

  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    barbie - I'm so sorry you're still in pain. I hope it gets taken care of real soon

    Mary - when each of the kids were baptized, their godmother made this bonnet out of a handerchief. The plan is when they get married, you take out a few stitches and they carry this handkerchief down the aisle with them. That'll be her "something old" (that is...assuming I can find it. Well, I found Bryan's and just carried it in my pocketbook)

    cheri - this is season 6 (Downton Abbey) which won't be shown in the US until Jan. It's interesting some of the twists and turns that are happening. In a way I like watching it now and then when it's shown in the US because I've found in the past that there were things that I missed the first time around. Wish you lived closer, too

    Did 55 min of a Biggest Loser Calorie knockout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Strength Training with the Band DVD.

    Had a general meeting for the Newcomers today. We had a REALLY good speaker talking about Daniel Boone. He is so dynamic. Tomorrow I'll volunteer at the green room, Vince is getting his hair cut (finally! But not short enough for me), then in the evening we go to the Hickory Community Theater.

    We started putting out the Christmas decorations today. Did the "fence" and changed the lightbulbs in the landscape lights from white to red and green.

    drkatiebug - yes, I wear my rings. My father got them for my mother and when she died, he put them in the safety box and when I got married I used them. I wear them. Denise has always said (and she even said it to Pete) that she wanted them. I have no idea why he didn't ask me for them knowing that she wanted to wear them. He said that he wanted to get her something that shows he loves her. Well, a ring is just a "thing". To me, a better expression of your love for someone is to put your feelings aside and do something that they want you to do. But what's done is done. He could have asked me for my rings and gotten her something else, like a necklace that she can wear. this way Denise and he would get what they wanted. Your bp being high might just have been a fluke. Sometimes that happens to me. My bp is rarely high, but occasionally it is and it usually isn't the next time I have it taken.

    katla - our neighbor at our first house liked my rings so much that she had a jeweler design rings like it for her. Of course, they aren't made this way any more, the setting etc. so that's why she had to have it special made. I'm just sad that Denise is sad and isn't getting what she wanted. At first I couldn't get over that Pete's mother said that Denise could take the diamond out of the ring and put it on a necklace. Even Denise said to her "never". Remember the ring I gave to Dianna (Bryan's wife?). I'm sure she's not wearing it. Now in a way I wish I hadn't given it to her, but what's done is done

    Margaret - I, too, think the mother is somewhat convincing Pete to do what she wants. Remember, she co-signed for an apt for them, they skipped out leaving her owning thousands of dollars and she cosigned for ANOTHER apt? She's the one who bought them a truck. To me, we aren't buying Denise a car, but we did pay for her education. A car is fine today, but what happens when it breaks and she's no longer here or able to buy them another one? To us, at least Denise has an education she can fall back on. I suspect maybe she's (the mother) into having "things". We're thinking about the future, not the immediate present.

    Hi Robin! So glad you came out from behind the drapery.

    Sylvia - good for you resisting those donuts! I bet you did real well talking to those kids

    DJ - Denise just isn't the type of person who will say that she'd rather have my rings. Don't ask me to explain it, she'll tell me, but she'd be afraid of hurting Pete's feelings by telling him. I don't think this is right. She should at least say to him (at least to my way of thinking) "I love that you got me a ring, but I really do wish I had my mother's rings." But I know she won't ever do that. To me, she should only so that something like this doesn't continually happen.

    Lenora - one day Vince was in the office and the doorbell rings. He opens the door and there is a state trooper. He tells us that he got a message that the alarm on our detached building went off. We have a speaker in the house so should it go off, we would know. However, this time it went off but the speaker was bad so we didn't know it. It wasn't broken into or anything, just a malfunction. But we didn't hear a thing. We have a special code word, too. So sorry about your friend

    Am doing a load of darks right now. Bot some of the paint from ceramics on my pants, so I want to wash it out. This paint can be washed out unlike acrylics.

    Soraya - we'd love to have ya. Keep coming back. I have to ask, what took you to Spain?

    Welcome everyone new!

