lost privileges for drug (meth) and alcohol abuse, neglect, domestic violence, etc. I just got the parental rights terminated, after having the girls for over two years, so I could adopt them. My sister has been paying my out of pocket expenses which I keep about $500/ month. Her husband just realized that when I adopt them they lose the dependents on their taxes (I don't have to file with only SSDI income). Probably has saved them tens of thousands in taxes. They were spending over $150K a year on airfare alone when she was working in Texas but living in SC. She recently got a job in SC so is no longer traveling. My sister's husband (her second) does not want his leisure lifestyle impacted by taking the girls himself, and he has begrudged every penny she has sent me. Now, just a week after bidding on a half mill house, he says they "cannot afford" to give the girls $500 a month. I just wrote her and told her the adoption is off. That I will not adopt the girls without a written contract signed by both of them. I do have a lawyer, and have gone through the Dept of Human Services adoption classes and investigation. They okayed me to adopt but it was based on my sister paying the out of pocket costs. I would not be okayed without that. What a mess- greed is such a sin.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member

    damnit - kirby will b bk to wrk saturday. maybe overdoing at wrk w/typing, gotta back off a bit i think

    fanncy - pickle juice does help. so does magnesium pills and salt pills. glad u r feeling better

    miriamwithcats - bummer 2 hear about the $$ issues with your sis n her hub.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I am so looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow. There is a possibility that I will be in the 170's again. Since I was 181 4 days ago, and I have been perfect the last few days, I am hoping to see 179.8. Then I could say I went from the 190's to the 170's in 30 days!!! Cross your fingers.

    BJ - Welcome back.

    Michele - do you have exercise recommendations for getting rid of my gut (I never had one before). Crunches won't work since the ribs I broke 2 years ago still hurt.

    Joyce - just curious, how can a house be "too big" for an event?

    Grit - how do I tell if I'm obese or just overweight? Is there a chart? Also, have fun puppy hunting. I lost my dog earlier this year and got the most perfect puppy in the world. Here's a picture of her when she was small. She is 9 /12 months and 95 pounds now.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Miriam - Families, eh? ! ! ! ! ! Big hugs ((((HUGS)))) You have such a generous heart. <3

    I had a lovely lunch with my friend. Managed to avoid most of the fries that came with the steak and used the trick of just dipping the prongs of my fork in the peppercorn sauce.
    In order to compensate a bit DH and I went for the short walk round the lanes, so that made 756 calories for the day in all, as I had done my machines first thing. Did feel a bit "fluey", but nothing serious. Had 20 mins nap on the sofa which seems to have done the trick. :laugh:
    I've even got a couple of hundred calories left. Will probably spend a hundred of it on cheese. <3

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    wesseg - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    these are my sister's grandchildren. The parents lost privileges for drug (meth) and alcohol abuse, neglect, domestic violence, etc. I just got the parental rights terminated, after having the girls for over two years, so I could adopt them. My sister has been paying my out of pocket expenses which I keep about $500/ month. Her husband just realized that when I adopt them they lose the dependents on their taxes (I don't have to file with only SSDI income). Probably has saved them tens of thousands in taxes. They were spending over $150K a year on airfare alone when she was working in Texas but living in SC. She recently got a job in SC so is no longer traveling. My sister's husband (her second) does not want his leisure lifestyle impacted by taking the girls himself, and he has begrudged every penny she has sent me. Now, just a week after bidding on a half mill house, he says they "cannot afford" to give the girls $500 a month. I just wrote her and told her the adoption is off. That I will not adopt the girls without a written contract signed by both of them. I do have a lawyer, and have gone through the Dept of Human Services adoption classes and investigation. They okayed me to adopt but it was based on my sister paying the out of pocket costs. I would not be okayed without that. What a mess- greed is such a sin.

