

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Sylvia – congrats on talking to the kids and breaking the myth that just men are vets!

    Pip – oh dear, a nicked airstream and more work with the gofundme…. Grrrr Later – Sounds like Kirby is making great progress!!! ** Later headed home!!! Yeah!!!!

    Sue – I’ll come and use your tub for you!!! I’ll private message you about the embroidery

    Carol – peach --- glad you are able to accept Mom the way she is and enjoy the stories as great fiction…

    Gloria – excellent news!!!!

    Dj – my sympathies on the passing of Max… it is so hard!

    Betty ROC – thank you.

    Katla – Lifepaint would be good for those of us who walk in the dark too….

    Fearlessfaith – welcome

    Penny – LOL at your Swedish English post… I am sure it was frustrating but reading it was fun!

    Sylvia – you know this is the place to vent, I am sorry to hear about the situation with your son, he sounds like he is depressed too… Power of attorney is a very good choice. I just saw Miriam’s post to you, she is full of good advice.. My 86 year old mom is raising her grandson and she would agree – it is not as bad as she feared and the kids get it.

    So I have been missing for a few days, and read all 10 pages of posts but did not comment much… there is more to write, but wanted to post something… and it is after 10pm a busy day tomorrow… so good night.

    November Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday –would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 – football – we won! Working on craft show crafts
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    njsousa, welcome to our family here. I believe that some one that was here, CRS, was a beta tester of it. From my experience of just trying to ad extra calories is that you can actually add the exact nutrients but with the free version you just add calories. You need to send us pictures of your dog. VEry unusual combination. His poor little legs. That's a big dog on those little legs.

    Charlie and his brother were Durable power of attorney for health care for his Mom. It took a lot for her to do it but we were all glad when she did it. We had all talked about it but it was the nursing home that actually fascilitated it. Sometimes those social workers can be the best advocate for the patients. My sister and I were the ones for my Mom. She wanted both of us because my sister would use her heart and I would use my nurses brain.

    Great news!!!! Charlie has worn his diaper pretty much all day. for some of you that may be TMI, especially you new ladies. His best friend and member of the 'Over the hill gang' with him called to see if he was going to go tomorrow night and sing with them. Different Karaoke hosts have been asking for the group but it's only been the two and they just don't sound the same. So he told Allen that he would have to wear a diaper to do it. So when they hung up he went and tried it on and since supper on is his worst time he just left it on. When we joined AARP they sent us a small black bag, it has a strap that can be made longer or shorter. So it just fits 2 diapers, a gallon sized zip lock bag. With what all that is going on today, I am sure that some one might miscontrue it as a suspicious looking bag for a man to carry into a bar. If they want to inspect it they will find a diaper and be embarrassed. But I really want him to get back to his regular schedule of singing. And you really can not tell when you look at him that he has it on. It is disappointing that there is nothing but 'fabric' on the sides.

    Sylvia, so glad that you have finally got a signed and notarized document that you have permission to care for the children.

    Pip, I hope you don't actually think that if the hospital says he will be discharged at 11 AM that he will be! I hope you are right but it's a hospital and I have never seen one operate like that.

    I always love my Tuesday nights and I can watch the 2 NCIS shows. I loved it when all 3 were on Tuesday nights but they moved one to Monday night.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Allison I am still laughing at the thought of your DFIL baptizing people with his coffee!!! smileys-coffee-558286.gif
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it through page 37

    Joyce - I'm not sure how the at home sleep test works. I'll find out on Friday.

    Glo - Someone is smiling down on you. Enjoy your good fortune.

    Heather - I'm sure your DS won't be out of a job for long. So glad you got back safely from the "Jungle".

    DJ - Max looks like he was a lovely companion. I'm sorry for your loss.

    Betty ROC - Helmet for me. I lived close to a home for the head injured and that convinced me.

    Pip - Glad Kirby is doing so well. He's a strong guy and he's lucky that he also has you.

    Allison - Darling photo of Homer.

    Lisa - I'm glad the day was a success. May there be many more.

    Sylvia - Hoping things improve for your DS. I'm glad you are putting a plan in place. I wish you didn't have to worry about all of this. Praying for the best out come.

