

  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    CarolNC – Great job on sending out job applications! Great accomplishment!

    MNMargaret & Barbie – thanks for the suggestions on checking the picture size. So far no success, but I’ll keep on trying.

    Pip – You amaze me. Your exercise level as you recuperate far exceeds my exercise on an average week. You rock!

    Allison – I’m not good with advice, but you are in my thoughts and prayers. You do so much for others; you deserve to be treated kindly and with respect.

    Sylvia – 130 pounds is AMAZING!!! So sorry your tummy troubles are making food choices difficult. But I have to tell you how much I enjoy your sense of humor!

    DJ & Katla – thanks for the words of encouragement. Thanks also for the reminder that this a way of life, not a diet. For some reason I’m just struggling right now to consistently eat healthy foods and/or smaller portions. I ate Chinese buffet the last 2 days. :devil: That is definitely NOT the way to eat healthy. Tomorrow is another opportunity to eat within my calorie limit. “Success….always try just one more time.” I can do almost anything one more time.

    Barbie: Your words of wisdom for Katla are helpful for me, too. I’m in a transition at work and your advice is so relevant. Thank you.

    Joyce – ketchup on chicken and turkey? Yikes!

    Heather – sorry for the family struggles. May peace soon return to you and your DH.

    Thank you all for your posts - each one offers encouragement - so glad I’m not alone in this journey.

    October Goals:
    • Log every bite
    • Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily
    • Walk 30 minutes a minimum of 3 times a week (I know this is small, but currently I rarely exercise at all)
    • Eliminate alcohol (thank you Katla for inspiring this one)
    • Complete paperwork for MED Internship

    Joyce in SD
    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    thanks for telling us about your Face book addiction Becca. You need to have your family your priority but leave some time for us. Sounds like you are working on a workable plan.

    DJ, yes, that is the nephew's son I am talking about. I called my nephew tonight and Alex is doing fine. They cancelled classes for a couple of days and he said it was actually boring not having classes. But his wife's family all live in Columbia and although they are OK, they are all tired of it. They live in a differnet area of the damm breach.

    Thanks for all the info and insight on adult diapers. He says we need to get them but yet he puts it off. I know it isn't an easy decision. He did forget to take one of his medicines for ulcerative colitis for two days and he has found his stool is more formed. Sorry guys, a little graphic. One of the side effects of this medicine is diarrhea but it pretty much a side effect of all medicines for UC. So he is going to test not taking it. I also have set my phones alarm for 4 PM to remind him to take those medicines since he has several pills to take at that time.

    We have been having a bit of drama in our family about Christmas. Our house is to big for the dinner, I hate to do it but we will be needing to have it soem where else. My sister goes to a church that has a large professional kitchen. Her husband cooks there one Saturday a month for a mens group. But for Christmas dinner he will not be cooking! Michelle and my nephews wife are usually the main cooks. Well several years ago when my Mom was alive and back was really bad, we rented a building for a real cheap price. It is owned by the local Baptists here and also a professional kitchen. Many churches have their summer picnics there. No stairs or steps. Sister's church has one flight of stairs and 2 long hall ways. Plus the church is right outside those fellowship hall doors. We have 6 toddlers! This church is also in a really bad area of town. So I have sent a personal message to my siblings to get their opinions. No one wants the church. You all know I don't like confrontation. My sister and her husband are very strong. So the one sister in law that needs a very handicap accesible place and is also very assertive is calling my sister. I am so glad that has been taken off my shoulders.

    Tonight we were out and when we got back to our car, the battery was completely dead. I was in the midst of calling AAA when some one asked us if he could help. He had on his mechanics shirt from one of our local Buick dealerships. He couldn't get it started but had the dealerships fast starter thing brought over and it turned over in second. So we went to Auto Zone and had the battery tested and it was dead. So after a new battery it is good as new. The guy that helped us was a member of thr National Guard here and husband asked him if he knew our ex son in law. He did and told us he divorced his wife, the one he had an affair with while he was maried to our daughter. He divorced ehr because she was cheating on him with a fellow National Guardsmen. Karma.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather - I'm sorry your DH is going through all this drama over his own party.
    I am glad that he and his sister were able to express their love for each other. DGD is right. "Everyone should get a hug"

    Allison - I sit here crying for you and your situation. I do really relate. It seems he likes to see you in turmoil and discontent. Keep your head up, my friend, and remember what a valuable person you truly are.