    Maybe the million dollar plus home they have a bid on is like half of SC - under water. He's the pain in the royal @$$; and I'm like you - I would not keep them without a written contract. What would THEY do with their own grandchildren? Surely, they should have been the first ones in line to get them since it was her child having the drug issue (if there was not a more suitable sibling that could have done so). I know, even though my grandchildren live next door, my oldest son's and his wife's Wills are written in such a way that his brother (my youngest son) would take them or maybe it is that her brother and sister-in-law would take them, can't remember. Only remembered telling them they needed to make sure that whoever they named agreed to doing so; and to name someone else to be in charge of any money they would get from life insurance especially since they either had children or might have children. Someone they'd have to be accountable to for whatever money they are spending on them. It's like having to justify what you do with your SSD income to the Social Security Office on a yearly basis. Or at least my husband has to do it for me, since he is my guardian. I was retired/disabled on a mental health disability (Bipolar Disorder). I still pay my own bills out of my own checkbook although he and/or my son are on my checking accounts - they don't write checks against them, but, they could if they needed to. Your BnL sounds like a 'royal' D***@$$
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Sharon – Thanks for the recipe. I can do that, and will certainly cook the quinoa this weekend for breakfast next week. I’m so excited ! ! ! // Whatever was wrong with my DD awhile ago is gone. She was just told that he had bronchitis awhile back and she is fine now. Hopefully the specialist convinced her to at least cut back on the cigarettes. // My DS and DH are in so many sporting events (mostly bowling tournaments) and $25 per shirt to have their names embroidered is expensive, and I am convinced I could do it myself, so I’m going to buy myself a small machine for home, so I can put their names on their shirts myself. I can sew almost anything, so I’m certain that I can handle their names.

    Sylvia- I’m so happy that you are available for your Grandkids. Hugs and Prayers for all ! ! !

    Grits – I don’t have any pets now, but as a child we always just found them at Humane Society locations. Sometimes it would take months, waiting for the right connection. I think they were always mix breeds. I hope the right dog soon finds you.

    Sylvia – Your response to Grits is beautiful. I love the story of Susan protecting you. I had a Llasa Apso (SP?) from a random Minnesota farming farm, that was VERY protective of me and DD. Once, when someone was trying to break into our house, that person cut the screen from the window in the kitchen, so that dog, Mickey, jumped onto the kitchen table and broke right through that kitchen window, scared off the burglar, yet never left the yard. // I agree that little kids and pets are some of the most sensitive to true personality, and a remarkable way to choose a friend or partner.

    Katla – It is such a hopeless feeling when our kids need us (or at least we think they do) but we are miles or hours (or any physical or emotional distance) apart. You are allowed your pity party. I’m so happy for everybody who was helped by Barbie’s wise suggestions. Kudos to Barbie ! ! !

    Mary – Congrats on your hike. That’s a great NSV. But I’m not surprised, as you are in such great condition with your stronglift ! Keep up the great work ! ! !

    DJ – I don’t even pretend to understand why a person needs so many bowling balls. I am told that one is for long patterns, one is for medium patterns, one is for short patterns, one is for dry lanes, and one is for picking up the 10 pin (7 pin for lefties). But I just don’t really know what any of that means. // Have you ever been to Holler House? DS works there now, and I have still never been in the place. I hope to go there next week, when DH’s brother and sister-in-law come to the area for their 2 boys’ bowling events (one bowls for Winona State University and the other bowls for University Wisconsin Whitewater). The family that owns Holler House is so nice that they either pick up DS, or just keep him after Saturday morning league is finished. Then they take him back to their house for pizza and basketball, then later bring him home. I need an excuse to show up. But I understand that every woman has to throw a bra onto the hooks hanging from the ceiling, so I better go to Goodwill first, and get a cute bra.

    No_excuses – congrats on the results of you Physical.

    Allison – Thanks ! ! ! Now I’m sitting at my desk laughing like an idiot ! ! ! Mary, thanks for your typos, too.

    Miriam – Hugs for your girls and the entire situation. “you can’t fix stupid”.

