


  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    edited October 2015
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am still guessing that roughly half of Americans is affected by some form of insulin resistance attacking the liver (NAFLD), reproductive organs (PCOS), brain (alzheimer's) or other parts of the body. My guess is that at least half of all people will experience IR in their lifetime.

    Diabetes: Over 9% of the UA has T2D and over 27% has prediabetes. Over a quarter of all seniors have T2D... Wonder what prediabetes shoots up to in this group?

    NAFLD: Close to a third of Americans have hepatic steatosis and NAFLD.

    PCOS: Roughly 5-10% of women have PCOS.

    Alzheimer's: 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia. it is the 6th leading cause of death in th US. I do disagree that it can not be slowed though as a ketogenic has been shown to do this (for many).

    Coronary Artery Disease: Many doctors think CAD is caused in part by IR. Considering 1 in 4 die from CAD, neverind those living with CAD, IR is affecting many people.

    There is a lot of overlap between these diseases, but they don't all overlap. I just had one problem (prediabetes). I have two family friends who have developed alzheimers without T2D. I bet that is about 50%. About.

    IR is a real problem. Those with IR have been shown to usually have improved health on a lower carb diet. Yes, some do fine on a moderate carb diet, but not all. Higher carbs is generally a problem for those with IR. Those without IR do fine with higher carb diets. The problem comes if you are predisposed to IR and develop it without knowing immediately. I guess that is often the case or there wouldn't be so many people who suddenly discover they have T2D, NAFLD or PCOS.

    For healthy people, I see eating high carb as a risk. Even if you don't gain weight on a high carb diet, you could be affecting your long term health. Considering that carbs do not add any essential nutrients to a diet, I think it is best to not make carbs a majority of anyone's diet. People don't need to cut carbs to a minimum like I did, but keeping it below 30% makes sense to me.


    Calling coronary artery disease or Alzheimers symptoms of insulin resistance sounds too much like golden hammer thinking to me. You'd be just as accurate to call them the antibiotic diseases - before antibiotics so few people lived long enough that neither disease was likely to show up as a common cause of death.
    Non alcholic fatty liver disease isn't about insulin resistance, it is just plain about being overweight (other than possibly the tiny fraction of genetic causes).

    Given that something like 60-70% of adults are overweight or obese, people could easily call any disease these days related to overweight conditions, and they'd probably be more correct than blaming IR when IR is probably a symptom of overweight, not a cause.

    I don't know... I doubt that one third of the people who lived to be seniors, a couple of hundred years ago, had alzheimers. I doubt that a quarter of the people who made it to 65 during the dark ages, had T2D.

    See, I think being overweight may be another symptom of IR, or what caused IR.

    There is no real way of knowing if I am correct or not yet. It's a hypothesis. I may be proven wrong one day.
    The stat isn't 1 in 3 seniors has Alzheimers, but that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimers (or another dementia)- and oddly enough, the site you're linking to for that number contends Alzheimers can not be cured, stopped, or even slowed, which contradicts the idea that a low carb diet does anything for it. Seeing as the idea of old people becoming "off" and forgetting this is a pretty old trope, I'd say we've always had signs memory issues are common in people with advanced age, particularly in any civilization where people can continue to live in-spite of it.

    My stance on any diseases of old age is that they're all in essence what happens when a system runs longer than it was "designed" to. Evolution only puts pressure against problems that affect someone of breeding age. Therefore, alter it so that suddenly you have a large population of people exceeding that ages strongly, and you'll see a strong increase in prevalence. A hundred years or more ago, our elderly population tended to consist of people that had one both the genetic lottery and a bit of the general life circumstances lottery. Now it tends to be people that won the $20 in a scratch-off of both things.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    From my point of view, the argument works. I don't think becoming overweight is the cause of IR. i think it is often co-occuring. If the factors that cause getting fat were not there, then the factor that causes IR may not have been there either.

    This is what I believe as well.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How can you believe supposition and rumour as fact just because it fits in with your personal viewpoint? Don't you want actual evidence or is that sufficient?

    I find that an unusual position for a rational adult to be honest
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited October 2015
    There is absolutely no doubt in my kind that they will find there are things going on in bodies that contribute to obesity.