    Rori- I'm glad your DH is doing so well. It does sound very painful.

    Today was crazy at work. I was late for hair appointment. I hate that. I don't want any one to think that I think my time is more important than theirs.
    Crazy winds today, at times 110 km/hr. Then thunder, lightning and hail. It shook our door.

    -Sharon in Alberta
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Stats for the day-
    • Gym weight circuit- full body workout concentrating on legs. Upper body is weaker so start out with lower weights.
    •. Add 10% more weight each week if I'm stronger
    •. 30 minutes on the exercise bike
    •. 5300 steps

    Rosie B)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,829 Member
    morning ladies~
    dont go into work until 1 pm..
    but will go see DFIL this morning didnt go yesterday as I had to go to work early..
    have laundry in the dryer.. and will take care of that before I go see him..
    not much to add..
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca, you might can find a suit on eBay that would do for a while.

    Sylvia, so glad you got the POA. Sounds like you had a better day and going to your friend's house for tea and kitty pets must have lifted your spirits. Hope you will find a class for exercise that your GD will enjoy.

    N Pole Penny, it sounds like you and your DH have such an interesting life. What do you teach?

    Rori, thinking of your DH and hope that he continues to do well.

    Pip, good news about Kirby.

    Lots of wind and rain expected here today!

    Carol - Peach
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Penny – glad to see you posting again, your “voice” is definitely one I seek out.

    Sylvia – so glad you’re getting Power of Attorney sorted out for your grandkids. I hope your worry about your son is misplaced, but there may be some tiny peace of mind for you in being prepared for those things you can prepare for… I can’t even begin to imagine having to be prepared for the death of a child. You are, as Miriam said, so much stronger than you know.

    Rori – bless your heart and your DH! My very fertile imagination provided an unlovely picture of a unicorn with its horn removed. Hope the two of you are both ok; safe travels, my dear.

    Pip – so glad Kirby’s coming home on Friday. Take care of yourself, too… I know you’re hearing all of us urge you to do that, but we’ve all taken care of others to the point of our own collapse. He needs you to be at your healthiest, so taking care of yourself is, at very deep levels, the best possible thing you can do for that man you love so much.

    Speaking of which, I’ve got to go get rolls made out and rising from the bread dough I let thaw overnight. While they’re rising, I can run a couple miles, then get bread in the oven and sandwich rolls baked for the DH before I head for the warehouse. Mouse and Squeak, the kittens, are being relocated today with me to the warehouse, and I’ll spend the night there again. Will be nice to have some company. Not sure how all that is going to go. We’ll see.

    Getting a new cellphone in by FedEx today, and they don’t come in until after 3 p.m. in Fort Stockton. With it getting dark by 6 p.m., just makes more sense to stay in town. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get used to being in town by myself a couple nights a week, especially with the kitties. Trying to make it so my schedule is to drive into town on Monday, stay the night, leave Tuesday late afternoon for the ranch, go in Wednesday and stay the night, back to the ranch on Thursday afternoon, then pop in Saturday to check out the garage sales and check on the furbabies, and settle into a routine. So two nights a week away from the hubby gives me four days availability at the warehouse, and cuts my commute expense nearly in half. Even with gas at $1.99 here, $30 to $40 a week in gas adds up fast.

    Speaking of the need to make money, batting around ideas about using the warehouse as a package pickup, and even a gift-wrapping station for Christmas. Also have one of my writers who lives in town who is desperately in need of part-time work, but can’t pay her anything yet. Perhaps I can work out some kind of profit-sharing thing to have her presence there when I can’t be. Still thinking about it. Otherwise, package pickup just is not an option; there has to be someone there at least five days a week, six would be better.

    Off to my chores, my chickens. Fingers crossed the kitties don’t just absolutely flip the heck out while I’m getting them into town. Picked up a large metal crate at a garage sale last week to transport them, and am putting a bunch of not-needed, not-useful stuff aside for a garage sale at a later point, so can probably sell it for more than I bought it. Have I mentioned I’m big on negotiating? :blush:

    Oh! And I lost that next pound, DJ – hope you’re doing well, too… Only four more pounds, and I’ll be at “overweight” instead of “obese.” I know I shouldn’t focus on the numbers, but man I want that to be “normal,” just once in my adult life! That, however, is another 31 pounds away, and that sounds daunting from here. Then I remember I’ve lost ten more than that already and I feel better. Roller coaster day!

