SOS : can't lose weight AT ALL



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I regularly and happily violate #1, #2, and #3 every day, but thanks for playing.

    Oh, this guy again...

    Notice 'this guy' has lost weight - unlike other here? Oh yeah.. so I don't do any of that either - actually I really don't do MOST of it.. hmm trend? between the two of us that 120 lbs. Personally I would much rather take his advice. Just sayin..


    So, because my ticker says zero, I can't have an opinion on (mostly) BS advice? I'm well aware what my ticker says and the reasons, however, I will not take nonsensical advice and follow it because you and he lost 120 pounds of combined weight.

    But thanks for the personal attack :flowerforyou:

    edit for spelling
  • BananaFaceFace
    BananaFaceFace Posts: 70 Member
    Personally, I found that doing exercise that my body isn't used to, made my weight come off quicker.

    This is what I live by. I change it up regularly, do things that my body isn't used to and I don't hesitate to give it my all in every workout. If i'm not completely exhausted at the end of my workout, I know haven't done enough. Also the after burn from strength training has helped me lose way more then if i were just doing cardio.

    I would suggest using calipers or measuring along side using a scale purely because weight on the scale fluctuates so much and seeing the number go up even if its just water weight is really discouraging.
  • jules77az2004
    jules77az2004 Posts: 24 Member
    So... Although I agree with what a lot of people have asked... I'll put out there what I have yet to see anyone say. :) But I'm basing my advice on the following:

    1. that your eating a healthy amount of calories to not hurt your health
    2. you have a food scale so therefore you are accurately accounting for every bite.
    3. your TDEE, etc... is all correct.

    So... Are you really eating the same foods day in day out? It's been said that you have to mix up the food options your putting In so that your body doesn't get complacent. I have NO idea if that really happens or not... but I get bored and tend to be like a kid and refuse to eat something I'm tired of... so for myself I have never experienced this. Also... it's been said that if you do the same exercise day in and day out that your body becomes used to it... therefore you have to do it harder and longer to get results. So... maybe do some exercise you've never done before. Keep it different all the time and maybe you'll see better results. Good luck
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Eat more, 1000 calories isn't enough to fuel your body.

    Oh and get this AMAZING new invention called a weighing scale, it will allow you to accurately measure your food and calculate your intake!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Are you on any medications that might make it difficult to lose? For example, my sister was put on some medication once (she was dealing with some depression) and gained about 20 lbs in 1 month. She was frantic because she was always very, very thin and this weight gain was so foreign to her. Her physician changed her meds and she lost the weight very quickly.

    If you aren't on any medication, I also wonder if you have been checked out medically in case there may be another reason contributing to why you cannot lose weight. I know it sounds like an old cliche "she has a glandular problem and can't lose weight," but the truth is that some folks do have medical reasons and have great difficulty shedding pounds. I am in the medical field and see this quite frequently so know this is sometimes the case. Good luck.

    Very sound logic. I weighed all my food, was careful about staying within caloric limit, ate more, ate less, moved more, changed my regular lifting routine, TDEE'd my little heart out.

    Didn't count on one thing...a medical issue.

    She already posted her thyroid and sugars are fine so I am assuming she was checked for medical condition

    And we don't know how she is tracking so the logical thing would be to start there. No one is saying that medical conditions shouldn't be considered, but eliminate the basics/easy stuff first by making sure she is logging properly makes sense.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Yes, I've been "stalking" your profile.... It is hard to give advice when you don't give all the information.

    You said in another post you do not eat more than 1,000 calories a day. I believe this is probably your problem. You should eat more or exercise less. Then you may see a change.......

    BTW... if you exercise as much as you say you do, a good portion of that is probably muscle... did anyone ask what your body fat% is?

    She's also said she does "body cleanses" every 6 months, and has battled an eating disorder. I'm imagining weight will not come off that easy for you, OP.

    Saying you know everything right and actually doing them are 2 completely different concepts.

