

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    It's raining cats and dogs here....truly!! Life is grays and greens and I miss the sun with heat already. No walking this morning, because of the gusty winds, and I didn't feel like traveling to the pool to get more wet. I have been cuddling on the couch, drinking tea, and doing the crossword and sudoku puzzles. I did operate the vacuum and attacked my sons room. He has a wee bit of OCD so its cleaning but not moving anything. I did attack a small 3 shelved wall unit that my middle son made in wood shop. My youngest son has deemed it the "golden shelves". So anything shiny seems to have its home there. Maybe he is half Magpie? I got out the brass cleaner, and cleaned until I had a black rag. I even put everything back the way it was. When I was done I lit two sandalwood incense sticks to "freshen up the air quality" and that is all you can do to a 16 yr old's room.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Hugs and prayers for everyone affected by the tragedy in France
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Horrendous events in Paris. Terri, we are all affected. Hard as it is, we have to move forward. Otherwise terrorism wins.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello....I'm back from NYC. My HQ is in France, so lots of messages coming in from folks over there. Totally horrific. A few stranded in cafes and in the office, but are safe.

    I'll start back up with MFP tomorrow. Today I am just drinking a lot of water because I always get dehydrated when traveling.

    Kimses in MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif lots of dog walking today...the dogs didn't seem to be bothered by the wind and drizzle
    194904olsgis3xqe.gifFriday is always a great day because it's the day I teach the beginner line dance class
    569147nmlfkdnzlz.gif spent about an hour this afternoon riding the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri the 13th
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member

    Been working on getting the dry blood off of him. He is starting to look back to normal
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    My dear friends,
    We had to take my little poodle, Max, to the emergency room tonight. Don't know the problem yet but he had become unresponsive and gone into shock and his blood count was off. He will stay in ICU for a day or two in hopes that they can find the cause and treat it. Please keep him in your prayers as he is my baby.

    I love you all and will hopefully have time to read posts tomorrow.

    Myrtle Beach
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ - sorry to hear about your poodle! We will be praying for him and you. (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did an hour of exercise in the water today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD called "Sculpt".

    Had a neighbor of mine come over and we watched the first two episodes of Downton Abbey. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to a 50/60's karaoke (I spelled that wrong) social with the Newcomers. Then on Sunday Nancie is coming over and we'll watch more of Downtown Abbey.

    Right now have the chocolate layer of the wedding cake in the oven. Hope it turns out OK. I had to use an 8" cake pan and the recipe calls for three 9" pans. I'm making the other two 9"

    Mary - I would think that apple pie filling would be good in the cake mix, too. But it would also add calories. Applesauce wouldn't add as much.

    DJ - It still amazes me that Pete's mother said that Denise should take the diamonds out of the ring and make a necklace for herself. I want to stay out of it, but there's a part of me that in a way wants to say to Denise "gee, maybe you can ask Pete if he wouldn't mind if you took his diamonds and made a necklace that you can wear on you wedding day and then have my rings". But I really don't want to rock the boat any. Pete had a rash which was quite severe and couldn't breathe. He went to the hosp. Denise said that yesterday they went to the allergist and (now this surprised me) they gave him an eppipen, prescribed some Prednisone, told him not to take any acetoinophen, and if things don't clear up in a week, then they'll do blood work. I would have thought for sure they'd at least have done the prick test where they test for what you are allergic to. But at least he has an eppipen. If something like that happens while he's on the boat at sea, at least he can get temporary relief until the Coast Guard comes to get him. I know you'll make a good choice at the gym. Are you going to the Southern Christmas show? Prayers for your poodle and you

    Mindy - yes, TSO is Trans Siberean Orchestra. Actualy, I think when people hear the word "orchestra" they have this idea that it's going to be a typical orchestra. It's really more of a rock band. Yes, one of the guys in the band plays the violin. But you should see him play! If you remember the Budwise commercial where Carson Williams had the lights synchronized to TSO's song "Wizards in Winter" you know they are not your ordinary "orchestra". How interesting about your grandfather. congrats on the loss

    tallee - what a transformation!

    Lisa - thank you so much for your words. You've convinced in my mind the fact that I really shouldn't say anything more about the rings to Denise. And you're so right, you never know what the future holds. Everything, good and bad, happens for a reason.

    Margaret - thanks for telling me about the book. I made a note of it. To be honest, there's a part of me that thinks the mother will want them to buy a house/townhouse that is more than they can handle. I suspect there might be a part of her that wants to keep them dependent on her. What better way than if they have to constantly ask her for money? Maybe I'm wrong. But what's going to happen in the future? You know, there is a part of me that since we're going to be selling the condo in a few years, and when they were here Pete menioned that he always wanted to move to FL (is this really the way he feels or was he just being "in the moment"? I don't know) I would think it would be neat if they purchased the condo for them. but that's just a thought, I haven't even run it by Vince yet.

