I am quitting using supplements



  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    Wait--do you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's?

    If so, taking the medication IS NOT OPTIONAL. Uncontrolled hypothyroid can cause psychosis. You absolutely need to be taking thyroid pills if they were prescribed by a doctor. You won't be able to get your mental health issues under control if you are not treating the physical issues caused by your thyroid.


    It's one tiny pill a day. Just swallow the darn thing.

    I have hypothroidsm, Ok I will see the doctor this week and see if I still need to take the pills. You know, the pills make me nauseaus
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »

    I think I toxicate myself a lot by binge eating quite often lately...

    Binge eating isn't going to cause you to build up toxins. If that was the case you would be in the hospital hooked up to machines. As a prior binge eater I should have died many times over if binge eating caused toxin build up.

    But what about unhealthy stuff? Chips and peanut butter and all? They have so many harmful ingredients

    What ingredients are you referring to? If these foods were harmful... I would've been dead a long time ago.

    They have so many additives to make them şast a long time. Even ants don't eat chips
  • ariana_eatsandlifts
    ariana_eatsandlifts Posts: 197 Member
    Wait--do you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's?

    If so, taking the medication IS NOT OPTIONAL. Uncontrolled hypothyroid can cause psychosis. You absolutely need to be taking thyroid pills if they were prescribed by a doctor. You won't be able to get your mental health issues under control if you are not treating the physical issues caused by your thyroid.


    It's one tiny pill a day. Just swallow the darn thing.

    I have hypothroidsm, Ok I will see the doctor this week and see if I still need to take the pills. You know, the pills make me nauseaus

    Doctors don't just prescribe thyroid hormone for the heck of it. As others have mentioned, don't go off prescribed medications unless you get cleared by your doctor. Would you rather be a little nauseous or have an underactive thyroid? Do you take it on an empty stomach?
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    Wait--do you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's?

    If so, taking the medication IS NOT OPTIONAL. Uncontrolled hypothyroid can cause psychosis. You absolutely need to be taking thyroid pills if they were prescribed by a doctor. You won't be able to get your mental health issues under control if you are not treating the physical issues caused by your thyroid.


    It's one tiny pill a day. Just swallow the darn thing.

    I have hypothroidsm, Ok I will see the doctor this week and see if I still need to take the pills. You know, the pills make me nauseaus

    Doctors don't just prescribe thyroid hormone for the heck of it. As others have mentioned, don't go off prescribed medications unless you get cleared by your doctor. Would you rather be a little nauseous or have an underactive thyroid? Do you take it on an empty stomach?

    No I take them with breakfast. Though, I just hate being sick I guess, so I show many psychological symptoms
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Wait--do you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's?

    If so, taking the medication IS NOT OPTIONAL. Uncontrolled hypothyroid can cause psychosis. You absolutely need to be taking thyroid pills if they were prescribed by a doctor. You won't be able to get your mental health issues under control if you are not treating the physical issues caused by your thyroid.


    It's one tiny pill a day. Just swallow the darn thing.

    I have hypothroidsm, Ok I will see the doctor this week and see if I still need to take the pills. You know, the pills make me nauseaus

    They shouldn't--mention this to the doctor.

    Were you taking them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? Ask about taking them at night instead or taking them with food. They are slightly less effective if not taken on an empty stomach, but that is certainly better than skipping them entirely.

    If you were a diabetic, you would take insulin, right? Thyroid is just as important. The effect is not quite as obvious or immediate, but over time, you need it just as much.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member

    No I take them with breakfast. Though, I just hate being sick I guess, so I show many psychological symptoms

    Um.... pretty sure you're supposed to be taking those on an empty stomach and not eating anything for an hour, and not even taking vitamins for at least our hours, let alone whatever supplements you were taking...

    "Levothyroxine works best if you take it on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before breakfast. Follow your doctor's dosing instructions and try to take the medicine at the same time each day.

    It is very important to take Levoxyl with a full glass (8 ounces) of water. The Levoxyl tablet can dissolve very quickly and swell in the throat, possibly causing choking or gagging."

    Same goes if you are using generic Synthroid or Levoxyl. It's all just levothyroxine with a different name. Maybe try these if you are feeling nauseous....... AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BOTTLE YOU WERE GIVEN.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited October 2015

    They shouldn't--mention this to the doctor.