    I have to log off my computer so IT can fix a problem, and I'm not done reading and typing. I will try to get back at it soon. If not, Hugs for Everyone ! ! !
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    wessecg wrote: »
    I am so looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow. There is a possibility that I will be in the 170's again. Since I was 181 4 days ago, and I have been perfect the last few days, I am hoping to see 179.8. Then I could say I went from the 190's to the 170's in 30 days!!! Cross your fingers.

    BJ - Welcome back.

    Michele - do you have exercise recommendations for getting rid of my gut (I never had one before). Crunches won't work since the ribs I broke 2 years ago still hurt.

    Joyce - just curious, how can a house be "too big" for an event?

    Grit - how do I tell if I'm obese or just overweight? Is there a chart? Also, have fun puppy hunting. I lost my dog earlier this year and got the most perfect puppy in the world. Here's a picture of her when she was small. She is 9 /12 months and 95 pounds now.

    There must be a chart, I'm sure. MD could probably know. I know it had to do with my fat%. I just weighed in at 172lbs yesterday. I'm sure it is based on your bone structure, height, etc. My nurse/MD has a special scale that measures all that, so they know how much weight I am carrying in my torso, arms and legs. I'm just thrilled! I've only gained one pound during the time between mid-May and yesterday and that was after a weekend at the beach. Went to Louisiana for a week and ate like a Queen and still lost weight. By that time, I think I was pretty good at judging portion control sizes, too. Whenever I go 'out to eat' the first thing I do is cut my entrée in half and the ask for a 'doggie bag'. No shame in doing that - you're paying for it whether you eat it, take it home and/or throw it out, or the restaurant throws it out. I was concerned about my belly, too - it has gone down quite a bit; but, she told me that it is probably going to be the last thing to go because of the fat content. So right now I am not too worried about it and I do exercise. I can't do too many crunches because I broke the rib right under my left breast and it catches and then makes me 'feel' like I am having a 'heart attack'.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Wednesday, I have had the last 4 days off and it was great! This morning I see I am over 240 posts behind. I will do my best to catch up. I did get a lot done on my time off and spent time with one DD and several of the DGC. Weigh in this morning was not good and not going to let that get me down. It's a new day. Temps are down in the 60's and 70's and I am loving it. Have the windows open and feels like Fall. We leave on our trip to AK on the 20th and I am getting excited. Sounds like another couple and then a lady friend will be going with us. We are going to Hatflied for a CMA rally. It will be celebrating 40 years.

    Last Friday evening we had our monthly CMA meeting and I made sure no one nomated me for next year. I have been an officers for the last 3 years and we need some new blood in the leadership.

    Janetr--Happy be-lated Birthday.

    Allison--It is so nice of you to go to church with your dad, after all that happened with the pastor. Sorry to hear about DH, sounds like he a very unhappy man and it's his own making.

    Chris--Congrates on stepping out of your comfort zone for your friends. I need to work on that one also. I have a friend that had surgery last week and I was thinking of taking over something for a meal. I will do that tomorrow after work. Thanks,

    Katla--Sorry about your DD moving, is this just until the baby is born? Can you go out there when it is time for the baby? How did the mattress test go?

    Becca--Sounds like it is going to a good visit with your sons. Enjoy!

    Sharon--Sending hugs and prayers.

    Mary--Sorry to hear about DH and the games the ex plays. My DH has two ex wifes and I have had to deal with them for over 30 eyars. One did all she could to keep us away from the kids and we kept taking her to court and the judge finally told her that if she missed one more visitation she would go to jail for 30days. I just kept telling myself it would get better when the kids were grown. Well one DDlives with her mom, so when we see her we have to deal with the ex. So I feel for you.

    Well I am up to the top of page 10 and time to get something done and get ready to get off work in half an hour.
    I have to run by the cable office and pay a bill. When DH gets off we have an appointment with the chiropractor. I did find out today I got a .29 cent raise for my yearly review. Not complaining, I still have a job.
    Ladies take care and thank you for being here.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.