

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    DJ -- so sorry about Max. Losing a dear pet is so hard. ( I still hear my little guy bark and it's been about 2 months since he passed on).

    I did what I set out to do today. Tracked food and did 30 min yoga and 30 min walk ...and worked.

    Off to bed to read.


    Kimses in MA

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    What a crappy day. It rained all day. I got up at 4:30 and skipped breakfast for this CT scan, so on an empty stomach they made me drink three bottles of contrast stuff. It was lemon lime flavored water of some kind, but still, it upset my stomach. Then, the IV, and the iodine, which made me feel like I wet my pants, and some kind of shot to temporarily stop my bowel activity, and by the time I got out of there at 11:30 I was feeling pretty queasy. I thought I was just hungry, so I stopped at a fast food sandwich shop, and ate part of my sandwich and then threw up in the trash can. Right there inside the restaurant. So embarrassing! And then promptly got diarrhea. And nearly passed out. Finally I made it to my car and just sat there waiting for it to pass. I got home just in time to pick up all three kids from school. Took two home and the third to my studio to do her homework. Then she and I went to Walmart to get groceries her dad said he needed but didn't feel up to going after. By the time I dropped off DGD and the groceries, it was dark. I missed three calls from hubby wanting to know when I would be home. He wanted to walk the dogs - in the rain - but I didn't get home till after dark, so he was annoyed. I heated leftovers for dinner then crashed in the recliner.

    I'm terribly worried about my son and the kids. He told me that he is getting much, much worse and doesn't expect to see the new year. He has totally given up. He says there isn't any more that can be done. He blames his pulmonologist for waiting too long, not doing appropriate tests, not starting appropriate therapy. You name it. And he's being just horrible to the kids. He's being mean to them every day. And I found out today that he cancelled their appointments for the dentist, the eye doctor and the clinic to get flu shots. So, I asked him if he would give me power of attorney so I could take them to get their needs met, to make things easier for him. He said ok, but he doesn't want me to have any say over his own health care. So tomorrow I will try to see a lawyer. I also want it in case something happens to him then I might have some legal standing to get temporary custody. I'm terrified what will happen. If he dies I don't think I can survive it. He is my only child. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. But I'm so doped up with antidepressants that I can't even feel the sadness completely. I feel like I need to have a good cry but I can't.

    If we wind up with custody of the kids I don't know what I'll do. Full time responsibility for three kids at my age. And I'm not in the best of health either. And we have a dog that doesn't like kids. She has to be in her crate when the kids are over. I don't know what we will do with her. We've had her for 9 years, and we love her.

    So, it's still raining. Outside and inside my heart.

    Sorry for the long pity party.

    I hope you are all doing well.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oh DJ... ((((((((((hugs)))))) sorry about Max, so sorry friend. My heart goes to you, during this difficult time.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    susb wrote: »
    Thanks Janet, yes, I would like to join the group. My name is Susan. I try to be helpful because I have been there and I want to share the mindset I had to have in order to accomplish a goal I thought would be near impossible.

    I didn't mean to come across like I giving some sort of testimonial but hey, whatever works, right!

    Cheri, don't get discouraged. I would suggest, one huge thing that I forgot to mention. We all know about exercise but we still have to make huge efforts to move throughout the day. We have to continue to move throughout the day: Cleaning, washing a car, walking, instead of parking close, Cooking great healthy foods ahead of time and cleaning up after. We can do outdoor activities like gardening or raking. It doesn't sound like fun but we can accomplish three things: we burn more calories throughout the day, we take our mind off food and we end up feeling accomplished in what we've achieved.

    I don't know if I did this post correctly but I am trying!


    The moving throughout the day is correct. I don't work outside the home at this time and find myself thinking of ways to keep moving: taking laundry upstairs after each load, ironing one shirt and walking to MB closet to put away instead of at end of all shirts, taking dog for 2 short walks (outside of my 3 mile purposeful fitness walking), walking up and down stairs during commercials on tv, having a planned household chore for each morning and each afternoon...it takes effort or else I would be on the couch all day engaging in my passion of reading and crocheting.

    This time around (dieting) I made sure to do only those things (eating and exercising) that I could sustain going forward into seniorhood. Nothing over the top commitment wise as in the past that has been my downfall. Going full force and then messing up and then ultimately giving up. I want to engage in fitness and eating patterns that I know are sustainable. I think I am doing that as I have stayed longer on this path than ever before. Perhaps I can pull the reins in a little tighter as I have been successful thus far in staying the path.

    Your words are very helpful to me!