    I would still be hugely obese (and growing!) if they hadn't found out that I had a thyroid the size of Uganda trying to take over my body. They took it out, gave me pills and I started losing. I'd tried before, but couldn't. Once that issue was resolved, it was like, "Whoa! Hey! This is happening! I'm doing the work AND the weight is coming off!" That was a new experience for me, lol.

    There are probably other people who try to lose and find that they cannot and nobody knows why, so they get labeled as lazy.

    The body is a big mystery and what we've learned is only the snowflake sitting on the tip of the iceberg of what there is to learn. I'm absolutely convinced that they're going to find other things that are contributing to people's obesity. The idea that they won't learn new things...that's the thought process of a lazy mind.

    They're going to learn more and I'd bet my life (assuming it lasted that long) that some of it will indicate that there are reasons for obesity that nobody knows just now.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am still guessing that roughly half of Americans is affected by some form of insulin resistance attacking the liver (NAFLD), reproductive organs (PCOS), brain (alzheimer's) or other parts of the body. My guess is that at least half of all people will experience IR in their lifetime.

    Diabetes: Over 9% of the UA has T2D and over 27% has prediabetes. Over a quarter of all seniors have T2D... Wonder what prediabetes shoots up to in this group?

    NAFLD: Close to a third of Americans have hepatic steatosis and NAFLD.

    PCOS: Roughly 5-10% of women have PCOS.

    Alzheimer's: 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia. it is the 6th leading cause of death in th US. I do disagree that it can not be slowed though as a ketogenic has been shown to do this (for many).

    Coronary Artery Disease: Many doctors think CAD is caused in part by IR. Considering 1 in 4 die from CAD, neverind those living with CAD, IR is affecting many people.

    There is a lot of overlap between these diseases, but they don't all overlap. I just had one problem (prediabetes). I have two family friends who have developed alzheimers without T2D. I bet that is about 50%. About.

    IR is a real problem. Those with IR have been shown to usually have improved health on a lower carb diet. Yes, some do fine on a moderate carb diet, but not all. Higher carbs is generally a problem for those with IR. Those without IR do fine with higher carb diets. The problem comes if you are predisposed to IR and develop it without knowing immediately. I guess that is often the case or there wouldn't be so many people who suddenly discover they have T2D, NAFLD or PCOS.

    For healthy people, I see eating high carb as a risk. Even if you don't gain weight on a high carb diet, you could be affecting your long term health. Considering that carbs do not add any essential nutrients to a diet, I think it is best to not make carbs a majority of anyone's diet. People don't need to cut carbs to a minimum like I did, but keeping it below 30% makes sense to me.


    Calling coronary artery disease or Alzheimers symptoms of insulin resistance sounds too much like golden hammer thinking to me. You'd be just as accurate to call them the antibiotic diseases - before antibiotics so few people lived long enough that neither disease was likely to show up as a common cause of death.
    Non alcholic fatty liver disease isn't about insulin resistance, it is just plain about being overweight (other than possibly the tiny fraction of genetic causes).

    Given that something like 60-70% of adults are overweight or obese, people could easily call any disease these days related to overweight conditions, and they'd probably be more correct than blaming IR when IR is probably a symptom of overweight, not a cause.

    I don't know... I doubt that one third of the people who lived to be seniors, a couple of hundred years ago, had alzheimers. I doubt that a quarter of the people who made it to 65 during the dark ages, had T2D.

    See, I think being overweight may be another symptom of IR, or what caused IR.

    There is no real way of knowing if I am correct or not yet. It's a hypothesis. I may be proven wrong one day.
    The stat isn't 1 in 3 seniors has Alzheimers, but that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimers (or another dementia)- and oddly enough, the site you're linking to for that number contends Alzheimers can not be cured, stopped, or even slowed, which contradicts the idea that a low carb diet does anything for it. Seeing as the idea of old people becoming "off" and forgetting this is a pretty old trope, I'd say we've always had signs memory issues are common in people with advanced age, particularly in any civilization where people can continue to live in-spite of it.

    That's not really that different. If you manage to make it to your senior years, you have a 1 in 3 chance of developing alzheimer's before you die.

