Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Joy - sorry you got sick, that's a lousy way to start the new year! But good for you for setting the goals that you have - hope D day went well :)

    @tazzy2911 - well done, that's a great loss!

    @0505jen - welcome back!

    Rachel - glad games night went so well. How did Derby photos go? I hate having my photo taken - I get so self conscious and end up looking slightly insane as a result! Workout DVD's - I'm a bit of a Jillian Michaels fan - I always seem to get a really good workout and sweat with her sessions. However! I may start gentle with some of the Wii fit workouts - get myself back into the groove rather than injure myself on day one :)

    Jen - good goals for the week! The group is - just a standard weight loss, weigh in support group rather than getting too complicated with challenges and scoresheets and the like!

    @kaavery120188 - sounds like you had a good weekend and well done for the meal prep. What are you studying?

    Not much happening here - just a Tuesday in early January. Going to try and cut down my tea consumption - I'm using up far too many calories on average cups of tea at work, calories that could be better used elsewhere!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Rachel0778 I bet you looked stunning in your Derby photos. Glad you had a great weekend. If the form of BC you are on isn't working for you, you can always ask your DR to change it up. Might check into the options that allow you to go a few months without your period.

    @0505jen Welcome back, good luck with your journey and feel free to join us here whenever you need to.

    @tazzy2911 1.5 pounds down sounds like a great week, especially for just starting. Don't sell yourself short. New habits are hard to come by.

    @bluepoppies777 Being sick sucks, and you probably are hungry because of all the calories you used to get healthy. :) That is my theory anyways. Just remember getting healthy is a life long journey, and it is okay to have a day or two of being unhealthy. I still love your word. :) Happy early anniversary. I have a feeling you and alcohol are like me and my chocolate. People would get seriously hurt if I couldn't have any.

    @kaavery120188 I love the quote! It fits great with my word of the year Perseverance.

    @gemwolf110 That is a great goal.

    @janetay01 Looks like a great group. The Amazing Race group challenges that I have been doing will be starting up again soon. They are posting the link tomorrow. So excited. I love the challenges, it forces me to try new things. 9x10 I enjoy them too.

    I hate getting my picture taken as well. I did that 7k back in September. Well I was curious to see when it would be this year. I didn't find a listing for it yet, but I did find pictures from 2016. You can look them up by your last name or your Bib number. Ugh, the pictures they had of me were horrible. They made me want to cry. I never want to look like that again. (I still think I look like that, but I am 20 pounds thinner) So hopefully by the next one I will be down 50 pounds total. It has been so long since I was a healthy weight, I forget what I look like when I am healthy.

    So yesterday, I managed to avoid the Girl Scout cookies in our break room. This was really hard for me to do, and they will be there again today. Right now they are in the fridge, out of sight, out of mind. However, they will bring them out and set them on the table. Then I will see them every time I walk by. Ugh.

    I managed to make my steps, and stay under calories. I still did some snacking, but not as much.

    We set a gym schedule and today is gym day. Woot, I really like going.

    My NSV for yesterday, (Besides resisting the cookies) I did 2 10 minute runs during my walking time. Me, running for 10 minutes at one time, unbelievable. If I keep this up, I will actually be able to run a 5k by March. I am not telling the BF about this, because I want to surprise him. Do you know how hard it is to not tell him?

    Have a wonderful, healthy, self caring, strong day ladies!
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @gemwolf110 - yes, definitely something I'm working on! Trying not to drink during the week and only on weekends. And then limited on weekends. Mostly special occasions.

    @janetay01 - I'm getting my MBA with a concentration in Strategic Marketing. I'm a little more than halfway done. I feel you on your tea consumption, although mine is coffee. Trying harder to stick to my one travel mug in the morning and drink a lot more water.

    @jdelaroy - I caved in and bought a box of girl scout cookies from a coworker's daughter. Hopefully I can just keep them in the fridge and eat one at at time. Or share them and get rid of them quickly! Awesome NSV!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Running photos are the worst! I got mine back from the stair climbing event and quickly hid them away. I'm hoping derby photos turn out better. At least I won't be sweaty! I definitely will check with my doc if this month is anything like last month. Seriously, it was awful!

    @kaavery120188 I'm a little jealous you have girl scout cookies already. I have no girl scouts in my life so I have to wait until they set up shop in the supermarket to get my fix

    @janetay01 I love Jillian Michaels DVDs too. I feel like she does a really good job at keeping my attention engaged. For tea consumption, I use stevia and cashew milk to try to lighten it up so it might be worth a try?