    Sylvia - I am picturing the game between you and Bruno and that gave me a smile.
    I'm glad you are okay, we were all worried.

    Chris - It would be nice if sizes were standardized.

    Margaret - That has to be a relief.

    Becca - Sometimes we need the emotional days so we can keep growing.
    That chocolate cup looks delicious......mmmmm.

    Work was better today. I seem to be more in the swing of things. I tried to get most of the schedule done today but that was not to be. Boss man is back tomorrow.

    Rode Sparkle Orange over to my sister's to help her get rid of some clothes. Mission accomplished. She seemed amazed at my riding over but I'm not sure why. She asked if I would go to the pool with her sometime. Yes, please. I am still sure the body snatchers got to her. So nice to see her like this.
    It has been many moons.

    Made a Total 10 Italian Bowl tonight. DH didn't like it because I didn't have cheese on it. Haha. Men and their cheese. He also said the herbs in it were probably old. Wrong. I picked them from the deck and used the pestle and mortar to grind them. He thought we were going to have left over Chinese food. He definitely could have.

    DD has been painting up a storm and I love it.

    Discovered that part of DH's problem the last few days has to do with none of his brother's wishing him a Happy Birthday and our son not phoning yesterday. DS did phone this morning. Thank goodness.

    Continuing to choose my attitude
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Becca - Thank you so much for sharing your old addictions. I'm sure some of us (me!) have things in our past we are not proud of and probably a few things in our present! :flowerforyou:

    Alison - DrKatiebug - is right. He is a master manipulator and is scheming to get control of the house etc. Go see a lawyer! That kind of behaviour, emotional abuse, is a criminal offence in Britain, a new law.

    Must go,

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    morning friends~
    dont go until 1 pm this morning. got up at 3:45 am.
    thank you for all the advice on Tom.. I think he knows im not playing anymore games and he has to sh#t or get off the pot.. If your gonna be a jerk,then you will end up alone..
    He also knows deep down that he would be a freakin idiot to split. and if he thinks that he will retire in 3 years and we do split, then he will have to work a few more years as I will get 1/2 of everything plus alimony.
    He has Dr's appt this evening and as I told you I dropped off a note to the Dr. and hopefully we shall get to the bottom of at least the health stuff..
    If he thinks I am going to leave he has it wrong, He started it and I will not leave this home, it is just as much mine as it is his...he can try and push buttons but I will not budge...
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning, Hope all is well. I used to be in this group but I've been away for a while, but I'm going to try to get back on track.

    I live in Florida. Would like to lose at least 50lbs, one day at a time.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Hi tazgirl - Welcome back and don't give up!! Keep on keeping on. :laugh:

    So I am all dressed up and ready to go out to lunch.
    We both slept well. I had taken a couple of mild pills, but DH nothing. I think the last phone call in the evening from his sister, checking that he was alright, was good for him. She was a senior nurse and is now a counsellor, for goodness sake. She has been with him when he has had his worst breakdowns, so she knows the score. How we all got into that mess is beyond me!
    I think DH was very brave ringing his sister yesterday when things were so tense. Braver than I would have been. He has a lot of moral courage. :love:

    I still have to make minor changes to the grocery order for that weekend. If we run out of anything someone will have to pop out for it. :) We are hiring an extra pair of hands for the Saturday afternoon who can be in charge of keeping tidy and setting out and washing up 26 champagne glasses for the toast with the birthday cake. At that time I will be decorating the banquet table and, hopefully, delegating the decoration of the barn for dancing. Must remember the Blu-tac. :laugh:

    The party is the weekend after next. For the whole weekend - three nights. Yikes! I don't think many people will stay the third night, but I don't know. We will find somewhere to eat out. I would prefer to come home, but it is booked so some people are staying. :ohwell: We hope to go on a steam train ride that day. :D Hoping for fine weather.

    Lots of love, Heather UK

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Kind of catching up here, so some comments may be outdated.

    Alison: you were right not to talk to the pastor; glad the rest was OK. Sorry Tom was rude to you (again). Glad you had a good chat with him! I think there might be something to Katie’s theory. Hope your stomach is better.

    Becca: thanks for reminding me about the “stuff” corner. Always welcome!

