

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Electric blankets vs electric mattress toppers - I used to work for an energy assistance program and I remember hearing that mattress toppers are better for the elderly than electric blankets. Unfortunately I don't remember why. I did read that one of the problems with electric blankets is that one person might feel too warm and through the blanket off leaving the other person with 2 layers of blanket on them.The nice thing about a mattress topper is it stays flat and in place.

    Pip I looked up information on switching an administrator on a GoFundMe account and it has to be done by the person who set it up and the GoFundMe people by email. Whoever started it can either change you to the administrator or set you up to access the funds. I hope this helps. If you haven't done so just Google GoFundMe help.

    I had a great week. First the news that I could stay in the house through December. Then the attorney that worked with me wanted my resume because one of the lawyers in her office is going to be looking for a paralegal soon and wants someone with experience and OLDER who is not looking to move on to a better job. Sounds like just what I'm looking for. The next day I was able to get a small loan to get all of my bills caught up and a little extra which will come in handy for the move. Still on a roll I got pulled over by the Sheriff. When I asked why he had pulled me over he asked if I had checked my tabs lately. Seems they were due in October but even worse when he asked for my license I gave it to him and he said "You've got to be kidding." Seems that had expired in April! Well he could have given me about a $700 ticket for both infractions but he let me go and said I needed to call someone to come and pick me up. So I'm feeling like a lucky dunce!

    I need to get back to reading so I can get caught up. I'll jump in as I have a response to someone and soon will be back as usual.

    Thanks again to all of you for your friendship and energy <3<3<3

  • nissanmama
    nissanmama Posts: 26 Member
    Per my November goal, hubs and I paid off the rebuilt Precor elliptical we picked out on Saturday. We are putting it in the bedroom rather than the basement so it's never "out of sight, out of mind." Also, it's in front of the TV. We take delivery on the day before Thanksgiving. It seems poignant timing. The piano tuner comes today. I love listening to the tuner work and the mini concert that always comes when she's done. I think I enjoy the prep and anticipation of the holidays more than the actual day. Do any of you have strategies for not over-eating during the pie baking and the food prep?
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2015
    Janetr,memories......my DH is also a fixer of whatever needs fixing. Has saved us a ton of $$ over the yrs.He would make our 5th wheelers into a comfy home.Sooner or later,most everything was replaced with house furniture. BTW,we spent several winters in Apache Jct.Hope all goes well with his family.Always sad when the dowhill of health/begins.Glad you are feeling better.Sis had 2 nd knee done in Oct......recovery is slow for her.Seems to be diff for all.Just never know surgery recovery till it happens.

    Thanks about Gr Grandson,I call him the star of the family :D

    Someone mentioned a sewing machine. Look on Amazon....Joanns & Walmart. A starter machine can be low priced.

    How do you delete pics? Can't find that info.

    Expecting several days of sunny 60s the next few days........before cold temps set in.

    Allison....you have such patience.....you put me to shame.I would have hung the phone up,then kept on enjoying the peace . Of course ...that would change nothing,but sure would feel good!

    Welcome newbies .... tell us about yourself & where you are in the wt loss journey.

    We had chicken noodle casserole yesterday,Not low cal,but yummy & enough for today.Will make a big mixed greens salad & call it done. Pat

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2015
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    SO glad you/they caught that blood clot early for Kirby and that they're taking it seriously.

    Gloworm in WA, bless your peapicking heart--glad the sheriff let you off with a warning! And that things are turning out well house and job-wise. Attorneys are also tied into the community, so who knows? A house for January might come to your attention through them, as well.

    NissanMama - my strategies on all the holiday food are to bake things I don't actually like. I despise cooked fruit, so those are the pies I cook. The other option is to bake healthy stuff that tastes great, not always easy, but it means we can eat what we bake and just need to control portions. The key for all of it is that you can have some, just not the whole dang pie. When I CAN'T have something, it means I want it all the more, so I just give myself a little leeway. And run a lot more!

    Penny - I know that was frustrating, but that post was hilarious. Thanks for the giggle this morning.

    On the whole question of both political and religious posts in this thread--I simply ignore them. And that is whether I agree with the poster or not. Taking offense at someone's opinion is much like trying to teach a pig to sing--it just wastes your time and annoys the pig. NOT THAT I'M CALLING ANYONE A PIG. It's a metaphor.

    But, if somebody ups and posts something that says that one of those silly-buggerty "burn belly fat now with this pill, without changing your diet or exercising!" commercials is true, I will probably respond, and it might be impolite. These wonderful threads that Barbie keeps going for us are about sharing what works for us in changing our lives for the better weight-wise, health-wise, and even mental-health-wise. My opinion.

    Welcome to all the new ones! We're glad you're here.