    Lisa in West Texas - sunny and 70 degrees today, sunny and mid-60s tomorrow. Yay!

  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Just found your site. I am 63 and I am struggling to lose 2 stone. Kimperry I agree with every word you say. I am sick of my waistline flab and a not so flat stomach. I keep trying not to eat the obvious foods that are not good for me but if I see a biscuit packet open it is impossible to resist. I need help.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Slept right through my 3 favorite shows ... The Voice, first showing of Chicago Med, and Chicago PD. BooHoo! But, I needed to catch up on my sleep as I had not been very good to get it at night. Louis told me to get up and go to bed, which I finally did and he let Cracker out before putting her into her crate. She loves to go outside when he is outside with her. She's gotten what it means for me to open the door and let her go outside now. Whew! No longer have to stand out there with her. She's a quick study!

    When my son got custody of his (at the time) 14-year-old ... it was a very touchy 2 weeks before it occurred after DOGD had signed the petition for the custody to be changed. First week, she had left the state to go visit with her other Papa; and then the next week was her mother's time to have her. If her mother had gotten wind of what was about to transpire, she could have stayed in TN and the DOS would have had to have gone there to file for a change of custody and might have lost her. That Friday when they called the Sheriff's Office and told them they could go ahead and serve her because they had 'physical custody' of her; they did serve her mother with the papers that gave them temporary custody until a Rule Nisi Hearing was scheduled in another 2 weeks. She was PISSED! More so because Taylor had acted like nothing was going on and even more irritating to her is that she signed the papers on her 14th birthday. In the Rule Nisi hearing the custody change became permanent and child support and arrearage was done so that the past due child support she had claimed was applied to what she would have had to pay for the next 4 years that DGD was with her Daddy. She claimed he owed her, this money was applied to the child support she would have owed son, if she was able to pay child support for the rest of the time that custody would be with her Daddy. Because DDnL#1 was cashing the checks for her and giving her cash without getting a signed receipt or making out the check and having her endorse it they did not make him pay her anything. DDnL#1 said she was 'trying' to help her - only making things worse for son because he did not have any proof that she had been paid. Her comment to the Judge was that all he had to do was pay her this money and she would have given her to him. Another lie - she, in essence, basically told the Judge 'well, I would have sold her to him'. DOS & DOGD had to have a police escort to go to get DOGD's clothes and other belonging. He wasn't very sympathetic towards her.

    Since then, she has also lost her other 2 girls to DFACS and they are now with their own fathers (actually one is with her father's mother) to raise. All have come so far with the changes. DOGD got to see her youngest half-sister about a month ago when she and her boyfriend went to TN to see his father and to get things that had been in his house when it burned. Middle half-sister had already been with her paternal grandmother for over a year when DFACS stepped in. DOGD gets to see her more often because she lives near-by and she has told her mother to stop contacting her, she wants nothing to do with her. She's already been 'in jail' 3 or 4 times since losing custody of her youngest daughter a little over a year ago. DOGD says her youngest half-sister is almost 'scary smart' and she has thrived living with her Daddy. Middle half-sister has finally realized that what her mother writes to her is just a pack of lies. She's not going to change her situation and now all 3 seem to know it. She was ordered by the court to 'move' to a more suitable place, get a job, go to AA and NA and not to expect any changes of custody back to her. DFAC has knowledge that She has always made good grades but when she started living with her Dad, her grades got her onto the "Headmaster's Honor Roll' making all "A's". She was the "Star Student" for her school as well, which means she made the highest score on the SATs in her class. She was more proud of that than anything. So were we.

