Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Aghhh it happened again! It keeps cutting my posts off
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    I was saying I love all your words- my word for 2017 is commitment. I've set goals and I need to commit to healthy eating, logging and exercise to reach my goals.
    I rejoined ww today and I'm feeling motivated and ready to do this!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @wishfuljune That's a great word and very appropriate. We need to keep making strides in life to avoid getting stuck in a rut

    @Rachel0778 Sometimes if we're feeling bad about ourselves, it's hard to feel good about others. It's good to recognise those feelings though - many people will just react to those jealous feelings without thinking about where they are coming from or whether that person deserves to be treated like that. Mindset is everything. The same event can be interpreted different ways depending on your perspective and emotions.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited January 2017
    Dalceridae: Colorado hikes are awesome! I so want to live there!! My husband has never been and I really want to vacation there soon! Glad you enjoyed the dog walks and glad she is doing better… poor girl… Strength covers so much! I think that is why I chose it as well! It’s not about health alone… it’s overall lifestyle and all the things in my life I need strength to get through!

    Rachel: Way to stay positive and just be glad you enjoyed the holidays.. no looking back and sulking over a number! Great word for you!! That is a word I would associate to you ALWAYS!! You seem so strong! And great resolutions!! Christmas decorations can be a lot of work!! =)

    Gem: Great word! I think all of us could use that to help us in the new year!

    Tazzy! We missed ya girl! Welcome back!! Way to rejoin WW and get back on track!! Great word and that will get you where you need to be! You got this lady!!

    Janetay: Thanks so much for the concern of my FIL… he has finally moved to the rehab facility. Things are looking up… Hopefully only there 2-3 weeks! Fingers crossed! Great word for you as well! I think as mothers we tend to put everyone before us! Sounds like you had a nice day to yourself yesterday already!!

    Jdelaroy: Way to go!! You have made great strides!! Love watching so many succeed! What a motivating feeling!! Glad you had a wonderful holiday season!

    June: Love it!! Stride!! You are going to stride right into your goals!! Keep it up lady!! =)

    Well my holidays rocked! I truly enjoyed all of it!! I did make it to the gym Friday afternoon… So I was happy with myself there. Saturday we had a house party with friends and it was a nice low key gathering! Made a couple visits to the FIL… he moved into the rehab facility now and we can bring in our puppy to visit him as well! He loves it!! Taking her again tonight! Sunday we had a lazy day and didn’t get much done. All my Christmas décor is still up! Yes… I am terrible! I’m sure it will come down this week! I did go to the movie “Sing”… with Lexi and her friend… that was cute! I resisted all popcorn! =) Monday we watched the Badgers win the Cotton Bowl while Lexi was off visiting a friend home from California! Then we had a movie night last night! Now back to reality… I didn’t get in a workout this morning but I am determined to get something in before days end! Working on my 10K steps today as well! I’ve really slacked! I did avoid the scale and figure I will hit it tomorrow, give myself a few days just in case… But I think I was pretty good over the holidays! This is the first year I actually was thinking of what damage I was doing instead of not caring and it feels good to still be in a good place after the holidays!! Now strength to persevere! Hope everyone has a great day!! Happy New Year!!
    I forgot to mention that my mom took a picture of my over the holidays and that is my new motivation to get going! I was not pleased with how I looked! Sometimes you just need that wake up... and that seemed to be one for me!! Here's to weighing less in 2017!!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Hi Guys, long time no speak.
    So, I've been away for quite some time now, and to cut a long story short I'm right back where I started at the beginning of 2016. Since my Mum passed in April I've put back on every single lb I lost, and a few more to boot. This makes me very sad, but on the plus side, I managed it before, so I know I can do it again.
    I spent Christmas with my partner, his parents, and our friends on a beautiful sunshiney island called Tenerife, and now I'm back and rested a ready to start over after a very difficult year.
    My word for 2017 is 'committed'. I need to be more committed to myself and my goals and staying on track.
    Here's to the year ahead, may we all succeed in our endeavours.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    I haven't posted in so long...and I've bunches to share...