    The ribbon cutting at the warehouse is today at 1 pm, and the DH and I worked ourselves into the GROUND on Saturday getting the office painted and trimmed. It's bare pine 1x4 trim, but I can go back and stain it whenever I choose, and in whatever color. The silly buggers that last put up drywall must have just slapped it right over the old wood paneling without removing it, as none of the four doors going in and out of that office had trim around the doors, and the way they did it, there was no way to make it look good without ripping it all back down to the studs. We did not do that.

    My husband did the trim while I did the painting--so now with the concrete floors painted gray, which I finished last week, bright white walls and pine trim, it looks quite spiffy. And my husband picked up silver/chrome spray paint and painted the old gas heater cover (we're not even going to hook the gas up). It's as tall as I am and old, rusted metal that had originally been painted beige. Looked awful. Now it looks quite industrial and awesome. Love that man! A few rugs, a couple desks, and it looks amazing. I'll take pictures.

    Baked all day yesterday to serve for the ribbon cutting, which is relaxing for me. Made banana cupcakes with peanut butter frosting, and cinnamon roll oatmeal bar cookies, some of which also got frosted with peanut butter frosting. The frosting let me use up a jar of natural peanut butter which I actively hated, and the "cinnamon roll oatmeal bar" cookies were because I didn't have enough oatmeal, but had four of those cinnamon roll oatmeal packets left over from when the grandkids were here in July. So I used those, plus some regular oatmeal, and they actually turned out pretty good. Anytime bananas start going brown, I pitch them in the freezer, so I always have some around. Ranch baking is pretty much "use what you have," because the store's a two-hour round trip away. Buttermilk, by the way, can be made with dry milk powder made up double-strength, plus a bit of lemon juice. Just saying.

    Oh, and back to the subject of how to do that without eating it, I don't. I taste what I'm cooking and then eat some afterward. But I don't then go ahead and eat lunch on top of it. I just let those calories replace the meal I was going to eat. Works for me--but I try not to bake too terribly often, as it's not a good thing on a regular basis to substitute treats for a meal.

    Might actually stay at the warehouse tonight if I have time to go to Walmart and pick up a futon and get it put together after the ribboncutting and before writer's group at 6 p.m. Which reminds me... I have to go dig up the next chapter of the autobiography and get that sent to the group leader, so I'll have something to read--it's a read and critique group. If I'm not too exhausted, I'll just go home.

    Tomorrow or Wednesday, the kittens move to the warehouse. They 're coming up on three months old now, getting extremely rambunctious, and are about a week away from being able to jump on the counters. Which will drive my DH completely crazy. Time to give them a job. :) The DH has been teaching Mouse to hunt bugs, since we don't have mice at the house on the ranch, so hopefully it will be a successful transition. Squeak is kind of pretty and useless, but Mouse will be a hunter, I'm thinking.

    Warmest regards,
    Lisa from cloudy, but thankfully not rainy today, West Texas
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    'morning everyone. Intentions for today:
    track all food
    Yoga video (can't get to class due to work) and a walk.
    Keeping it simple today.

    Not much else going on. Just work. Mulling over if I want to change jobs or not. I was hoping this would be my last hurrah before retirement...maybe not.

    Good luck today, Lisa. Looks like a big day and you have been working hard to get here.

    Kimses in MA

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lisa, hope your ribbon cutting goes well!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning, all...

    On the whole question of both political and religious posts in this thread--I simply ignore them. And that is whether I agree with the poster or not. Taking offense at someone's opinion is much like trying to teach a pig to sing--it just wastes your time and annoys the pig. NOT THAT I'M CALLING ANYONE A PIG. It's a metaphor.

    But, if somebody ups and posts something that says that one of those silly-buggerty "burn belly fat now with this pill, without changing your diet or exercising!" commercials is true, I will probably respond, and it might be impolite. These wonderful threads that Barbie keeps going for us are about sharing what works for us in changing our lives for the better weight-wise, health-wise, and even mental-health-wise. My opinion.

    Warmest regards,
    Lisa from cloudy, but thankfully not rainy today, West Texas

    Well said and agree! :)<3

    Cheri in chilly NE Ohio
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I bought my daughter (practicing how that sounds) a sewing machine for Christmas her first year here. I found an antique Singer featherweight at a yard sale. This is the machine I learned on, and it is really great for a starter machine since it is so simple. It ONLY does a straight stitch, no zigzags or other stitches. So you set the tension once and it doesn't need readjusting all the time like it does when switching back and forth between stitches. I paid $50 for the one I got, but it came in a sewing table.

    Gloria, I am glad you didn't get a ticket! And great news about the job! I found out that my license was TWO YEARS out of date when a nice store clerk pointed it out to me. OOPS. So I had to take the driving test all over again. Hadn't taken that since I was 16.