    She's been on the Dean's List her first year in college and probably this year as well. Her GPA is about 3.8 now. Organic Chemistry has kicked her fanny! But, she still thinks she should skate by with a "B". She said she'd never take 2 hard courses during summer ever again - it was very difficult for her and missed making a "B" by 1 or 2 points. We're just very proud of her for making good grades anyway. She's planning on becoming a vet; but, worries about having to take out loans in her undergraduate work; but, like I told her - she's got to get there first - and this is the only way she can do so. She gets HOPE which pays for most of her tuition, etc.; but, she is living off campus this year - but her rent is less expensive than living on campus where she had to buy a meal ticket and other matriculation costs. All Freshmen have to live 'on campus' that first year.

    I need to clean out the bottom of my closet so I can find things like the 2nd shoe in a pair of them. I wish we would do that closet thing to make it easier to find things. Summer and winter clothes have to be in there. DYS's closet is also full (have to put linens and towels in there; and he has a trunk-full of baseball cards in there as well. Probably has close to 10,000 of them, some are full sets of them. He won't take them home with him, dammit.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,829 Member
    well just got back from DFIL.. sad news to report... his dementia is ramping up at a quick rate..
    I told you he has been sleeping alot lately.
    today he was very very disoriented and when I went to get his food together,gave him his coffee and he spit it out all over the floor, same with milk, still feeding himself but would spit stuff out on the plate, and I had to take the spoon and fork away as he just kept stuffing food in without swallowing..
    tomorrow is the quarterly meeting, and I need to be there, hopefully the contractors wont be here until after 9:30
    I will be asking for them to give him covered cups, so one he cant spill, there isnt much we can do about the dementia but there are ways to work with it..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,740 Member
    Morning peeps
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Pip – Congrats to Kirby. I’m so happy for both of you ! ! !

    Sylvia – Great news ! Keep loving those grandkids, and the right situation will follow. Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Barbie - We’ve been getting wind a rain the past 2 days, too. I suspect we will get your storm over the weekend. I heard the “s” word used for my weekend’s forecast, too, but it is mid-November already. Stay warm and dry (everyone) ! ! !

    Sharon – So glad you survived the storm. It seems there is bad weather in numerous places. Our rain recently took a break, but I can still see the trees bending and hear the howl of the wind.

    Lisa – Congrats on getting so close. Any goal reached is a win !

    Allison – Hugs and prayers for your DFiL !

    Today is the Audit that has made everyone at work so toxic lately. I’m not worried. Either I’m doing my job or I’m not, and post-appointment surveys show I am doing my job. Everyone else just needs to chill. I realized last night that my tablet is Samsung, so I should be able to sync my new tracker to my tablet. That will be good. I looked over almost all of the menus from Peppermill in Reno, where we are staying in March, and there are very few low-carb options offered. I hate to waste money by throwing away an entire bun, but I guess that’s what I will need to do to stay on plan. I will keep low-fat granola, yogurt, and fresh fruit in the room for breakfasts and snacks. The fitness center and spa look amazing, so I will just force myself to get more exercise in exchange, if that’s what it comes to. DH wants to do a Historic Tour or something similar, so I better start scoping out Groupon and such.

    Almost time for my part of the audit. I hope everyone is able to make wish choices today.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2015
    Joyce: I'm glad that Charlie is willing to wear his adult diaper so that he can go out with friends and enjoy singing. It seems like a good step. :heart:

    DJ: I don't remember whether I told you how sorry I am about the loss of your beloved dog. Our fur children are so important in our lives. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I am so impressed by all that you manage to do. On the weight loss issue, I don't think speed is a particularly good thing. Your body needs to transform at a slow enough pace to maintain good healthy functions. For another thing, you don't want to look like a deflated balloon. I think your progress is excellent. :flowerforyou:

    Elaine: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Allison: I am so impressed with your care and support of your DFIL. :heart:

    Terri in Milwaukee: Good luck on the audit. I'm sure you will shine. :flowerforyou:

    We will be at our son's inlaws home in KY for Thanksgiving and I'm putting together a gift assortment of things produced in Oregon as a hostess gift. So far I have some canned preserves, candy, and a selection of Oregon cheeses. I'm looking for hazelnuts at the moment. There is a store called Made in Oregon, and I could have ordered from them but the prices suck for what you get. I'm wondering whether to ship this or take it on the flight. Any advice?

