Any 5'6-8" Ladies who started around 175 pounds and looking to/ have already lost 40 pounds?



  • joanaliachristina
    joanaliachristina Posts: 18 Member
    Yes yes! I'm 5'7 and currently 167lbs (started at 183lbs), aiming for 130lbs. I was about 150lbs for the past few years, until I took a new medication and gained over 30lbs. Trying to lose that weight, and an additional 20lbs!

    Lost the initial pounds by trying to cut down on carbs and calories, as well as NO LATE NIGHT EATING! Basically, I eat between 12pm and 8pm every day but this is a bit flexible either way. Also, a lot of green tea.

    I did do cardio while on the medication but it made me gain more weight as I was gaining muscle and fat at the same time. Currently concentrating on eating less, but trying to get into weights and exercise again. :)

    Any advice or suggestions much appreciated!

    We can do this!
  • joanaliachristina
    joanaliachristina Posts: 18 Member
    pita7317 wrote: »
    I am 5'7 and started at 183lbs.
    Met my goal of 137lbs March of this year. Currently 135.6lbs.
    Been on MFP for the last two years.
    Let's see, advice ?
    Lifestyle change. Not a diet.
    Set small goals of weight loss not the overall number of lbs you want to lose.
    Portion control. Weigh, measure all foods.
    Limit carbs, processed foods, sodium.
    Enjoy the journey ! Each single lb you lose.
    And last. There will be days that you over eat. Never give up. ;)

    This is so inspirational as you are my exact height and starting weight so it's really encouraging to see that others have done it, so I can do it too. :) Thank you for sharing.
  • tltmom
    tltmom Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all!
    5'6, 173.8 SW 163.4 CW, been logging on MFP about 8 weeks. Goal about 140.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    Blimey - 175lbs and losing 40lbs - I just want to get back there.......... its spot on BMI for me at 5' 8.5"
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    You are welcome ! :) Same as you ! lol. New medication, quit smoking, went thru menopause. Boom ! 30 lbs in one year. 152 to 183. Ended up wanting to get down another 15ish. And here I am.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Yes yes! I'm 5'7 and currently 167lbs (started at 183lbs), aiming for 130lbs. I was about 150lbs for the past few years, until I took a new medication and gained over 30lbs. Trying to lose that weight, and an additional 20lbs!

    Lost the initial pounds by trying to cut down on carbs and calories, as well as NO LATE NIGHT EATING! Basically, I eat between 12pm and 8pm every day but this is a bit flexible either way. Also, a lot of green tea.

    I did do cardio while on the medication but it made me gain more weight as I was gaining muscle and fat at the same time. Currently concentrating on eating less, but trying to get into weights and exercise again. :)

    Any advice or suggestions much appreciated!

    We can do this!

    When you lose weight, you can expect to lose some of the muscle you gained along with the fat. You can lessen how much muscle you lose by making sure to eat plenty of protein each day - near 100 gr per day.

  • rapunzel1029
    rapunzel1029 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been on MFP since Jan 2014-went from 189 to 137 at 5'7". Followed IIFYM-did cardio and weightlifting. Up until pretty much now I did cheat meals every week-sometimes more than one time a week. Tightening up the diet and exercise because now I'm working on really losing the body fat. My goal is 127 and at the most 20% BF-then I will bulk to put on more muscle. Feel free to friend me or to check out my diary.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Blimey - 175lbs and losing 40lbs - I just want to get back there.......... its spot on BMI for me at 5' 8.5"

    I remember not being very vocal about my weight loss when I started. I couldn't tell them I felt fat and dumpy and unhealthy because I knew a lot of people who would be thrilled to get down to my starting weight. I didn't want them to think I used the same judgement on them I was using on myself. If 175 is your goal - then you give it your all, get down to 175 and rock it! 175 is a great goal for plenty of people.

  • cstivend
    cstivend Posts: 4 Member
    mrsaupton wrote: »
    Hi All,
    So I have decided to get back on the bike and endeavour to reach my fitness goal of losing 40 pounds.

    Any women that have already done this and can post some words of advice or success stories?