    ^^ for your last question, even if someone HAS asked about the body fat %, I doubt she'd answer... lol

    Oh, and yep, I was stalking too, she's on antidepressants (or was .. I haven't gone THAT far into my stalking.. hahah)
  • Sarab120
    Sarab120 Posts: 27 Member
    Have you had blood work done? Are you on any medications? Maybe there is a health reason for the lack of weight loss. I would go talk to your doctor about it.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Are you on any medications that might make it difficult to lose? For example, my sister was put on some medication once (she was dealing with some depression) and gained about 20 lbs in 1 month. She was frantic because she was always very, very thin and this weight gain was so foreign to her. Her physician changed her meds and she lost the weight very quickly.

    If you aren't on any medication, I also wonder if you have been checked out medically in case there may be another reason contributing to why you cannot lose weight. I know it sounds like an old cliche "she has a glandular problem and can't lose weight," but the truth is that some folks do have medical reasons and have great difficulty shedding pounds. I am in the medical field and see this quite frequently so know this is sometimes the case. Good luck.

    Very sound logic. I weighed all my food, was careful about staying within caloric limit, ate more, ate less, moved more, changed my regular lifting routine, TDEE'd my little heart out.

    Didn't count on one thing...a medical issue.

    She already posted her thyroid and sugars are fine so I am assuming she was checked for medical condition

    And we don't know how she is tracking so the logical thing would be to start there. No one is saying that medical conditions shouldn't be considered, but eliminate the basics/easy stuff first by making sure she is logging properly makes sense.

    of course...Occam's Razor and all that...I mention it because no one mentioned it to me when I was having trouble. The doctors and MFP advice all pointed to 'user error' but it turned out it wasn't, it was a medical condition outside of my control. Left me frustrated nevertheless. :drinker:

    ETA: omg this thread is moving fasst!
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you are not achieving a negative calorie balance -- beginning, middle, and end of story. Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Eat mostly to get the nutrition your body needs, and less for enjoyment. Establish a healthful diet and find pleasure in other things.

    2) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    3) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    4) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones, and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, 25% daily value or less of sodium, and high in fiber.

    5) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight should go down over every two or three days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.) Don't obsess over the scale — let it be your friend and point the way to a weight losing diet.

    6) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    7) Maintain your exercise program.

    ^ Ignore all of this, OP. Did we mention the kitchen scale? Or the fact that you only have a couple of pounds to lose and should probably worry more about body composition over weight loss? lol

    ^ This is awesome...and...I pulled my scale out from the back of my cupboard, popped a 9v battery in that puppy and measured everything. Apparently I thought I was preparing to climb Mt. Everest when I was loading my plate when I didn't measure. Thanks may not have helped the person who started the thread but my scale will be moving in a downward direction thanks to these posts. Appreciate it!
  • kelleyannclemons
    kelleyannclemons Posts: 71 Member
    well, I gain weight if I eat anything above 1000kcal, so go and figure. All I can say is that it is highly personal based on the medical record, genes and who knows what else.

    This is quoted from the post

    It appears you may not be eating enough...

    I used to eat 1200 calories and dropped a decent amount of weight. Then, I hit a plateau and started gaining again. I increased my calories gradually over a 6 month time period. Each time after I increased my calories, I would gain 3-4 pounds, then those pounds would come back off and then some. My first plateau was at 160-165. I couldn't seem to get below 160. I am now sitting comfortably at 145 while consuming between 1600 and 2000 calories depending on my activity level. I am still losing a bit, but I am focused on other goals right now.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    In the picture it is me at my ideal weight, which is - 9 kg (-19lbs) from where I am now. I know where I need to get, and it is not a BS thread. I, just like everyone else, want to get where I feel good about my body and I think I am doing it all right, but I'm just not losing weight.

    sometimes getting to where you feel good about your body is not about the body at all, but about the mind.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    While I have to lose approximately what this child weighs, I do feel her pain.

    Yes, I weigh my food on a scale, AND measure it out. Yes I have had blood work done. Yes there were some abnormal thyroid levels, yes I'm on meds for that. Yes I exercise as prescribed by what my doctor AND personal trainer. Yes I'm eating the amount of calories that both say I should be eating. No, I don't drink my calories, (well I do drink a protein shake in the mornings occasionally) No, I don't eat a ton of sugar (however some cannot be avoided). Yes I've cut way back on the processed crap. No I don't drink alcohol in large amounts, even though I live in Wisconsin and it's like, expected. My drink of choice is flat water and rarely do I add any flavoring to it.

