

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Rental property seems to always draw in people who just don't take care of the place as if it is their own (even for a short period of time). DDnL#2 is planning on renting her house out when DYS and she finds land they want to build on that has enough acreage and/or a house they could redecorate. They looked at one piece of land that was about 1/2 way between where she works and where DYS works; but, hated the home totally and said that there was no way to do the type of changes to make it worth their way. Expensive for the area it was in as well. Still looking; should be about 15 miles from where either of where they work. It's about 30 miles from their house to where DYS lived and worked; so now they refer to his place as 'they lake home'. LOL! It doesn't cost him anything as it is a 'perk' for working there. They'll spend all of hunting season out there since his bosses will be there almost every weekend and some during the week. Making sure that everything is clean and ready for them to use and moving stands, putting up pig traps, moving cameras around, etc. A busy time for him.

    Got some 'new-to-me' clothes from a friend who is now larger than me; some of them have never had the price tags taken off them. YEAH! Some still a little tight; but, if I continue losing the way I am, they'll be fitting me soon. Even the jeans and slacks I have had altered are beginning to feel loose of me and that was only 2 or 3 weeks ago. Nice NSV for me.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2015
    Heather: Blue has always been my favorite color. :heart: We have a blue and white bedroom. The rest of the house is soft orangey beige & white except for the gray and white guest room. (Trim everywhere is white.) One step at a time for the flat sale. I'll bet the buyer is even more eager than you for the process to be finished. :flowerforyou:

    Tallee: Congratulations on a great job. You look lovely. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia and Lisa: Our shower has an open doorway to the rest of the bathroom. It has a raised sill to keep water inside and that system works fine. The showerhead at the far end faces the doorway and the other is at a 90 degree angle. Water doesn't splatter outside the contained area. We've had no problems with it in 18 years. :bigsmile:

    Lisa: I absolutely love the NSV at Walmart. Congratulations on a "ridiculously skinny" waist! :bigsmile: I don't know what to say about writer's block, other than you've been a very busy woman lately and writing takes quiet time. You'll get going when you have your todo list whittled down. :heart:

    Margaret: I like your wise advice to Michelle. We helped DD buy a house when we should not have done. It is still a problem. :ohwell:

    Barbie: Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It is an opportunity to spend time with loved ones and appreciate our blessings. Christmas is another story altogether. It isn't about religion anymore, or even family. :noway: It is all about marketing & spending money. :cry:

    Pip: It sounds like Kirby is doing a good job working on rehab. :flowerforyou:

    Grits: Congratulations on the loose clothes! :star:

    Yoga today and I'm looking forward to it for its simplicity and physicality. I hope it helps me shed a little stress. Had a chat with DD yesterday. Her plans are shifting sands from a time standpoint. I don't know when she is actually moving because she doesn't know and I can't be there to help. DH needs me to stay at home and support him. Our trip to KY was planned when we thought DD would be moved by Thanksgiving, and the money for tickets has been spent.

    On the good side, I heard from two long time friends yesterday and have lunch planned with each of them in early December.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Phyl – Congrats on your NSV. That is wonderful ! ! !

    Michele – Wow ! It blows my mind that your friend doesn’t share expenses, especially if you are the one to drive, and you do that trip yearly. Does she at least pay for parking? She obviously is missing a few cards from her deck. Have you considered saying “ money is tight this year, so I can drop you off at the restaurant while we go someplace more affordable, then swing back to get you.” ? BTW: My Dad takes a different teenager to TSO every December. I think he takes them to restaurants they would naturally enjoy instead of getting too fancy. He saves the fancy restaurants for me, since I dress properly and offer to pay as close to my fair share as possible.

    Michele, Mary, etc - I think I’ve mentioned before that my DS likes almost anything in the cake. Apple or cherry pie filling, crushed pineapple, pumpkin, you name it he’ll eat it. I usually use spice cake mix, but he likes most of them with chocolate, too. Really, the kid just loves food.

    Mindy – Congrats on breaking your plateau ! ! ! // I have a very basic, sporadic Barbie collection. A few Holiday, a few other random dolls that I just liked when I saw them. I wish I had the income or savings account to help you by making some purchases from you (besides that, DH would blow his top if that display shelf got more crowded, but don’t try to limit his bowling ball purchases. Lol). Best of luck with your sales !

    Heather – Hooray for the good news ! ! !

    Mindy/Miriam – thoughts of insurance fraud repeatedly escape my mind. I’m with Mindy, why would anyone lie about getting a mammogram, but when you consider so many people being under-or un-insured, it makes sense. I tell people here the only thing they need to bring is their ID, yet it rarely crosses my mind that the reason why is to avoid insurance fraud. People are weird (yet I also understand).

    Tallee – Your transformation is inspiring ! Thanks for sharing ! ! !

    Lisa – sorry about your health woes! It’s nice that you can put a positive spin on a potentially embarrassing situation.

    Cheri – Hugs for your difficult upcoming weekend.