    I know the link said it can't be stopped, but I said I disagreed with that. MCT's and a low carb diet have been found to slow Alzheimer's in many. They're looking into it in humans now.
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am still guessing that roughly half of Americans is affected by some form of insulin resistance attacking the liver (NAFLD), reproductive organs (PCOS), brain (alzheimer's) or other parts of the body. My guess is that at least half of all people will experience IR in their lifetime.

    Diabetes: Over 9% of the UA has T2D and over 27% has prediabetes. Over a quarter of all seniors have T2D... Wonder what prediabetes shoots up to in this group?

    NAFLD: Close to a third of Americans have hepatic steatosis and NAFLD.

    PCOS: Roughly 5-10% of women have PCOS.

    Alzheimer's: 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia. it is the 6th leading cause of death in th US. I do disagree that it can not be slowed though as a ketogenic has been shown to do this (for many).

    Coronary Artery Disease: Many doctors think CAD is caused in part by IR. Considering 1 in 4 die from CAD, neverind those living with CAD, IR is affecting many people.

    There is a lot of overlap between these diseases, but they don't all overlap. I just had one problem (prediabetes). I have two family friends who have developed alzheimers without T2D. I bet that is about 50%. About.

    IR is a real problem. Those with IR have been shown to usually have improved health on a lower carb diet. Yes, some do fine on a moderate carb diet, but not all. Higher carbs is generally a problem for those with IR. Those without IR do fine with higher carb diets. The problem comes if you are predisposed to IR and develop it without knowing immediately. I guess that is often the case or there wouldn't be so many people who suddenly discover they have T2D, NAFLD or PCOS.

    For healthy people, I see eating high carb as a risk. Even if you don't gain weight on a high carb diet, you could be affecting your long term health. Considering that carbs do not add any essential nutrients to a diet, I think it is best to not make carbs a majority of anyone's diet. People don't need to cut carbs to a minimum like I did, but keeping it below 30% makes sense to me.


    Calling coronary artery disease or Alzheimers symptoms of insulin resistance sounds too much like golden hammer thinking to me. You'd be just as accurate to call them the antibiotic diseases - before antibiotics so few people lived long enough that neither disease was likely to show up as a common cause of death.
    Non alcholic fatty liver disease isn't about insulin resistance, it is just plain about being overweight (other than possibly the tiny fraction of genetic causes).

    Given that something like 60-70% of adults are overweight or obese, people could easily call any disease these days related to overweight conditions, and they'd probably be more correct than blaming IR when IR is probably a symptom of overweight, not a cause.

    I don't know... I doubt that one third of the people who lived to be seniors, a couple of hundred years ago, had alzheimers. I doubt that a quarter of the people who made it to 65 during the dark ages, had T2D.

    See, I think being overweight may be another symptom of IR, or what caused IR.

    There is no real way of knowing if I am correct or not yet. It's a hypothesis. I may be proven wrong one day.

    My stance on any diseases of old age is that they're all in essence what happens when a system runs longer than it was "designed" to. Evolution only puts pressure against problems that affect someone of breeding age. Therefore, alter it so that suddenly you have a large population of people exceeding that ages strongly, and you'll see a strong increase in prevalence. A hundred years or more ago, our elderly population tended to consist of people that had one both the genetic lottery and a bit of the general life circumstances lottery. Now it tends to be people that won the $20 in a scratch-off of both things.

    That could be. We all have to die of something.
  • AmandaGaulding
    AmandaGaulding Posts: 69 Member
    I think that everyone's bodies are different. Some people can have insulin resistance or tendencies towards insulin resistance, and they do better with lower carb. Some people need higher fat to keep their hormones in balance. Some people need more protein. It's whatever works best for your body, and the only way to find that out is to experiment with different macro ratios. I know that I personally do better with moderate amounts of carbs when my goal is weight loss. However, carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of fuel. Carbohydrates give you energy in the gym. Every macro nutrient has its own purpose, which is why MOST people benefit from a balanced diet of *healthy* sources of carbs, fats, and proteins.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    How can you believe supposition and rumour as fact just because it fits in with your personal viewpoint? Don't you want actual evidence or is that sufficient?

