
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Everything is in the hall and ready to go. it looks far too much for the car, but I'm sure we will push it in somehow! I'm setting the alarm so we can get our exercising and making beautiful in before we leave. I was soooooo tense this morning, but I feel better now. Two Pernods probably helped! Will do my nails in a minute.

    I won't be able to post this weekend as I believe there is no internet. My tablet is playing up so I don't know if I will be able to take postable photos. Will try with my underpowered phone which has no memory left. Will delete stuff. We will take full fat photos with our camera, but they are too big to post. I sincerely hope I will get one up there on Monday for you.

    Lots of love to all of you and I will be thinking of you all this weekend and wishing I could post. :'(

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Gosh darn, so much has been going on that I’ve barely had time to read posts this past week. I skipped a bunch and then started catching up with yesterday’s posts. I do think about you all daily and miss when I don’t have time to keep up. And I apologize in advance for the long post.

    My sister was in the hospital this past week with cellulitis in her leg. She doesn’t know how she got it, but I find it an odd coincidence that she had a pedicure just a couple of days before she broke out with a 104 degree temperature. She is known for her gross, cracky feet and I would not be surprised if the bacteria got in through her foot. Her leg looked so swollen and painful. She was admitted to the hospital and given IV antibiotics for three days. Good news is that she is home, healing, and feeling much better.

    Daughter #2 is wrapping up volleyball season. They have their last match tonight and then a tournament on Saturday and then they are done. She is ready for the season to be over so that she can concentrate on show choir and jazz band.

    They are kicking me out of my office at work. Well, technically, I could still come into the office but I would have to make a daily reservation to use one of the newly created flexible work spaces. That would be too much of a hassle because I won’t have any of my things in that cubicle. So, I will start working from home full-time next week. For the past several years, I have worked from the office three days a week and worked from home two days a week. Apparently that is no longer enough to warrant the expense of assigning me a work station. I’m a little upset with how the decision was made, because if I had been given a choice I would have chosen to work from the office full-time rather than work from home full-time. But, the decision was made based solely on historical data with no consideration of what I wanted. It will be an adjustment but I’m trying to think of positives – like I can get away from my desk and take a walk around the block in the middle of the day.

    Carol/NC – I’m so sorry to hear about your son’s accident, and I am glad that he is not seriously injured. That must have been quite a fright to see his totaled car. Happy to hear that he will see a doctor. My youngest daughter has been driving back and forth to school on her school permit for the past few months, but she turns 16 next week and is determined to get her license the day of her birthday. I completely understand being a mom of a new driver.

    Heather – I’ll be thinking about you this weekend and hoping that you enjoy the party. Hope that both you and your husband have fun and are able to enjoy the weekend! Can’t wait to hear what a success it was next week.

    Lisa – Oh, the saga continues… I have to admit that I will miss your Restaurant Impossible stories when this venture ends.

    Penny – I have to wonder why your new choir member from the southwest moved to the pole if she does not want to deal with the changes in lifestyle such a move requires. Was she forced into the move due to family or work? Hopefully, her attitude will change over time.

    Vicky – I must have missed a post about your legs. I tried to go back and find it but to no avail. What happened? I’m worried because fever and sore legs is how my sister’s cellulitis started.

    Terri – Your son’s schedule sounds like my daughter’s. She has to be at school every morning by 7AM for marching band. She has volleyball practice after school which she tries to balance with attending quartet practice for her All State Choir audition. On Tuesdays, she goes straight from volleyball to jazz band and then from jazz band to show choir and she doesn’t get home until after 9PM. I have to bring her dinner up to school so that she can get something to eat in between volleyball and jazz band. Wednesdays she goes from volleyball to church, but at least they feed the kids there before choir practice. Weekends are full of marching band contests, halftime performances, and volleyball tournaments. And once marching band ends, it doesn’t stop because jazz band moves to her 7AM slot and show choir moves to twice a week evening practices. And just to add to her schedule, she wants to start tutoring at the grade school. I’d try to limit her activities, but I think all those activities have caused her to be organized and to learn to balance school and social life. And she has a 4.0 grade average so her school work is not suffering.