    I had to respond to this. I have had to fight the "gotta be perfect" diet and exercise thoughts in the past. Usually, because I tried too hard, fell off track, or couldn't possibly keep with an impossible plan for exercise, I gave up. I just felt like a failure. I read a success story where Shannon who had been so successful, mentioned doing what was possible for the long haul. I've tried to practice that this time. I still struggle weekends because it's easier to keep to my weekly plan then to be more flexible. Most of my problems are with weekend nights out. This is something I've got to figure out. I end up binging if I'm not careful. I'm faithful to my plan weekdays so thankfully I'm still losing. A lb a week as I get closer to my goal. I'm really trying to give myself a chance to practice maintenance a little as I've slowed down losing purposely hoping to be successful at maintaining this time.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pat, what a great picture of a darling little red head.

    Janetr, so glad you are finally feeling better. Safe travels.

    Fearlessfaith, welcome. This is a great place for support.

    CarolNC, sorry about your DD’s kitty. I hope it gets better soon.

    Joyce, your story about Buddy reminded me of what a dream Max was at the groomer. He was a little shy and skittish and would stand perfectly still for them. Our toy poodle, Pepper, on the other hand will growl the whole time anyone works on him. He never snaps or anything but growls like he’s going to.

    Penny, your post with all the tre stuff put a smile on my face. Thanks.

    Gloria, I guess it was your lucky week! So glad you didn’t get a ticket and hope you are on top of renewing those things.

    Nissanmamma, my strategy for not eating while baking pies, etc. is to let someone else do it. smiley-laughing021.gif If any of the guests want dessert one of them can bring them.

    Lisa, I didn’t think about you calling someone a pig until you pointed it out. doh.gif I hope the kitties will earn their keep at the warehouse. Congrats on the grand opening!!! party.gif

    Heather, I know we all worry about our children but hopefully DS will get a new job that is much better. Your DGC are just precious!!!

    Margaret, so happy you have found the right choir!!

    Betty ROC, I’m glad you wear a helmet. It just seems crazy not to.

    Pip, it sounds like Kirby is making real progress. That’s wonderful.

    Sylvia, I’d have a pity party too. Bless your heart to even have to think of such things, but in your case I guess you must. I will certainly pray for you and your DS and grands. I hope he is wrong about the end being so near! ((((((Hugs))))))

    Lisa, glad the ribbon cutting was a success. I hope you rest well in your new digs.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    As you can imagine it’s been a hard day for DH and me. We keep seeing Max everywhere. The other two dogs don’t seem to know what’s going on. Pepper keeps waiting for Max every time he goes out to do his business. It will take all of us time to adjust to him being gone. Thanks again ladies for all your kind words. It means so much! <3

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,742 Member
    UPDATE: I BELIEVE not confirmed YET, but i think kirby will be coming home sometime this week! now gotta think of phase II of the plan. foods for him to eat, put up the bars in the shower to get in/out of more easily, figure out how to get the heat turned back on so he doesn't die of frostbite!, figure out when to bring the kids home, figure out when his physical therapy (cuz i'm sure he should still have some) will be and when do i start mine.

    a lot of crap to think about.
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Loved your picture Sylvia. I like being at the computer, no one judges me here.

    Can't remember who it was that got some skinny jeans and said they were going to have to suck their belly in. I jsut wish that when I sucked my belly in that it would make my butt fuller.

    DJ, sure am praying for your baby. So sorry they found all those tumors but on the other hand glad that they have found something wrong so they can work up a solution.

    Gloria, congrats on winning your case against the landlord. Now the housing commision knows what kind of land lord he is and either keep watch over him more closely or shut him down completely.

    I listened to our local news tonight to see if they had heard anything from our college students who were in Paris but if they had heard they didn't mention it. I am sure they have kept touch with the college and families through social media. Of all the bad things we can say about social media, it sure can come in handy some times.

    Went to Sams's yesterday to pick up 9 prescriptions I had called in. They said I only had 4. Not just 4 ready but only 4 called in. So I came home and counted again and sure enough I had 5 more that I didn't get yesterday. So I went again today and they had them all ready, the pharmacist even said one of them was ready yesterday when I picked the other 4 up. Oh well. My sister's husband who is a CPA and does quite a few tax returns on the side says that part of medical expenses includes driving to the pharmacy. So I can now count 2 times for just one load.