    Michele in NC


    In a word it was love that brought me here to Spain. I spent ten great years with a wonderful catalan man, and tho we aren't a couple any more, we have remained friends. In fact, last week we went into Barcelona to see the latest 007 movie. Good fun.

    Have a wonderful week, everyone.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Well said Betty ROC! Thank you!

    I think the people who would prefer Putin have NOT read the book about him, Man Without a Face. The man is a total sociopath. No humanity or empathy at all. NONE.

    Sure wish people would read the book I recently read and recommended- Sex and War. It would help everyone make sense out of what is going on in the world, based on SCIENCE and RESEARCH, not just someone's uneducated opinion.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I got the skinny jeans and said I needed to hold my tummy in to flatten it; I, too, wish that holding in my tummy would give me a little butt; like I had in HS; but it is flat too. But, I am talking about a part of my body that will lost it as soon as I no longer am changing the size of my torso (breasts?) and legs and arms. That is what is measured along with my weight, BMI, and fat loss. Tuesday will tell me 'if' I am still doing it. Only exercised a few days a week over the past 2 weeks between weight ins; but, MD does not want me on any kind of suppressant because I am doing good at what I am doing.

    I do respect the office of the POTUS; but, I have not respected the person in there. He should not bow to any kings, sheiks, or any sort of leader to another nation ... nodding head to acknowledge them is one thing; to bow lower is showing weakness; he did respect their customs when he did not take Michelle along with them on those trips where he visited Muslim states. Or at least he did not do it once or twice. But, I don't know how many times he has gone either. I don't think that any other rulers of other nations have bowed to him. Not even the Japanese ruler - who normal would bow their heads to acknowledge him/them.

    I just want to be able to see strength in this country that had been prior to his first election; not taking money out of one thing to fund another - such as the military or Social Security (which by the way is never in an amount for any person to live off) - usually, if you are able to work (part-time) they don't penalize you. However that is something you should take to the SSAdmin. I take this opportunity to paint for profits or more so for gifts to my family members. I certainly don't make a killing - but to sell 2 or 3 a year for what I charge and I run it through my husband's business so that I will pay taxes on it makes me more comfortable if I get more commissions.

    I guess at Thanksgiving DH and I will sit down with our sons and tell them how we have written our Wills. DYS does not want to have to battle his DOS, especially since we have left them the land in the manner we have; actually left everything to both to share and share alike, per stirpes. Might need to change that to make it clear if one of them dies before we do, that his share would be divided equally between his children (naming the other to be the Administrator (or our Financial Officer where our money is invested to do it). He has the Wills scanned into our files and the originals are filed with us. But, whether or not they have to deal with this means that both of us have to be gone before they get any of it. DSY doesn't think it would be fair to him for DOS to receive the portion of the land that is unencumbered and it would not be; nor does he think it would be fair for him to move to our house; although he wants it to remain because he plans to come home ... and this is his 'home' insofar as he was still basically living here when it was built, just off at college.