    Weight loss is still nothing. I should add that when I started with my trainer I was losing consistently and lost 11 lbs. by doing everything I was supposed to do and have described. Then seemingly overnight I gained it all back (actually it was 6 days) I went to the doctor and had renal failure ruled out along with a blood panel drawn (I've been in renal failure before so that's what we all thought at first) which was when we found some abnormal thyroid levels but not abnormal enough to be overly concerned. My PC sent me to an endocrinologist who did put me on thyroid meds also tested me for Cushing's, and it was found that I didn't have that. (And HELL TO THE NO I am not pregnant. I'm a little too old for that silliness)

    To this day I have not been able to lose any more than 1 lb. It gets me down. I feel like a failure. I don't want to be this way anymore. I know I can do it, I've proven I can. But I'm still doing what I'm supposed to be doing, eating what I'm supposed to be eating, exercising how/when/for how long I'm supposed to be. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night. It's all not working though and it's awful. I've even considered going to Mexico for lapband surgery. I don't want to be obese and gross anymore. I don't want to be that person who is in the electric cart at Wal-Mart shopping for crap food. I want to be able to go for a run with my 16 yo daughter who's going into the USMC, I want to go to Cross Fit with my GF. I want my husband to be proud when other people look at me, and I want people to look at me WITHOUT horror in their eyes.

    So, just remember there are a few of us out there and it's hard. It is so easy to just throw up my hands and give up, but I guess I'm just too God damned stubborn, even though sometimes I really think that maybe I should. And whether we have 9 lbs or 119 lbs to lose, we're all striving for the same thing, losing the weight so we can be healthier.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    While I have to lose approximately what this child weighs, I do feel her pain.

    Yes, I weigh my food on a scale, AND measure it out. Yes I have had blood work done. Yes there were some abnormal thyroid levels, yes I'm on meds for that. Yes I exercise as prescribed by what my doctor AND personal trainer. Yes I'm eating the amount of calories that both say I should be eating. No, I don't drink my calories, (well I do drink a protein shake in the mornings occasionally) No, I don't eat a ton of sugar (however some cannot be avoided). Yes I've cut way back on the processed crap. No I don't drink alcohol in large amounts, even though I live in Wisconsin and it's like, expected. My drink of choice is flat water and rarely do I add any flavoring to it.

    Weight loss is still nothing. I should add that when I started with my trainer I was losing consistently and lost 11 lbs. by doing everything I was supposed to do and have described. Then seemingly overnight I gained it all back (actually it was 6 days) I went to the doctor and had renal failure ruled out along with a blood panel drawn (I've been in renal failure before so that's what we all thought at first) which was when we found some abnormal thyroid levels but not abnormal enough to be overly concerned. My PC sent me to an endocrinologist who did put me on thyroid meds also tested me for Cushing's, and it was found that I didn't have that. (And HELL TO THE NO I am not pregnant. I'm a little too old for that silliness)

    To this day I have not been able to lose any more than 1 lb. It gets me down. I feel like a failure. I don't want to be this way anymore. I know I can do it, I've proven I can. But I'm still doing what I'm supposed to be doing, eating what I'm supposed to be eating, exercising how/when/for how long I'm supposed to be. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night. It's all not working though and it's awful. I've even considered going to Mexico for lapband surgery. I don't want to be obese and gross anymore. I don't want to be that person who is in the electric cart at Wal-Mart shopping for crap food. I want to be able to go for a run with my 16 yo daughter who's going into the USMC, I want to go to Cross Fit with my GF. I want my husband to be proud when other people look at me, and I want people to look at me WITHOUT horror in their eyes.

    So, just remember there are a few of us out there and it's hard. It is so easy to just throw up my hands and give up, but I guess I'm just too God damned stubborn, even though sometimes I really think that maybe I should. And whether we have 9 lbs or 119 lbs to lose, we're all striving for the same thing, losing the weight so we can be healthier.

    And if you posted this for advice I would ask to see your diary. And to know what exercise you do and how you estimate the calories.

    PS - go to crossfit now! You don't need to wait to lose weight. Go for it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    While I have to lose approximately what this child weighs, I do feel her pain.