    OK, I don’t have time or space to comment more. Have a great day! B)

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    DJ- what is CRS? I looked it up on Wikipedia and they had a lot of different choices it could mean including Chinese Restaurant Syndrome . . . lol

    Mia- I am so impressed I did not know you had lost 140 lbs. How much more are you trying to lose? At what point did your loss start to slow down? It will help me to know what to expect when I get to the point you are. BTW I am joining the Red Hat Society! I think it sounds like the kind of fun I need <3
    Here is a Quinoa breakfast recipe I use:

    Quinoa Steel Cut Oats
    1/2 cup quinoa (rinsed)
    1/2 cup steel cut oats
    1/2 cup dried fruit (gogi berries, diced prunes, etc)
    1/4 cup raisins
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 tsp cardamon
    4 cups water

    Mix all ingredients in med sauce pan. Bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer 20-25 minutes.

    Last night I had some leftover brown rice and I was trying to figure out what to use it for so I added a can of low sodium chicken broth. Then I found a 4 oz package of frozen cod and a can of mild Rotel diced tomatoes and peppers. Voila I ended up with a Spicy Fish Soup (thank goodness I had the mild Rotel rather than the medium because it was plenty hot!) smileys-fish-793750.gif

    I'm making progress with catching up so off I go to reading again mini-graphics-computer-475525.gif

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Well it was a real short night and I am back at work. I am so looking forward to after Sunday being off 10 days. My legs were hurting last night and I just could not get comfortable, so did not get much sleep. Can't tell if they look better or not, still bright red and hot to the touch.
    A couple that belongs to our motorcycle group has a daughter going to college about 25 miles from here. They are having Fall break starting today until next Tuesday. She wants to stay and work but they close the dorms, so she is going to stay with us.

    Sylvia--Sorry to hear DGD is still not doing well. They are not going to visit their mom again are they?

    Kim--Glad you are back and got your new computer set up. Do you like the windows 10. DH put that on our computer and I am not sure about a lot of it now. Also can not figure out how to load pictures from the camera on there.

    Irish Terri--Hope your trip to Spain is everything you want it to be. Hope we get to see pictures.

    Allison--Sorry to hear about your friend from the nursing home passing away. I bet your visits were speical to her.

    DJ--I am working because the doctor said I am not spreading anything and we are so short on help there is no one to work. Then starting Monday I'm taking 10 days off so to get that I am working.

    Terririchard--I do think that is a great NSV. Beautiful picture.

    Mia--I'm sadd to say DB and his wife said they will not be back until mom is gone. Which is to bad, but their choice. He will text me once in awhile and I just don't bring it up. I did call when mom got sick last March and they life flighted her to Kearney. He never even called me back.

    Heather--Glad you are getting the last minute things done. I am sure it will be a grand party.

    Well I am caught up and need to get something done before time to go home. I would love to just go home and go to bed. Ladies take care and I will type at you later.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE

    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Hey Beth, dd and i are headed to Geneseo Ny to check out state college there. I am treasuring this last year with my one and only, seems like i was just taking walks and collecting chestnuts with her. She would stop and look for such a long time to pickup the shiniest smoothest chestnuts and we would carry them home in our pockets:-)
    Take care everybody. Karen from ny

    I thought maybe that's where you were headed. My niece is in her third year there and I have friends whose children attend. Beautiful area.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    GloworminWa -what is CRS? I looked it up on Wikipedia and they had a lot of different choices it could mean including Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

    That might be one choice. The one I am familiar with is: Can't Remember $#*T

    Oh, I really do not remember the details; but, I knew I got 'cut' out of the car; the firemen opened it up the roof like a can opener (and the windshield fell on me; and I had glass in my face and arms even though they had something covering me. It was a head-on collision that occurred when I was passing a car; and a man had just driven his 'new' truck out of the dealership and into the other lane; he saw me, but I did not see him until it was too late. DH and DOS took me to get items out of the car - looked like someone had surely died in there - blood everywhere. Good thing that I was in a Mercedes, otherwise I would have probably died. Therefore I really did not want to see my Honda Accord after I rolled it. DDnL (DOS's wife) did take pictures of it that got posted on FB before we had the opportunity to call my sisters They broke the back windshield and pulled the girls out of it; I was strapped in; but the driver's side was facing so that they could not pull me out the window or even the windshield. They ended up turning on the sunroof and pulled me out that way. Actually, I don't really remember either of the collisions. Those times I had C.R.S. on a terminal basis. MD told me after the head-on; that it was possible that I would never recall it any of it; and I have not.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Betty in WNY... My friend who practices homeopathy suggests starting at 10,000 mg of D3 for WNYers as most of us are deficient. Some people take as much as 50,000-100,000mg (which seems super high to me ) I started at 2000 and worked my way up to 10,000. I get sick less often, my mood is better here and I think it helps my arthritic knees ... Although the knees could be a combination of things.

