I've never seen a persons daily meal include junk food.



  • RSavage83
    RSavage83 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm trying to readjust my mentality towards "junk" foods. I eat light tapioca pudding (1 pot is 90 cal) or sugar free white chocolate pudding (only 70 cal per 1/4 cup). I also eat baked ritz chips with light artichoke dip as my crunchy/salty snack. Over time I'm developing a taste for these new "junk" foods. I don't really crave chips and cakes... not at the moment... just chocolate during PMS but another user suggested buying mini Halloween bars, which I did, and I just eat 1 or 2. I put the bag on the top shelf so I can't see it or reach it easily lol. I find with me it's starting to be a case of out of sight, out of mind. In the last 2.5 weeks I let myself eat a small bag of chips and one chocolate bar. I enjoyed them both immensely since I've cut them out of my diet for the most part.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I make things like protein fluff, or if I want oreos, instead of eating 6 I'll crush up ONE in greek yogurt. I read a lot of labels in the grocery store and look for gems. I found some very thin sugar cookies that have 160 calories for 10, I usually add 3 to some zoats (oats bulked with zucchini) or a little ice cream/frozen yogurt. Today I added them to some canned pumpkin with Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup.

    A good example...tonight I had popcorn pre-logged to my dessert. I noticed my fat intake was low so instead I went to the store and bought pork rinds, which I love. I replaced the popcorn with something fried and it actually helped me hit my goals.

    So now you have two almost full packages of oreos and sugar cookies left over. What do you do about that? Maybe you can eat them before they go stale and stay within your calorie goals, but I sure can't. This is why it's easier for me to avoid them completely.

    That's why I don't buy cookies anymore unless I know my kids will eat them too, to be honest... It's definitely a valid point.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Today alone, I've had pizza, pad Thai, and a zero chocolate bar, among other things. If it fits, I eats.
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    Had two cheeseburgers, fries, soda and cookies for dinner tonight. Of course I was busy and didn't eat till dinner but it was full out junk tonight. And I lost over a pound this week. :) But really I do have a lot of weight to lose so I guess I can still get by with it for now as long as I am within calorie range. Started off on paleo but gave in for Labor day and couldn't ever get fully back on track due to movie night candy, pizza and soda etc. Of course over the month of Sept. I only lost 2lbs the whole month on average because I went over calorie many days. But now I have embraced the fact I can at least for now eat anything I like and lose as long as I stay within my daily calorie range. Good luck.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I log any junk I eat, which usually includes a chunky Kit kat a couple times a week, and a bowl of ice cream here and there. I would say I have a "junk food" item at least 3 times a week. 82lbs down so far.
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    edited October 2015
    Lets see yesterday I also had a Starburst freeze and two tacos at taco bell, Panera bread for lunch and gingersnaps and cookie butter from trader joes. I really want some more of those cookies and cookie butter but I sent the devil cookies home with my dad or I would have finished the whole tub, it could have been a disaster. (oh but they are delish.) But as many have said this isn't everyday thing most days I try to eat lots of lean protein, vegetables and fruit. I do love eating whatever I want in moderation.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited October 2015
    lorrpb wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I make things like protein fluff, or if I want oreos, instead of eating 6 I'll crush up ONE in greek yogurt. I read a lot of labels in the grocery store and look for gems. I found some very thin sugar cookies that have 160 calories for 10, I usually add 3 to some zoats (oats bulked with zucchini) or a little ice cream/frozen yogurt. Today I added them to some canned pumpkin with Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup.

    A good example...tonight I had popcorn pre-logged to my dessert. I noticed my fat intake was low so instead I went to the store and bought pork rinds, which I love. I replaced the popcorn with something fried and it actually helped me hit my goals.

    So now you have two almost full packages of oreos and sugar cookies left over. What do you do about that? Maybe you can eat them before they go stale and stay within your calorie goals, but I sure can't. This is why it's easier for me to avoid them completely.

    I freeze extra cookies all the time. Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth, but even my daughter forgets they're there.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    My dairy is open - today you'll find fried fish tacos and caramel cashew clusters, and Cap'n Crunch before bed. Previous days/weeks will show potato chips with lunch (or for snacks), cookies, ice cream, pie, margaritas, crackers, cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, etc.

    I'm in this for life, and I'm not willing to give up any of those foods, I just eat a lot less of them than I used to. Some days I still go over cals, not a big deal, but I don't sit down and eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting - I measure out a portion on my lunch plate and put the bag away. And this is learned behavior, or rather unlearning the old habits of just eating until I feel stuffed. I've learned that I really dislike that feeling, so the discipline to stop before I get there followed. Pre-logging food helps. And looking back over the days and weeks to see where I did well, and where I didn't, and asking myself if the calories for this or that were worth it, or could I do with a half portion, etc, etc.

    It takes time for habits to change, but it's worth it!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    lorrpb wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I make things like protein fluff, or if I want oreos, instead of eating 6 I'll crush up ONE in greek yogurt. I read a lot of labels in the grocery store and look for gems. I found some very thin sugar cookies that have 160 calories for 10, I usually add 3 to some zoats (oats bulked with zucchini) or a little ice cream/frozen yogurt. Today I added them to some canned pumpkin with Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup.

    A good example...tonight I had popcorn pre-logged to my dessert. I noticed my fat intake was low so instead I went to the store and bought pork rinds, which I love. I replaced the popcorn with something fried and it actually helped me hit my goals.