    I can't remember if anyone here has any experience with C defficile colon infection. I as wondering what the chance of me getting it. He ahs been on the antibiotic now for 8 days. He says he really doesn't see any difference but I think he isn't remembering that he had the diarrhea before he had the infection. His ulcerative colitis is not under any kind of control and he even had to miss his last infusion. I am just worried about me getting it and having to cancel our Thanksgiving here. It would have to be at my sister's house without me, my daughter and grand kids wouldn't be able to stay at our house and it would be come and go back home the same day. I guess I am just a worry wart.

    Joyce, Indiana
    Morning, all...

    SO glad you/they caught that blood clot early for Kirby and that they're taking it seriously.

    Gloworm in WA, bless your peapicking heart--glad the sheriff let you off with a warning! And that things are turning out well house and job-wise. Attorneys are also tied into the community, so who knows? A house for January might come to your attention through them, as well.

    NissanMama - my strategies on all the holiday food are to bake things I don't actually like. I despise cooked fruit, so those are the pies I cook. The other option is to bake healthy stuff that tastes great, not always easy, but it means we can eat what we bake and just need to control portions. The key for all of it is that you can have some, just not the whole dang pie. When I CAN'T have something, it means I want it all the more, so I just give myself a little leeway. And run a lot more!

    Penny - I know that was frustrating, but that post was hilarious. Thanks for the giggle this morning.

    On the whole question of both political and religious posts in this thread--I simply ignore them. And that is whether I agree with the poster or not. Taking offense at someone's opinion is much like trying to teach a pig to sing--it just wastes your time and annoys the pig. NOT THAT I'M CALLING ANYONE A PIG. It's a metaphor.

    But, if somebody ups and posts something that says that one of those silly-buggerty "burn belly fat now with this pill, without changing your diet or exercising!" commercials is true, I will probably respond, and it might be impolite. These wonderful threads that Barbie keeps going for us are about sharing
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Hey Ladies,
    Doing well today although My heart is so sad about DJs Max! And Sylvia! Oh my goodness! How you managed to persevere through that awful morning and still be there for the kids! Not to mention that it must be terrible that your son is so sick! I'm so sorry for both of you!weights still coming off slowly..down to 233 from 254 August 6th. Works going very well. The head of my department asked me to be on a panel of five to interview and choose the next assistant department head! I was really flattered. The others are himself, the current assistant, the boss of the whole store and her assistant! Why I was chosen over the seven supervisors in my dept or any of the cashiers even who work full time and have up to two years seniority over me I'm not sure. Maybe my age and ancient college degrees? Who cares? I feel special and I'll just go with it.
    I'm happy for You Lisa that after all your hard work you had a great outcome w the warehouse! Pip I'm glad Kirby is doing so well but I'd like to hear how YOU are! Penny sorry but I thought the post was hilarious too. Alison, Jeez how cute can you get? Ohh bugger...I've got to stop procrastinating and take care of a pile of paperwork. Good to hear all the love flowing around in this group! Have a good sleep everyone.

    Mindy from Boston
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: I am so happy to hear that Kirby is doing so well and making excellent progress. Yay! :flowerforyou: Thank goodness you have this particular set of new worries! The previous worries were horrendous. Bringing Kirby home will be work, but also a blessing. :heart: :heart:

    Lisa: Congratulations on a triumphant open house. :star::flowerforyou: :star: Good news on a local writers group to lend support to one another. :smile:

    Kimses in MA: Congratulations on accomplishing your goals for the day. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I am so sorry for your son's situation, and I hope he is wrong about his prognosis. I applaud you for taking steps for a legal guardianship, temporary or not. It is a lot for a person in our age group to take on. I'm sure crabby puppy will learn to accept the kids and they will learn to treat him with respect if worse comes to worse. I will put you and your family in my prayers and hope that worse does not come to worse in the foreseeable future. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    swim: I met my goal some time ago, and I'm still logging every bite and swallow, and still coming here every day. I, too, have lost and regained weight in the past. This time, I plan to keep it off. Logging every bite and swallow and getting moral support for this group are working well for me. They can work for you, too. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: I'm so sorry about your loss of Max. Our dogs are a gift from heaven, but they're just on loan. :heart: :broken_heart:

    I've found some Christmas presents for my DGS & DGD. They're cute animal face boots. I got DGD a pair of these a couple of years ago and she has enjoyed them so much they're almost completely worn out. Her current pair has horses faces, and the new ones will be kitties. DGS will get bear faces. I hope they'll be in stock in the right sizes. The store where I bought the original pair doesn't carry them anymore so this will be an online purchase.

    I've been watching the weather channel. It looks like storm trouble in TX and KS tonight and possible snow in CO. I hope all of you in stormy areas will stay safe.

