

  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol, my dd is a new driver and that is my biggest nightmare, thank goodness he is ok.
    Janit, I think of myself as new around here, and i tend to tread careful in the back row in all things! Funny (and perceptive0 that you zeroed in on that about me!
    Busy days ahead, taking the weekend to travel to another college tour, but viewing it as my last chance to take in the gorgeous fall leaves one last time. You all send such amazing travel photos, I'm jealous. I hope I can do the Finger Lakes justice!
    Karen from NY
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited October 2015
    October Goals - Week 2 Progress

    Start weight: 220lbs (Spring 2015)
    Current weight: 167lbs
    Goal weight: 163lbs :/ no weight change this week

    Daily goals:
    :star: Pre-log/follow through :) 7/7
    :star: balance carbs/protein/fat :) 7/7
    :star: 8+ cups liquids :) 7/7
    :star: 30+ minutes each Strength/flexibility :) 7/7
    :star: 6000+ steps daily :) 6/7
    :star: finish eating at 9pm weekdays :) 7/7
    :star: finish eating at 10pm weekends :) 0/2 I didn't use my extensions at the weekend
    :star: post daily goals/progress - Just for Today :) 7/7
    :star: post progress - No Late Night Snacking :) 7/7
    :star: complete Hogwarts challenges :) 7/7
    :star: Post weekly progress reports here :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks, everyone! He is still picking glass out of his body. I'm wondering if he should go to the doctor to be carefully examined for embedded glass. The truck is a total loss. It was hit so hard that the bed of the truck buckled--it instantly became a short bed pickup! The side windows are missing altogether and the windshield is shattered (safety glass so it didn't fly everywhere). The towing guys had found one of his fishing rods and put it in the bed of the truck for him but it was smashed beyond use. I may see if his dad will drive to the accident site to see if the tackle box can be located. My parents gave it to him when he was about 10. The sight of the truck made me sick! I am so glad I couldn't see all of the wreckage last night before I got to actually lay eyes on my baby--I would have lost it, I'm afraid! I can't remember who said she had a novice driver (besides Beth), but Andrew has had his license for only 6 months and the truck for about 6 weeks. He is so cut and scraped because he had to crawl out of the window; he's a BIG boy.

    I'm going to stop here. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and stress so I think I shall go to bed very early tonight.

    Carol in NC

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mia, the only problems with using full spectrum light sources are two. If one is bipolar it can flip one to mania. The second is that some people have trouble sleeping if they use it too late in the day. You can find all sorts of ways to use it, from a light box like you bought, to full spectrum lights designed for handicrafts, to using full spectrum light bulbs (natural light or sunlight bulbs). I use all three. The MORE you use, the better effect it will have, so I have ALL my lamps with full spectrum lights and in the winter I remove the shades. I ALWAYS fight the cats for the sunny spot in the room with the light in my eyes. I turn my craft light towards my face. A friend gave me a little gadget that is like a visor with tiny lights you can aim at your eyes. That I don't use- felt too weird walking around with that on. I have always craved sunshine. That is my first criteria for housing.

    I also take vitamin D and am on two antidepressants. One, Effexor, impacts the serotonin and noraepinephrine levels and the other, bupropion, works on the domamine levels. This was what was needed to pull me out of a horrendous, life threatening depression. Oh, and I take a thyroid stimulator too, that adds to the benefit even though my thyroid levels are just fine. I have managed to decrease the dosages but never go off completely. When I was younger, I could often go without meds during the summer.

    Therapy CAN be really helpful in getting rid of some of the baggage from the past, but it can also make someone TOO focused on themselves and how they are feeling. I don't think that will be a problem for you, but I have seen it in many clients. A healthy care for one's well-being is good, total self-absorption is not. One of the things I would teach clients is the importance of give and take in relationships, including the relationship you have with the community you live in!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy hump day
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited October 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    That's just my goal weight for October :)
    My goal for the end of the year is 158.
    My goal for 20th April (my 70th birthday) is 140
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Thanks, everyone! He is still picking glass out of his body. I'm wondering if he should go to the doctor to be carefully examined for embedded glass. The truck is a total loss. It was hit so hard that the bed of the truck buckled--it instantly became a short bed pickup! The side windows are missing altogether and the windshield is shattered (safety glass so it didn't fly everywhere). The towing guys had found one of his fishing rods and put it in the bed of the truck for him but it was smashed beyond use. I may see if his dad will drive to the accident site to see if the tackle box can be located. My parents gave it to him when he was about 10. The sight of the truck made me sick! I am so glad I couldn't see all of the wreckage last night before I got to actually lay eyes on my baby--I would have lost it, I'm afraid! I can't remember who said she had a novice driver (besides Beth), but Andrew has had his license for only 6 months and the truck for about 6 weeks. He is so cut and scraped because he had to crawl out of the window; he's a BIG boy.

    I'm going to stop here. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and stress so I think I shall go to bed very early tonight.

    Carol in NC

    woah, sorry I have ben laggin, I hope your hubby is okay !!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    nccarolb - you said that you son rolled his truck and wondering if you should take him to a MD. DEFINITELY YES! Some issues can show up days later; he could have had a concussion especially if he was in a roll-over. Little issues might be noticeable 2 weeks or more later; better safe than sorry is my thoughts. If someone ran him off the road; seeing about medical help close to when it occurs is something that might help you on a settlement, just saying ... I don't remember anything other than you saying he had a roll-over wreck. Insurance might not pay the bills if you wait too long. Also, if you have health insurance, you don't want them involved, you want the primary insurance to be your car insurance. Don't know what kind of law you are under, if it is 'no-fault' or whatever keep a good record of bills and watch out for insurance companies 'releases' on vehicles . . . sign it or endorse the check might keep you from getting bills paid, whether it was a one-car accident, 2 car accident or if someone else is at fault. Just because he is a 'novice' driver doesn't mean that his case is anything less so. He might not complain about being hurt - wants to be tough; but, in a week he might feel like the devil had speared him in the back. :s
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    13,000 steps
    107 minutes of dog walking
    Line dance class
    16 minutes on the exercise bike ( getting back to it gradually and resisting my desire to ride for an hour or more)

    t9507.gif One of the great blessings for me from my connection with all of you was being introduced to valuable books to read that helped me along my journey. Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project" is the source of my happiness commandments that include the one that Heather uses all the time (Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good) and the one that goes along with "Act as if (Act the way I want to feel). Now that I've learned about borrowing audio books from the library, I can have some of these very wise words spoken to me while I'm walking the dogs in the morning.

    2191610q208gshr57.gif The book I'm listening to right now is "10% Happier---How I tamed the voice in my head, reduced stress without losing my edge, and found self-help that actually works--a true story".

    t116009.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol NC - I'm so glad that your DS is okay! It might not be a bad idea to have him checked out for glass and whiplash.

    Heather- I'm so excited for your DH's birthday bash! Have a great time and send pictures of you and your dress!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Terri, we have a Chuck-it around here somewhere but can't find it. I'm going to buy another one, then I'll find it for sure. My arm is getting sore! Tonight Spot was so exhausted that he laid down at my feet, panting hard, with one leg up in the air and his precious tennis ball still in his mouth. It was so cute! Wish I had a camera with me. He likes to carry a ball when we go back into the house and I have to trade him a cookie for the ball.

    I'm at the Y waiting for two of my grandkids to get finished with gymnastics. My son got mad at the oldest because her grades are continuing to fall, and has banned her from all extracurricular activities, including gymnastics, choir, and piano. It breaks my heart. I think she really needs this stuff, but of course I'm not allowed to voice an opinion. Hopefully he will change his mind. I think it's counter productive to punish her when she clearly is having real trouble with her classes. It's not that she's doing it on purpose.

    My friend and I are going to walk on our local wilderness trail tomorrow. That will be fun for a change, instead of the rails to trails path we usually go on. The wilderness trail has a lot of up and down, so it's not just flat. It's supposed to be chilly tomorrow too.

    I threw some pots today. Nothing special, just some small bowls for an empty bowls event, but it felt good to get muddy. More tomorrow.

    Good night all!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    edited October 2015
    Karen from NY. ... Which college will you be touring near the Finger Lakes? I'm thinking the leaves will be at peak if we don't get too much rain. Enjoy the trip!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    t3431.gif Heather, I am thinking happy thoughts for you and your husband for a wonderful birthday celebration for him....you have planned and worked hard and it should be awesome
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Carol NC - Glad your son is OK! Follow-up with a doctor sounds like a good idea, just to be on the safe side. Hope things calm down for you soon, you've been through so much.

    Barbie - Your walking gif makes me want to go out to the park tomorrow! Our cooler fall weather has started this week. I need to read those books, too!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks, again! I talked to the boy child tonight and he is in complete agreement with seeing his old pediatrician tomorrow to check for glass and to be sure the pain in his mid back is just muscle soreness and not spinal.

    Grits - It was a two car accident. He had slowed because of an accident on the highway (along with everyone else in front of him) and the woman behind him didn't even brake. No question as to who was at fault. We're to get his accident report tomorrow and will let the other driver's insurance know that we are seeking medical care in addition to the ER visit last night.

    God was watching over my baby last night!

    I'm going to try to sleep now. Trying hard to erase the images of the truck from my mind.

    Carol in NC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well I am woking 1-9pm shift today and then have to be back at 6-5:30 tomorrow. My legs look some better today, and fever is down to 101. Just got the chills. I am praying to be better soon.
    Katla--The lighting event in your town sounds wounderful. I love things like that.
    Tazgirl--Beautiful wedding pictures. Thanks for sharing.
    Allison--Enjoyed the pictures looks like a relaxing drive.
    Grits--I agree funerals bring out the worst in some people. When my dad passed away last year the day after the funeral my brother and his wife came to the house with a list of what they thought was theirs. I tried to explain that mom was still a live and everything was hers. They left and have not been in contact since. Looking forward to seeing the picture of your new fur baby.
    Joyce--I hope you got what is going on with your pain taken care of. I understand about our spoiled fur babies. Mine can not understand why I have not let them sit on my legs the last couple days. They hurt so much, but giving them extra cuddles. My grandma mades quilts for all us grandchildren and great grandchildren and told us to use them not put them in a drawer to fall apart. I used mine until it started to come apart then I took it to the grand generation center and some ladies fixed it, now it hangs on the wall. I understand wanting to be with DH when he sees the doctor as my DH forgets alot of what is said.
    DJ--I agree, I think of you all as my friend and I talk about you all the time to DH and sometimes at work. Great NSV with the top. I think the skinny is in the eyes of the beholding.
    Janetr--Congrates on being released, but do not over do.
    Lisa--I agree you have done all you can and the rest is up to them. Sounds like you have been super busy. Glad that you are going to get the manager you wanted in place. Sounds like this other guy was not to be trusted.
    Terri--That is a great NSV about dealing with the chocolate. I agree it is a start with DH and hopefully it will stick and lead to more.
    Damit--I do not think that sounds selfish. My dad always told us he raised us and we can stand on our two feet. If there was anything left that was fine, but he enjoyed life long as he could. I feel that way also.
    Michelle--Love the duck, I hope he enjoys your yard.
    Mia--Sounds like you are doing better, I like the acting as if. Write good things about your day. I try and do that and have to stay more on point of doing it. Funny how I can make time for somethings and something I know will help I space off. One Day at a Time and I am better then I was last year and not as good as next year.
    Betty--That memorial sounds very moving.
    Pat--That could be considered a NSV for you, looking young enough to be his wife. Glad to hear DH is home and hope he is doing better.
    Mary--Hope you get fixed soon and can be on your way. I agree it is a beautiful place.
    KGallen--Welcome, you have come to the right place for support and friendship.
    Carol--How scary, so glad he was not hurt bad.
    Cat--Great news on the meds.
    Heather--I am glad things are coming together for the party. Excited to hear all about and see pictures. (hint)
    Time to finish and go home so can get my legs up. I have to be back at 6am so going to be a short night. Love each of you for your support and friendship.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.