    I find that an unusual position for a rational adult to be honest

    There are conflicting studies out there. One just has to do their own research and apply the info as it best fits their life experiences. I developed IR. Was I overweight when it happened? I doubt it, although I was overweight when it was discovered. To me, that says fatness is not the cause IR. I'm not a special snowflake, even if I'd like to believe I am.

    Kalikel wrote: »
    There is absolutely no doubt in my kind that they will find there are things going on in bodies that contribute to obesity.

    I would still be hugely obese (and growing!) if they hadn't found out that I had a thyroid the size of Uganda trying to take over my body. They took it out, gave me pills and I started losing. I'd tried before, but couldn't. Once that issue was resolved, it was like, "Whoa! Hey! This is happening! I'm doing the work AND the weight is coming off!" That was a new experience for me, lol.

    There are probably other people who try to lose and find that they cannot and nobody knows why, so they get labeled as lazy.

    The body is a big mystery and what we've learned is only the snowflake sitting on the tip of the iceberg of what there is to learn. I'm absolutely convinced that they're going to find other things that are contributing to people's obesity. The idea that they won't learn new things...that's the thought process of a lazy mind.

    They're going to learn more and I'd bet my life (assuming it lasted that long) that some of it will indicate that there are reasons for obesity that nobody knows just now.

    LOL I'm sorry you went through that, but the way you worded that was a giggle. :)

    I agree. I think it is egotistical to believe we know it all at this point. I'm sure my kids will look back at this time and think we were nuts, sort of like how I look back at the low fat, high carb, fat causes high cholesterol which causes CAD, and steady state exercise is the ideal trends of my childhood and roll my eyes.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Oh don't get me wrong I know we don't know everything ...I'm also pretty sure much of what we currently know will be changed by continuing scientific research

    I just don't see zebras for everyone

    Your own position(s) are of you had a diagnosed thyroid issue and treatment, the other had an IR diagnosis when at a healthy BMI ...both are medical certainties and both will colour your own view of the general populace

    But you should also, in my opinion, leave room for the fact that the majority don't share your diagnosis that mainly the herd is made up of horses

    Pushed that analogy to breaking point :bigsmile:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree that many people appear to do fine with carbs. I don't think they are a large majority anymore. Or even a majority.

    What happened to that horse thread the other day... LOL
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    i hear all the time that carbs are bad. why is that?

    Carbs have been made a bit of a scapegoat for over eating.

    There is nothing bad about carbs, they do a job and do it well. As long as you are getting adequate protein then eat as many carbs as you like, if it fits within your calorie goal.

    I personally feel too much importance is put on carbs to the detriment of other macro nutrients such as fat.

    Even MFP's approach is moderate to high carb and a restriction on fat percentages, but that's just my personal take on it and my own personal preference for eating.

    Main thing is hit your set calorie goal and get your vitamin and minerals. Whilst one carb is four calories, some carbs give you more bang for your buck when it comes to nutrition.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    senecarr wrote: »

    It would be interesting to see that research. I'd imagine it has issues with the population selected. Generally speaking, if someone isn't yet obese or has other confounds or concerns, the typical physician's office's reply to glucose challenge requests is "ain't nobody got time for 'dat."

    Dr Kraft is your man,
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm a bit surprised by the diet profile.

    "We identified a dietary pattern characterized by high consumption of low-calorie/diet soft drinks, onions, sugar-sweetened beverages, burgers and sausages, crisps and other snacks, and white bread and low consumption of medium-/high-fiber breakfast cereals, jam, French dressing/vinaigrette, and wholemeal bread. "

    Onions? Low consumption of jam and French dressing?

    me too, I'm guessing the junk food eaters have onions on their burgers / hot dogs and don't have French dressing on their salads or spread jam on their croissants or toast.

    I think the big data exercise spotted trends against those variables then grouped people by that diet profile in order to look at the trends by diet "type".
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Oh don't get me wrong I know we don't know everything ...I'm also pretty sure much of what we currently know will be changed by continuing scientific research

    I just don't see zebras for everyone

    Your own position(s) are of you had a diagnosed thyroid issue and treatment, the other had an IR diagnosis when at a healthy BMI ...both are medical certainties and both will colour your own view of the general populace

    But you should also, in my opinion, leave room for the fact that the majority don't share your diagnosis that mainly the herd is made up of horses

    Pushed that analogy to breaking point :bigsmile:
    It doesn't color my view of anything or anyone. I don't think most people are just like me. That's the point. I think everyone is different and I suspect that there are things going on that have yet to be discovered.