    Or any women in the same boat as me who want to team up to motivate each other to succeed?

    As I am pretty new Id love to make some new friends so we can motivate one another and finally reach our goals!

    i am cynthia. i started 3 days ago and feel great. myfitness lets you know when you are cheating or need to modify your eating/exercises. i am 5'7 and weigh 175. i can tell a difference already. i can put my rings on now, lost a lot of sodium. i actually gained 15 lbs because i broke my right arm and could not cook for myself. eating tv dinners and fast food did me in. hang in there. the hard part is keeping others from talking you out of your goal (limit how often you eat out, and how often you eat the goodies in the office). try to have something prepared for the night cravings and pick a cut off time for food, my time is 830. Good luck
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,694 Member
    5'5", 59 y/o, SW 183 in mid-April 2015, CW 136, GW 125-130. (That may sound low to some for my age, but skeletally speaking I have narrower hips/boyish shape, and literally no breasts because of breast cancer/bilateral mastectomies, so I need to set my targets accordingly). I'm also hypothyroid.

    If you're committed to lose the weight, you can do it. Advice:
    • Read the "stickies" (permanent top posts) in the "Getting Started" and "General Weight Loss" categories on the forum. Lots of good info there.
    • Weigh your food, when you have control of it, in grams. It's easier than measuring (once you learn how - from the "stickies"!) and waaaaay more accurate than estimating. Packages lie enough to throw off your deficit materially.
    • When unsure, pick a relatively higher-calorie entry from the database. There are some badly-lowballed ones in there for a lot of foods. This is annoying at first, but you'll soon have good entries in your recent foods for things you eat regularly.
    • When you have a special occasion coming up, eat a little lighter & save up a few calories on the days leading up, to use on that special day. Or, eat at maintenance calories on a *truly* special day (like your anniversary, *not* like "Mondays are hard").
    • Experiment to figure out which types of food are more satiating for you (protein? fiber-containing? high-volume/low-cal? etc.), and what distribution of calories through the day works best for you (small breakfast/lunch + big dinner? 5 small meals? 3 even-sized meals with or without smaller snacks between? etc.).
    • Find a *fun* (for you) way to move & burn some calories. Some people call this "exercise". Pick your activities so you can call it "having a really good time".
    • *Don't* try to emulate the stupid weight-loss TV shows. Lose at a sustainable, achievable, slow rate of speed. Losing half a pound a week is better than losing 5 in week 1, and gaining it back in weeks 2 & 3.
    • Eat enough protein, and use your muscles so you don't lose any more of them than you have to.
    • Don't freak out about day-to-day weight fluctuations. Look at the direction your weight is trending over a period of weeks.
    You absolutely can do this.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2015

    Just popping in to say good luck and your eventual scale weight shouldn't matter unduly.

    I am constantly surprised at the number of people who think they have to be low BMI to have the body they want

    I'm 5'8, I weigh 158 at maintenance, my initial goal was 165. I lost 55lbs to get here. My BMI is 24, but my body fat is 23 %

    Muscles rock, they are what pull you in tight and make you look and feel awesome.

    So stick to your defecits, don't do it too fast (say 1% weight per week as a good guideline), move more and lift heavy

    And don't think you have to have a low scale weight to be at target. Look at other metrics too...measurements, clothes, body fat %
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    have to say this is one of my favorite posts as of yet... probably because it feels good to see others trying to get to the same goal as me and also feels encouraging to read from those that BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    edited October 2015
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    5'5", 59 y/o, SW 183 in mid-April 2015, CW 136, GW 125-130. (That may sound low to some for my age, but skeletally speaking I have narrower hips/boyish shape, and literally no breasts because of breast cancer/bilateral mastectomies, so I need to set my targets accordingly). I'm also hypothyroid.

