what do skinny people eat?!?

I would like to know. Honestly I just know I need to change or I will never get this weight off. Not to mention I'm teaching all 3 of my daughters bad eating habits. I hate myself this weight and have been stuck around this weight for 2 1/2 years. My husband and I have horrible eating patterns fast food, pizza frozen or take out, lasagna, tacos and baked chicken nuggets and fries are basically our staples. I guess the surprise isn't that I now weight 280 lbs on my 5'4 frame. I'm drowning and I know if I don't change I will die, I've been dying on their inside. Please giver ideas of healthy eating.


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    They eat food, just like us fat people. They just eat less. And they move more. Pretty simple concept, really.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Feel free to send me a friend request and have peek at my diary. I'm a mum too so I understand your concern for your kids.

    Maybe start with one meal at a time rather than throw yourself into a drastic change where you might feel like you "slip up" and "fail" (which isn't really failing as long as you pick yourself up and keep going).

    How about starting the day with oats? Plan dinners around meat and veggies? Search through the recipes on here.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    You can eat all those things. Just find healthy recipes and not store bought crap. Baked sweet potato/regular potato with herbs instead of fried potatoes, homemade pizza with fresh cheese and vegetables, etc etc.

    What vegetables/fruits/nuts/meats do you like?
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Make those things healthier. I made my own baked chicken nuggets all the time. Same with pizza. English muffin personal pizza's are a stable with me on lazy days I don't want to put forth an effort with cooking.

    My advise is start small. Start drinking more water and cut back on sugary drinks. Next add more veggies to your meals. Then... maybe cut and only go out x amount of days per week/month.

    What works for me is making a menu one day and planning for the week. The crock pot is also my best friend. So many things you can make in it and so little effort and clean up. Makes things way less stressful for me.
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    Well, I wouldn't call myself a super skinny person but average Australian size for girls around my age. I eat fast food on average once a month. I eat a lot of spinach, wholegrain bread and I only eat one carb-heavy meal per day (brown rice for dinner). On a daily basis, I only eat low fat food and generally avoid cheesey foods, fried foods and processed foods. I can't remember when was the last time I ate margarine/butter. I don't drink soft drinks, only with my fast food meal.

    I would suggest you
    - Stop drinking fizzy drinks (maybe start out with Pepsi Max and wean yourself off it, worked for me)
    - Drink only unsweetened tea, water, or metamucil mixed with water (if you hate the taste of water)
    - Limit fast food to once a week
    - Processed food should be an occasional treat (eliminate nuggets and fries, and replace them with wholegrain bread with turkey ham)
    - Eat FRUIT
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I eat REAL food. Typically stay away from all things processed. I make most of my own food. It doesn't take long... I prep on Sunday evenings and eat my food throughout the week, on a regular every-3-hour schedule. It's pretty simple.

    I also workout. A lot. Some say I'm obsessed. I lift heavy. Muscle burns more than fat. And my body looks better.

    I'm a mother of 3 and find time for this. After all, this is MY LIFE we are talking about. I've got 1 body and I want to experience all I can!

    By the way, the less you eat fast food, the less you crave it. I ate at a local fast food place on Friday for my "cheat meal" and let me tell you, it wasn't NEARLY as good as I remember it and I felt slow and sluggish the last 2 days.

    Oh, I also drink LOTS of water. At least a gallon a day. And make healthy subs for my all time fave desserts =)
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    This is a lifestyle change. We hardly ever buy fast food or do takeout but if we do we make good choices by looking on their website and find the ni on what they have. I don't buy frozen pizza , nor do I buy chicken nuggets. I prefer sweet potato fries. If we have lasagna it's wheat noodles and fat free ricotta cheese from scratch so I can control what is going in it.

    We now eat alot of vegetables, fruit, lean beef, chicken, fish. We don't deep fry or bread anything. It's either grilled, baked with spices or sauteed with alittle olive oil. I eat alot of low calorie cereal with skim milk and fruit and greek yogurt. We use skim milk. We buy whole wheat bread 40 calories or sandwich thins for sandwiches, snacks are light popcorn if we want it or low calorie ice cream.

    I am seeing a dietitian and she is helping me. I am on 1400 calories a day and have to eat 70 protein. I had horrible eating habits in the past but since I have been eating healthy I am feeling healthy. Also, exercise was not in my vocabulary but I now go to water aerobics 4 days a week and swim.

