It's only "Natural" and the FDA wants your opinion!



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    And yet, your response to that which you quoted has nothing to do with this entire thread. This thread is about knowledge and you can learn or disregard. It is your choice.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    The problem is I was left to self diagnose all on my own, because the doctor (s) failed me. I have my answer, it's all I need and it was no help from the medical community and their tests in and out of hospital. So yes, that caused me to become defensive. Sometimes we are required to do things on our own because there are no answers in black and white.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    The problem is I was left to self diagnose all on my own, because the doctor (s) failed me. I have my answer, it's all I need and it was no help from the medical community and their tests in and out of hospital. So yes, that caused me to become defensive. Sometimes we are required to do things on our own because there are no answers in black and white.

    again, you did it on your own, awesome.

    However, your OP indicated that this was substance was bad for others and you had no science to back up your claims. You should probably revise your OP to say this is bad for me.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    V_Keto_V wrote: »
    "Natural" has no formal definition or criteria to meet vs. say "organic". Just read the a consumer, you are the one ultimately choosing what goes into your body; the FDA can't make your decisions for you. Time & resources are better spent on preventing outbreaks & contamination of food borne illnesses

    The point is, the product is NOT listed on the ingredients list, so how am I to know if it isn't there for me?

    This has been an interesting thread, you have those who have their opinions, I have my opinion and we are all entitled to them. I can't say anymore than I already have. I want transparency in the labeling of carageenan, so that I can be diligent in not becoming ill because I ate something that does not have it listed. There are many people out there just like me who have problems with carageenan.

    I am pretty positive that the people who had allergic reactions to those items which are required to be listed on labels such as, nuts, dairy, gluten, wheat flour, etc. had the same problems getting it recognized that it was harmful to their health. They also had a right to safe food labeling so they could stay away from what causes them ill effects.

    Thing is, those allergic reactions are all recognized by the medical field as actually existing. As far as I've seen that is not (yet?) the case with this.
    And also the problems with at least nut allergies go so far that it has to be labelled even if it was only made in the same factory as things containing nuts. It doesn't even have to actually contain it, that's how bad of a reaction someone can have to them.

    I'm guessing the OP has not had a patch test.

    No, I had complete blood workup, and it went just like happened to this person here. I don't have the skin problems with eczema he speaks of, I do have all the other symptoms regarding gastro issues. I was left on my own to figure out what my problem was. Go figure that one out and let me know how it works, ok?

    So you suspect it to be carrageenan, but haven't had a skin test. Would suggest you try this:

    Not sure that your link has anything to do with anything - it talks about uncertainty of testing, a symptom you don't have and the need to evaluate thoroughly. Do a skin test at home, it might help. Could just as easily be locust bean or another additive... just trying to help.

    Really? That's your answer? OK, I am not doing a skin test, I had a complete blood allergy workup, I don't need a skin test that will not tell me anything near what a full blood workup will tell me. All testing is uncertain, there are no guarantees in medical testing. It is used to try to find a "reason" for something and it is often unsuccessful when it is done. I have all symptoms except the skin rash, does this mean I am not legitimate in my claim I have a reaction to carrageenan? Enlighten me please.

    I think you don't understand this, just like everyone else doesn't understand it. Those who suffer, like me and the man in the link understand it to be debilitating when we eat carrageenan. No amount of "this isn't real" from anyone will fix it for us.

    Yes, yes it does.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    Okay "dude". If you say so. My response was to Jof. No need to get overly defensive. If you "know" than you "know".

    By the way, nocebo is the term you were looking for. It is a real effect, even if it doesn't concern the OP.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    The problem is I was left to self diagnose all on my own, because the doctor (s) failed me. I have my answer, it's all I need and it was no help from the medical community and their tests in and out of hospital. So yes, that caused me to become defensive. Sometimes we are required to do things on our own because there are no answers in black and white.

    again, you did it on your own, awesome.

    However, your OP indicated that this was substance was bad for others and you had no science to back up your claims. You should probably revise your OP to say this is bad for me.

    It's already in there, re-read please.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    DYELB wrote: »
    V_Keto_V wrote: »
    "Natural" has no formal definition or criteria to meet vs. say "organic". Just read the a consumer, you are the one ultimately choosing what goes into your body; the FDA can't make your decisions for you. Time & resources are better spent on preventing outbreaks & contamination of food borne illnesses

    The point is, the product is NOT listed on the ingredients list, so how am I to know if it isn't there for me?

    This has been an interesting thread, you have those who have their opinions, I have my opinion and we are all entitled to them. I can't say anymore than I already have. I want transparency in the labeling of carageenan, so that I can be diligent in not becoming ill because I ate something that does not have it listed. There are many people out there just like me who have problems with carageenan.

    I am pretty positive that the people who had allergic reactions to those items which are required to be listed on labels such as, nuts, dairy, gluten, wheat flour, etc. had the same problems getting it recognized that it was harmful to their health. They also had a right to safe food labeling so they could stay away from what causes them ill effects.

    Thing is, those allergic reactions are all recognized by the medical field as actually existing. As far as I've seen that is not (yet?) the case with this.
    And also the problems with at least nut allergies go so far that it has to be labelled even if it was only made in the same factory as things containing nuts. It doesn't even have to actually contain it, that's how bad of a reaction someone can have to them.

    I'm guessing the OP has not had a patch test.

    No, I had complete blood workup, and it went just like happened to this person here. I don't have the skin problems with eczema he speaks of, I do have all the other symptoms regarding gastro issues. I was left on my own to figure out what my problem was. Go figure that one out and let me know how it works, ok?

    So you suspect it to be carrageenan, but haven't had a skin test. Would suggest you try this:

    Not sure that your link has anything to do with anything - it talks about uncertainty of testing, a symptom you don't have and the need to evaluate thoroughly. Do a skin test at home, it might help. Could just as easily be locust bean or another additive... just trying to help.

    Really? That's your answer? OK, I am not doing a skin test, I had a complete blood allergy workup, I don't need a skin test that will not tell me anything near what a full blood workup will tell me. All testing is uncertain, there are no guarantees in medical testing. It is used to try to find a "reason" for something and it is often unsuccessful when it is done. I have all symptoms except the skin rash, does this mean I am not legitimate in my claim I have a reaction to carrageenan? Enlighten me please.

    I think you don't understand this, just like everyone else doesn't understand it. Those who suffer, like me and the man in the link understand it to be debilitating when we eat carrageenan. No amount of "this isn't real" from anyone will fix it for us.

    Yes, yes it does.

    Thanks for the good laugh!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    Okay "dude". If you say so. My response was to Jof. No need to get overly defensive. If you "know" than you "know".

    By the way, nocebo is the term you were looking for. It is a real effect, even if it doesn't concern the OP.

    Okay, smart guy, with your logic and made-up words and stuff.

    I think you've done quite enough damage in this thread already.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    Okay "dude". If you say so. My response was to Jof. No need to get overly defensive. If you "know" than you "know".

    By the way, nocebo is the term you were looking for. It is a real effect, even if it doesn't concern the OP.

    Okay, smart guy, with your logic and made-up words and stuff.

    I think you've done quite enough damage in this thread already.

    Aren't we all here for the same thing?
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Who needs tests when you have dem feelz
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    The problem is I was left to self diagnose all on my own, because the doctor (s) failed me. I have my answer, it's all I need and it was no help from the medical community and their tests in and out of hospital. So yes, that caused me to become defensive. Sometimes we are required to do things on our own because there are no answers in black and white.

    again, you did it on your own, awesome.

    However, your OP indicated that this was substance was bad for others and you had no science to back up your claims. You should probably revise your OP to say this is bad for me.

    I would also think if you are submitting things to the FDA in hopes of affecting change, that you'd realize having medical documentation would go a long way in things like this.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Who needs tests when you have dem feelz

    :laugh: There's that too. :laugh:
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    For those of you that seem to be hung up on blood vs. skin tests - it wouldn't make a difference. The proposed effect of carrageenan is not an allergic reaction, though the symptoms are similar.

    Quoted from the post by pzarnosky on page 2, I think:

    Carrageenan can cause an inflammation response because of certain binding cascades which will activate an increased production of interleukin-8, which is part of the immune response. It seems that in some people there is a decreased threshold of tolerance to the additive. Exposure to it, for some, causes an overproduction of IL-8 through that binding cascade. IL-8 is basically a chemical signal to specific types of white bloods cells and it tells them there is a foreign substance that needs to be elimintaed. The attack that insues causes inflammation and some damage to the GI tract, this is the cause of your pain and problems. It's really similar to an allergy. That does not mean that it is bad and dangerous for all people. There is no proof of that. Yes, there is evidence that in some individuals carrageenan can cause problems, but your blanket statement isn't really appropriate.

    I believe the assertion is based on this paper:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Here's more information on labeling:
    Enhanced Meat and Poultry Products

    Many grocery stores are now offering meat and poultry products that have flavoring solutions added to them. For example, pork chops may be packaged with a solution of water, salt, and sodium phosphate (a solution that can add flavor and moisture to leaner meats). These new products also provide convenience by saving steps in preparation, such as "Teriyaki Beef in Teriyaki Sauce." To prevent confusion, the presence of flavor solutions must be stated on the front of the package.

    Thus, you can't be surprised by the presence of this, even under the current law.
    Enhanced or value-added meat and poultry products are raw products that contain flavor solutions added through marinating, needle injecting, soaking, etc. The presence and amount of the solution will be featured as part of the product name, for example, "Chicken Thighs Flavored with up to 10% of a Solution" or "Beef Steak Marinated with 6% of a Flavor Solution." The ingredients of the flavor solution must be prominently identified on the label. Typically, this information will be on the principal display panel or the information panel.

    The labeling term "marinated" can only be used with specific amounts of solution. "Marinated" meats can contain no more than 10% solution; boneless poultry, no more than 8% solution; and bone-in poultry, no more than 3% solution.

    In the case of enhanced products, the solutions that are added to the meat or poultry, or into which the meat or poultry are placed for flavoring, seasoning, and tenderizing, are intended to be part of the product. The solutions are required by regulations and policies to be identified as part of the product names of the enhanced products, and whether the solution is incorporated into the product or is free-flowing, it is considered part of the product.

    So this sounds to me like the carrageenan would have to be listed if used as part of the brine (vs. in some other processing aid capacity).

    What OP really seems upset about is a different aspect of the labeling, the useless "natural" claim that is made on some foods (and which I've always heard should be ignored, as it's basically meaningless -- just as people shouldn't think "cage free" or "vegetarian" means anything significant re eggs and so on). That's covered here:
    Natural Products

    All raw single ingredient meat and poultry qualify as "natural." However, certain products labeled as natural may also contain a flavoring solution provided the solution contains ingredients that are minimally processed and not artificial; e.g., natural flavoring. The amount of solution added to products bearing natural claims is not limited. All products claiming to be natural should be accompanied by a brief statement which explains what is meant by the term "natural."

    So I take this to mean that as it currently stands the "natural" label can be used on products with carrageenan as part of the brine. Again, I don't think that's important (I think the "natural" label is stupid marketing nonsense), I think listing the ingredients is the key thing.

    (I never buy chicken in the grocery store, but I'm going to go look at it ASAP now.)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    The problem is I was left to self diagnose all on my own, because the doctor (s) failed me. I have my answer, it's all I need and it was no help from the medical community and their tests in and out of hospital. So yes, that caused me to become defensive. Sometimes we are required to do things on our own because there are no answers in black and white.

    again, you did it on your own, awesome.

    However, your OP indicated that this was substance was bad for others and you had no science to back up your claims. You should probably revise your OP to say this is bad for me.

    I would also think if you are submitting things to the FDA in hopes of affecting change, that you'd realize having medical documentation would go a long way in things like this.

    I have plenty of that to provide, no problem there.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    For those of you that seem to be hung up on blood vs. skin tests - it wouldn't make a difference. The proposed effect of carrageenan is not an allergic reaction, though the symptoms are similar.

    Quoted from the post by pzarnosky on page 2, I think:

    Carrageenan can cause an inflammation response because of certain binding cascades which will activate an increased production of interleukin-8, which is part of the immune response. It seems that in some people there is a decreased threshold of tolerance to the additive. Exposure to it, for some, causes an overproduction of IL-8 through that binding cascade. IL-8 is basically a chemical signal to specific types of white bloods cells and it tells them there is a foreign substance that needs to be elimintaed. The attack that insues causes inflammation and some damage to the GI tract, this is the cause of your pain and problems. It's really similar to an allergy. That does not mean that it is bad and dangerous for all people. There is no proof of that. Yes, there is evidence that in some individuals carrageenan can cause problems, but your blanket statement isn't really appropriate.

    I believe the assertion is based on this paper:

    Thank you, I was looking for that and couldn't locate it.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    If it was me, I'd spend the $10 and conduct my own skin test to confirm the hypothesis.

    But that's just me.

    Agreed. I'd rather know 100% for sure (in case I were to run into other issues) than self-diagnose. Then again, placebos and such have been known to be "effective".

    This isn't placebo dude, this is real, and I don't need some skin test to tell me different. I have suffered this for more than 12 years and I finally know after all my remove this, remove that from my diet, what the problem is. I am 100% sure, I don't need a skin test, just don't serve me anything that has carrageenan in it. It is sad but I have to know what my friends are cooking before I can agree to have dinner with them. I am so thankful they don't mind letting me know.

    great, so the whole point of this thread is how you know that this effects you, fine. Does not mean that the rest of us have to eat in that manner, or that said additive has to be removed for the 99.9% of us that don't have an issue with it.

    The problem is I was left to self diagnose all on my own, because the doctor (s) failed me. I have my answer, it's all I need and it was no help from the medical community and their tests in and out of hospital. So yes, that caused me to become defensive. Sometimes we are required to do things on our own because there are no answers in black and white.

    again, you did it on your own, awesome.

    However, your OP indicated that this was substance was bad for others and you had no science to back up your claims. You should probably revise your OP to say this is bad for me.

    I would also think if you are submitting things to the FDA in hopes of affecting change, that you'd realize having medical documentation would go a long way in things like this.

    There is also the fact that the FDA wants our opinion on what the label "Natural" means to you, me, to everyone. It doesn't require medical reports or anything else. Please, if you have the time and the desire respond and give them your opinion. There are a series of questions they are asking, and they detail what they are looking for in the answers.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited November 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Here's more information on labeling:
    Enhanced Meat and Poultry Products

    Many grocery stores are now offering meat and poultry products that have flavoring solutions added to them. For example, pork chops may be packaged with a solution of water, salt, and sodium phosphate (a solution that can add flavor and moisture to leaner meats). These new products also provide convenience by saving steps in preparation, such as "Teriyaki Beef in Teriyaki Sauce." To prevent confusion, the presence of flavor solutions must be stated on the front of the package.

    Thus, you can't be surprised by the presence of this, even under the current law.
    Enhanced or value-added meat and poultry products are raw products that contain flavor solutions added through marinating, needle injecting, soaking, etc. The presence and amount of the solution will be featured as part of the product name, for example, "Chicken Thighs Flavored with up to 10% of a Solution" or "Beef Steak Marinated with 6% of a Flavor Solution." The ingredients of the flavor solution must be prominently identified on the label. Typically, this information will be on the principal display panel or the information panel.

    The labeling term "marinated" can only be used with specific amounts of solution. "Marinated" meats can contain no more than 10% solution; boneless poultry, no more than 8% solution; and bone-in poultry, no more than 3% solution.

    In the case of enhanced products, the solutions that are added to the meat or poultry, or into which the meat or poultry are placed for flavoring, seasoning, and tenderizing, are intended to be part of the product. The solutions are required by regulations and policies to be identified as part of the product names of the enhanced products, and whether the solution is incorporated into the product or is free-flowing, it is considered part of the product.

    So this sounds to me like the carrageenan would have to be listed if used as part of the brine (vs. in some other processing aid capacity).

    What OP really seems upset about is a different aspect of the labeling, the useless "natural" claim that is made on some foods (and which I've always heard should be ignored, as it's basically meaningless -- just as people shouldn't think "cage free" or "vegetarian" means anything significant re eggs and so on). That's covered here:
    Natural Products

    All raw single ingredient meat and poultry qualify as "natural." However, certain products labeled as natural may also contain a flavoring solution provided the solution contains ingredients that are minimally processed and not artificial; e.g., natural flavoring. The amount of solution added to products bearing natural claims is not limited. All products claiming to be natural should be accompanied by a brief statement which explains what is meant by the term "natural."

    So I take this to mean that as it currently stands the "natural" label can be used on products with carrageenan as part of the brine. Again, I don't think that's important (I think the "natural" label is stupid marketing nonsense), I think listing the ingredients is the key thing.

    (I never buy chicken in the grocery store, but I'm going to go look at it ASAP now.)

    Yes, you got it. The chicken in question was a 10 pound bag of bone in with skin chicken leg quarters. There is a brine solution injected into the chicken, the carageenan is present in the brine, which is in the final product, and will be consumed to a degree when cooked. Only the brine is listed, not the ingredients in the brine. I need that label changed to indicate there is carageenan present, so that I can purchase chicken I know is free of carageenan. From what I understand they are supposed to be listing the carageenan in this example because the brine is in the final product for consumption. It's used for flavor and to plump the chicken.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited November 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Here's more information on labeling:
    Enhanced Meat and Poultry Products

    Many grocery stores are now offering meat and poultry products that have flavoring solutions added to them. For example, pork chops may be packaged with a solution of water, salt, and sodium phosphate (a solution that can add flavor and moisture to leaner meats). These new products also provide convenience by saving steps in preparation, such as "Teriyaki Beef in Teriyaki Sauce." To prevent confusion, the presence of flavor solutions must be stated on the front of the package.

    Thus, you can't be surprised by the presence of this, even under the current law.
    Enhanced or value-added meat and poultry products are raw products that contain flavor solutions added through marinating, needle injecting, soaking, etc. The presence and amount of the solution will be featured as part of the product name, for example, "Chicken Thighs Flavored with up to 10% of a Solution" or "Beef Steak Marinated with 6% of a Flavor Solution." The ingredients of the flavor solution must be prominently identified on the label. Typically, this information will be on the principal display panel or the information panel.

    The labeling term "marinated" can only be used with specific amounts of solution. "Marinated" meats can contain no more than 10% solution; boneless poultry, no more than 8% solution; and bone-in poultry, no more than 3% solution.

    In the case of enhanced products, the solutions that are added to the meat or poultry, or into which the meat or poultry are placed for flavoring, seasoning, and tenderizing, are intended to be part of the product. The solutions are required by regulations and policies to be identified as part of the product names of the enhanced products, and whether the solution is incorporated into the product or is free-flowing, it is considered part of the product.

    So this sounds to me like the carrageenan would have to be listed if used as part of the brine (vs. in some other processing aid capacity).

    What OP really seems upset about is a different aspect of the labeling, the useless "natural" claim that is made on some foods (and which I've always heard should be ignored, as it's basically meaningless -- just as people shouldn't think "cage free" or "vegetarian" means anything significant re eggs and so on). That's covered here:
    Natural Products

    All raw single ingredient meat and poultry qualify as "natural." However, certain products labeled as natural may also contain a flavoring solution provided the solution contains ingredients that are minimally processed and not artificial; e.g., natural flavoring. The amount of solution added to products bearing natural claims is not limited. All products claiming to be natural should be accompanied by a brief statement which explains what is meant by the term "natural."

    So I take this to mean that as it currently stands the "natural" label can be used on products with carrageenan as part of the brine. Again, I don't think that's important (I think the "natural" label is stupid marketing nonsense), I think listing the ingredients is the key thing.

    (I never buy chicken in the grocery store, but I'm going to go look at it ASAP now.)

    Yes, you got it. The chicken in question was a 10 pound bag of bone in with skin chicken leg quarters. There is a brine solution injected into the chicken, the carageenan is present in the brine which is in the final product and will be consumed to a degree when cooked. Only the brine is listed, not the ingredients in the brine. I need that label changed to indicate there is carageenan present, so that I can purchase chicken I know is free of carageenan. From what I understand they are supposed to be listing the carageenan in this example because the brine is in the final product for consumption. It's used for flavor and to plump the chicken.

    But it looks to me from these rules that they are required to identify the ingredients in the brine:
    The ingredients of the flavor solution must be prominently identified on the label. Typically, this information will be on the principal display panel or the information panel.

    They aren't required to identify carrageenan when it is used as a processing aid and left only in insignificant amounts, which seems a different thing from the brine.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Of course, another alternative is not to buy pre-brined chicken. I personally would not.