    Pip: glad you’re doing well.

    Katla: I don’t have any advice, but am thinking of you.

    Janetr: how’s the pain management now?

    Heather: so sorry DH is having such a difficult time.

    Sylvia: glad to “see” you.

    Carol: good luck on the applications and glad you’re able to make some tentative plans!

    Margaret: great news!

    Kim: good luck with the new computer.

    Thought I’d share a little story. Hubs has a bad cold. He was home to take out the dog while I was at work. He's now on his way back to the other town (where he works). Texted me to let me know he'd cleaned all the door knobs with hand gel, including the front door and the elevator door, and he even threw the paper towel away at the train station. He’s such a great guy!

    I had a few nights of bad sleep, so have been pretty much out of it. Last night was better, though I'm still "behind". Hope I do OK tonight.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Becca ... Stay off the other threads (they're mostly trash)! We enjoy hearing from you here. But I understand your DHs concerns.

    Not a great week so far. Son issues. Hoping today is a better day ... At least the sun is shining!

    Beth in WNY
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited October 2015
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    DJ – would you believe DH and I had the exact same conversation again last night about the cheese? Like he can’t open the freezer and take out some cheese. Well, I took it out, banged it on the counter and said “here’s the cheese”. He ate a few tacos last night. What a nut ! He also bought that ding-a-ling kid of mine 3 new bowling balls and a 2 ball tote (so now my 15 y.o. son will have 7 bowling balls). When High School bowling season starts, I will donate 2 of the “old’ balls to the inner-city school that is in our conference. I better not hear anything next month when I buy the Embroidery Machine.

    Becca – More Hugs ! ! ! I’m so proud of you. Keep that addiction at bay, and stick with us. Give your DH a hug from me.

    Sharon – Do you have (or did I already miss it) a recipe for quinoa for breakfast? I frequently have old fashion oatmeal, but I like variety. Thanks!

    Kim – Hugs and best of luck ! ! !

    Joyce – so sorry about the trouble with your car battery. I’m glad it wasn’t something more expensive.

    Sharon – what is it with men and their cheese? Mine doesn’t even like “stinky or runny” cheese like Heather. Mozzarella, American, or Cheddar are the only options. Weird !

    Allison – I admire your strength. During the split with my ex, the therapist I was seeing called it resilience. Stay resilient my friend. Hugs ! ! !

    – the birthday weekend sounds amazing, and it sounds like you have a plan B if any slight inconveniences arise. Hugs ! ! !

    Beth – Hugs for your “not great” week, and for your son.

    Today is the day DD sees a lung specialist. First they thought she had a blood clot in her lungs, then they told her she has an auto-immune disease they just didn’t know which one, then they told her she has swollen lymph nodes inside her lungs. She has an inhaler like people get if they have asthma, yet she keeps smoking. We’ll see what comes of it. I think she’s just still depressed about the end of her engagement, and not getting the “love” she needs from her dad, and I can’t give it to her from 200 miles away except through the phone.

    15 minutes on the bike already this morning. Will try for at least 10 again during lunch. The RA flare has not left my elbow, so I am not yet back on the handbike, but hopefully soon. Tonight I have to run to the radio station to pick up the $50 Quaker Steak & Lube gift card I won, then a quick supper and off to Parent/Teacher conferences. They ask us to bring the kids along. It is "open house" style, so we sit in a lot of lines (well, I sit, because I drag a chair along with me). I was hoping to go to Big Lots, but I guess it can wait until next Wednesday.

    My Dad just e-mailed me that he won Milwaukee Bucks tickets for this Saturday, so 2 of us get to go to the game. Sweet ! I hope DS picks me (but maybe I could just hang out at a coffee shop if he wants to take a friend instead).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • davidson1933
    davidson1933 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 3 of low carb and would love to join your over 50 group.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Allison - Lawyers will advise you to stay in the house unless the abuse is a real threat.....then get out as quick as you can. Are your stomach woes linked to Tom's behaviour?

    Heather - Your husband's weekend will turn out wonderfully after all the work you have put into it. A steam train ride seems like great fun. Wishing you good weather and lots of laughter for that weekend.

    Beth - The sun shining helps with a lot of things. Have a better day.

