Eating Clean?

Hi so I am on th weight loss band wagon..and I plan on losing 50 pound. From what I have learned I can exercise till I am blue in the face but if I do not eat "clean" It is all in vein. SO please tell me, what is eating "clean"? Any tips and tricks? Also any recipes?


  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    "Eating Clean" is another form of Orthorexia, where people banish either individual food items or entire food groups based on information that is either of questionable provenance or fits what they last heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz.

    My definition of eating clean is to wash all of my fruits and veggies, even the ones that say that they are pre-washed, very thoroughly in water with a bit of either vinegar or bleach (which dissociates in water to sodium and chlorine and has a very short dwell time) like a teaspoon in a gallon of water.

    Keep my meat and fish at <40 F until I'm ready to cook them. Don't keep fresh meat in the fridge more than 48 hours before using or freezing.

    Keep my pots and pans, prep surfaces, serving dishes and utensils scrubbed. Don't use the same spoon for sampling while cooking - use a clean one.

    Whatever you choose to eat, just watch the calories and eat adequate protein.
  • getfitcharles
    The idea is just to not eat processed foods. Sure it's a healthy way of eating, but it is not THE ONLY way to have success losing weight. And even if you overeat on these foods, you'll gain.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Caloric deficit loses weight.

    "Clean" is a personal choice, and means whatever you want it to mean.
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    "Eating Clean" is another form of Orthorexia, where people banish either individual food items or entire food groups based on information that is either of questionable provenance or fits what they last heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz.

    My definition of eating clean is to wash all of my fruits and veggies, even the ones that say that they are pre-washed, very thoroughly in water with a bit of either vinegar or bleach (which dissociates in water to sodium and chlorine and has a very short dwell time) like a teaspoon in a gallon of water.

    Keep my meat and fish at <40 F until I'm ready to cook them. Don't keep fresh meat in the fridge more than 48 hours before using or freezing.

    Keep my pots and pans, prep surfaces, serving dishes and utensils scrubbed. Don't use the same spoon for sampling while cooking - use a clean one.

    Whatever you choose to eat, just watch the calories and eat adequate protein.

    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition. Clean eating is simple, if you can not pronounce the name of an ingredient on a package of food dont eat it.

    Scrubbing your food with bleach isnt clean eating :/ its ridiculous.
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    My version is very limited processed. I mostly eat meat, fruits, veggies and nuts. I do drink coconut or almond milk (although they do have sugar). I also still eat bacon! I also found a protein powder with very little added.

    I am trying to cut, gluten, dairy, and most sugar-artificial included.

    When I first started I had a hard time keeping my calories up. I would snack on fruits and veggies, so my calories were not adding up to a lot. I added in nuts, but still barely made 1200. My trainer told me this was still not good enough, so I added the coconut or almond milk and the protein powder. Trying to get to at least 1500 calories per day.

    The only bad thing about eating like this is that if I eat junk at all, I will get sick. Even days like today when I am stuck at work with just an apple and hard boiled eggs for my afternoon snack and I am craving something sweet, I remind myself that if I grab cookies out of the snack room I will get sick.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    If you keep a caloric deficit it doesn't matter what you are eating, you will lose weight.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    If you keep a caloric deficit it doesn't matter what you are eating, you will lose weight.

    Unfortunately for me, that is not true. Trust me, I've tried. And unfortunately just the way my body is wired, I've gotta be eating "clean" (non- or minimally processed foods) about 85% of the time to see results. But I'm not the norm, I've got metabolic/hormonal issues that aren't typical to everyone when it comes to weight/fat loss. Generally speaking, if you don't know what an ingredient is in something you're eating, you shouldn't eat it. That said, just because I know I probably shouldn't eat something, doesn't mean I won't. That's where that other 15% of the time comes in...

    Moderation is your friend. Don't try to 100% eliminate anything from your diet (unless of course you have some kind of allergy or something) because that's when you binge out on said eliminated food item.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    This was copied & pasted from Here are the "principles of clean eating"

    The soul of clean eating is consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. It is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation, leading to an improved life – one meal at a time.