    DJ – on the high school team, my son’s ability only improves the final score. The Varsity boys last year asked my DH to be their coach, but the Dad of two of the boys stood up and demanded the position and being his first year, my DH didn’t want to make a scene. DS was put on Varsity and DH coached Girls Varsity. The Varsity coach refused outright to play my son, so the Director played him on Junior Varsity. We spent the year listening to the boys and parents complain about the varsity coach, so my DH got his Bronze Certification to make it clear that he knew how to coach (no one else is certified, only volunteer). // On USBC teams with most kids averaging around or under 150, my son’s 204 raises them to the top of the handicap cut-off, or into the next higher level, so they are either bowling against better bowlers, or have fewer handicap pins to start. If they want DS for his personality then great, but if they want their kids to win tournaments, then they need to consider the averages of all the kids on the team, to make a stable team. I take Payne to Junior Gold tournaments that are scratch to earn scholarship money. Most tournaments prior to age 18 are handicap tournaments, and that’s where Payne’s average can be a problem: If a 14 year old has a 150 average and has a stellar day bowling all 180 games, his final total after handicap is added gives him a 690 series. That means Payne needs to bowl 3 games of 230 to stay competitive. Does that make sense, or did I make it worse? My main point yesterday is that I want what is best for all kids when bowling in a group setting, so if Payne has to suffer a little for the “greater good”, then that’s how it needs to be. Last year his H.S. coach put him in as anchor until they won the match, then he mixed things up so everyone got to bowl in different positions. That’s teamwork. I guess DH and I are weird that way. I’m the Mom that when DS was stabbed in the arm with a pencil by the girl sitting next to him I said “what did you do to make her that mad at you?” Now DH is being selfish like the other dad’s, and taking DS’s best friends to turn them into great bowlers. I tried to convince him to let me fix it, and he said to leave it alone, so I guess the subject is now closed in my house.

    Stress at work is at an all-time high right now, so I’m glad it is Friday. I need to apologize now, but I MUST complete my paperwork, so I have nothing in my inbox when I return on Monday, so I won’t be reading or responding. Holding all of you so very close to my heart and ear (back away from the junk!).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Katla - It's all done and dusted and I won't be having another sleepless night on that particular subject ever again. :D
    Got to wait a couple of days for the money to come over. I could have had it today, but that would have cost me a large fee. :noway:

    The painter/friend has been over, we've decided on paints and he's got the key and the alarm code. :) Shower man and electrician coming over on Tuesday to look at our shower and decide on a replacement and some new lights for the kitchen. Do any of you remember when one fell off the ceiling and smashed? We hope it all can be done while we are away.

    We are sharing a half bottle of best manzanilla sherry tonight as a celebration for the flat sale. 236 cals. :laugh: We like buying the half bottles as it stops us drinking a whole one!

    PENNY AT THE POLE - A few days ago I got your wonderful postcard from the Arctic Circle. Thank you so much for cheering me up when I was down. I've been so preoccupied with the sale that I forgot to thank you. :embarassed: I really appreciate you thinking of me. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    grandmallie - thanks SO MUCH for your card. we got it.. I've just been crazy and forgot to thank you... LOVE YOU!!!!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Our 11th wedding anniversary is next Friday. While I was stressed I didn't feel like doing anything special for it. :s Now I feel better. :) We have decided to go to The Black Rat, a restaurant in Winchester that people we know have been to, but we never have because of the driving/drinking issue. We have decided to splurge on a very expensive taxi both ways to celebrate our extraordinary luck in finding each other at our advanced age and my ridding myself of a major drain on my energy. Hooray! I can dress up and wear heels! ! !

    Katla - I do feel for you with your DD dilemmas. <3 It must be very hard finding that balance in caring, but not enabling. My elder son seems to be rising to the challenge of his diabetes diagnosis. I had a feeling that might motivate him a bit to get going. I am the opposite of a helicopter parent, but I do worry.

    Ordered some beetroot capsules today. The latest research has confirmed their use for lowering blood pressure. Worth giving it a try anyway. I am on medication, but still not in the low range. Very frustrating with my weight loss and exercise regime.

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member

    he just called me to let me know how his day is going. Since he's been having a crappy time sleeping, he tried a recliner that he was able to get in and out of ok by himself (with supervision of course). said that was better than the hospital bed. he was able to get a heating pad to help with his shoulder. he was able to take a shower mostly by himself (sitting on a chair). he still can't take on and put on the shirt by himself but was able to button up most of the buttons on the shirt. they want him to try to shave without moving his head, just moving his hands. brushed his teeth by himself...now onto next session, another physical therapy stint.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    tallee wrote: »
    50+ Active WW. Lost 30 lbs since May.

    Dang, girl! You're looking good!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Hello to all: Rainy as predicted, gloomy too. Makes me feel like just curling up with a quilt and a good book. weekend is supposed to be more of the same. We need to get our burn pile going. All of those branches and stuff are just sitting in the middle of our riding arena.

    Heather - Congrats on getting the sale completed. Yeah for you.

    Pip - Seems like just one more thing and one more thing for you. Hope life settles down soon. Most hospital regs require a minimum of 3 hours therapy per day for a patient to stay there. Sounds like Kirby is doing well.