    Were you taking them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? Ask about taking them at night instead or taking them with food. They are slightly less effective if not taken on an empty stomach, but that is certainly better than skipping them entirely.

    If you were a diabetic, you would take insulin, right? Thyroid is just as important. The effect is not quite as obvious or immediate, but over time, you need it just as much.

  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    Wait--do you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's?

    If so, taking the medication IS NOT OPTIONAL. Uncontrolled hypothyroid can cause psychosis. You absolutely need to be taking thyroid pills if they were prescribed by a doctor. You won't be able to get your mental health issues under control if you are not treating the physical issues caused by your thyroid.


    It's one tiny pill a day. Just swallow the darn thing.

    I have hypothroidsm, Ok I will see the doctor this week and see if I still need to take the pills. You know, the pills make me nauseaus

    They shouldn't--mention this to the doctor.

    Were you taking them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? Ask about taking them at night instead or taking them with food. They are slightly less effective if not taken on an empty stomach, but that is certainly better than skipping them entirely.

    If you were a diabetic, you would take insulin, right? Thyroid is just as important. The effect is not quite as obvious or immediate, but over time, you need it just as much.

    Okay I will be getting a blood test asking my doctor how to use the pills
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »

    No I take them with breakfast. Though, I just hate being sick I guess, so I show many psychological symptoms

    Um.... pretty sure you're supposed to be taking those on an empty stomach and not eating anything for an hour, and not even taking vitamins for at least our hours, let alone whatever supplements you were taking...

    "Levothyroxine works best if you take it on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before breakfast. Follow your doctor's dosing instructions and try to take the medicine at the same time each day.

    It is very important to take Levoxyl with a full glass (8 ounces) of water. The Levoxyl tablet can dissolve very quickly and swell in the throat, possibly causing choking or gagging."

    Same goes if you are using generic Synthroid or Levoxyl. It's all just levothyroxine with a different name. Maybe try these if you are feeling nauseous....... AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BOTTLE YOU WERE GIVEN.

    Interesting, I thought I should be taking them with food :) I thought that applied to all pills
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Still struggling with the concept that OP doesn't think they need to take ACTUAL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION for an ACTUAL SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE but will happily waste hundreds of dollars and take potentially dangerous gimmicky diet pills, fat burners and "antioxidant" pills based on the "but TOXINZ!" baloney.

  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Still struggling with the concept that OP doesn't think they need to take ACTUAL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION for an ACTUAL SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE but will happily waste hundreds of dollars and take potentially dangerous gimmicky diet pills, fat burners and "antioxidant" pills based on the "but TOXINZ!" baloney.


    It's because I thought they would help me lose weight, and I am obsessed with my weight. Other pills, prescription pills made me put on 30 kg in one year and destroyed my body, now I am full of stretch marks and lost my bf because of being fat. So I don't trust prescription pills and I hate them. About antioxidants, I only exchanged a bottle, if it is useless, I won't use it. But I read reviews about people being so happy with their skin by the help of antioxidants.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    misskarne wrote: »

    You don't need the "antioxidant pills" either. Your system will stay clean all by itself.

    I just cannot fathom that you refuse to take your thyroid meds because you don't believe in them but you'll happily buy all these stupid, potentially dangerous, gimmicky supplements.

    I believe that I needed thyroid meds because of side affect of another pills that I am taking for my bipolar mood disorder. But I stopped taking them also and found other ways to exist. So now I think I am fine without them. But I might see the doctor this week to make sure and get a blood test done.

    I am going to chime in with a +100000 for making sure you take the medication prescribed for you in regards to your Thyroid.

    Also please, please don't stop taking your Bipolar medication either .....I don't know what you mean by you "found other ways to exist" but the consequences of ceasing the med. for such a serious condition could be life threatening.

    I'm glad you have stopped the useless supplements but try to have some faith in Doctors they do know what they are talking about much more than lay people.....if you don't like your current Doctor or have lost faith in them then change Doctors, find someone you can work well with as the conditions you have require you to be compliant and on board to manage your health in the best manner possible.