    Eat five to six times a day
    Three meals and two to three small snacks. Include a lean protein, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and a complex carbohydrate with each meal. This keeps your body energized and burning calories efficiently all day long.

    Drink at least two liters of water a day
    Preferably from a reusable canteen, not plastic; we’re friends of the environment here! Limit your alcohol intake to one glass of antioxidant-rich red wine a day.

    Get label savvy
    Clean foods contain just one or two ingredients. Any product with a long ingredient list is human-made and not considered clean.

    Avoid processed and refined foods
    This includes white flour, sugar, bread and pasta. Enjoy complex carbs such as whole grains instead.

    Know thy enemies
    Steer clear of anything high in saturated and trans fats, anything fried or anything high in sugar.

    Shop with a conscience
    Consume humanely raised and local meats.

    Choose organic whenever possible
    If your budget limits you, make meat, eggs, dairy and the Dirty Dozen your organic priorities.

    Consume healthy fats
    Try to have essential fatty acids, or EFAs, every day.

    Learn about portion sizes
    Work towards eating within them.

    Reduce your carbon footprint
    Eat produce that is seasonal and local. It is less taxing on your wallet and our environment.

    Slow down and savor
    Never rush through a meal. Food tastes best when savored. Enjoy every bite!

    Take it to go
    Pack a cooler for work or outings so you always have clean eats on the go.

    Make it a family affair
    Food is a social glue that should be shared with loved ones. Improve the quality of your family’s life along with your own."

    "Clean eating" in general was a concept that has been made popular by Tosca Reno, who has written tons of books on the subject -- basically, its not eating junk food, processed food, or white products (potatoes, bread, pasta, cereals etc)

    What you can expect to eat on a clean meal plan: lean meats (lean beef, lamb, turkey), poultry, beans, fruits, veggies, whole grain breads, whole wheat pasta, brown rice.

    What they want you to cut out: white sugar, processed foods, white bread/pasta/rice, and junk foods.

    Basically, its eating healthy and not relying on junk to get you through the day. It is alot of cooking and meal prepping ahead of time, but once you get into the groove of it, you actually dont miss those other foods .. and you see and feel results right away. I've been eating clean on and off for about 3 years now, and I find that when I dont eat clean, I feel horrible, bloated and gross .. .after a few days of getting back on the clean eating wagon again, I can see my stomach decompress, its easier to go to the bathroom, and you don't get as hungry as you usually do.

    I'd recommend doing your own research of the concept .. its pretty straight forward and really does do alot of good. I used to have high triglycerides (238) and when I ate clean for about 6 months, those levels dropped to 106 which is within the healthy range .. and like I said, my stomach sort of shrunk in .. it really does work for weight loss and fueling your body with what it needs
  • kgraves3
    kgraves3 Posts: 28 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit, get adequate nutrition, work out to build lean tissue. Those are the ONLY rules to weight loss. If eating clean makes you feel healthier, better, whatever, then do it. But don't worry about it. As long as you are eating at a large enough, but not too large, calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Don't let anyone overcomplicate this for you.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    "Eating Clean" is another form of Orthorexia, where people banish either individual food items or entire food groups based on information that is either of questionable provenance or fits what they last heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz.

    My definition of eating clean is to wash all of my fruits and veggies, even the ones that say that they are pre-washed, very thoroughly in water with a bit of either vinegar or bleach (which dissociates in water to sodium and chlorine and has a very short dwell time) like a teaspoon in a gallon of water.

    Keep my meat and fish at <40 F until I'm ready to cook them. Don't keep fresh meat in the fridge more than 48 hours before using or freezing.

    Keep my pots and pans, prep surfaces, serving dishes and utensils scrubbed. Don't use the same spoon for sampling while cooking - use a clean one.

    Whatever you choose to eat, just watch the calories and eat adequate protein.

    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition. Clean eating is simple, if you can not pronounce the name of an ingredient on a package of food dont eat it.

    Scrubbing your food with bleach isnt clean eating :/ its ridiculous.

    LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, as another poster already posted. Follow this link. YOU are the one that's wrong. That may be what you need to do to get the lower body fat percentage but ultimately it isn't about clean eating, it is about calories in versus calories out.
  • Bouneschlupp
    Bouneschlupp Posts: 29 Member
    My personal definition of clean eating is: unprocessed natural food, like veggies and greens, fruits, nuts and seeds. I consider organic meat and eggs also as "clean".
    You could look up the following ideas on the internet: green smoothies, eat to live by Dr Fuhrman, paleo diet
    I would really recommend to try this kind of food because it helps to stay on track.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, as another poster already posted. Follow this link. YOU are the one that's wrong. That may be what you need to do to get the lower body fat percentage but ultimately it isn't about clean eating, it is about calories in versus calories out.

    Lots of examples of people achieving low body fat objectives through changing diet. Link does not show someone achieving low bf, just losing weight. Different goals.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    What has been said over and over calorie deficit creates loss. Not what you eat but how much you eat. Granted certain foods are healtier for you than others but you can loose weight eating twinkies (look up twinkie diet).
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    "Eating Clean" is another form of Orthorexia, where people banish either individual food items or entire food groups based on information that is either of questionable provenance or fits what they last heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz.

    My definition of eating clean is to wash all of my fruits and veggies, even the ones that say that they are pre-washed, very thoroughly in water with a bit of either vinegar or bleach (which dissociates in water to sodium and chlorine and has a very short dwell time) like a teaspoon in a gallon of water.

    Keep my meat and fish at <40 F until I'm ready to cook them. Don't keep fresh meat in the fridge more than 48 hours before using or freezing.

    Keep my pots and pans, prep surfaces, serving dishes and utensils scrubbed. Don't use the same spoon for sampling while cooking - use a clean one.

    Whatever you choose to eat, just watch the calories and eat adequate protein.

    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition. Clean eating is simple, if you can not pronounce the name of an ingredient on a package of food dont eat it.

    Scrubbing your food with bleach isnt clean eating :/ its ridiculous.

    to quote you ^ "This is wrong just WRONG"

    So by your definition, certain people could virtually eat anything since they can pronounce all the ingredients?

    Would you eat something containing the below ingredients?

    "Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, Silver, Tryptophan, Threonine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lycine, Methionine, Cystine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Valine, Argenine, Histidine, Alanine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline, and Serine. "
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    "Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, Silver, Tryptophan, Threonine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lycine, Methionine, Cystine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Valine, Argenine, Histidine, Alanine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline, and Serine. "

    Sounds tasty. Hit me up.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Would you eat something containing the below ingredients?

    "Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, Silver, Tryptophan, Threonine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lycine, Methionine, Cystine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Valine, Argenine, Histidine, Alanine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline, and Serine. "

    I wouldn't eat it if you mixed the ingredients in a lab. Wouldn't drink a random mixture of hydrogen and oxygen either.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    "Eating Clean" is another form of Orthorexia, where people banish either individual food items or entire food groups based on information that is either of questionable provenance or fits what they last heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz.

    My definition of eating clean is to wash all of my fruits and veggies, even the ones that say that they are pre-washed, very thoroughly in water with a bit of either vinegar or bleach (which dissociates in water to sodium and chlorine and has a very short dwell time) like a teaspoon in a gallon of water.

    Keep my meat and fish at <40 F until I'm ready to cook them. Don't keep fresh meat in the fridge more than 48 hours before using or freezing.

    Keep my pots and pans, prep surfaces, serving dishes and utensils scrubbed. Don't use the same spoon for sampling while cooking - use a clean one.

    Whatever you choose to eat, just watch the calories and eat adequate protein.

    Wow - I can't even start with what is wrong with this...but unless you take it to massive extremes, it is not an eating disorder that is for sure.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Hi so I am on th weight loss band wagon..and I plan on losing 50 pound. From what I have learned I can exercise till I am blue in the face but if I do not eat "clean" It is all in vein. SO please tell me, what is eating "clean"? Any tips and tricks? Also any recipes?

    Not true at all. As long as you maintain a caloric deficit, you will lose weight (barring any medical conditions).