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Phyl, smart move to make yourself prepare for the next morning even when you are exhausted at night. You just never know how you will feel in the morning.smiley-sleep026.gif

    Barbie, I hope the weather wasn’t too bad at your house and all are safe.

    Cat, beautiful pictures with a beautiful lady. I hope the rest of the pounds fall off quickly for you.

    Becca, I’m with you on spending $50+ on a swim suit. I had some that I had under grown but unfortunately already gave them all to a friend. Would have gladly sent you one. You are rockin’ those exercises, so keep it up and you’ll be down another suit size before you know it.

    Katla, sorry you’ve been in the dumps. Hopefully the sun will shine for you soon. ((((Hugs))))

    Penny, glad you and DH got to spend a little time together. I hate for you to be without your link so here it is for you: emoticon-object-026.gif

    Joyce, I’m so excited for you that Charlie is trying out his diapers. I know he can’t be happy about the situation but at least he can continue with some of his activities. (((Hugs))) for you both.

    Lisa, it sounds like you are getting your schedule worked out. I hope Mouse and Squeak have an easy transition to their new abode. On the weight front, I’ve been stuck at 168.5 for a number of days. I’ve also been feeling hungry the past few days but resisting overeating.smiley-eatdrink020.gif

    Elaine, welcome. This is a great group of ladies for support and information. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. Yes, it’s often hard to resist certain foods so the first thing for me is try to keep them out of my house or at least out of site. I don’t enjoy that I’ve chosen to give up certain foods but I’d rather do that and weigh less because I finally got tired of being fat. This thing works so hang in there and good luck.

    Allison, so sorry to hear the news about DFIL. I thought it sounded like things had been going downhill for a while. He is so lucky to have you!!! (((((Hugs)))))

    Terri, I’m sure your part of the audit will go great. I know what you mean about paying for a bun that we don’t eat, but it’s worth it. Just eat like you know you should and you’ll do fine. Have a fun trip. I’m glad you can link your new tracker.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My heart isn’t as heavy today but I find that I am a little weepy. When I was watching the news this morning I would tear up just watching a commercial. I’m sure that is all part of loosing Max so suddenly. Thanks again for all your kind words and hugs. You ladies are the best!!!! <3 Oh and my Thanksgiving that I thought would just be DH and me is now up to a total of five so I'm excited. I have so much to be thankful for and look forward to a celebration of that. You ladies are, of course on the list of things I'm thankful for.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning ladies! I just finished my SL5x5 and will paint the kitchen and its trim boards one more time. I won't do much more than that today. Except I need to catch up on laundry and housework. After that we are helping host a taco bar at church while volunteers and AWANA kids pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

    Squats- 5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X115
    Sumo squats- 5X5X 100
    OHP- 2X5X 45, 5X 50, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 145

    Lisa - Congratulations on your loss! I look at every 10th of a pound as a victory! This is not easy to do! So, you are doing an amazing job!

    Katla - I always prefer taking everything with me. You can wrap it really well and check it with your luggage. You can put it in a small suitcase. Your hostess gifts sound delicious!

    DJ- (((hugs)))

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    edited November 2015
    Cleaning and laundry this morning and deciding what is for dinner - will be chicken in the crockpot. Then working for several hours and I have 2 appointments with clients for year end planning. Going to do some window shopping this afternoon to get ideas for Christmas gifts. Hopefully I can get my list started and feel more organized.

    I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and will host at our home. My DH and I get the turkey in the oven and then we each have a Bloody Mary- yum. It's our annual tradition :D

    Today I will be tracking my steps with my Fitbit. Desperately need to stay strong and on track these next couple months!

    It's a beautiful sunny day here. Temperature is suppose to be low 70's which is just perfect. Wishing you all love and peace in your day my friends.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal B)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary - how are you feeling this morning, is the dizziness gone? Hope so. I do feel a little better this morning. At least no nausea. Hopefully will feel better by trip time Saturday morning. Take care of you.

    By the way, my kids always loved AWANA, we were very involved in it.

    Janetr OKC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,740 Member
    a bunch of Kirby's co-workers are planning on coming over on Sunday around 9ish and will be putting up the Christmas lights for us. Kirby will be so excited (so will I). he doesn't know anything about it.