    Terri- Embroidery machine? Do you have projects waiting for it?
    I hope they figure out what is really wrong with your daughter's lungs. Don't you just wish you could stop smoking for her? It's hard watching our children go through tough times.
    You asked for a quinoa recipe. Here is the the Total 10 one. I have another some place if this isn't to your liking.
    1/2 c. prepared quinoa
    1 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    1 tsp. cinnamon
    1/2 c. frozen berries of your choice
    Combine ingredients microwave for 30 seconds or until hot (It takes mine about a minute and a half)

    Hope you like it.

    Back to my early riser time and hoping to keep it. Going to fix myself some eggs and off to work I go.

    Today is a good day.
    I am grateful for
    -the sunrise
    -I have food to eat
    -Dog kisses (Whoa! enough now)
    -A husband who takes care of all flat tires
    -Adorable, intelligent, caring, loving and attractive grand children (Yes, I know that last bit is shallow)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am in town visiting my daughter and DM. Then Thursday I will be packing and getting ready for our trip to Colorado on Friday. We hope to drive up to pikes Peak and do some hiking. Last night my daughter took me on a cross country bike trail walk and it was killer! I kept up with her even though she has a Half stride longer than I do.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    morning again~
    I am hoping it will not come to lawyers..stomach issues not from him... feeling better today.
    DFIL didnt like his waffles or quiche and spit it out on himself..that was fun to clean up.. did eat his wheaties
    then went to see my DB,came home and finished laundry and then getting grocery list together..
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Becca - oh, how I understand! I too am addicted to computer stuff and waste many, MANY hours every day doing nothing but playing mahjong and freecell, reading the news (about 10 times a day), checking for e-mail, and stuff like that. My life has really suffered because of it, too. I've only recently discovered facebook, and am not good at it yet. I don't post often but yesterday I discovered I had accidentally "shared" a post about a political issue that I don't even agree with. Not sure how that happened. I didn't even notice until one of my liberal ladies friends commented on it. I was mortifiied! It took me hours to find the right button to remove it. Just hoping it's finally gone and not just hiding somewhere. So, I won't be posting (or sharing) on facebook for a while. I spend at least an hour a day on this thread, but I think of that as my therapy. Once I decided to quit playing mahjong, so I deleted the apps from my tablet and phone, deleted the bookmark from my desktop and tried really hard. All went well for about 12 hours. Then the apps came back. So, you are not alone.

    I had a horrible scare yesterday. When I dropped off my oldest DGD at school she told me that she did not have choir practice because of parent-teacher conferences, so she would get out at the regular time. Her dad is the one who picks her up, so I asked her if he knew and she said she gave him the note telling about it. Just to be sure he remembered, I tried to call him. No answer. I tried at least 12 times during the day to call him and he never answered. I knew he had been feeling lousy, so assumed he was sleeping. At 3:00 I still had not reached him, so I drove by his apartment and both his car and his crazy drunken wife's car were both there. So, I went to the middle school to pick her up, then rushed to the elementary to get the other two.

    When I got them home to the apartment, he still was not answering his phone. The door was locked and he didn't answer the door. I banged on it so hard that the building manager stuck her head into the stairwell and asked if everything was all right. I said he wasn't answering his door and she rushed to her office to get the key. In the meantime, he finally opened the door. I swear, it seemed like he didn't even know who we were. He just looked at me, then looked at the kids, and had a blank look on his face. I thought for all the world that he was stoned! It was just like the old days when he was on drugs. Well, after a few seconds, things started to clear up and he said "oh, sorry. I was sleeping." I wasn't sure I felt good leaving the kids with him at that point, but he said he was OK and seemed quite put out about all the fuss. He never once questioned why Adrienne was with us instead of at the middle school. If I hadn't gone to get her she would have been all alone outside the school for who knows how long. It's not like the elementary school where the teachers wait outside for the kids to be picked up. And she is so immature, she wouldn't know what to do.

    So, this morning was a little tense at his apartment. It's like he's mad at me!

    So, I have a ton of stuff to get done today and had better get started. Have a great day!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hi to all, thanks for your comments about my dropping out of the 'obese' category! It really, really made me feel good! I even wore long pants to be weighed in - that might have been at least an extra 1/2 pound there; but, I won't concern myself with that. Just too cool to weigh the shorts I have been wearing.