    CariT: Grief and all the stuff that goes with loss of a loved one is so hard. I lost my grandmother and my sister within one month in 2015 and I put on nearly 30 pounds in the next year. I'm back to where I was then...It just takes time. Don't be too hard on yourself. Hang in there!

    ShyCush: I love that! Everyone has been talking about a word for the year and I hadn't found one I like or that fit...but you gave it to me! Transformation!

    Rachel: It sounds pretty normal to me, especially since you've worked so hard. But I bet you didn't say anything like that to her. You probably replied with something complimentary...I'd pay more attention to what you do than to what your first reaction was. You're feeling disappointed in your progress the past couple weeks and she looks like you want to feel. Perfectly natural to feel envious...but you also want to feel happy for her...and that counts!

    I'm so glad everyone had a nice holiday...island vacations, parties, and so busy! I'm not much of a Christmas person myself. My in-laws mostly have indoor animals, which I'm allergic to, and I can't visit them, so my husband goes alone and I have very little family. We spent a bunch of time working on Christmas presents--this year we decided to make a family calendar with fun photos and everyone's birthday. It doesn't sound like much but choosing and editing photos and layouts take a lot of time! When we do family calendars we like to use photos of teddy bears (we have nearly 3 dozen, they're our kids) doing fun things...we had a bunch of unused photos from last time but we dragged the bears around the city and did some more photography for it. I used Snapfish this year. Had a good coupon and they turned out really well.

    Five days before Christmas I slipped on some ice and fell, breaking three bones in my a result, I'm down for the count for a while. I'd been doing so well, walking several days a week and now I do good to get around the house for basic stuff. Depressing is what that is...and for four or five more weeks! Argh!

    I'm pleased the new year has begun and hope that it is better than the last two...I'm hoping that I can lose another 50 pounds or so in the next twelve months and am worried the next few weeks will result in setbacks. I'm going to keep logging and trying to find some decent exercises that don't require two feet!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @melaniedscott Ouch, so sorry to hear about your foot. That must be very frustrating and add to the stress of the new year.

    @ShyCush6 Glad your father-in-law is improving. I'm sure the puppy visits are doing him lots of good. I love the idea of transformation over resolutions.

    I want to start adding in some resistance type exercise, especially now that I don't have time for long walks every day. Last night I was just too tired after work, and this morning I had to drag myself out of bed and struggled to get ready on time.

    On the plus side though, the cool IT guy has now helped me rig a standing desk for my laptop, so now I can switch between sitting at my desktop and standing during the day. Should hopefully help with the shoulder issues (and not sitting all day!)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @melaniedscott - So sorry to hear about you breaking your foot, that is such a downer for the holiday season and the New Year. Hopefully you can find some appropriate workouts and be back on both feet as soon as possible. I love your calendar idea - we have a small group of cuddly toys (bears and the like) that travelled everywhere with us for a while - we have a range of photographs of them from when we were on honeymoon in New Zealand - what a lovely idea to make a calendar out of them.

    Cari - welcome back! You are right - you've done it before so you can do it again. Grief is so hard to deal with, it's no wonder you lost sight of other things. Be gentle on yourself and hopefully 2017 will be kind to you.

    Shy - glad that your FIL is doing better and that the dog can visit, people should take more note of the good that pets can do people. Sounds like you had an amazing holiday period and well done for being more aware. I too found that this year - in past years, if my husband was offering mince pies in the evening I would have said yes - regardless of whether I was hungry. In the last few days, I've found myself actually questionning whether I want one and on two occasions turning it down. It feels good to realise that you are just that bit more conscious of what you are doing.

    @tazzy2911 - well done for rejoining WW. And I'm glad it's not just me that gets my posts cut off when I try to use my phone - drives me nutty!