    Katla in Beautiful and Rainy NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    DJ, so very sorry for your loss.
    Sylvia, so sorry to hear of your struggles.
    I hope you both find some peace.
    Chris in MA
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    DJ: Heart breaking and tears flowing hearing the news about Max. ((hugs))

    Sylvia: A day at a time...I'm just so glad those 3 kiddos have you and DH in their lives. Hope you have brighter days ahead.

    Compared to many of you, my stresses are minor. DH had melanoma surgery on his forehead today. A silver dollar sized hole about a centimeter deep was cut out. It was 'patched' with a significant piece of fiber material that is pre-treated with an antibiotic. This was stitched very tightly over the opened area. He looks like what you'd get if you crossed Frankenstein with Dr. Seuss's Cindy Lou Who. Fortunately, this is temporary and in December a skin graft will be applied. DH is being a trooper. Manages the pain with Tylenol. His spirits are good, his appetite excellent, and he's contentedly sitting up watching Monday Night Football, which is pretty darn normal for him.

    A blizzard is supposed to dump 4-8 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. I'm supposed to fly to Kansas.... should be an interesting day at the airport.

    Take care, friends. Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
    Goals for November and mid-month progress to goals
    • Burn 2500 calories per week in the gym -done
    • Eat mindfully – doing well
    • Catch up with backlog of magazines – In progress
    • Meditate 4x per week – doing well
    Word for 2015: Mindfulness
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 15 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec and then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill. This is running for 20 seconds, fast walking for 40 and then recovering for 1 minute

    DJ - I, too, hope Max eats. when one of our cats had cancer and was getting chemo, Jess and Vince would force feed him. I honestly didn't believe in force feeding, so I didn't do it. Update: I'm so so very sorry. I think too many of us on here know exactly what you're going thru.

    NCCarol - what is an alcohol survey? Did you have to go to different places and sample some alcohol? Good thoughts for your daughter's kitty

    Joyce - reading about Buddy reminded me of PJ. We took him to the vet's one time, they put the cuff on his leg to take his bp. do you now that he fell asleep?????

    Gloria - so glad that cop didn't give you a ticket. One time Vince was driving with an expired license and didn't know it! Denise asked him something about his license and he needed to look at it, that's when he found out. Called the DMV and was told that if it had been a certain amount of days (I forget what) it could be renewed even without having to retake the test

    nissanmama - love the "out of sight, out of mind" and putting your elliptical in front of your TV. Usually in December I try to do some HIIT at least once during the week. I also find that if I have some silken tofu with unsweetened cocoa in it every night (no, it isn't heated), that HELPS curb the sweet desire. If you're not used to the bitternesss of it, try mixing a banana in.

    I honestly don't understand why Vince doesn't work on putting out at least the extension cords for the Christmas decorations while there's decent weather and leave the inside decorating until a rainy day. the past few days were pretty decent but he decorated in the house.

    Lisa - I get powdered buttermilk. The main reason I use that is because the only way I can buy it is in those quart packages. It'll take me FOREVER to use it up. Now I just use the dried stuff, many times I use it double strength, tho. I taste what I'm cooking, also. I think you have to because how else would you know if you needed more of a certain spice? Do you have a large freeezer on the ranch? To me, that freezer is my absolute best friend. Good luck at the ribbon cutting and then your writer's group. So happy the ribbon cutting went so well. You deserve every accolade.

    Miriam - there is one church around here that's a mega-church. I really prefer a smaller church. That's one of the reasons why I changed from the parish in Hickory to the one here in Newton. It's not as big, more caring. At the other parish it was more a case of WHO you knew.

    Heather - I'm very surprsed your son resigned his job before he had one lined up. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.

    pip - Kirby confirms to me that you can't keep a good man down

    kimses - I truly believe that logging everything is so very important. Good for you. Exercise is important, too

    Sylvia - I'm so sorry you had such a horrible day. You are very wise to be getting the POA. My heart breaks for you. Honetly, I wouldn't worry about custody and the dog and all until there is something to worry about.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sylvia - Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear of your situation there. Praying for you and your family. Great big (((hugs))).

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,742 Member
    Took the last piece of dried blood off his forehead. New war wounds

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- Kirby looks great! Are you back to work? It seems like you haven't even had time to heal. Please take care of yourself. (((hugs)))

    Sylvia - I'm sorry that you got so sick after your procedure. You are a wonderful grandma and mother. No surprise that your son is expressing anger towards the kids. If he thinks he is not going to be here it sounds like he is pushing them away. Good idea on the POA.