    If you're committed to lose the weight, you can do it. Advice:
    • Read the "stickies" (permanent top posts) in the "Getting Started" and "General Weight Loss" categories on the forum. Lots of good info there.
    • Weigh your food, when you have control of it, in grams. It's easier than measuring (once you learn how - from the "stickies"!) and waaaaay more accurate than estimating. Packages lie enough to throw off your deficit materially.
    • When unsure, pick a relatively higher-calorie entry from the database. There are some badly-lowballed ones in there for a lot of foods. This is annoying at first, but you'll soon have good entries in your recent foods for things you eat regularly.
    • When you have a special occasion coming up, eat a little lighter & save up a few calories on the days leading up, to use on that special day. Or, eat at maintenance calories on a *truly* special day (like your anniversary, *not* like "Mondays are hard").
    • Experiment to figure out which types of food are more satiating for you (protein? fiber-containing? high-volume/low-cal? etc.), and what distribution of calories through the day works best for you (small breakfast/lunch + big dinner? 5 small meals? 3 even-sized meals with or without smaller snacks between? etc.).
    • Find a *fun* (for you) way to move & burn some calories. Some people call this "exercise". Pick your activities so you can call it "having a really good time".
    • *Don't* try to emulate the stupid weight-loss TV shows. Lose at a sustainable, achievable, slow rate of speed. Losing half a pound a week is better than losing 5 in week 1, and gaining it back in weeks 2 & 3.
    • Eat enough protein, and use your muscles so you don't lose any more of them than you have to.
    • Don't freak out about day-to-day weight fluctuations. Look at the direction your weight is trending over a period of weeks.
    You absolutely can do this.

    Well said - spot on!

    And congratulations on all you have accomplished. Saying you've survived big challenges is understatement of the year. You are one strong lady! Way to persevere.
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'7" and currently 160lbs. I started at 187lbs in January and would like to get down to 140-135lbs. My biggest advice is to be patient and find some kind of exercise that you love! I've dreaded working out my whole life until I finally found yoga and weight lifting this year and it's made all the difference. I also try to eat really clean and loosely follow a carb cycling program with one cheat meal per week.

    I'm always looking for fun, interesting, supportive friends on here and having similar body types/goals is a great added plus!
  • Miss_Caitlin
    Miss_Caitlin Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm 5ft8. 40 to lose. You can add me :)
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    agreeee with Laura !!! so true. i hate the gym but sports i can do all day
  • I'm 5'8, 178.5 pounds. Started at 309. I would like to lose 20-30 pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • jennknut
    jennknut Posts: 32 Member
    5'7" and the heaviest I got was 176, down to 162. Plateau for the summer but ready to get back on it and get down to 152. I lift weights 2x a week, cardio another 2-3 days through jogging/eliptical/whatever. I have found that the only way to be is patient and consistent
  • miss_vicky_5
    miss_vicky_5 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, mind if I join you? I joined MFP ages ago to see what it was about, but am finally at a point where I really need to do something.
    I'm 5.7, currently around 160 (will weigh myself tomorrow morning for a benchmark), and hope to get down to 140, which will be the least I've weighed as an adult. I know exactly what my problems are, but seem unable to find the will power to do something about them. So here's to turning over a new leaf and sticking to it!
    I got back into running about a year ago, which I'd had to abandon due to injuries, but I've just been overeating so much that I've been gaining weight in spite of working out about 5 days a week. So I know one of my big issues is portion control. I love food, and I love to eat, and sometimes I can't seem to stop. I've also been really bored at work, so I distract myself with eating. Recipe for disaster ...
    Hope we can all help and motivate each other through this!
  • ksapp1570
    ksapp1570 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning,

    Today I am restarting again....I can't tell you how many times I have done this. I need some major accountability! I am 5'9 and at 191.00 I would love to get to 175 and then reevaluate. I am disciplined where it comes to exercise but my eating is horrible. I had a someone give me my IIFYM #'s back in March and never even really gave it a chance. I was in the middle of planning my wedding and just put it on the back burner. I have seen so many great reviews on the IIFYM but I don't know if I should try that again or just simply set my goals up in MFP and do the calorie counting. Does anyone out there follow the Macro plan on MFP? Thank you to everyone who has posted on this board. It makes someone like me feel like I can be open and honest. I am going to be 50 next May and I am on the road to getting Fit and Fabulous! :smiley: