Eating Clean?



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    bump for more info
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    "Eating Clean" is another form of Orthorexia, where people banish either individual food items or entire food groups based on information that is either of questionable provenance or fits what they last heard on Oprah or Dr. Oz.

    My definition of eating clean is to wash all of my fruits and veggies, even the ones that say that they are pre-washed, very thoroughly in water with a bit of either vinegar or bleach (which dissociates in water to sodium and chlorine and has a very short dwell time) like a teaspoon in a gallon of water.

    Keep my meat and fish at <40 F until I'm ready to cook them. Don't keep fresh meat in the fridge more than 48 hours before using or freezing.

    Keep my pots and pans, prep surfaces, serving dishes and utensils scrubbed. Don't use the same spoon for sampling while cooking - use a clean one.

    Whatever you choose to eat, just watch the calories and eat adequate protein.

    Me too!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    In to hear once again how I'm doing it all wrong with my dirty, naughty and sinful diet. Please oh please we need more soapbox . . .
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Hi so I am on th weight loss band wagon..and I plan on losing 50 pound. From what I have learned I can exercise till I am blue in the face but if I do not eat "clean" It is all in vein. SO please tell me, what is eating "clean"? Any tips and tricks? Also any recipes?


    "clean" eating has nothing to do with it. in fact, "clean" doesn't even have a definition. it's just another in a long line of "you must avoid food XXX to lose weight" fad diets.
  • susanr613
    susanr613 Posts: 22
    There's no one thing you can do or avoid doing if you want to lose weight. Everything works together, including what you eat and how you move.

    Eating "clean" (unprocessed. preferably organic food) is a good idea regardless of where you are weight-wise. Portion control is crucial no matter what you eat. There really is such a thing as "too much of a good thing." Staying away from too much sugar/fat/salt/carbs is a good practice...but some of each of these is good for you (ok maybe not the sugar).

    Exercise benefits weight loss in a few different ways. First, it burns calories. Also, muscle burns calories faster than fat; which would you rather have? Finally, it makes you feel good and encourages healthy habits.

    Hope this helps
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Bottom line: Calorie deficits work (with the exception of medical conditions, of course) that is scientific.

    I'm a clean eater (I guess) because I eat very little processed or refined foods (crackers, breads, juices, etc.). BUT... I do that in conjunction with counting calories and cardio/lifting.
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    In to hear once again how I'm doing it all wrong with my dirty, naughty and sinful diet. Please oh please we need more soapbox . . .

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    What you've read has all been written by people looking to make money.

    She already told you what to do. Eat at a deficit to reduce body fat.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I eat frozen dinners, cook with canned soups, eat frozen pizza. I snack on granola bars, and the occasional chip. I drink coffee every morning, and put copious amounts of cream and sugar in it.

    I love instant oatmeal from Quaker.

    I make smoothies from frozen fruit I buy at costco, juice from concentrate, and ice cream with tasty flavors.

    I eat the occasional pop tart.

    I love to snack on raw almonds, cottage cheese, and rye bread with kraft peanut butter (not the old fashioned kind) - with marmalade.

    I like boneless chicken breast doused in bulls eye bbq sauce.

    I am chronically dehydrated.

    I am not necessarily proud of this lifestyle, it IS however currently what works for me...


    When I eat at a mild deficit... I lose weight. When I eat beyond my calorie limits... i gain it.

    I fully acknowledge that I may do a better job of staying within my cals if I eat more wholesome foods (more veggies, less chips), but regardless... to answer your questions... do you HAVE to eat clean to lose weight? NO.

    It is not all in vain.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    "eating clean means different things to different people and you'll get a thousand different answers,"

    I couldn't agree more. with that statement. Truthfully for me eating better meant not eating fast food and few times a week. I still eat low fat ice cream (I know kill me) I eat a lot fresh stuff especially this time of the year when you go to produce stands. Its all about what you want out of life. I personally like sweets or a burger once in a while.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    Like I said: I eat at a deficit, i.e., less than my TDEE. Doing this reduces weight, including body fat. I lift heavy things and make sure I get enough protein in order to retain as much muscle as possible as my fat reduces. But I also eat a lot of really delicious food and haven't restricted a single thing from my diet. I eat ice cream every day. Yesterday I also ate candy. And cheese. And pancakes. And a hamburger. And pizza. It all fit my macros and calorie goal for the day. It was awesome.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    In to hear once again how I'm doing it all wrong with my dirty, naughty and sinful diet. Please oh please we need more soapbox . . .


    Thank you! Now if someone will just step right up and start preaching about all of our food sins then we can all go home and self flagellate for the rest of the day . . .

    Nice physique BTW
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    I heard she uses raspberry ketones and green coffee bean
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    What you've read has all been written by people looking to make money.

    She already told you what to do. Eat at a deficit to reduce body fat.

    Well thats easy enough, is that really ALL it is? Aside from exercise.
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    I heard she uses raspberry ketones and green coffee bean

    Dont be ridiculous...
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    Her diary is open. It's worth looking at, so you don't misinterpret.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    This is wrong just WRONG. A calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight, if your trying to get a six pack and lean out clean eating is what will lower your body fat percent so that you can see definition.

    Sorry, nope.

    <---- (Does not eat "clean". Eats at a deficit to reduce body fat, thereby revealing muscles underneath.)

    Ok seriously now im completely confused. I have read SO many different books, websites, diet plans, ect. How are you doing what your doing im dieing to know.

    I heard she uses raspberry ketones and green coffee bean


  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I just spray WIndex on my Oreos.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I eat fast food, chocolate, pizza, ice cream, and other goodies. Daily. I don't drink 8 cups of water a day. I had a bacon/nutella/orea sandwich this weekend. My results have been good despite (or maybe BECAUSE?!) of all of that.