    Had a wonderful phone conversation with DDnL#2 yesterday. DSGD is not going to be able to come for Thanksgiving because it is her Daddy's turn to have her for this Thanksgiving due to their 'shared' custody. If her parents did not work, then they could keep her until his visitation starts. The 'ex' is jerking my DDnL#2 around her neck and making it more expensive to buy a plane ticket (making it more expensive) so that she won't have to drive a round trip by herself. They are planning on spending the night with one of his college buddies and his wife (who took the time to go to Louisiana/Mississippi to attend their wedding). Our 'red-headed' [literally] (step) son (no kin to us) had promised to take another one of his friends to the wedding; but, never showed up. His drinking gets it the way of a lot of things. The other friend was pretty upset mainly because he was supposed to meet him and then he had to call someone to come back to get him. It would have been a good surprise; but, most of his friends have met DDnL#2 the last time they were home. She's bought Carrie Underwood tickets for her daughter's birthday at the end of this month for her tour that come to Louisiana in April. She had bought tickets when she was about 7 to go seen Justin Bieber; but, on the way home they heard on the news that he had been picked up for having drug paraphernalia and all that. DSGD got home and took down all his posters and anything she had had in her room because she said she did not like him anymore because of what he was doing. Her mother was quite proud of her. She's wanting DYS to go with her, even 'if' he does not want to go to the concert. While she has taken her to Disneyland and to the beach by herself - she is feeling 'uneasy' about this concert in Bossier City, LA - says she'd like to have DYS in the motel when she gets home from concert. I guess now that they are married, they are getting use to 'not' being away from one another to do things without both of them there to enjoy it. She is so in love with my DYS that it makes my heart 'sing'. She is going to act like things are all good between herself and DDnL#1. Hopefully, DDnL#1 can also be the same. Her moods are still swinging; I have not seen nor talked to her since last weekend when I hugged and told her that 'we loved her' and she did not hug me back and said, "I'm not our dear DDnL#2. That again, just let me know that she meant what she said in the angry email she had sent to me, after not being able to make trouble for DYS and DDnL#2 when she blaster her for not responding in 'her' timeframe. She told her to 'never' send that type of text or email to ever again. And then DDnL#1told her 'that she had been having a bad day' ... like that is anything unusual. I don't think it is my place to always be the one to try making this girl 'happy' that is a choice she has to make on her own. I did not even tell my son that she had blasted me - he would have taken up for her; but, that is what married people are supposed to do - but it is also necessary to make her 'know' that she is not supposed to send that kind of email to me.

    DOS made the comment that he would be the one taking care of us (or either of us) when it became necessary; but, if we need 'financial' help - that would have to come from DYS (unless I made enough from my investments, if I could live off the interest only. I don't think that DDnL#1 even cares that we are contributing to their household and haven't ever been required to do so for DYS's household (because he makes a 'lot more $$$' than DOS and probably always will. DDnL#1 would not move out of state even for a better job for DOS (unless it was to St. Pete, FL where her brother and SnL live. Lordy, what a self-centered one.

    PIP - how is Kirby doing? How are YOU doing?

    How is Max doing and have you been able to find a hospital for him to stay in if he isn't well enough for you to take care of him?

    Michele - I don't think the outside siren was making any noise; but inside it was so loud I had to let Cracker out because it was hurting her ears. We have the siren facing our son's house so that 'if we are not home' he can hear it and check on the house.

    DH got all my plants put up in the greenhouse and I took the ones hanging or sitting on the deck into the glassed-in porch. But, we'll have to cover the door with plastic to keep out the cold air until we can get a permanent door. He knows a young black man who is great with carpentry and hopefully he will come out and put one up for us. I'd like to ask him if he could build more cabinets for us for the kitchen and make she fit around the window (maybe even put a bench there (or shelves where I can put some flowers there in front of the window. We never use it at this point. Actually I need a little more counter space
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member

    Katla It's not an extra episode. BBC always broadcast one of the episodes (usually the finale of the series) on Christmas Day.
    It's good that you got things talked out with your DD. PS: Oops! Spoke too soon? My Fitbit monitors my sleep patterns for me. I average 6.5 hours.

    Pip Whatever next? You don't need that stress! That guy should pay for the repairs.

    Sylvia That looks like a great usable space. You will have a great sized shower/wet room and an extended walk-in closet. The only suggestion I would make is to be sure that the shower control is within reach of the shower head, so that you can adjust temperature etc as you are under it rather than have to keep walking backwards and forwards to adjust it.

    Becca You must be so proud of you 'boys'. I'm not familiar with the insignia. What are the pins on your man's lapels. I love that their bars are in order of seniority. And the son's have wings. Does that mean the fly planes or copters?

    Heather Alright! That brilliant! You must be so pleased. I like the sound of you 'new' colours for the kitchen. I'm partial to blue myself.

    Tallee What a transformation! You look terrific!

    Lisa W TexasI have to say that I am leaning towards wearing fitted clothes more and more as my weight drops. Most of my clothes were bought to hide the inevitable lumps and bumps of corpulence. Now I want to celebrate my new streamlined curves.
    I empathise with the author's doubts. I felt the same about my short stories until people started reading them and seemed very positive. I post my work on Writing.com and have had some good in depth reviews which have helped me improve their quality. Since I run a local Creative Writing Group, I feel that I need to stretch beyond the comfort of my poetry writing.

    Barbie We don't have Thanksgiving on this side of the pond, so Christmas is an important family time. It has become commercialised, but our family resist it that much as possible, by buying inexpensive token gifts, or giving personally handcrafted items. It's the social aspect that we like. I do love all the tinsel and lights, but most of my decorations are reused year after year.

    Only read as far as page 30. I have been so busy and will get caught up later.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Clear and cold - will have to bundle up a little more when I walk this morning - but at least I can still go in my walking shoes and not my heavy winter boots!!!

    I have a pair of skinny jeans too!! But they don't make my butt any bigger... :( .... maybe I sit on my butt too much and that is why it is sooo flat!!! ha ha ha ha !!! We should lobby the jean makers to put bustles in their jeans for us !!

    My washer and dryer is upstairs near the bedrooms - because that is where the dirty clothes are. I guess if it was in the basement I would get more exercise - or just forget to complete the laundry.... I am a multi-tasking type of person.

    So much stress around holidays ..... This year - our family has agreed not to buy presents for the adults, just the 3 kids. And the 2 DDnL's have requested that we don't buy toys. Instead of all the hoopla - we have rented a cabin and are going ice fishing for three days. So...obviously I am hoping for cold weather and lots of ice on the lakes.
    DS #1 is hoping for lots of snow so he can actually use the new skidoo he bought last winter....

    Take care everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lillian, your holiday plans sound like a lot of fun!

    Went with two friends to Roswell, GA yesterday and walked around all the little tourist like shops after lunch. I completely blew my plan and had a Reuben and french fries. All I could think of while I ate was all the calories in this greasy sandwich. Ugh! Wasn't worth the money/calories but fun to see friends on a beautiful Fall afternoon.

    It sure is difficult for me to get back on track after a day of eating without thought. I have been having high fiber oatmeal (10 grams fiber per pack) but find that it doesn't keep me going until lunch. So, this AM I had a high protein breakfast that was low in calories...scrambled egg substitute and one turkey sausage patty.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grits, I wasn't thinking of you when I wrote what I did about people hating Muslims, but now that you mention it, I am offended every time you refer to the president in sarcastic and derogatory ways. Of course, I didn't like the last president and I'm sure I would have sad some things then that might have offended his supporters, so I guess we're even.

    I never made it to the studio last night. So today I have to get into my white tornado mode and get things done quickly. The meeting is at 1:00, so if I don't dawdle I should be ok. It's already almost 8:00!

    Have a great day!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Praying for not only Paris, but our world. There was also a terrorist attack in Beirut on Thursday that killed over 40 people. I don't know why we don't hear as much about that one. Well, I do know why, but I don't want to get into a political debate. Suffice it to say, I totally agree with Betty. Well said!

    I love and support you all, regardless of your political beliefs, though.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Slow going today ....just really dragging. Last weeks trip wiped me out. I think this will be a domestic/craft day for me. Planned and shopped for the week's dinners yesterday. Back to tracking food today (started yesterday but didn't keep it up). Not sure about exercise yet. Maybe a nap .... :p

    All the people in our Paris office are accounted for, so that's good news.

    Kimses in MA

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy to count my blessings today, hoping all with challenges and health issues are finding respite in the small moments of improvement amidst the turbulence of our times.

    Raking and mulching will be my exercise today and planning the t-day logistics will be the main goal heading into a busy week (aren't all weeks busy these days?)

    My blood pressure is stabilizing and i can't tell you how rewarding that feels. Wearing new jeans , yes skinny legs, but a great supportive waist, not the low waisted kind. Visited with a retired friend who noticed the difference--said, "there is a lot less of you to hug!"

    I am heading into the holidays in the "zone" a little scared that i will fall back into stress eating, but will remind myself to take it one bite at a time!

    Karen from ny
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a note while I'm catching up with reading...

    Joyce - it was such a relief to me yesterday when a local TV station posted on Facebook that all of the students from our local colleges had been accounted for. I haven't heard anything about the potential students abroad from the nearby large universities.

    I'm being a heathen this morning and skipping church. Although I really like our worship services and typically get a lot out of them, I am increasingly feeling the desire (need?) to have a day of rest--physically and mentally. I feel very conflicted about it, but sometimes I get more inner peace and nourishment/replenishment by simply spending time with a good book and staring out at the trees. If I get in a walk in the sunshine and fresh air, it's even better. On the other hand, I also appreciate the need to be with a group of like-minded people. Bah! It's too late to go today so I will enjoy my book, trees, and quiet time.

    Conflicted Carol in NC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Just dropping in on Sunday morning before work out and shower. Penny you are correct that each of us is affected regardless of degree so hugs and prayers for all ! Katla we use hotwire.com for everything travel. DH just got 7 nights in Reno for $37 per night at Peppermill. I don't remember the flight price right now but it was cheap too, and we aren't even leaving until March. Hugs and prayers for everyone again!

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    morning ladies~
    was up at 4:45 slept alright,but Chester was chewing and rustling all over the bed and kept waking me up...
    My friends will be here in a couple of hours and I have the house all picked up, washed,and sparkly..
    got most of the food together this morning... just a few things to do when they get here
    will play some lovely music and have wonderful conversation and thoroughly enjoy the afternoon.
    went down to see DFIL this morning, he did finally wake up and ate dinner last night ,and he just had a bowl of cereal and 3 glasses of milk for breakfast, he kept asking if everyone was baptized,and had to save his coffee to baptize people.. gotta love him. brought his clean clothes and he is all set..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2015
    Heather: I hope the grandchildren help bring joy back to your DH. :heart:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: DH and I share your love of brussels spouts. I also like broccoli and red/purple cabbage. I'm not a fan of green cabbage. :ohwell:

    Soraya from Spain: I love the advice you gave to Lisa to make one of her fictional characters go through the challenges she faced with the Restaurant Impossible project. It has great potential & might be fun for the reader. :bigsmile:

    Irish Terri: DD and I do seem to have reached a positive balance at the moment. It will shift this away and that, I'm sure. :flowerforyou: Christmas is important family time here, too, but it is permeated with expectations for lavish gifts and ridiculous spending. I like Thanksgiving better because its focus is gratitude for our blessings and the companionship of dear friends and family. :heart:

    Lillian in Saskatchewan: I remember adds for padded girdles in the back pages of movie fan magazines from when I was a teen. I wonder whether they still make them. I never needed padding for my derriere until this round of riding lessons. Women's bike shorts are a blessing, but don't add any curves. :laugh:

    Betty: Your comments on events in France are eloquent and sensible. Thank you. :heart:

    Karen from NY: Congrats on the compliment you received from your retired friend. That is one of the best NSV's ever! :flowerforyou:

    I love this group for its diversity. We have good-hearted women from across the globe including several countries and a variety of religious and political points of view. I love our focus on mutual support, improving our health and friendship. It is my hope that we can avoid political & religious divisiveness among us and stay focused on the things we have in common.

    On a personal level,
    My DGD had her first sleepover last night when a friend came to spend the night. The friend is a neighbor girl and a few years older than DGD. This is a big event in the life of a little girl. I know my DGD will remember it in years to come. My first sleepover was with my favorite cousin.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    UPDATE: we noticed his feet were swollen when he was taking a shower. Told his charge nurse and they are going to be doing a test (called a Doppler) on him to make sure that he is not getting a blood clot. Basically an ultrasound of the legs to see how the veins are doing. doc came in to explain the process to us. Thankfully the swelling doesn't seem to be progressing up his calves. We should find out later today if the test came back positive or negative. Cross your fingers.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    This Is y I don't care to discuss politics or religion, don't like the bashing in any form. Whether u r for or against who is in office, not cool in my book.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    This Is y I don't care to discuss politics or religion, don't like the bashing in any form. Whether u r for or against who is in office, not cool in my book.

    I agree Pip, we are here to support each other in our healthy life style goals. There are forums dedicated for the other discussions.

    Janetr Okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I saw this on Facebook and then found the link to it from youtube. I thought of Kirby instantly. This could improve bicycle safety everywhere.