    Rachel - I sympathise with that emotion, it's hard sometimes to feel the positive for someone else. However, as @Dalceridae said, it's good that you recognise it and push on from it. Sounds like you made the right decision not to do the additional workout - hope the first day back at work was ok.

    Jen - you have done so great with your goals, whichever way you look at it. I like your word for the year - I think I need a bit of that as well!

    So I'm back at work today (working from home). Logged on to find 192 new emails :( - so much going on over a supposedly quiet time of year and so much chaos caused. I wish I didn't have to work! Alistair had a great first day in his new nursery room and barely gave me a backward glance as I dropped him off this morning! I'm hoping he will have a lot of fun and learn lots with them this year. Anyway, back to work - have a good day all.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 I won a date that he has to plan. :) But what was better is he was so confident he was going to beat me. Rested is good. I am so glad I took it easy the last two weeks. I still did some walking, but for the most part I tried to relax and I had a wonderful holiday because of it.

    @tazzy2911 Commitment is a great word! I am sure you can reach all your goals.

    @ShyCush6 I have amazed myself. The doctor told me I needed to lose at least 25 pounds, and gave me six months to do it in. Well here I am and I have almost doubled what she told me to lose. I love having all the support, and knowing how hard it can be for other people, makes my struggles less daunting. Seeing how others are succeeding helps keep me motivated. I love reading the NSV win thread. That one helps a lot.

    @CariTJR Woo! So glad to see you back! You can do this, you have done it in the past and now you know what you need to do. Are you keeping up with your running? Going to start it again?

    @melaniedscott Great to see you posting again. A broken foot sounds painful. I like your idea to find some exercises you can do while not being on your foot. I bet you can find some sit down exercises on you tube. They do say you can lose weight without exercising. You might have a few slow losing weeks, but stay strong. Transformation is a great word, and one you have already been working on.

    @Dalceridae I used to have a desk that I could raise and lower with a push of a button when I was a 911 dispatcher. I loved that desk. I wish I could do it now, so that is great. Even a few smaller shorter walks are helpful.

    @janetay01 192 Emails? And it is the slow time? I would go batty. I get 15 in a day, and it drives me crazy.
    Glad your son is liking the new room. Thank you for the kind words.

    Yesterday was a good day for me. I stayed under calories, took a walk and drank lots of water. Now if only I had said no to the munchy foods. It would have been so much better. At least I didn't go crazy overboard.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy You'll have to fill us in on what the date ends up being! Great job staying under calories!

    @janetay01 Walking into a bunch of emails like that is the worst! There are a lot of days I wish I could just be a stay at home person too

    @Dalceridae Congrats on your standing desk! I absolutely love mine, it helps so much to be able to move around more

    @ShyCush6 It sounds like your holidays were amazing! I always hate it when someone takes an unflattering picture. It's amazing how one image can stick with us so much

    @melaniedscott I am so sorry about your foot, that is so frustrating! I've heard that the rowing machine is a great way to still get a workout in, and you can do it one-footed!

    @tazzy2911 Please keep us posted on how weight watchers is going for you!

    @CariTJR WELCOME BACK!!!! We missed you! Meme Friday just wasn't the same without you

    Thank you everyone for you kind words. You're absolutely right, my actions were more important than my thoughts and I absolutely told her how gorgeous she looked.

    Day 3 of the BeachBody streaming service went well. I've really enjoyed all of the workout videos on there so far (Tony Horton will always be my favorite though)

    Tonight I've got the first pole dancing class in the new session and tomorrow I'm back at derby so it's going to be an exciting week!

