Keto Diet, Give It A Try?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Now me personally, I have not tried this diet. But my sister and her friend started it a month and a half ago and let me tell you, the weight loss was rapid!

    Water weight and calorie restriction
    What it basically does is once you body runs out of carbs (glycogen), your body thinks hmmm.... I've no more glycogen to fuel off of. So it starts using fat as it's new fuel source, thus burning fat and losing weight quite rapidly.

    Oversimplification of how the body works
    And the good thing about this diet, besides the weight loss, is the food you can eat.

    As I understand, my sister was on a diet of 2000 calories per day with 50%fat, 45% protein, 5% carbs.

    Her diet consisted of Fried eggs, bacon, cheese, peanut butter, steak, duck, coconut oil, burgers etc. etc. you get the point. Foods people trying to lose weight can only dream of. Or so you thought.

    What about the food you cannot eat or drink? I can eat all that food, should I wish to, on a non keto diet, plus I can eat the food you cannot on a keto diet.

    Long term studies show that there is no benefit from a fat loss perspective and adherence is very hard.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    The best part about rapid weight loss is the rapid weight gain!!!!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm doing keto... and there's been nothing rapid about it.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Basic Atkins plan.

    BINGO this is not new and as long as you keep calling this a diet, you are destined to relapse. LIFESTYLE is the key word.

    Atkins does work but I can tell you from experience, unless everyone in your household is living the same lifestyle, it will not work. Carbs in the house will be carbs consumed. Thus my having to go low calorie after my divorce and starting a new relationship. I could not, even after 7 years on atkins, refrain from consuming his carbs.
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    Not all keto diets are high in fat. In a Protein Sparing Modified Fast, an individual eats virtually only protein, so that once the body enters ketosis, it burns stored fat for fuel since it can't doesn't have the option of burning the fat you're ingesting.

    Also, when done correctly, keto diets result in initial rapid weight loss, but the majority of that inital loss is water, as carb cause your muscles to retain water, and when your body realizes it isn't getting carbs, the water is flushed out.

    As soon as your body comes out of ketosis, you gain the water weight right back, so I wouldn't use the overall weight loss number as an accurate test of how effective a keto diet is. Coming out of ketosis also involves a process to ensure you don't gain all of the weight back and then some. It can lead to bingeing in some cases.
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    Now me personally, I have not tried this diet. But my sister and her friend started it a month and a half ago and let me tell you, the weight loss was rapid!

    What is this diet you ask?

    Well to put it into simple terms, it's a diet with little to no carbs. A diet that's high in fat and protein. What it basically does is once you body runs out of carbs (glycogen), your body thinks hmmm.... I've no more glycogen to fuel off of. So it starts using fat as it's new fuel source, thus burning fat and losing weight quite rapidly.

    And the good thing about this diet, besides the weight loss, is the food you can eat.

    As I understand, my sister was on a diet of 2000 calories per day with 50%fat, 45% protein, 5% carbs.

    Her diet consisted of Fried eggs, bacon, cheese, peanut butter, steak, duck, coconut oil, burgers etc. etc. you get the point. Foods people trying to lose weight can only dream of. Or so you thought.

    Anyway guys, I thought I'd put this out there. If you're struggling to lose weight I highly recommend this diet. If you're interested google it to find more information and give it a try :)


    um... I'm wondering why you're endorsing a diet when your first sentence is: ``Now me personally, I have not tried this diet``
    Is there even a sister
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    Interesting, thanks for sharing, but I did find the rhetoric distracting.
    The main flaws I see in this study are the calorie self-reporting and the method for measuring fat as the Tanita BIA device.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Her diet consisted of Fried eggs, bacon, cheese, peanut butter, steak, duck, coconut oil, burgers etc. etc. you get the point. Foods people trying to lose weight can only dream of. Or so you thought.

    Eh. I already eat that stuff and I'm not "trying" to lose weight, I *am* losing weight - quite successfully, I might add.

    And I took her words because the proof was there after I saw how much weight she lost in such little time

    I'll stick to my 1.5 lbs a week, thanks. Losing weight slowly is more likely to result in sustained weight loss.

    What she said. :-) Except I don't eat duck or coconut oil - because I don't like them. My weight loss is also only about .5-1 pound per week - which I'll gladly take since slow weight loss DOES tend to be more sustainable in the long-run and even at that pace, it's certainly adding up!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    This is so dangerous. I can not imagine why anyone would want to put their body into a state of Ketoacidosis. This is not healthy, even if it does make you lose weight...which it will. You are already fat, why would you want to add more potential health risks?
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I don't understand why people are such A-HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OP is obviously new and obviously doesn't know much about this diet or maybe any diet..instead of thinking you all are being funny (hur hur because you're not funny) why don't you offer some encouragement and direction to the right way to lose weight?

    Why even waste their time..... No life??????

    OP if you wanna add me as a friend I can direct you to some awesome encouraging people here... I try to stay away from the message board because people are not very nice anymore these days...