    Have a great night everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,742 Member
    Fanncy- I have been by to wrk. Spending nights with him at the hospital, going back home when I need to do a load of clothes, chk Mail, visit the kids, etc.. I will pay more attention to myself when I get him home and situated
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, I am sorry about Max. I know how you feel about all yours and the dogs emotions. It took me years to even throw away his dog bowl. I think it finally took my youngest to tell me it was time to part with it. HUGS

    Nissanmama, the way I deal with fixing things for a holiday meal that I would be tempted to taste is that my daughter and niece kick me out of the kitchen. They have the whole process down to a science and anyone else in the kitchen is just in the way. It's my kitchen and I tell them it's just to bad. A kitchen for a big holiday meal should be a time of family having fun. My oldest daughter and niece should help and never have. So I am starting my two grand daughters out the right way by gently showing them how much fun it can be in there. We have enough people for Christmas that we need two corn casseroles. So each one makes one. They think it is so much fun and the grown ups always give rave reviews on it. They do a lot of cooking at home so it's not a foreign place to them. The 9 year old's favorite thing to cook it bacon and eggs, the older one loves to make pancakes and think up new things to try.

    Miriam, I go to a traditional small church and I must say that the music is wonderful, well I am in the choir so what else can I say! But my daughter goes to a mega church. Out of respect for me when they are here over the weekend they come to my church. But I have been to her church enough times over a span of 14 years that I know that the doctrine is very sound, beliefs are pretty much the same as mine. They have a very small choir that you have to audition for. But the worship leader and the ones on stage do most of the special music and they could be recording artists.

    Sylvia, do you know whether your son has given permission for your doctor's office to communicate to you on his behalf? If so can you call and ask what his prognosis is? From what I remember my good friends sisters times were before her lung transplant, he isn't 'there' yet. Is he getting that infusion? I think and pray for your whole situation all the time.

    There are so many of you ladies that are in my constant thought. Pip and her surgery/recovery and then Kirby, Sylvia and her family, Allison and Tom, Barbie with this new pain that is keeping her down, Rori with her husbands surgery, DJ and so many others.

    Penny, I also enjoyed your post. Why are you going to Bangkok? Is it a vacation or a speaking/teaching trip? Be safe my friend.

    Well Charlie still hasn't picked up his diapers and put one on. In fact he has hidden them. And he is not taking this C diff infection seriously. He soiled his underwear tonight, it had not gotten onto his jeans. So he cleaned himself up, changed underwear and came out and sat on the couch. I don't care if it was just the underwear, he still has a big possibility of having the C diff bacteria on his jeans. I know to use the Clorox wipes on everything but what do you do to a couch? I sprayed with Lysol Spray. I hope it did the trick. I do worry about the couch in the family room. My DOGD sleeps on the couch when they are here. Her beautiful head is sleeping right where he sits.

    Lisa, I thought you were working the warehouse up for you to have a place in town to stay when needed. I guess I was mighty mistaken.

    Joyce, in wet Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Sylvia - good for you for going for that POA. We are enquiring about one for each of us. If DH was incapacitated I could not access much money for the household expenses, or his expenses, other than the rolling amount we keep in the joint account for one month. You have much, much more reason to need the POA. I am so sorry you have your own health worries to cope with as well. Just one afternoon with the DGC leaves my back, legs, hips in considerable pain. But Rori is right, one day and step at a time. Be prepared, as well prepared as you can be, but hope for the best. We are all rooting for you. <3

    Michele - I was mighty surprised as well! He must have been at breaking point. I'm sure DDIL, who is a psychologist, would have encouraged and supported hin to do what was best for him. Difficult though, as she is self employed, no security, and expecting their third child by Ceasarian in March. He could always be a house husband I guess.

    Off to yoga. I did not sleep at all well last night after our long discussion on the train. Kept rehashing my very fine arguments and dissing his in my head. Spent at least from 3.30 - 6.00 doing that. Then went back to sleep. :laugh: We are happily still great friends this morning. :D

    Heather UK
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Silvia- ((((hugs)))) <3 I just have to say you need to be extra kind to yourself now. I think you have been such a great help and support to your DS and DGC. Why there isn't anything you wouldn't do for them and I know they feel your love. Maybe your son is feeling ill and is scared. Has he been back in the hospital and I just missed that? Take it one day at a time starting with the POA. How life can change on us. I was just remembering I think it was June of this year when you where in Spain having a good time walking everywhere and eating lots of fruit and veggies. I hope you get your test results soon and that it's good news.

    <3 Rosie