    I am really proud of myself. This weekend I met a really cool person at a volunteering event. We exchanged contact information and I went out on a limb yesterday and invited her and her husband over for a game night this weekend and they accepted! I'm a huge introvert so making new friends and making the first move to invite them over was a big step for me. I can't wait for Friday to see how it goes!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Cari: Love to see your smiling face! Glad to have you back!! So you got derailed for a bit… I’ve been there!! I’m at the heaviest I’ve been! I hate it!! And I am disappointed as well, I gain, then I lose and it’s a constant back and forth motion. You are “committed”… you can do this! =) Sounds like a beautiful Christmas… I’m sure not an easy one though! *hugs*

    Melanie: So sorry about your foot… ouch!! Way to stay positive and hang in there! Hope you find some great workouts! Your calendar project sounds fun! I make a calendar for my family every year too! I love it!! It is a project!! =)

    Dalceridae: I so want to do that with my desk… A co-worker just had her desk done that way due to a back injury… I think it would be good for everyone!

    Janetay: It does feel great to be more conscious! I love that I am! Emails after coming back to work have to be the worst… I hate sorting through 100+ emails!! Glad the lil guy likes his new room!

    Jdelaroy: Sounds like a fun….a date he has to plan! Way to beat him! You are doing amazing!! 50 lbs in 6 months! WOW! Gives me hope for my 1.5 lbs per week… This thread helped me when I lost the first time and I know it is one of the tools that will help me again!!

    Rachel: Not only takes an unflattering picture but posts it all out on Facebook land! =( I was so unhappy with seeing it! But it has helped wake me up and know I need to work harder to fix the problem and that is not my mom’s camera! ;) Sounds like you have a great week lined up!! Hope your game night goes great! Sounds fun and proud of you for going out on that limb!! =)

    So I was super frustrated this morning when I hopped on the scale… So I did gain over New Years… ugh! Back to square one… I really thought I did good over the weekend! But on a positive note… I got up early, hit the gym… did the Arc Trainer and the stair stepper, not too long on the stairs, that *kitten* will kill me! =) Then I worked on my arms today! I’m not huge into weights and I’m slowly learning.. I figured out on ab and leg day… I over exerted and was super sore… so I did lower weights and more reps today in hoping to be able to lift my arms tomorrow! LOL! I also pre-logged all my food for the work day allowing so much for my dinner tonight! I didn’t grab any soda this morning for my lunch, water only… AND not one sweet thing!! Just some fresh pineapple to help my sugar craving! And I’m super proud it is 10:40 and I have 5900 steps in already! Goal will be hit today!! So I think I motivated myself by seeing that scale this morning! I will hit my goal for this week!! If my chart says it… I need to hit it!! ;)
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    Stumbled upon this thread and I love all of the support and activity! I definitely have found that I have been the most successful when I have friends to vent to on my rough days who can support me, and I can support them in return.

    I'm happy that I didn't gain much over the holidays (only 1 pound!). I gave up soda and haven't had one for two weeks :smile: Really trying to focus this week on paying attention to my body and making good choices. Logging when I can, but trying not to stress about it. Pre-logged my dinners today to help. Next week will be full logging and the week after that will start light exercise (hopefully walks with my pup!).

    Can't wait to come back and chat with everyone!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi lovely ladies! :) WOW did I have a lot to catch up on reading the thread! I was back to work yesterday, and totally slammed at my desk. I have a really good feeling about 2017... I have to say that the last year or so has really been *kitten*! So having that excited optimistic feeling about this year is awesome!

    I absolutely love everyone's words of the year! It's so cool to hear what everyone chose, and the reasons why. I chose the word Health... and honestly, after reading all of your words right now I momentarily wondered if mine was dumb! LOL! But no, I chose health because I want to put health at the top of my list this year. I want to have healthy relationship with food, get to a healthy weight, have healthy relationships with my husband/family/friends, strive to eat healthier than ever (I've been pretty bad, so this shouldn't be hard!), and I need to also focus on my mental health as I can get down on myself for not achieving goals or for my slip ups etc. So in the end, Health is the best word for me this year.