    I wish you all the best. I really hope you stay safe and well.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited October 2015
    misskarne wrote: »
    Still struggling with the concept that OP doesn't think they need to take ACTUAL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION for an ACTUAL SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE but will happily waste hundreds of dollars and take potentially dangerous gimmicky diet pills, fat burners and "antioxidant" pills based on the "but TOXINZ!" baloney.


    It's because I thought they would help me lose weight, and I am obsessed with my weight. Other pills, prescription pills made me put on 30 kg in one year and destroyed my body, now I am full of stretch marks and lost my bf because of being fat. So I don't trust prescription pills and I hate them. About antioxidants, I only exchanged a bottle, if it is useless, I won't use it. But I read reviews about people being so happy with their skin by the help of antioxidants.

    If you are "obsessed" with your weight then you need therapy. The pills did NOT make you put on 30kg in one year, you put on 30kg in one year because you ate too much. The pills did NOT "destroy your body" and they did NOT give you stretch marks. Your boyfriend left because he is an abusive jerk, not because you were fat, and you're better off without him.

    And again, you don't trust PRESCRIPTION pills, which are heavily regulated and have to conform to standards and go through rigorous testing before being put on the market, but you'll happily take all kinds of scam gimmick pills that have NO REGULATION AT ALL and can potentially kill you. Yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. WTF?!?!?!?!?

    [edited by MFP mods]
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited October 2015
    clgaram720 wrote: »

    No I take them with breakfast. Though, I just hate being sick I guess, so I show many psychological symptoms

    Um.... pretty sure you're supposed to be taking those on an empty stomach and not eating anything for an hour, and not even taking vitamins for at least our hours, let alone whatever supplements you were taking...

    "Levothyroxine works best if you take it on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before breakfast. Follow your doctor's dosing instructions and try to take the medicine at the same time each day.

    It is very important to take Levoxyl with a full glass (8 ounces) of water. The Levoxyl tablet can dissolve very quickly and swell in the throat, possibly causing choking or gagging."

    Same goes if you are using generic Synthroid or Levoxyl. It's all just levothyroxine with a different name. Maybe try these if you are feeling nauseous....... AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BOTTLE YOU WERE GIVEN.

    Interesting, I thought I should be taking them with food :) I thought that applied to all pills
    No, Synthroid should be taken with a glass of water. No food for an hour. Some doctors say 30 minutes, but the Synthroid people say 30-60 minutes, so I go with the hour, which is what I was told, anyway.

    You cannot take many other pills for four hours after swallowing the Synthroid, including vitamins. In fact, especially some vitamins, like calcium and iron.

    If you take the pill with food and vitamins, you may as well not take it because you're pretty much blocking it's ability to be absorbed.

    I'd discuss the nausea with the doctor. You're literally the first person I've ever heard complain about Synthroid-related nausea. A huge chunk of our population takes it and I've heard nary a complaint.

    Pill with water
    No food, one hour
    No vitamins, four hours

    This was on the paperwork you received with the pills. It's on the Synthroid website. Your doctor should've told you.
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    misskarne wrote: »

    You don't need the "antioxidant pills" either. Your system will stay clean all by itself.

    I just cannot fathom that you refuse to take your thyroid meds because you don't believe in them but you'll happily buy all these stupid, potentially dangerous, gimmicky supplements.

    I believe that I needed thyroid meds because of side affect of another pills that I am taking for my bipolar mood disorder. But I stopped taking them also and found other ways to exist. So now I think I am fine without them. But I might see the doctor this week to make sure and get a blood test done.

    I am going to chime in with a +100000 for making sure you take the medication prescribed for you in regards to your Thyroid.

    Also please, please don't stop taking your Bipolar medication either .....I don't know what you mean by you "found other ways to exist" but the consequences of ceasing the med. for such a serious condition could be life threatening.

    I'm glad you have stopped the useless supplements but try to have some faith in Doctors they do know what they are talking about much more than lay people.....if you don't like your current Doctor or have lost faith in them then change Doctors, find someone you can work well with as the conditions you have require you to be compliant and on board to manage your health in the best manner possible.

    I wish you all the best. I really hope you stay safe and well.