    @gemwolf110 I'm with you. I can limit booze, but there's no way I'm not having wine for a month

    @bluepoppies777 So sorry to hear you were sick! Eating healthy while sick is seriously hard! My SO and I are celebrating our anniversary late this Friday as well! We got together right before the holidays and always have a heck of a time trying to celebrate any time during November/December season.

    @tazzy2911 Congrats on the loss!

    @0505jen Welcome back! Great goals!

    I think Derby photos went well. I had a hard time not smiling, and they got me in some interesting poses, but it was a lot of fun! I hope they turned out well. It's hard to feel sexy when you're bloated but I fished my spanx out of the closet so I'm hoping that helped!

    This morning I woke up naturally and thought my clock said it was 20 minutes before my alarm so I got up to do some light yoga before work. Turns out it was an hour and 20 minutes before my alarm! I didn't realize it until it was too late so I ended up getting my full workout in, cool down yoga, and played with my dog all before work. I'm feeling awake and energized so I'm counting it as a win! Plus now I have extra time after work to get caught up on laundry, etc. Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • mmcjtink
    mmcjtink Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I would love to join your group!!! My name is Melissa I'm 46 from Ohio. I have 25lbs to loose. I take care of baby's for a living. I have 7
  • KatyFlatlander
    KatyFlatlander Posts: 21 Member
    Struggling this week. Working to get back on track tomorrow morning.

    Hope your week is going well team!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @KatyFlatlander - welcome and hang in there. Today is a new day to get back on track!

    @mmcjtink - welcome! 7 kids - wow, I have a lot of admiration for you. I have a 2 year old and he alone keeps me busy enough!!

    @gemwolf110 - good to see you back. It is sad how fast we get out of shape - I've noticed how much harder my exercise is in the last couple of weeks having not done much for a good few months. The work balance is so hard - finding that correct balance between doing all you want and need to for work whilst still looking after yourself and doing everything else, I'm still not sure I've got it right. Yay for the new fridge!

    Rachel - I have so much admiration for people who wake up and just get up and do stuff! I always say I can and will but I think I just have to admit I'm not good first thing in the morning and have to take it slowly! What a great way for you to start the day though :)

    Jen - sounds like you had a great day yesterday with multiple NSV's. You are rocking this. Now everyone keeps talking about girl scout cookies. What are they? What am I missing out on??

    Well, I had a bit of a fail yesterday. Had a lousy journey to work - stood for an hour and a half on a packed train. Then a stupidly busy day at work and by the time I got home I had a horrible headache - not aided by my cutting back on the tea I might add!! Didn't sync my fitbit with MFP to get my calories registered - and by the time I'd chomped my way through some maltesers and chilli flavoured crisps (yes, a strange mix!) I would probably have been over my allocation anyway. But today is a new day and I've already done my workout after dropping Alistair at nursery. I've got an app on my phone called 30 day fitness so I may work my way through day one of that at lunchtime (working from home today) - crunches, sit ups and the like. Have a great Wednesday all!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @kaavery120188 I love GS Cookies and can inhale a box in a second. I am not going to buy any this year. I don't need the temptation. Yesterday I allowed myself 2. I put them on my desk and said I could have them at the end of the work day if I stayed on plan. I did well. I ate the cookies very slowly and enjoyed every dang bite.

    @rachel0778 Waking up early and getting a head start on the day can make you feel fantastic. :) Good job getting down to business.

    @gemwolf110 Great job making it to the gym! That is great that you are going without sugar in your coffee. Working crazy hours, on a shift you aren't use to can mess with your head.

    @mmcjtink Welcome, and good luck on your journey. Just keep coming back and we will be here. 7? Holy smokes are they all yours or?

    @KatyFlatlander We all struggle at times. But at least you are making the effort. Even if you only do one or two little things to improve your help, it was 1-2 more things than you would have done in the past.

    @janetay01 Not a complete fail. You survived, be kind to yourself. We all have those crazy days when all you can do is hold and experience the ride. Look you are already back at it. :) Girl Scouts is a group of girls ranging from age 5-18 who get together in small troops (groups) they work on badges, work on characters and just becoming overall good adults. Once a year they do a fund raiser by selling cookies. These cookies are delicious, addicting, expensive as all heck, go for a good cause, and a crap load of calories. There are usually 8 different kinds to choose from. Probably better that you don't know what they are.

    @ngolden3320, @CariTJR Are you guys doing okay? We have missed your smiling faces around here.