    Shy - Yes, one day I am coming to Winsconsin and we are bar hopping to every cheese and meat raffle in town! Ha! What a great word for you, I think Strength is perfect. I loved your pics and especially your outfit in your pic! My 21 year old son bought a christmas sweater that said "Merry Christmas you filthy beast"... LOL! I said ok, do NOT wear that to grandma's!!!

    Jen - I will have to look up Winter Park, I've never heard of it. But it is my hub's and my dream to go to colorado one day! Winter or summer, it looks amazing! I also think your word is awesome, Perseverance! You have done so well, you are going to keep evicting that fat!

    June - I've never heard of a yankee gift exchange, but sounds like a lot of fun! I will have to look that up. Stride is a great word, I would have never thought of that. I love that it rhymes with pride! and you should be proud of all you are accomplishing!

    Rachel - Your resolutions are inspiring! Good choices, and good choice for your word. It will be a good reminder to you through the year - be strong and not let jealousy enter your mind! (by the way, your friend probably took 14 pics of herself to get the perfect angle, and then sent it out!). :) Nice that you are getting back to derby and all of your activities. That online thing sounds good too, I actually heard a radio ad for it on my way to work yesterday!

    Tazzyyyyy! welcome back! Don't you worry about gaining a stone back, I gained 7 lbs over the holidays - that effing rum and eggnog bit my *kitten!!!! What can we do? Just get back on the wagon and get going in the right direction. We're all here with you! And Commitment is going to be a good word to keep you focused all year.

    Jane - glad to hear you had a wonderful christmas, and how thoughtful of your husband to buy your some nice new clothing! But I know that feeling - every time my hubs buys me clothes I have that moment of oh shizzle, is this going to even fit??? He got me new yoga pants and they fit this year - yay! And by the way, Care was my word for 2016, I needed to remind myself that I am worth taking 30-60 minutes a day for myself each day.

    Cari - Welcome back to you too! I lost 35 lbs last year and i think I have gained 20 back at this point! I haven't entered anything in MFP yet - giving myself til next week to see if there is any water weight. I may or may not be hoping for 15 lbs of water weight! LOL!!! Anyway... I was just thinking about this yesterday, because I've noticed that a few ladies I know that had lost a lot of weight were back to what they were before. This is SOOOOO common! So we can't beat ourselves up over it. Like I said, lots of us had crap years in 2016, so we gained some weight back.... but we are going to take our words and remind ourselves every day to work hard achieve our goals!! I think your word is awesome, we are all committed to our health this year!

    Welp, that was a long post! I'm so glad everyone is back and feeling positive! We have such an awesome support system here! We're definitely set up for success this year! :)
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I recently joined back as well. I am active with an open diary to friends and can be a good cheerleader too
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 I knew you were a great person. Way to overcome your brief moment of envy. Good job on putting yourself out there. I have a hard time with this as well. How did Pole dancing classes go?

    @shycush6 Way to get back to it. I think we all need a break when we do this. I read a thread somewhere on MFP (Wish I could remember where) That says about every 6-8 weeks you need to take a break for about a week. It helps with your mindset, and gives your body a rest too. Looking back at the last 6 months, this seems to be what happens to me. About 2 months in, I am just exhausted with everything, and don't do well.

    @kaavery120188 Welcome to the thread. Giving up pop can be so hard. I did it, and lost 10 pounds the first time I gave it up.

    @bluepoppies777 Welcome Back I missed you. I love your word as well. I think as a whole we picked great words, that will hopefully inspire all of us to be better this year.