    So now you have two almost full packages of oreos and sugar cookies left over. What do you do about that? Maybe you can eat them before they go stale and stay within your calorie goals, but I sure can't. This is why it's easier for me to avoid them completely.

    I freeze extra cookies all the time. Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth, but even my daughter forgets they're there.

    Yep. I just ate two oreos and put the rest in the freezer. A lot less tempting when they're all hard and frozen.

    I bought the Oreos to help meet my fat macro. I was planning on eating 6 but decided to have a Quest bar instead
  • soulofgrace
    soulofgrace Posts: 175 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    lorrpb wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I make things like protein fluff, or if I want oreos, instead of eating 6 I'll crush up ONE in greek yogurt. I read a lot of labels in the grocery store and look for gems. I found some very thin sugar cookies that have 160 calories for 10, I usually add 3 to some zoats (oats bulked with zucchini) or a little ice cream/frozen yogurt. Today I added them to some canned pumpkin with Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup.

    A good example...tonight I had popcorn pre-logged to my dessert. I noticed my fat intake was low so instead I went to the store and bought pork rinds, which I love. I replaced the popcorn with something fried and it actually helped me hit my goals.

    So now you have two almost full packages of oreos and sugar cookies left over. What do you do about that? Maybe you can eat them before they go stale and stay within your calorie goals, but I sure can't. This is why it's easier for me to avoid them completely.

    I freeze extra cookies all the time. Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth, but even my daughter forgets they're there.

    Yep. I just ate two oreos and put the rest in the freezer. A lot less tempting when they're all hard and frozen.

    I bought the Oreos to help meet my fat macro. I was planning on eating 6 but decided to have a Quest bar instead

    Where there's a will, there's a way! ;) Oreo stuff probably doesn't freeze that hard, and frozen oreos sound good. Gonna try it. :)
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    I haven't logged in awhile but when I first started my whole days were mostly junk food.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I make things like protein fluff, or if I want oreos, instead of eating 6 I'll crush up ONE in greek yogurt. I read a lot of labels in the grocery store and look for gems. I found some very thin sugar cookies that have 160 calories for 10, I usually add 3 to some zoats (oats bulked with zucchini) or a little ice cream/frozen yogurt. Today I added them to some canned pumpkin with Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup.

    A good example...tonight I had popcorn pre-logged to my dessert. I noticed my fat intake was low so instead I went to the store and bought pork rinds, which I love. I replaced the popcorn with something fried and it actually helped me hit my goals.

    So now you have two almost full packages of oreos and sugar cookies left over. What do you do about that? Maybe you can eat them before they go stale and stay within your calorie goals, but I sure can't. This is why it's easier for me to avoid them completely.

    I freeze extra cookies all the time. Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth, but even my daughter forgets they're there.

    Frozen Thin Mints are the best!
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    I could eat junk food all day long. It's easier not to eat any than to eat a little.
  • I eat and log Semisweet chocolate chips. Every. Day.
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    Oh I agree I love frozen thin mints. We buy like a dozen boxes at girl scout cookie time to last as long as possible (not to long with two kiddos) The deep freezer cookies are so good. No wonder I have a lot of weight to lose.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    Yeah. It's harder when I don't get time to work out, because I'm cutting it close to the edge on calories then. It's sort of a mix -- lots of salads, kashi bars, grilled chicken, brown rice, but if I want something else that's "junk" or "convenience" food I have it.
    Like yesterday. I finally got home at 8PM from work, and I flushed my iphone down a toilet. Yep. So I had to get out to ****** and get a new one before they closed. Very stressful. So yeah I had a Big Mac. I felt SOOOOOO salaciously wicked eating a Big Mac. As I sat in McDonalds I realized "wow this is a little like not saying Voldemort's name out loud....it's just a hamburger for heaven's sake....it just doesn't have that much power to be GOOD or EEEEVIL....".... and I was under my calories so it worked fine.

  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I haven't logged anything in a while but I'll eat Pringles, Cheez-Its, cookies, etc. Eating some junk food helps keep me from feeling like I'm restricting myself from foods I enjoy.
  • fawlty70
    fawlty70 Posts: 22 Member
    I log everything. Plenty of McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's in mine, if that counts as junk food. When it comes to meals, fast food is some of the easiest stuff for me to diet on since it's clearly marker with calorie content and much of it is inexpensive and fast. Not great nutrition wise but with small modifications like no cheese no mayo etc its hard to beat for convenience and ease.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    I love these ideas! I once read a book called the carb addicts diet, and it tells of a man who loved some kind of chocolate truffles or something like that, and he would have one after he finished his dinner, and he said that it satisfied him, knowing that he could have that piece of candy everyday, that he actually looked forward to it, and he kept losing weight, because he stayed within his calorie goal. I remembered that, as I was reading all these replies.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I make things like protein fluff, or if I want oreos, instead of eating 6 I'll crush up ONE in greek yogurt. I read a lot of labels in the grocery store and look for gems. I found some very thin sugar cookies that have 160 calories for 10, I usually add 3 to some zoats (oats bulked with zucchini) or a little ice cream/frozen yogurt. Today I added them to some canned pumpkin with Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup.

    A good example...tonight I had popcorn pre-logged to my dessert. I noticed my fat intake was low so instead I went to the store and bought pork rinds, which I love. I replaced the popcorn with something fried and it actually helped me hit my goals.

    Holy crap! That sounds good! You are my foodie hero >:)