    My lower body aches today. I did a lot of hard core walking yesterday. Normally I do about 25-40 minutes in a given day. (Had 2.5 weeks of no school) was only doing 25 minutes then. Yesterday I did almost 80. I almost stayed under my calories (Without exercise calories) yesterday. But the cheese was calling my name. Cheese and chocolate are my weaknesses.

    Last night I made soup from scratch, I saw the idea on a website, called clean out your fridge soup. I think it turned out pretty good. I will know for sure @ lunch. Basically, the idea is to use the vegetables you have in your house, that are a little over ripe. So mine I started with a can of diced tomatoes (I blended them up) Added in some chicken stock and beef stock I had sitting in the fridge, onion, green onion, celery, a couple of potatoes, garlic and added a couple of carrots, through in some leftover steak. Seasoned with kosher salt, garlic, red pepper flakes, white pepper, cumin, and ginger.

    Happy hump day ladies.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    It has been a crazy busy week, and it sounds like it has been here as well! Next week won't show any time of slowing down for me either with a concert and a hockey game that I'll be attending. The boyfriend's parents are coming this weekend, I'm planning on attending a small brewery's birthday party on Saturday, and I've been trying to make time for friends, all while staying on track with calories and the gym. Boy, this year is already off to a crazy start!!

    Just wanted to pop in, say hello, I'm here and reading everyone's posts, I just haven't had the time to write a proper response for everyone. Keep up the good work!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @mmcjtink and @KatyFlatlander! Please keep posting!

    @gemwolf110 Great job getting back into the gym! How many hours do they have you doing at work right now? It sounds brutal!

    @wishfuljune I am with you! I thought January was going to calm down, but if anything my social calendar has gotten even more crazy!

    @jdelaroy Great job on all the walking! Chocolate is my weakness too. Let us know how the soup turns out! I have some chicken stock that is getting old in the fridge so I might have to copy you!

    @janetay01 Sorry to hear your day was awful yesterday. Less caffeine and an hour and a half commute on your feet is enough to make anyone dive into the crisps! It sounds like you're already doing a great job getting back on track today. As far as mornings go, I have always been a morning person so it's easier for me to get stuff done before noon. If I have time after work I am an absolute slug without a plan.

    Yesterday I was super hungry all day, but I happily kept to my plan and didn't overdo it, although it was a close one. My body is really not wanting to get back on track after the holidays! (I don't blame it- feasting all the time is fun).

    The weather has been atrocious where I live so I've been feeling a bit stir crazy. I miss my morning walks! I dropped my fur baby off at doggy day care today since he's been going stir crazy too cooped up in the house all day. He gave me a pitiful look when I left him there, but I think he'll appreciate me more after a day of excitement with other dogs.
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @mmcjtink – welcome! Good luck in your journey. 7 kids is a lot! I’m sure they keep you moving!
    @gemwolf110 – finding a balance is definitely hard. I have a hard time balancing school, work, and exercise. Hoping to get back into it next week since I am on break from school. Happy you are getting a new fridge!
    @janetay – sounds like a stressful day. But you’re right, today is a new day and it sounds like you’ve already set yourself up for success by getting a workout in.
    @jdelaroy – that soup sounds like a good idea. Maybe I should try that….

    Yesterday was a good day. Our cafeteria had a pasta bar for lunch and I avoided it and went straight to the salad bar. Having a cafeteria in house is difficult sometimes because they always have yummy food and it's so easy to skip making my lunch and say I'll just get something from the cafeteria. I also finally dug out my fitbit and yesterday I got to 10,000 steps! I'm also trying a bit harder just to get up and move a little every hour. Tonight is my last night of class for the semester and then I have a three week break, so I'm really hoping to get some exercise in starting next week. I think I might try and do some light yoga or go for a walk this week if I feel up to it.

    Happy hump day, all! Stay positive today!
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @rachel0778 I feel you on the weather. It's slightly warmer here today but still too chilly to take the pup for a long walk. We take him to doggy daycare two days a week also. Just to get his puppy energy out! I wish I had as much energy as he does :smile:
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Hump Day! Yikes this week is going slow!

    Happy to report I am down 2 lbs this morning - praise baby jesus! LOL!!! It's funny how any loss can make you feel more committed to losing more... I'm feeling good today! My friend told me about this thing she does, it's supposed to help digestion. She takes a capful of apple cider vinegar in the morning with a little bit of water (like do a shot). She does it 2 x a day, morning and night. So I did it the last 2 days and this morning I am down 2 lbs - not sure if it's helping or a coincidence, since I haven't done any research on it. But I think I will keep it up this week and see what happens. Honestly it tastes like crap!! So beware if you try it!