    Cheri - good luck helping your daughter move. So proud of her losing all that weight. Kids grow up so fast, don't they?

    pip - Kirby is coming along fantastically. How wonderful that he's coming home!

    Lenora - it's always so good to get new clothes, regardless of where they come from

    terri in Milwaukee - Lynette doesn't pay for parking mainly because ken has a handicapped sticker and they usually don't charge for handicapped parking.

    Heather - happy anniversary

    Vicki - you've given me an idea. I know right now Pete's family likes to spend christmas with his grandmother who is in her 90's. Sad to say, but when the time comes that she passes on, I'll invite his parents down here. Admitted, they probably won't accept. But I've offered.

    Carol/peach - the story of your mom made me smile but it is also sad.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - I bought apple pie filling with no added sugar and only 30 calories per serving. So minimal compared to 100-120 for pie fillings with added sugar or caramel. I'm making this next weekend. I'll let you know how it tastes!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Prayers for the world. I agree with Penny we need to go about living our lives the best we can otherwise they win.

    DJ prayers for your poodle.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    My dear friends,
    We had to take my little poodle, Max, to the emergency room tonight. Don't know the problem yet but he had become unresponsive and gone into shock and his blood count was off. He will stay in ICU for a day or two in hopes that they can find the cause and treat it. Please keep him in your prayers as he is my baby.

    I love you all and will hopefully have time to read posts tomorrow.

    Myrtle Beach

    Prayers for your poocher
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    DJ: Prayers for Max...hugs for you. <3 Love you, too.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    tallee, what a transformation. I sure wish I had had that much transformation with 30 pounds. And you are rocking those jeans and boots.

    Heather was your flat furnished? You sure had a lot of stuff in it the movers had to take out, linens, kitchen stuff. I am glad that it is all over for you and you can be more relaxed and get back to your writing. Is this attack in Paris going to affect your winter vacation? Of course who knows what will be going on anywhere in the world then. One of our colleges has a satellite college at Harlexton college in UK. They take frequent trips to Paris and they are there. Had just been at the concert hall 40 minutes before the attack. One of the girls in the group was from here in town. I guess this attack effects every community in some way.

    DJ, so sorry to hear about your fur baby. Prayers that everything will be OK.

    I started my grocery shopping for Thanksgiving today. If I get it all at once it can be overwhelming to me. I know it is just a mindset thing with me but that is the way I do it. The things I get this early are all the shelf stable things. Of course if I get the marshmellows now I would have them eaten before I need them so I do wait on them. I find it can be quite easy to roast one on an electric stove. I learned that when the girls were younger and living at home. It can make a dreary day be fun. Or when you find out your boyfriend is going to the prom with some one else.

    Joyce, Indiana where it is a little cooler than I would likeit to be.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    edited November 2015

    My heart is so sad tonight :'(

    Rosie in So Cal
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    I am praying for everyone in Paris~what is our world coming to?
    I got a bunch of texts from DD, and I am going to talk to my dad today.
    I knew things wouldn't work with them living with Joanne(Kyles Mother) she is truly an evil woman and lives in the next town over there school system isnt is good as ours...
    so they want to move in with grandpa... he has the room... and to have his great graandaughter there would be wonderful... it will put my sons nose out of joint as he has had the run of the house to himself..
    Tracy asked that instead of presents that we get Tals room together so it is a smooth transition, so one we get the ok from dad,will see if Dan might paint the room for his niece...
    They also are looking for good jobs so that eventually they will be able to buy a house.... My ex I think will be giving them the down payment..
    tomorrow I am having three friends over for a visit, so have to get the house clean... not that it is filthy, just picked up and dusted...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited November 2015
    Difficult to explain how I feel about the Paris attacks. Can't put it into words. It would take a very long essay.

    My brother and his wife are going there in a fortnight. Probably the safest time to go.

    Just waiting now for the next attack over here, over anywhere. Anywhere. One person's death diminishes me.

    Rori - that is a great icon. Where did you get it from? (Later) Found it on line. <3

    DH has gone off to get the newspaper.

    Fish day today. Prawns for lunch and tandoori monkfish for dinner.

    Sorry, too sad to talk much. Joyce - Nowhere is immune from violence. We are going to Montpellier, which is as vulnerable as anywhere else. The only way forward is to live our best possible life. It is not a rehearsal.

    DJ - So sorry your beloved dog is ill. Horrible for you. I hope they find out what is wrong and put it right. <3

    Much love to all my friends. May you stay safe.

    Heather UK