    And yes I did tell you!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Interesting, thanks for sharing, but I did find the rhetoric distracting.
    The main flaws I see in this study are the calorie self-reporting and the method for measuring fat as the Tanita BIA device.

    In case you're looking for the few showing a "metabolic advantage" to low carb/keto, there's kewick, rabst, young and maybe one or two others, I would say the majority do not show significant difference when cals + protein are held constant. Even when it's been ad lib, low carb has beaten higher carb diets only about 50% of the time
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    Interesting, thanks for sharing, but I did find the rhetoric distracting.
    The main flaws I see in this study are the calorie self-reporting and the method for measuring fat as the Tanita BIA device.

    In case you're looking for the few showing a "metabolic advantage" to low carb/keto, there's kewick, rabst, young and maybe one or two others, I would say the majority do not show significant difference when cals + protein are held constant. Even when it's been ad lib, low carb has beaten higher carb diets only about 50% of the time

    Thanks. Just goes to show that one diet doesn't work for everyone.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I don't understand why people are such A-HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OP is obviously new and obviously doesn't know much about this diet or maybe any diet..instead of thinking you all are being funny (hur hur because you're not funny) why don't you offer some encouragement and direction to the right way to lose weight?

    Why even waste their time..... No life??????

    OP if you wanna add me as a friend I can direct you to some awesome encouraging people here... I try to stay away from the message board because people are not very nice anymore these days...

    And yes I did tell you!

    Herp derp, why recommend something if you don't know much about something?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This is so dangerous. I can not imagine why anyone would want to put their body into a state of Ketoacidosis. This is not healthy, even if it does make you lose weight...which it will. You are already fat, why would you want to add more potential health risks?

    Ketoacidosis =/= ketosis
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Interesting, thanks for sharing, but I did find the rhetoric distracting.
    The main flaws I see in this study are the calorie self-reporting and the method for measuring fat as the Tanita BIA device.

    In case you're looking for the few showing a "metabolic advantage" to low carb/keto, there's kewick, rabst, young and maybe one or two others, I would say the majority do not show significant difference when cals + protein are held constant. Even when it's been ad lib, low carb has beaten higher carb diets only about 50% of the time

    Thanks. Just goes to show that one diet doesn't work for everyone.

    If i remember correctly the Rabst study is "interesting" in that there was no significant difference in fat loss between the groups until like day 25 of 30 when a bunch of the low carb group dropped out mysteriously, which then made the difference between groups significant
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    This is so dangerous. I can not imagine why anyone would want to put their body into a state of Ketoacidosis. This is not healthy, even if it does make you lose weight...which it will. You are already fat, why would you want to add more potential health risks?

    FYI: ketosis =/= ketoacidosis
    Benign dietary ketosis is a biochemically regulated and controlled process which results in a mild release of fatty acids and ketone bodies.
    Ketoacidosis is a condition in which massive, way above normal quantities of ketones are produced in an unregulated, wildly out of control biochemical situation.
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    I've never tried the diet either, my bestie did, but I do think it is not healthy and dangerous... and I told her that too, many years ago when the diet was very popular. Anything that tells me I need to cut out an entire food group sends up a red flag to me. As for the foods you can eat... fried bacon, fried eggs, peanut butter...
    Does anyone else not realize how much cholesterol is in those foods?? Sure, you might lose weight, but your arteries are as clogged as hell...
    Good luck to those trying this diet, hope you stay healthy and safe... I'm not trying to be mean, just point out the downsides of the diet and that I think it is dangerous, especially for long term use.
  • mrsek09
    mrsek09 Posts: 32
    There is a difference between ketoacidocis and ketosis.

    "Ketosis/lipolysis and ketoacidosis are two completely different metabolic processes which share only the same by-product and unfortunately similar names. The state of ketoacidosis is due to wildly high blood sugar and a failed pancreas, whereas ketosis is the result of the body manufacturing glucose to prevent low blood sugar." (Very simplified version)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I don't understand why people are such A-HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OP is obviously new and obviously doesn't know much about this diet or maybe any diet..instead of thinking you all are being funny (hur hur because you're not funny) why don't you offer some encouragement and direction to the right way to lose weight?

    Why even waste their time..... No life??????

    OP if you wanna add me as a friend I can direct you to some awesome encouraging people here... I try to stay away from the message board because people are not very nice anymore these days...

    And yes I did tell you!

    How is correcting someone's understanding of something being an a-hole? I do not see where anyone was taking the piss out of the OP. In fact, the OP came back and thanked one person for explaining it.

    ETA: looks down...ok then!
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member

    Interesting, thanks for sharing, but I did find the rhetoric distracting.
    The main flaws I see in this study are the calorie self-reporting and the method for measuring fat as the Tanita BIA device.
    no prob. Can you site research where it shows a keto genie diet results in more fat loss than a caloric deficit diet ?