    I'm glad that the Prozac is working for you . . . I was suffering from the throws of being up one minute, down the next; and was put on Prozac and that made me from 'swinging' into a situation of 'crash and burn'. But, it made it so that I got diagnosed properly with Bipolar Disorder and then went on Lithium; after that I got Lithium Toxicity which just about killed me. I finally found a PsycheMD 'out-of-town' because all that are around here are 'stupid'. At least, he actually listens to me and I can call him 24/7 if I feel like my meds are whacked out or if I think I need my medications 'tweaked', which most of the time he can do that over the phone and it will help stabilize me and then I can get up to see him. I won't go to the local hospital for much of anything; especially when it comes to my 'mental health'. Really, really bad experience. I'm also with ya for hating being on a fence and trying to stay which most call 'stable'. It just does not feel that way to me; I prefer to be a little on the 'manic' side of the fence because that is what 'feels' normal to me. If I am 'on the fence' or on the 'depressed' side of the fence; I feel like Hell and can't get anything accomplished.

    I've got to get my house ready for Thanksgiving; and about all I have done is get my bookshelf all dusted off with all the tchotchkes dusted off and everything put back in place. I really think it will take me working like a horse to get it done, like I did last year. I did it all in 2 days and was surprised that I did not have any help doing it. I do remember sweating like a horse and my husband telling me several times to 'take a break'; but, it was clean when I finally got through with it. A weekend shot; but, it was worth it. I can't hide too much under either bed; because that is where most of the 'hunting stuff' goes such as all the clothes, etc.

    We are still looking for a 'puppy' to add to our family since our JRT died this past April. WOW! Some breeders are 'very' proud of their dogs. A JRT is totally out of our budget. I guess we were spoiled when we got Shorty from my BnL. Only had to pay for what he had in her - the procedure so that his dog could get pregnant and all the shots and wormings. Then we had to have her spayed. She lived for 16+ years. I have found them to be advertised from $900 to $1900. A breeder took the time to explain to me why they are so expensive if you get onw from a 'good' breeder and what to expect and look for. Tried 'beagles' because we had that breed for approximately 10 years before she died. I guess if you get any dog that is a purebred is going to be too expensive for us. I have gone to the local Humane Society; but, they rarely get 'puppies' and they would not allow me to get any dog out of their cage to take them to a quieter part of the facility in order to see if the dog was a barker just for the sake of barking; or in they were 'barking' saying 'Let me out of here, please adopt me and let me outta here'! I've gone by several vets' offices to see if they had anything that would be suitable, nothing so far and I won't buy a dog from a pet store either. I want to meet the people I am getting the puppy from and pick out my own puppy. I know what to look for, in a pet for companionship. I don't want a biter or one that is too aggressive and don't want one that shies away from being held. Now we are looking at Rat Terriers; and I have emailed a breeder in east Georgia to find out if their dogs are more in line with what we want and what we can afford. Probably a no-go on that, too. Going to ask DYS to look out in Louisiana for a dog like his "Lily". He calls her a "Mountain Feist"; but, when I look that up, it always take me to "Rat Terrier sites". Although there is a dog that is a 'Mountain Feist'. Lily is well behaved, comes inside some, doesn't seem to be bothered with fleas, and isn't a 'barky-barky' dog like a Chihuahua or other 'little' dogs are usually. His wife bought a little mixed breed; but, it is a Shitz Sui married to a Chihuahua, and while he is really cute, he is sort of a 'barker' for attention. Also, he is pretty much a house dog, mainly because of his size, although he doesn't think he is a small dog. Our JRT did not 'think' she was a little dog either. Sad, that we haven't been able to find a dog. Louis is going to see if DYS will be 'on the lookout' for a dog that we can afford that is a small- to medium-sized puppy to an adult. We might have to settle for a 'mixed' breed; but, even then - we don't want one bred with a Chihuahua or Lab or Pit-bull. Apparently all 3 of these dogs will bred with 'anything'. Makes you wonder how they can do that.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grits, mixed breeds are wonderful, in my opinion. They are so unique. Nobody else in the world has a dog quite like Bruno or Spot. And I truly believe that mixes are much smarter than purebreds. At least that has been my experience. Our purebred whippet, Molly, is dumb as a box or rocks, but Bruno and Spot (Bruno in particular) are both very smart. Of course, Bruno has a lot of Jack Russell in him, and they are known to be very smart as a breed. Almost any dog will bark under certain circumstances. I feel really sorry for the ones that have been so cruelly "trained" not to bark or have to wear those electroshock collars to keep them quiet. They bark to express joy, fear, or greetings. But that said, I don't care for the yippie-yappie little dogs that bark all the time, either. We have found that we like dogs about 30 pounds or so. A good sized dog, not too small, but they can still fit on your lap in a pinch. You might try Petfinder.com. That's where we found Bruno.

