Does Lifting As A Couple Work?



  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    I just want to let all who commented on this post a few months ago and give you an update of how things are going. We are still lifting as a couple and it has made our marriage stronger. Yes, it takes time to change out the weights but I am patient and can wait for her to add lbs on the barbell when it is her turn. :blush:
  • datsundriver87
    datsundriver87 Posts: 186 Member
    My wife and I work out at the same time to keep us both motivated and to push each other to not skip our gym visit, but we both have agreed we like to get it our own zone and not lift together, plus she goes to orange theory fitness and I go to 24 hour lol.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited February 2016
    I started lifting on my own and after a while the husband wanted to join. At first, I was like NO, this is my workout; you can't join. He kinda looked a little bummed at that response, so then we did start lifting together. We followed the same program (because I wasn't going to stop or change what I was doing) and it has worked for us. I now have a spotter when I need one and he has structure to follow (he was famous for only working upper body). Unracking weights is kind of a pain, but I don't mind most of the time.

    Eta: we also run together, which was a disaster in the past. But now, it's part of our schedule.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited February 2016
    We lift on alternate days most of the week <at home> but we are on the same program. He is also sweet enough to deload the bar for me after he is done.
    I had to drag him kicking and screaming but its nice to see him flex in the mirror once again...3 kids later. <3

    edited for typo
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Personally, I hate lifting with a partner unless it's absolutely necessary - example: bench pressing tends to be extremely difficult for me and I need a spotter. Other than that, I do everything on my own. I stay more focused, get in the zone and don't have anyone striking conversation or distracting me from the task at hand.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited February 2016
    My husband and I go to the gym together, but we do our own lifts. We will spot each other if needed, or share a bench if we both have bench press that day. That's about it. I did enjoy him breaking out in spontaneous applause in the middle of the gym when I PR'ed my deadlift! :p

    ETA: Dang it!

  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    lisalsd1 wrote: »
    My husband and I run into issues...b/c I'm 5'3, and he is 6'3. Trying to squat at the same time would be a disaster. We're on the same program...if our bench days end up falling on the same day, we'll share a bench...we have to change plates for each other, but I can lift the 45s.

    Exactly this. I'm only 5'2. I personally would find it irritating to have to swap out weights every time. For this reason I prefer to lift with my girl friends who are on the same page as me.

    That said, going TO the gym together is a great motivator! Gets you out the door, achieving a goal together, but also gives some alone time.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    My husband and I go to the gym together, but we do our own lifts. We will spot each other if needed, or share a bench if we both have bench press that day. That's about it. I did enjoy him breaking out in spontaneous applause in the middle of the gym when I PR'ed my deadlift! :p

    ETA: Dang it!


    Awh man! i IS a zombie thread! LOL
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    My husband and I go to the gym together, but we do our own lifts. We will spot each other if needed, or share a bench if we both have bench press that day. That's about it. I did enjoy him breaking out in spontaneous applause in the middle of the gym when I PR'ed my deadlift! :p

    ETA: Dang it!


    Awh man! i IS a zombie thread! LOL

    The OP came back and updated, that's why it was bumped up.

    OP, that is good news!
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    it is totally normal to have to switch weights between reps when sharing in a gym (working in). Adjusting the height for a squat is also common. Don't let that stop you. You need a rest period anyways, this is when you rack the new weights.
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    crpoll5 wrote: »
    I just want to let all who commented on this post a few months ago and give you an update of how things are going. We are still lifting as a couple and it has made our marriage stronger. Yes, it takes time to change out the weights but I am patient and can wait for her to add lbs on the barbell when it is her turn. :blush:


    Excellent job, OP! My husband and I had positive experiences lifting together at the gym. I had my program, he had his. We did our own thing, had earbuds in, didn't talk, so it was like we kinda worked out alone, but we would be there for a spot and/or give high fives. We would usually end our sessions doing something together though, like sit up medicine ball throws and that was always fun. Like that time he was in the middle of a sit up and he farted and we laughed hysterically (come on, that's funny).

    Now we have a home gym and I prefer to lift in the AM and he prefers PM, so we don't work out together any more, but there's still plenty of high fives to go around.

    Keep up the good work. :)