    Where you think, "That's a herd of horses!", I think, "I cannot see the herd clearly enough. I don't know know what is in there."
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am still guessing that roughly half of Americans is affected by some form of insulin resistance attacking the liver (NAFLD), reproductive organs (PCOS), brain (alzheimer's) or other parts of the body. My guess is that at least half of all people will experience IR in their lifetime.

    Diabetes: Over 9% of the UA has T2D and over 27% has prediabetes. Over a quarter of all seniors have T2D... Wonder what prediabetes shoots up to in this group?

    NAFLD: Close to a third of Americans have hepatic steatosis and NAFLD.

    PCOS: Roughly 5-10% of women have PCOS.

    Alzheimer's: 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia. it is the 6th leading cause of death in th US. I do disagree that it can not be slowed though as a ketogenic has been shown to do this (for many).

    Coronary Artery Disease: Many doctors think CAD is caused in part by IR. Considering 1 in 4 die from CAD, neverind those living with CAD, IR is affecting many people.

    There is a lot of overlap between these diseases, but they don't all overlap. I just had one problem (prediabetes). I have two family friends who have developed alzheimers without T2D. I bet that is about 50%. About.

    IR is a real problem. Those with IR have been shown to usually have improved health on a lower carb diet. Yes, some do fine on a moderate carb diet, but not all. Higher carbs is generally a problem for those with IR. Those without IR do fine with higher carb diets. The problem comes if you are predisposed to IR and develop it without knowing immediately. I guess that is often the case or there wouldn't be so many people who suddenly discover they have T2D, NAFLD or PCOS.

    For healthy people, I see eating high carb as a risk. Even if you don't gain weight on a high carb diet, you could be affecting your long term health. Considering that carbs do not add any essential nutrients to a diet, I think it is best to not make carbs a majority of anyone's diet. People don't need to cut carbs to a minimum like I did, but keeping it below 30% makes sense to me.


    Calling coronary artery disease or Alzheimers symptoms of insulin resistance sounds too much like golden hammer thinking to me. You'd be just as accurate to call them the antibiotic diseases - before antibiotics so few people lived long enough that neither disease was likely to show up as a common cause of death.
    Non alcholic fatty liver disease isn't about insulin resistance, it is just plain about being overweight (other than possibly the tiny fraction of genetic causes).

    Given that something like 60-70% of adults are overweight or obese, people could easily call any disease these days related to overweight conditions, and they'd probably be more correct than blaming IR when IR is probably a symptom of overweight, not a cause.

    I don't know... I doubt that one third of the people who lived to be seniors, a couple of hundred years ago, had alzheimers. I doubt that a quarter of the people who made it to 65 during the dark ages, had T2D.

    See, I think being overweight may be another symptom of IR, or what caused IR.

    There is no real way of knowing if I am correct or not yet. It's a hypothesis. I may be proven wrong one day.
    The stat isn't 1 in 3 seniors has Alzheimers, but that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimers (or another dementia)- and oddly enough, the site you're linking to for that number contends Alzheimers can not be cured, stopped, or even slowed, which contradicts the idea that a low carb diet does anything for it. Seeing as the idea of old people becoming "off" and forgetting this is a pretty old trope, I'd say we've always had signs memory issues are common in people with advanced age, particularly in any civilization where people can continue to live in-spite of it.

    That's not really that different. If you manage to make it to your senior years, you have a 1 in 3 chance of developing alzheimer's before you die.

    I know the link said it can't be stopped, but I said I disagreed with that. MCT's and a low carb diet have been found to slow Alzheimer's in many. They're looking into it in humans now.
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am still guessing that roughly half of Americans is affected by some form of insulin resistance attacking the liver (NAFLD), reproductive organs (PCOS), brain (alzheimer's) or other parts of the body. My guess is that at least half of all people will experience IR in their lifetime.

    Diabetes: Over 9% of the UA has T2D and over 27% has prediabetes. Over a quarter of all seniors have T2D... Wonder what prediabetes shoots up to in this group?