    Rachel - doggy daycare is so fun for them! I'm sure Chase will come home totally pooped and happy. He'll flop and sleep so well! I have to say, I really admire you for your dedication! Sometimes when I don't feel like exercising I think of you and tell myself - get your *kitten out there, Rachel is doing it!! haha!

    Jen - I saw your weight loss posted this morning - GOOD JOB!! You're my inspiration! I wish I would be down over 40 lbs!! That is crazy awesome, my long term goal is to lose 45 more lbs... not sure how long this will take, but I'm in it for the long haul too.

    Jane - Girl scout cookies are really popular in Canada and US. They are like an oreo cookie, but different taste. I prefer oreos myself, but that's probably because you can't get GS cookies any time you want them, only when these cute little girls are knocking at your door selling them, or set up at a store out front on tables. :)
    I'm sure your headache is from less tea! Drink lots of water, I think hydration can help with that... I don't drink coffee, and usually only drink tea when I'm cold (herbal is my fav), so I don't experience those headaches when I don't have it!

    @kaavery120188 - I don't think I know your name! Good job on choosing the salad over the pasta bar - that is a huge NSV!! I would have dove into the fettuccine alfredo for sure! I looked everywhere for my fitbit last night, and it is LOST. :( I will keep looking, but honestly I think I looked in every nook and cranny... besides my 21 year old's room, which looks like a bomb has gone off (we just keep the door closed). So I'll give it another shot tonight, I really want to start wearing it again!

    Gem- You are working so hard! Good for you, it is going to help you with the experience and the money - especially with ordering a new fridge! Hopefully you can carve out time for exercise in between all those work hours. I decided this week that I am going to do 30 minute work outs at the gym. Usually I try to do between 45-60 minutes, but I feel out of shape right now still from the holidays, and I find if I overexert myself, then I don't feel up to going the next day. Yesterday I did 30 mins hard cardio, and I'm feeling ready to go back today after work. So maybe just choose small bursts of exercise during this busy work time!

    June - a brewery birthday party?! Helloooo! My kind of birthday party! Hubs and I tried a new winter ale last night and it was so good. :) Sounds like your schedule is packed with fun stuff -that is awesome!

    Welcome to the newbies, feel free to add me as a friend! Have a good day everyone! Hopefully everyone gets in some exercise today!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I feel like those are me in January! LOL!!!
  • mmcjtink
    mmcjtink Posts: 26 Member
    Kaavery120188 I can understand how the cafeteria could be hard to stay away from!!! Good for you!!! One of my family's brought doughnuts this morning I looooove doughnuts especially with a cup of coffee. Lol. BUT I didn't eat it!!! I felt like a super hero all morning for staying away from it!! Enjoy your day!!!
  • mmcjtink
    mmcjtink Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome!!!! lol no the 7 children are not mine I have 2 but they are much older 21 and 18. I take care of 7 ranging from the age 6 months to 4. All teacher kids so I get holidays and summers off!! They help me handle the fact that my babies are growing up and moving on. I gained about 30lbs when my daughter went off to college
  • Zoey2715
    Zoey2715 Posts: 4 Member
    Motivation is not my problem -- it is temptation. I can resist for a while and then one justifiable slip-up (like a piece of birthday cake or a Christmas cookie) and all I want is sugar! Elimination of sugar is nearly impossible in the US diet but as long as I am aware of this problem and am truthful about its effect on my body, I can deal with it. I make almost all of my own meals at home where I control the sugar and fat content of what I eat. I love to bake but have mostly eliminated this activity from my life. After all, it is not like a cupcake will never cross my path again through some other means -- it will so there is no need for me to feel any deprivation about it.
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    My name is Jazmine. I lost 50lbs recently, and my initial goal was to lose 70. So I went from 230 to 180. Goal was 160. I realized I'd like to hit 75 to 80 down now. So my overall goal is about 150-155. I recently had two pregnancies that resulted in two miscarriages over the past 4 months. So now I am hovering between 192 and 198. Only 32 pounds down :(. So discouraging to backtrack. Right now I'm really trying to get back down to 180. Then on to 155. I've lost my weight by counting calories and doing herbalife shakes. I joined a dietbet this month while I also do my 28 day #buttsnguts challenge with my herbalife team. Hopefully I can lose the 8 pounds to at least win my dietbet. But getting down to 180 this month would make me ecstatic.