    Yesterday, was kind of stressful. Light snow, then I was supposed to run across town for work, went to leave and my car wouldn't start. So, made arrangements for one of the other girls to run my errands, called a tow, called a mechanic, arranged for a ride home. Really didn't want to go walking during lunch, but I remembered my word, and how disappointed I would be, and how good I always feel afterwards. So I went walking, and threw in some jogging. It was funny, for some reason I pictured all you wonderful women standing around cheering me on and telling me I could do it. So thank you for the motivation. Got home, and made the BF the promised blueberry muffins. OMG, so yummy. So many calories. I think I was a little over calories, and was probably okay if I count my exercise calories. (I really didn't want to eat those back today) I also, had a piece of home made banana bread.
    I didn't stress eat at work, which was awesome. Just snacked at home. I need to stop that.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Way to go!!! I am absolutely cheering you on on the sidelines!! Sorry to hear about your car, I hope it's an easy fix

    @bizgirl26 Welcome!

    @bluepoppies777 I think health is a great word! And you're absolutely right, it was a well angled shot. I even took a well angled selfie of myself the other day to try to put things in perspective! It may have been vain, but it worked wonders on my self confidence lol

    @kaavery120188 Welcome! Congrats on the 1lb gain, you'll have that off in no time!

    @ShyCush6 You are killing it in the workout and food departments! Way to go! Your next Christmas photo is going to look fantastic with all the work you are doing!

    I am so sore from my pole dancing class last night! Holy cow! Trying to get my body up a metal pole works muscles I forgot I had!

    Today Derby starts back up again and I'm so glad it's a lower body activity instead of an upper body activity! I even woke up early this morning to do some yoga to stretch it out. Yowza!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Jen - glad we were able to help with the motivation for you! Well done with not stress eating and as for the snacking at home, I sympathise as I really struggle with this particularly in the evenings.

    @bizgirl26 and @kaavery120188 - welcome to the thread!

    Joy - I too have a good feeling about this year and I'm charged to do my bit to make sure I'm not disappointed!

    Shy - sounds like your excellent organisation is working for you :)

    Rachel - well done for stepping out of your comfort zone and inviting new people round for games night. I'm a bit of an introvert too so I understand what a big step that would be. Hope it goes well!!

    Today is turning into a very uneventful sort of day. I'm back in the office and starting to get my head around what needs to be prioritised in the first quarter of the year. I've done well with food and pre-logged everything and I've got my fitbit going again so I will be able to hit a decent number of steps over the course of the day - currently running at 6467 steps with the walk to the station still to come. So confident that I can hit my targets for the day. Did ok yesterday although the unplanned gin and tonic in the evening took me a little over my calories for the day - but I was out with friends and it called for a nice drink!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @melaniedscott - Sorry to hear about your foot! Maybe you could do some upper body workouts in your home in the meantime, like shoulder presses, tricep dips, push-ups (on your knees), etc.? There are a lot of good "couch" workouts that I've seen on the internet, so maybe those can give you some inspiration!

    @Rachel0778 - That's awesome that you've made a new friend and are having a game night! I love game nights. :)

    @kaavery120188 - Welcome!

    @bizgirl26 - Welcome! Post often! :)

    @CariTJR - Welcome back!! That is a great word for 2017. :)

    @bluepoppies777 - I love your word choice because it can be used for all of the things you've described - work life balance, relationships, and of course, your overall health. Great choice!

    @janetay01 - Wow, that's a lot of emails! I don't mind those days when you're just trying to catch up though. It's kind of nice to sit down, and chip away at your emails.

    @jdelaroy - Congratulations on blowing your doctor's recommendation out of the water! I'm sure they will be very impressed with what you've accomplished in six months!! :)

    @ShyCush6 - It sounds like you're starting off on the right foot though. Way to curb those sugar cravings and get those steps in! I'm happy to hear your FIL is doing much better and that you're able to bring the pup into the rehab facility. I'm sure that's a welcomed sight!

    Well, the water weight from the holidays is gone! I'm back down to 172, which is great news. I've been staying under my calories this week (or right at them), and I've been able to get back at the gym and back into the spirit of me. I've created a weight loss and measurements page in my bullet journal, and I plan on tracking that as diligently as I can. I think measurements moreso than weight because sometimes the scale might not move, but my body is changing, and that's equally important.