    Going to the baptism in Tulsa made me incredibly thankful for my small church next door. The two churches have the same name but there is a world of difference between them. The one in Tulsa was a mega-church, that televised its services. It had a 100+ person choir and a full orchestra! The baptism was very brief and impersonal. I compare that to my girls' baptism where everyone in the church knew and loved them. The music is mediocre. The sermons not very inspiring, but there is such a great sense of community- folks that know each other well and care about each other. THAT is what church is all about to me. I think we will be able to view the baptism and entire service on the mega-church's website. If so I will let you all know. The sermon was pretty good. The music was incredible. But my small church is more caring.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Hi all! Here I am in London, with DGD having her nap. I picked her up from the brand new childminder with her dad and she seemed pretty ok. The childminder seems very nice indeed. :D She was more preoccupied with the 6 hr power cut they had on Friday night because they switched the power off because of a major gas leak. She said, "I was scared!"

    So we've had lunch and now are relaxing. DS showed us how to pick DGS up from school. All very official these days!

    The big news is that DDIL, before she dashed off, told us that DS had resigned his job! :noway: Finishes at Christmas. Oh my word! With a third baby on the way! Apparently he is already having talks and meetings with a few people, but everything is up in the air. He, of course, didn't say anything to us. The job had just been growing and growing until he was working such long hours and was stressed out. All these big changes have been stressful for both of them. DDIL looked pale and tired. But at least DGD now has a good childminder who will pick up DGS from school. It's only 3 days a week I think.

    Anyway, of course I worry, but there's nothing I can do really. DS is extremely resourceful, talented and personable and made a big success of this job. Here's hoping everyone is clamouring to grab him!

    Lisa - best of luck with the opening! <3

    Pip - <3

    Janetr, DJ, Margaret and anyone else suffering (((☆♡☆))) <3

    Love you, Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Just wrote this message to DeeDee on the home page:

    We sang a healing song in church yesterday. called Ten Thousand Reasons. It started with it is a new day dawning and the line ended with in the evening may I sing be singing. Your message confirms that we are still singing despite tragedy. Thank you!

    Yes I do believe I have found a new home to share my love of singing.

    :heart: Margaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    morning again~
    went down to feed DFIL ,well he was having none of it..just wanted to sleep so,I let him be.. in my opinion I think he is transitioning to another stage in the dementia process.. he has been like this most of the weekend..
    I try and stay out of political and religious things. as most of you are...
    Tom did call and he had sent me a picture of a couple of birds
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    It is with much sadness that I tell you that my Max passed away last night. :'( When we went to see him at the emergency vet yesterday he was doing well and we expected to pick him up this morning to bring him home. He started having seizures last night that they couldn't control and passed away. He was such a sweet dog and will be missed terribly. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
    8p4qjde10miv.jpg RIP

    I love you ladies,
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Just wrote this message to DeeDee on the home page:

    We sang a healing song in church yesterday. called Ten Thousand Reasons. It started with it is a new day dawning and the line ended with in the evening may I sing be singing. Your message confirms that we are still singing despite tragedy. Thank you!

    Yes I do believe I have found a new home to share my love of singing.

    :heart: Margaret

    Margaret I am so glad you found a place to sing --I stopped choir two years ago due to a life-changing situation plus a choir drama that I found myself in. I just cannot go back to sing with that group and I still need a break from from the weekly sessions, but I do find myself a bit adrift as I used to love to sing. They sang Mendelssohn yesterday and for the first time I really wanted to sing along to his beautiful music --
    How lovely are the messengers that preach us the gospel of peace.
    To all the nations is gone forth the sound of their words, throughout all the lands their glad tidings.
    Music is the real universal language!
    Totally forgot it was party day at work and had to stop at the store on the way in for some virtuous fruit. Must not eat the cookies...must not...
    Lisa, all I did was repaint our guest room this weekend and I am pooped. I am really impressed with all your work on the warehouse! You are a dynamo!
    Saw one of those younger lady bicycle commuters this morning all dressed up for work and with no helmet and wondered what Pip and Kirby's take on helmets is. I miss the wind in my hair but have not ridden without a helmet for over 30 years. I know Europeans do it all the time. Just do not like to think of my noggin hitting the pavement.
    Betty ROC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I drove two hours in the rain and got to the imaging center 45 minutes early for my appointment. Yay! The bad news is, they don't do the specific kind of test that the doctor ordered, so they sent me to the cancer center half a mile away. Now they are going to try to "work me in". How nice of them. So now I wait. I panicked when I saw it was a cancer center but I suppose they do al kinds of imaging.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm so sorry about Max, DJ! Many hugs to you.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    DJ, So sorry to hear of your loss, hugs to you all and may your memories be a blessing to you as you grieve this wonderful companion.
    Karen from NY
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - I am SO, SO sorry for your loss of Max. It is always hard, they are are family and they are loved. (((HUGS)))

    Janetr OKC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, DJ! I'm so sorry for you. It's always heartbreaking to lose a member of the family. Hugs.