    NAFLD: Close to a third of Americans have hepatic steatosis and NAFLD.

    PCOS: Roughly 5-10% of women have PCOS.

    Alzheimer's: 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia. it is the 6th leading cause of death in th US. I do disagree that it can not be slowed though as a ketogenic has been shown to do this (for many).

    Coronary Artery Disease: Many doctors think CAD is caused in part by IR. Considering 1 in 4 die from CAD, neverind those living with CAD, IR is affecting many people.

    There is a lot of overlap between these diseases, but they don't all overlap. I just had one problem (prediabetes). I have two family friends who have developed alzheimers without T2D. I bet that is about 50%. About.

    IR is a real problem. Those with IR have been shown to usually have improved health on a lower carb diet. Yes, some do fine on a moderate carb diet, but not all. Higher carbs is generally a problem for those with IR. Those without IR do fine with higher carb diets. The problem comes if you are predisposed to IR and develop it without knowing immediately. I guess that is often the case or there wouldn't be so many people who suddenly discover they have T2D, NAFLD or PCOS.

    For healthy people, I see eating high carb as a risk. Even if you don't gain weight on a high carb diet, you could be affecting your long term health. Considering that carbs do not add any essential nutrients to a diet, I think it is best to not make carbs a majority of anyone's diet. People don't need to cut carbs to a minimum like I did, but keeping it below 30% makes sense to me.


    Calling coronary artery disease or Alzheimers symptoms of insulin resistance sounds too much like golden hammer thinking to me. You'd be just as accurate to call them the antibiotic diseases - before antibiotics so few people lived long enough that neither disease was likely to show up as a common cause of death.
    Non alcholic fatty liver disease isn't about insulin resistance, it is just plain about being overweight (other than possibly the tiny fraction of genetic causes).

    Given that something like 60-70% of adults are overweight or obese, people could easily call any disease these days related to overweight conditions, and they'd probably be more correct than blaming IR when IR is probably a symptom of overweight, not a cause.

    I don't know... I doubt that one third of the people who lived to be seniors, a couple of hundred years ago, had alzheimers. I doubt that a quarter of the people who made it to 65 during the dark ages, had T2D.

    See, I think being overweight may be another symptom of IR, or what caused IR.

    There is no real way of knowing if I am correct or not yet. It's a hypothesis. I may be proven wrong one day.

    My stance on any diseases of old age is that they're all in essence what happens when a system runs longer than it was "designed" to. Evolution only puts pressure against problems that affect someone of breeding age. Therefore, alter it so that suddenly you have a large population of people exceeding that ages strongly, and you'll see a strong increase in prevalence. A hundred years or more ago, our elderly population tended to consist of people that had one both the genetic lottery and a bit of the general life circumstances lottery. Now it tends to be people that won the $20 in a scratch-off of both things.

    That could be. We all have to die of something.

    Not me. I'm immortal, and no one can ever prove otherwise to me.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    From my point of view, the argument works. I don't think becoming overweight is the cause of IR. i think it is often co-occuring. If the factors that cause getting fat were not there, then the factor that causes IR may not have been there either.

    These studies never tell you if it is the top 10% IR people that become obese. They do tell you that there are obese people without insulin resistance, and that the distributions are fairly broad :-
    f5lj1qrtwqtb.png Filled circles (left) lean, open are obese. Right bar chart Black
    bars, hyperinsulinemia; light gray bars, insulin resistance; dark gray bars, hypersecretion of insulin.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Oh thank God, I was thinking I was missing something because I didn't get the extension of the horse analogy either

    What did you mean @Kalikel ?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    i hear all the time that carbs are bad. why is that?

    Lots of bad information is out there.

    For better information on nutrition, check out:

    The healthy plate is a pretty good place to start. Note that it says WHOLE grains and limit refined grains. If you're not sure of the difference, learn it.

    Um, are you talking to me?

    I was agreeing with you to the OP.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    i hear all the time that carbs are bad. why is that?

    Lots of bad information is out there.

    For better information on nutrition, check out:

    The healthy plate is a pretty good place to start. Note that it says WHOLE grains and limit refined grains. If you're not sure of the difference, learn it.

    Um, are you talking to me?

    I was agreeing with you to the OP.