    Thanks. The bipolar pills never worked on me, I would take very heavy medication, but still have attacks, cut my hands with broken glass, cey and scream and try to kill myself. Those were very difficult days. Then I learned breathing techniques and meditation, and I am trying to apply acceptance and awareness to my life. As you notice I still make bad decisions (giving all my money to garbage pills) and I make mistakes, but I am learning to control my thoughts. It is a process, and I am so much in a better place that I don't care about small things like wasting money, soon I will be able to control that aspect of my illness too...
  • ariana_eatsandlifts
    ariana_eatsandlifts Posts: 197 Member
    So you stopped taking your synthroid... when a known side effect of hypothyroidism is weight gain... and instead decided to buy "supplements" to aid your weight loss?
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    Still struggling with the concept that OP doesn't think they need to take ACTUAL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION for an ACTUAL SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE but will happily waste hundreds of dollars and take potentially dangerous gimmicky diet pills, fat burners and "antioxidant" pills based on the "but TOXINZ!" baloney.


    It's because I thought they would help me lose weight, and I am obsessed with my weight. Other pills, prescription pills made me put on 30 kg in one year and destroyed my body, now I am full of stretch marks and lost my bf because of being fat. So I don't trust prescription pills and I hate them. About antioxidants, I only exchanged a bottle, if it is useless, I won't use it. But I read reviews about people being so happy with their skin by the help of antioxidants.

    If you are "obsessed" with your weight then you need therapy. The pills did NOT make you put on 30kg in one year, you put on 30kg in one year because you ate too much. The pills did NOT "destroy your body" and they did NOT give you stretch marks. Your boyfriend left because he is an abusive as$hole, not because you were fat, and you're better off without him.

    And again, you don't trust PRESCRIPTION pills, which are heavily regulated and have to conform to standards and go through rigorous testing before being put on the market, but you'll happily take all kinds of scam gimmick pills that have NO REGULATION AT ALL and can potentially kill you. Yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. WTF?!?!?!?!?

    This. Sounds harsh, but I think you should see a therapist if you aren't already. You mentioned you are "obsessed" with your weight and you also are apparently scared of foods like peanut butter because of the "toxins." That's not a healthy mindset.

    I hope you find help and feel better soon!
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    Still struggling with the concept that OP doesn't think they need to take ACTUAL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION for an ACTUAL SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUE but will happily waste hundreds of dollars and take potentially dangerous gimmicky diet pills, fat burners and "antioxidant" pills based on the "but TOXINZ!" baloney.


    It's because I thought they would help me lose weight, and I am obsessed with my weight. Other pills, prescription pills made me put on 30 kg in one year and destroyed my body, now I am full of stretch marks and lost my bf because of being fat. So I don't trust prescription pills and I hate them. About antioxidants, I only exchanged a bottle, if it is useless, I won't use it. But I read reviews about people being so happy with their skin by the help of antioxidants.

    If you are "obsessed" with your weight then you need therapy. The pills did NOT make you put on 30kg in one year, you put on 30kg in one year because you ate too much. The pills did NOT "destroy your body" and they did NOT give you stretch marks. Your boyfriend left because he is an abusive as$hole, not because you were fat, and you're better off without him.

    And again, you don't trust PRESCRIPTION pills, which are heavily regulated and have to conform to standards and go through rigorous testing before being put on the market, but you'll happily take all kinds of scam gimmick pills that have NO REGULATION AT ALL and can potentially kill you. Yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. WTF?!?!?!?!?

    The side affect of psychiatry pills is weight gain because they gave you an uncontrollable hungar. Before using them I was 46-50 kg. Then I started ordering pizza at 2am in the morning.

    They are on the market because gains overdo sidd affects. Doesn't mean side affects don't exist if there is moderation.

    I already admitted weight loss pills was a bad idea. It is my way of self destruction. Maybe I was unconsciously hoping for a heart attack.
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    So you stopped taking your synthroid... when a known side effect of hypothyroidism is weight gain... and instead decided to buy "supplements" to aid your weight loss?

    I am not very informed about thyroid.
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    So you stopped taking your synthroid... when a known side effect of hypothyroidism is weight gain... and instead decided to buy "supplements" to aid your weight loss?

    I quit it while quitting 5 other psychiatry pills.