Any 5'6-8" Ladies who started around 175 pounds and looking to/ have already lost 40 pounds?



  • aurora_sky
    aurora_sky Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm 5'8" I crept up to 172 and trying to get down to 150 although 145 would be great. I recently started being very serious about my health. I am now at 167. Right now I am limiting my carbs and eating more veggies and fruits. I need help with exercising more.
  • tltmom
    tltmom Posts: 37 Member
    I'm no expert by any means, and I'm still a work in progress, but I've done better this time than my 1000000 previous attempts. I'm down 18 pounds from last year and run or lift 6 days a week. It's taken 14 months to even get this far. The things that have worked best so far:

    Small, concrete, achievable goals for exercise and healthy eating.

    Perseverance if I've had an off track meal or day.

    Logging everything on MFP (good, bad, and ugly).

    Reading success stories

    Patience, patience, and more patience.

    Community - MFP, plus I do group lifting, one group run per week, and my running group leader helps me with nutrition. I tried so many times by myself and it just didn't work.

    Finding out through trial and error what works for you. It's not one size fits all.

    Best wishes to everyone on their journey!
  • kar1ey
    kar1ey Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently 183lbs.

    In 2011 I was 250lbs. It took me nearly 2 years to get to 160, mostly using MFP. The key to MFP is being 100% honest with yourself- track everything! My top tips- #1 Use a food scale! It makes life so much easier than using measuring cups and estimating. #2 Eat off of smaller plates, bowls, etc. Smaller portions look huge when you use smaller plates. It tricks your brain into thinking you're eating more. :wink:

    I'm struggling to maintain and I fluctuate in between 175-185. I started to religiously track and meal prep 2 weeks ago. I'm trying to get down to 140-150 as this would be my ideal weight recommended by my doctor.

    (Looking for new friends on MFP, feel free to add :smile: )
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,439 Member
    Started just over 175 lbs
    Lost about 50 lbs so far

    I was only going to lose 33 lbs, but I was on a roll!
  • O2BNWA
    O2BNWA Posts: 18 Member
    Ditto to Miss Jay- I started at 240 and am currently 170.9. I am 5'8 and 38 yrs old. I lost most of it on WW, but what has made a huge difference was my heart rate monitor- with a chest strap- I paid $100 online which was $80 cheaper then any sold in my city, what i found out was that i was working WAY to hard at WAY to high of a heart rate for WAY to long- i mean like 170-175 BPM for 60 minutes 6 days a week. I felt weak, dehydrated and starving, i was eating back so many of my burned calories, and then feeling shame/Guilt for eating. it was misery. Now im working out 45 min 6x a week and burning more fat percentage of my cals. 2.6 pounds this week GONE. Also i got a very expensive, again totally worth it, scale that measures my weight, body fat, muscle mass, Hydration and bone density by sending an electric charge through my body. That has been very motivating too, because i see how many different ways my body is changing and that is very motivating. Of course these items can't give you a completely perfect result, but it is so much more information then i had before! I record all that data every sat along with my weight. And of course i have two food scales, if you cook this totally makes sense, bc one is for fruits and veg and the other is meat/dairy so you dont have to keep washing/wiping the scale to weigh different items. Oh and also variety is key for me, i make big dishes and freeze half for later, so i have my own healthy TV dinners i have learned to mimic my fav restaurant or FF dishes and that has helped, now i like my food better then theirs! This site make it totally doable- and educational- i have learned so much about the nutrients in my food and am learning to play around to hit my goals for carbs, fiber, fat, protein and calories- this site makes it fun- trust me - i have done WW and it was miserable- this has been awesome!
  • fifisha
    fifisha Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am 5'7" and weigh at 189lbs( my heaviest :( ) I lost 26lbs last year on a VLCD and managed to put it all back. Its either one or the other for me: food or exercise. I cant seem to be on track for both. I am starting again with iifym and hopefully exercise as well. I also have 40lbs to lose.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • peace2082
    peace2082 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'7 170lbs last I checked
    But until my wedding, I can't lose more than 10lbs or my dress won't fit lol I need to lose some back fat and tone up my arms.

    After my wedding, I wouldn't mind getting down to 145. I got down to 135 a few summers back because my health went down hill and I was too nauseous to eat for a few months. My friends siad I looked too skinny. Wish I could add a photo lol
  • NotUrPocahontas
    NotUrPocahontas Posts: 3 Member
    This is actually my exact situation! 23, 5'8", 174.4 lbs, looking to be 130 lbs. :blush: Been exercising for a while but just really starting to focus on my diet
  • miss_vicky_5
    miss_vicky_5 Posts: 11 Member
    O2BNWA wrote: »
    Ditto to Miss Jay- I started at 240 and am currently 170.9. I am 5'8 and 38 yrs old. I lost most of it on WW, but what has made a huge difference was my heart rate monitor- with a chest strap- I paid $100 online which was $80 cheaper then any sold in my city, what i found out was that i was working WAY to hard at WAY to high of a heart rate for WAY to long- i mean like 170-175 BPM for 60 minutes 6 days a week. I felt weak, dehydrated and starving, i was eating back so many of my burned calories, and then feeling shame/Guilt for eating. it was misery. Now im working out 45 min 6x a week and burning more fat percentage of my cals. 2.6 pounds this week GONE. Also i got a very expensive, again totally worth it, scale that measures my weight, body fat, muscle mass, Hydration and bone density by sending an electric charge through my body. That has been very motivating too, because i see how many different ways my body is changing and that is very motivating. Of course these items can't give you a completely perfect result, but it is so much more information then i had before! I record all that data every sat along with my weight. And of course i have two food scales, if you cook this totally makes sense, bc one is for fruits and veg and the other is meat/dairy so you dont have to keep washing/wiping the scale to weigh different items. Oh and also variety is key for me, i make big dishes and freeze half for later, so i have my own healthy TV dinners i have learned to mimic my fav restaurant or FF dishes and that has helped, now i like my food better then theirs! This site make it totally doable- and educational- i have learned so much about the nutrients in my food and am learning to play around to hit my goals for carbs, fiber, fat, protein and calories- this site makes it fun- trust me - i have done WW and it was miserable- this has been awesome!

    Same here - I love all the data! I do a lot of running (not that that stopped m from piling on the pounds). Recently got a Garmin Forerunner 225, which has an HRM in the wristband, and GPS. My running coach sends me my exercise routine through Training Peaks, and I upload the stats from the Garmin to there. It tells me how many calories I burnt, min/max/average heart rate, how many times a minute my feet hit the ground ... love it! Now all I have to do is eat less.
  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    i'm 5'8" - i started at about 175, then had two kids and now i'm at around 188 (after being 200+ after the second kid). I'm hoping to get back down to 175, then down to about 150 and then see what happens from there! anyone on this thread - feel free to add me! i could use all the motivation i can get!
  • Milabella
    Milabella Posts: 34 Member
    Hi sisters! I'm 5'7.5" and have similar stats and goals. I would like to get down to 145lbs then reevaluate. I've always enjoyed exercising and focusing on healthy nutrition. I'm using mfp to view my caloric intake by the week and by the month and trying to stay consistent. Most of my life, I've maintained my weight by focusing on exercise. Now I'm interested in discovering what my true maintenance calories are. I have already started losing and haven't lost muscle weight yet, according to the body composition test I was measured against. That is very important to me. My next goal is to get a little stronger. Feel free to add me!