    Beth in WNY
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Climbing around at Garden of the Gods.


    2:00 and still waiting for our car to get done!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Mary~ stunning views... have fun..
    It has been a day, im tired ate yucky yucky stuff, and now im feeling it, I hate self sabotage...
    going to look for more books at the library..
    please keep DB in your prayers, he is going to see orthopedic tomorrow ,time for a total knee replacement...
    his knee gave out this morning ,he has been hemming and hawing and now has no choice... DSIL went for a job interview at a hospital closer to us, and that looks good .. with her mom being in the shape she is,think she wants to be closer than an hour away.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    DJ wrote: Penny, one thing I noticed in your picture (Other than how cold it looks) is how many bikes, so many of the kids must ride to school. I guess they know how to bundle up.
    Two things. First, this town is so small you can pedal a bike from one end to the other in 5 minutes flat. Second, you betcha they know how to bundle up! A good friend of mine (a grown man) rides a bike year-round. He's got studded tires and his bike is just as stable on ice as my studded jogging shoes. o:) Some kids ride bikes in the winter, but a lot of them switch to kicksleds.
    Irish Terri wrote: I was window shopping this morning when I noticed a vaguely familiar woman reflected in one of the Windows. It was several seconds before I realised that it was the new slimmer me :lol: I think that's a small NSV.
    I love this! I had a similar experience a while ago when I caught sight of a woman and thought "Gee she's got nice legs!" then realized I was looking at my own reflection. :blushing:
    Concerning positive feedback at her latest doctor's appointment, Mia wrote: I'm not sure if I am pleased or discontent that she is taking this stand. On one hand it makes me very happy to know my doctor is satisfied with my health. On the other hand if she is satisfied that is one less motivation to keep going.

    I think I ultimately need to be the person who is satisfied with my weight and I am not satisfied stopping when I am still obese. I'm going for overweight friends.
    I follow your logic exactly, Mia. Yes, it IS nice when the doctor is pleased, but the last thing any of us needs is to start feeling complacent about our weight loss. So go-go-go for overweight! Yay!

    Terri in Milwaukee and Linda in IA, I get tired just reading your son's/daughter's schedule. Good thing they're young!

    Oh, and Irish Terri's gorgeous water color reminded me that I took a picture of a water color I have on the wall, showing sloe plums. Someone asked Heather a long time ago if she had any pics, but I don't think she ever posted any. This is one of two water color sketches I have by the same artist. (Not me!) The other one shows elderberries. I think this picture conveys how thorny a sloe thicket can be; how jealously it guards its fruit.


    sloe.jpg 521.6K
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • phyllis115
    phyllis115 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello , This will be short because I haven't walked much today so I still need 6,000 steps to get to todays goal. Thanks everyone for posting pictures of your travels, your families, your paintings. Keep it up. I love looking at them and it's a much better pastime than snacking. I have 1 question- What's NSV ? I've seen it in several posts and I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Ok, I'm off to the treadmill. Phyl in Cincy
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm sorry for jumping right to the end, but I had such a wonderful day I just have to tell you before I burst wide open!

    Today I called my son and asked if he could pick up the younger two and let me pick up Adrienne. I said I would take her to my studio and I would help her with her homework. I said I would do that every day, just make that our new routine. He said ok. So, we went to the studio and used the table in the gallery. She had a set of 8 sheets of paper each with a dozen math problems on it. She had done part of it and turned it in unfinished and the teacher didn't even grade it, he just gave it back and told her to try again. So, looking at it I could see that the answers were wrong, do we erased them and started fresh. (There was a little hole in one page and I asked her about it. She said that a tear had fallen on the paper and she tried to rub it off. That truly broke my heart!)