    I once had a dog named Susan who was a mixed breed pound puppy. My son picked her out from a litter at the pound for his 10th birthday. That was the best dog I have ever had. She was so smart she was almost human. She was a medium sized dog, but still could be good protection if necessary. One morning I drove my son to school, then stopped at the drug store to get a newspaper out of the machine. (I was job hunting) A man approached me and asked for money. I told him that I didn't have any, just what I brought for the newspaper, and I had left my purse at home. He moved toward me and said in a very scary voice that he could just follow me home and get some money. I opened my car door and Susan flew out of the car like her tail was on fire, barking so fiercely at that man that even I was scared of her. She never barked once until that door was opened, but she was watching and knew what to do. After he jumped back in his truck and took off, she calmly jumped back in the car and said, "OK, I'm ready to go now."

    When I met my hubby, she fell deeply and madly in love with him and he with her. That's how I knew he was a keeper. She died about 15 years ago at age 19 and I miss her still. Hubby and I were just talking about her last night, and how she would be annoyed with these two crazy boys we have now.

    OK, see what I mean. I'm wasting time again.

    Good luck finding the perfect dog. Life without a dog is just too sad to imagine.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon: I love the idea of choosing our attitude. I will remember and use it as often as possible. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: :heart:

    Tazgirl: Welcome back. :smile:

    Heather: Your celebrations are amazing. I am in awe and hope you have a wonderful time. The train ride sounds like great fun. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You are a stellar grandma. Your son was likely embarrassed and grumpy because of dropping the ball for his DD. :ohwell:

    Grits: Good luck on your puppy search. DDIL has a beagle-jack that she rescued from the pound. He's been healthy and loyal. Good luck on your search. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you to all for the wise advice yesterday regarding DD's situation. Barbie's words were especially helpful and I've put things into a much more positive perspective. I was having a self-pity party at a time when DD is trying her best to handle serious health problems during pregnancy, and financial problems. :embarassed: I'm moving from jealousy to the realization that she is lucky her DMIL can help. I still have a ways to go but I'm better than I was. I wish she was moving here, but the truth is I haven't got room in my house for her family and DH's health problems are more than enough challenge for us at this time. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    In GA, if there is a domestic violence call, usually the police, if called, will ask if either has a place to go, more specifically, the man. Unless, of course, the house, apartment, etc., is in 'his' name and then the wife is asked if she has a place to go. Depending on the answer(s) they will ask the one who is the most abusive of the two to leave anyway, no matter what. Then in a "Rule Nisi" [temporary hearing usually set when one party goes to file for a divorce] hearing the Judge will decide who gets to stay in the house/apartment and again, that depends a lot of whose name is on the contract/lease. This is a 'temporary hearing' until a settlement agreement can be worked out between them. Once when my former DnL was married to my DOS, she got drunk and disorderly and kicked him, so he held her hands out straight in front of him, so she could not kick him again. She called the police and he called me all upset because he was afraid that 'if' he got locked up, he'd lose his job. I told him that 'she' had a place to go, she could go to her parents' house and NOT to agree to leave or else he'd have to pay rent for her until 'heaven only knows how long'. He had bite marks and other evidence that she was more 'at fault' than he was. She was drunk as a skunk and pregnant to boot. Of course, her parents were not 'happy' with her; and she also was not allowed to take his car; which was the only one they had at the time which he bought before they married. Her parents had to come pick her up and the police stayed there until they got there. She finally cooled off and came back after a couple of weeks; but, it was never the same between them. They ended up getting divorced with DOGD was about 18-months old. It broke my heart because it meant that he only saw her on weekends and on Wednesdays; but, she'd bring her over to our house for me to watch her a LOT; even though I had had a really bad (almost fatal) car accident about that time and really should not have been watching her. Now, she does not have custody of any of the 3 children she's had (all by different men). I'm still not sure that she is divorced from her 2nd husband (middle child's father).