    Sylvia - Our house we bought here in WA has both a large walk-in shower and a whirlpool tub in the MBR suite. I have only used the tub once since we moved here but love the shower.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th. I am working 6-5:30 today. I had another rough night with this cough. This is also my weekend to work. So take it One Day at a Time. I am not going to be able to go back and read all the posts I missed so starting from yesterday. Sorry if I missed something. Our snow is gone for now. It was pretty, but to early. Today is to be up to 59. That I like.

    Heather--Glad to hear you got all the stuff cleaned out and are about done with the whole deal. Proud of you for not over eating because of the stress. Glad to hear the rental is sold and done. Even with the loss, it is done and in the past.

    Sylvia--Your coop up sounds like an interesting and good deal, with a lot of work. Hope it works out well for you. Love the grandma exercise I do that every chance I get. Looks to me like it will be a great bathroom and shower. Is this the same mom who let the kids be around that guy that had a history of molesting children?

    Michelle--Beautiful rings. I understand how you feel about the other family. Our DOS settled that by having Christmas eve at their house and inviting both sets of parents. Most other things we are all together, sometimes I wish it wasn't but better then being left out.

    Phyl in Cincy--Great NSV!!!

    Janetr--Sure hope you feel better in time to go. I know this stuff is kicking b**t. I had a bad night again and today can hardly keep my eyes open.

    Joyce--I love watching those home remodle shows. I keep telling DH I am going to knock out the wall between the kitchen and dinning room. They make it look so easy. We have one of those electric fireplaces and love it. It keeps the family room warmer when we are in there. Does raise our bill some, but not a lot. Keeps the gas bill down so works out.

    Cheri--Sending prayers that all will go well with the move and the weekend.

    Grits--Congrates on the NSV with the new to you clothes.

    Had my meeting with the director a couple days ago and now he has me working with the new surprivsior on the schedule this next Tuesday. See how it goes. I am caught up from yesterday and today, doubt I will get the part before that read. sorry. I will do better to keep up.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    November Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less--Pray more
    4. Write down something each day I am Thankful for
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Went to see my mom today! She is 90 and her roommate is 87. Together they are a hoot. Both have dementia and try to help each other remember what the other cannot. They are convinced they took a trip to Daytona Beach in my mom's 1990 Cadillac. The roommate said that she thought the sores on her legs were from sand flea bites. Today, my mom said they had gone to Macon and spent the night in a senior living facility. The roommate said she couldn't remember that....where was it? Mom said she drove them there. On the other hand, it is so sad to see someone you love to be both physically and mentally broken. Mom can hardly get out of her wheel chair because it is so painful.

    Beautiful sunny day here but a bit chilly. Frost warnings tonight.

    Wishing all a happy, healthy Friday 13th.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Hello to all: Rainy as predicted, gloomy too. Makes me feel like just curling up with a quilt and a good book. weekend is supposed to be more of the same. We need to get our burn pile going. All of those branches and stuff are just sitting in the middle of our riding arena.

    Heather - Congrats on getting the sale completed. Yeah for you.

    Pip - Seems like just one more thing and one more thing for you. Hope life settles down soon. Most hospital regs require a minimum of 3 hours therapy per day for a patient to stay there. Sounds like Kirby is doing well.

    Sylvia - Our house we bought here in WA has both a large walk-in shower and a whirlpool tub in the MBR suite. I have only used the tub once since we moved here but love the shower.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    this hospital requires 3-5 hrs of continuous therapy
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th! May this be a lucky day for each of us. :heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Vicki, Janetr - So sorry you are feeling rotten. :flowerforyou: Can't imagine having to go to work for 12 hours feeling that way!

    On Monday we are babysitting the grandchildren and I know DGD has a horrible cough, because I heard her on Skype. Hope we don't catch it for our holiday. We usually come back with something! :'(

    Pip - Kirby seems to be doing well. I really feared the worst when he had his accident. It will take a while but he has a lot of determination. :flowerforyou: What bad luck about the Airstream!

    Lisa, Mary - what amazing energy you have! I love work - I could stand and look at it all day. :laugh: I really am past rolling up my sleeves and doing it myself, but then I am that bit older. Or that's my excuse. :D>:)

    Love Heather UK

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - I noticed your green plate. I have a set of that type of plates from the 50's. Is that from that time period?

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    UPDATE: Kirby just called, saying if everything progresses as it has been, he should b ok to go hm sometime next week, no exact date known. Won't b coming hm this Sunday after all. I didn't think so anyway, doesn't have good enough use of the right hand.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Pip, sounds like kirby is healing fast, good to hear that he will be coming home soon! Get some rest yourself <3 Karen from ny
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @mtowne002 Actually I am not the collector, but my eldest son has a couple cans from different ports of call he has gone to. He has it all in his kitchen displayed. Talked to him yesterday, as he was waiting for his truck to get re-wired. He was going to get the 1940's Cocoa Cola magazine ad I had gotten for him framed, then hang that in the kitchen as well. Truthfully, I don't really know what he really collects specifically. Right now, it seems to be the cans, and some of the bottles that are unique.