    So, we went through every problem, adding and subtracting fractions. I saw what she was doing wrong and when I showed her why that was wrong and how to do it right, it was like a light bulb went on. It was time consuming, and her dad called twice during that time demanding to know how much longer it would be, and saying that she's just wasting time so she didn't have to go home. (Not that I could blame her, but she really was working hard.) It took two hours, but when I took her home she hugged me so hard and told me she really likes doing her homework at my place. She said she's going to tell her teacher that her grandma helped her, but I told her to tell him that she did all the work, because she did. And I told her dad that he should be VERY, VERY proud of her because she worked so hard. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy!

    And if that's not enough, tonight I ate the most delicious food I've ever put in my mouth. I saw this recipe online:

    But I just used pork loin chops, Panko unseasoned bread crumbs, pecan cookie pieces, and Trader Joes Pumpkin Butter. It was an amazing combination of flavors. Massively yummy and very low sodium. And easy to make!

    So, that's enough for me for one day. It's storming outside, but I feel like I'm on top of the world. Now il going back three pages to start reading what I missed.

    Good night!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    phyllis115 wrote: »
    Hello , This will be short because I haven't walked much today so I still need 6,000 steps to get to todays goal. Thanks everyone for posting pictures of your travels, your families, your paintings. Keep it up. I love looking at them and it's a much better pastime than snacking. I have 1 question- What's NSV ? I've seen it in several posts and I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Ok, I'm off to the treadmill. Phyl in Cincy

    NSV is non-scale victory. For instance if you are able to get into a pair of pants that you haven't worn for over a year. Something that doesn't have to do with how much you weigh. Maybe you lost 2 inches off of your hips.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Betty in WNY... My friend who practices homeopathy suggests starting at 10,000 mg of D3 for WNYers as most of us are deficient. Some people take as much as 50,000-100,000mg (which seems super high to me ) I started at 2000 and worked my way up to 10,000. I get sick less often, my mood is better here and I think it helps my arthritic knees ... Although the knees could be a combination of things.

    Beth in WNY
    Thanks, Beth. I have the D3 too and working up to more than 2000 sounds like a good plan. I heard the S word in the forecast and I need all the help I can get to not be despondent about that! I try to get outside for walks but even in winter I load my face with sunscreen because I've had a couple of basal cells.
    For the life of me I cannot understand why everybody seems to like gray houses here...if you want gray just look at the sky!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Mary, what beautiful scenery you are enjoying on your hikes. Thank you for sharing the photos,

    IrishTerri, your water color is fabulous...you are multi-talented woman

    Phyl in Cincy, NSV means a non-scale victory like going shopping for clothes and not crying at your reflection in the mirror or having someone comment on how slim you are looking....too many of us concentrate on the number on the scale as our only measure of success (or failure)

    :) suitcases are packed except for last minute items, pets are settled at boarding, and we're looking forward to heading for Seattle tomorrow..a weekend with ferry rides and time with my hubby is bound to be fabulous.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    14,000 steps
    96 minutes of dog walking
    line dance class

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin at hm - 60min, 128ahr, 149mhr, = 517c
    walk dome 2 hm- 38.45min, 3.8amph,/pace, 98ahr, 136mhr, 2.4mi =274c
    total cal 791
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Photos of the boy child and his truck. Girl was driving a Toyota Corolla at approximately 70-75 mph when she ran into him.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I finally had a meltdown today. I found out that the wreck he was slowing down for was a 21-year-old on her way back to school who wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from her vehicle. It made everything all that much more "real" I guess.

    Sylvia - I am so glad you got to help your DGD. Poor baby!

    Heather - I hope your party is splendiferous!

    Barbie - Have a great trip!

    I promise that I read everything, but I am terribly distracted.

    Oh, I take 3,000 iu of vitamin D every day. The doctor prescribed 50,000 iu weekly, but I couldn't use the bathroom the few weeks I took it. My GP said take the smaller dose; it would just take longer to get my levels up.

    I'm wiped out and in bed already. Good night!

    Carol in NC