My Plan - Good or Bad? Please let me know!



  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey guys,
    Ok so here is what I've been mainly eating give or take a few slight tweaks:

    2 whole eggs fried with yolk
    1 rasher bacon
    Bowl of oats, milk and half an apple
    A white tea

    Some sort of weight loss meal that sits around 350-400cal
    A handful of nuts

    Protein; 200g steak or salmon
    Cup of rice

    Gym session after dinner
    Burn around 500cal

    After gym; non carb choc protein shake with 250ml full cream milk
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    And my readings come from an expensive Omron scale so I'm trusting this is accurate.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    A scale is not a good method of measuring your bodyfat percentage. There is no way you gained muscle while losing fat, especially with such an aggressive deficit.
  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
    edited November 2015
    Lol at some of the posts on here...

    OP, your problem is not math, or MFP, or even logic for that matter. Your problem is biochemistry and thermodynamics. You can NOT lose that much *fat* that quick.

    You think you're burning 1000cal per day at the gym doing what sound like casual gym sessions? Sure maybe for a day or two. Cortisol will catch up, make lipolysis impossible, increase water retention and basically a lot of things that aren't going to get you what you want. But I think enough people have said that already..

    DXA scan, hydrostatic testing, or at the very least a caliper are the only good measures of body composition. These electro-impedance devices or scales are a scam... sorry bud

  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    And my readings come from an expensive Omron scale so I'm trusting this is accurate.

    I got down to 8% body fat (dexa scan) my 'expensive' scales said I was 21% body fat still......they are far from accurate!!!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Good job not losing insanely quickly! It's still too fast to do for very long, imho, but 2lbs a week through Christmas doesn't sound too crazy. Try to make sure you net at least 1800 (for guys). That's usually the minimum net I see unless under a doctor's orders.

    It's so much harder to put the muscle back on compared to keeping as much of it as possible in the first place. The bigger the deficit, the more muscle loss comes with it.
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    I thought I would update this thread more than a year later. I actually went from 103kg down to 96.5 at the lowest. All i really consumed was that juice, oatbran, milk and a bunch of water.
    After this crash diet I obviously went on a binge eating spree as by mind and body couldn't handle it. I put all the weight back on plus more.
    I went from 103kg to 110+ which was crazy...A lot of poor choices of food like pizza takeaway every night etc.

    Go forward to 6 weeks ago, Jan 1st 2017 I was 109.2kg and this time I learnt from my mistakes and done a whole lot of research into proper intakes, how the body works and what macros i should be aiming for coupled together with a much better understanding of hybrid strength/body building gym routines with daily focusses on certain muscle groups.

    Week 6 and my weight is at 101.6 but my strength has gone up tenfold together with much more muscle definition in my chest, traps, legs and arms. I have definitely learnt from my mistakes and am eating a healthy nutritional diet with roughly a 500cal daily deficit. Carbs 15%, Protein 55%, Fats 30%.

    I do 1hr cardio on an empty stomach each and every morning no matter what I feel like and I'm staying motivated!
    I do 1 hr strength training and compound excercises at night after dinner.
    Total 13 gym sessions each week with 1 'recovery day' where I only take a brisk walk on the morning and no gym at night.

    This has been working tremendously so far and I am seing some truly excellent results.

    Moral of this update and story is: Crash dieting is for idiots and weight loss/fitness is a journey which can't be rushed eventhough we all want to see immediate results.

    Leave me your comments please :)

  • VVVeeVee
    VVVeeVee Posts: 22 Member
    well i'm glad you are eating a healthy, sustainable diet now.
    Sorry, you had to learn in such a rough way.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Why are you doing your cardio fasted?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    Just a few thoughts!

    You are aiming for a GOOD deficit (500 Cal should be 10% to 20% of your actual TDEE, hence good).

    Your carbs are relatively low. This may or may not be sustainable for you long term. I personally know many people who did keto for a period of time and then gave up similarly to your experience with the hypephagia that followed your extreme restriction. It was only on MFP that I've heard of people who are successful for 3+ years (which is the first level of what I would consider long term).

    ALL YOU NEED to lose weight is the deficit you chose. I would focus more in making that a sustainable deficit, one that I can keep to by making satiating and smart choices when it comes to the food I eat.

    You need 0.8g to 1g per lb of bodyweight in the normal weight range. By the time you are hitting 180+g of protein, you may or may not be helping your lean mass.

    Carbs are anabolic not catabolic, especially in combination with protein.

    Alan Aragon has done a peer reviewed study showing no additional benefit from fasted cardio.

    With only a small daily deficit you would benefit tremendously from using a trending weight web site or app to monitor your weight fluctuation/decrease over time.

    Your general concept of small deficits, adequate cardio, weights, and rest is real good!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i've never seen those macros before... usually low carb is accompanied with high fat? i bet you don't poop much!
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    i've never seen those macros before... usually low carb is accompanied with high fat? i bet you don't poop much!

    I do poop regularly once per day.
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    Why are you doing your cardio fasted?

    Some studies show the body's way of entering into ketosis and burning fat rather than carbs with morning cardio on an empty stomache.

    I have the energy and motivation to do it and now and again I might eat a banana before hand if I'm aiming for more of a high level hit workout.

    I just do steady state cardio; treadmill and 4/3 intervals or sometimes rowing machine. I keep my heart rate at the ideal fat burning rate which is around 118 - 133 bpm for me.
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Just a few thoughts!

    You are aiming for a GOOD deficit (500 Cal should be 10% to 20% of your actual TDEE, hence good).

    Your carbs are relatively low. This may or may not be sustainable for you long term. I personally know many people who did keto for a period of time and then gave up similarly to your experience with the hypephagia that followed your extreme restriction. It was only on MFP that I've heard of people who are successful for 3+ years (which is the first level of what I would consider long term).

    ALL YOU NEED to lose weight is the deficit you chose. I would focus more in making that a sustainable deficit, one that I can keep to by making satiating and smart choices when it comes to the food I eat.

    You need 0.8g to 1g per lb of bodyweight in the normal weight range. By the time you are hitting 180+g of protein, you may or may not be helping your lean mass.

    Carbs are anabolic not catabolic, especially in combination with protein.

    Alan Aragon has done a peer reviewed study showing no additional benefit from fasted cardio.

    With only a small daily deficit you would benefit tremendously from using a trending weight web site or app to monitor your weight fluctuation/decrease over time.

    Your general concept of small deficits, adequate cardio, weights, and rest is real good!

    Thanks PAV!
    I usually get in around 150-180g protein.
    Carbs; I get your point here. Depending on the day I usually consume 80-90g on average.