    Please start right now and get your family on the healthy eating track. See if your insurance will pay for you to see a dietitian most do. Good Luck to you and your family. You started by signing up on mfp. We are here to help.
  • vaironika
    vaironika Posts: 36
    Try to navigate towards the produce section of the grocery stores instead of the packaged junk isles. Take your kids with you so they can see and appreciate the beautiful colors of all the vegetables and fruits and let them pick the ones they want to try. Make each meal contain mostly fresh veggies and have fruit for a sweet snack. You can even make ice cream for you and your kids by blending up frozen banana slices and you can add in natural cocoa powder or other frozen fruit for different flavours. The more natural foods you eat the more you'll crave them because your tastebuds will adjust and healthy eating will become natural to you. The key is to fill your fridge and pantry will plenty of natural, unprocessed foods and look for healthier versions of the foods you enjoy. Try not to eat out so much, save your money and spend it on healthy groceries instead. Also remember to stay active as well! Good luck on your journey to health!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    food but not when we're not hungry
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    Look at the food diary entries for people who have had success or are at a weight you would like to be -- you will see what people who are serious about their health eat.

    I would make a recommendation -- change your focus from weight loss to health. It makes things easier and more sustainable. If each choice you make you think about its impact on your goal to get healthy you will avoid the processed "diet" foods which are filled with sugar (generally) and really don't change your eating habits just what you are eating. Eventually you go back to what you used to eat because you didn't change -- at least this has been my experience in the past.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like a fellow 5'4" mom of three who has a considerable amount to lose.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I ate everything you currently eat and lost over 40lbs, but I did alternate day intermittent fasting with it :) There's a group on here called JUDDD, that is about the plan I did if you want more info. Otherwise another, more laid back version, called 5:2 IF, is really popular and there's a group here for that as well.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    When I was skinny, I ate cheap fast food most of the time. But I ate small portions and I walked everywhere. (Poor college student with no transportation.)

    Eat what you like, but eat at a deficit. It's really all about the math.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    your goal weight is about my actual weight. I've been eating healthily for years and this is my first weight loss diet (I started here at 137lbs 75 days ago!) I gained these 10lbs over about 3 years when my grown-up kids flew the nest and I cooked the same quantities and ate them!

    I eat the same foods now as I did before - I just count my portion sizes religiously these days! My diary is open, I log everything (the good, the bad, the everything!)
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    what do skinny people eat?!?
    You'll find a wide range of answers on this, because I'm sure it varies quite a bit. However, my cousin and I were talking the other day about how it helps in weight loss to be PICKY. Don't just eat stuff you don't like because it's there. Or something that's mediocre. She was mentioning that a couple of her 'naturally' skinny friends will get a meal out, not like it, and just not eat. I think pickyness can be a tool you use to help lose weight. Just a thought :)

    I will add that kids sort of naturally eat like this. They also don't eat when they're not hungry.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Skinny people don't all eat the same things. Some eat heatlhy and some do not. Some eat a lot and some eat a little.

    But it's good that you have your health as a focus. Forget "skinny" and keep that focus on health and fitness. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, vegetable fats and whole grains. Keep your calories in check and your treats as treats and not dietary staples. Prepare more of your meals from scratch rather than buying preprepared meals.

    Read this:

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    food but not when we're not hungry

    there's your answer
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    It's not that skinny people eat special food, they eat less and for the most part will eat lower calorie options. I guess you could call me "skinny" and I still eat cheese, peanut bitter, cookies, pizza, etc. I just don't eat massive portions and I eat more healthy stuff.
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    In all seriousness, I learned to cook.
    I used to be a pop it out of the freezer and into the oven gal, but now I make a ton of 20-30 minute skillet meals, stir fries, etc.

    Also, I've found if I stay on the out skirts of the grocery store, I find better foods. Most of the processed stuff they keep in the middle.
    I still eat some processed stuff, because I still want to live my life and enjoy things, but for the most part I try and make healthier choices.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    They eat food, just like us fat people. They just eat less. And they move more. Pretty simple concept, really.
    Some do. Some don't. Meaning some don't "just eat less". Some make conscious decisions about WHAT they eat as well.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Skinny people simply eat less and/or move more.

    There was a pretty good documentary I saw a while ago on HBO. I don't remember the exact title, but I think it was called "Weight of the Nation" or something like that. In the first segment, they talk about how there is a genetic component and an environmental component. There really isn't much we can do about the genetics, but there is plenty we can do about the environment. Start with your personal environment -- your home. Just don't have your "weakness" foods in your house. If you can't have a bag of potato chips in your house without having an urge to eat the whole bag in one sitting, then don't have potato chips in your house. Also, use food journals, such as MFP (That's why you are here right??) to control your portions. You don't have to get overly obsessive, but start to understand portions. Understand how many potato chips is 150 calories. Understand how many chicken nuggets is considered a serving. Understand that if you eat 4 slices of pizza, that is going to be close 600 calories or more.

    Start with the simple stuff first, then you can start to get into the details.