    Yes, I weigh my food on a scale, AND measure it out. Yes I have had blood work done. Yes there were some abnormal thyroid levels, yes I'm on meds for that. Yes I exercise as prescribed by what my doctor AND personal trainer. Yes I'm eating the amount of calories that both say I should be eating. No, I don't drink my calories, (well I do drink a protein shake in the mornings occasionally) No, I don't eat a ton of sugar (however some cannot be avoided). Yes I've cut way back on the processed crap. No I don't drink alcohol in large amounts, even though I live in Wisconsin and it's like, expected. My drink of choice is flat water and rarely do I add any flavoring to it.

    Weight loss is still nothing. I should add that when I started with my trainer I was losing consistently and lost 11 lbs. by doing everything I was supposed to do and have described. Then seemingly overnight I gained it all back (actually it was 6 days) I went to the doctor and had renal failure ruled out along with a blood panel drawn (I've been in renal failure before so that's what we all thought at first) which was when we found some abnormal thyroid levels but not abnormal enough to be overly concerned. My PC sent me to an endocrinologist who did put me on thyroid meds also tested me for Cushing's, and it was found that I didn't have that. (And HELL TO THE NO I am not pregnant. I'm a little too old for that silliness)

    To this day I have not been able to lose any more than 1 lb. It gets me down. I feel like a failure. I don't want to be this way anymore. I know I can do it, I've proven I can. But I'm still doing what I'm supposed to be doing, eating what I'm supposed to be eating, exercising how/when/for how long I'm supposed to be. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night. It's all not working though and it's awful. I've even considered going to Mexico for lapband surgery. I don't want to be obese and gross anymore. I don't want to be that person who is in the electric cart at Wal-Mart shopping for crap food. I want to be able to go for a run with my 16 yo daughter who's going into the USMC, I want to go to Cross Fit with my GF. I want my husband to be proud when other people look at me, and I want people to look at me WITHOUT horror in their eyes.

    So, just remember there are a few of us out there and it's hard. It is so easy to just throw up my hands and give up, but I guess I'm just too God damned stubborn, even though sometimes I really think that maybe I should. And whether we have 9 lbs or 119 lbs to lose, we're all striving for the same thing, losing the weight so we can be healthier.

    And your diary is closed.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I would suggest you go see a nutritionist. They can scrutinize you diet and help you make adjustments to kick start your weight loss. You may need a different source of protein than fish, I do better if I switch my protein up and my exercise to keep my body guessing.

    If you truly are weighing, measuring and being fully honest with yourself on your food intake, and your exercise, I'd also recommend this.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hi. Before you start giving me out the usual advices, read through my post please.
    I am doing everything right, no cheating. I eat well balanced meals, which usually consist of vegetables and fish, I also eat strawberries for vitamins and to avoid my sweet tooth. I've also been active - going jogging, walking long distances, riding a bicycle, doing all sorts of exercises.
    My weight is staying the same and yesterday it even got up 1.3 pounds! At this point I am sitting and crying, cause I have always struggled with my weight (I am now 162lbs and 5'7 tall), which for me is NOT ok. I like myself when I'm at 143lbs, which leaves me to lose 19lbs, which usually at least at first come off quicker, but now it's not MOVING DOWN at all.
    1. I know all the TDEE's and whatever the link is you always send me to - not working
    2. I don't drink my calories, I only drink mineral water (still, of course)
    3. My calorie net is just ****ing right

    Can somebody please help me to get my weight moving? I am doing so much, I think I deserve to at least go a step closer to the body I am eating and working for... :((((((((((((

    If you're truly doing everything right and it's not working, you need to go see a doctor. 9 times out of 10 this is do to an error in estimation somewhere...but if you're truly doing everything right, you need to seek medical advice. Any number of things could be potentially wrong. Barring a medical condition, allergy, or hormonal imbalance, this's science...and we're really not all that different despite people thinking they're special little snowflakes.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    While I have to lose approximately what this child weighs, I do feel her pain.

    Yes, I weigh my food on a scale, AND measure it out. Yes I have had blood work done. Yes there were some abnormal thyroid levels, yes I'm on meds for that. Yes I exercise as prescribed by what my doctor AND personal trainer. Yes I'm eating the amount of calories that both say I should be eating. No, I don't drink my calories, (well I do drink a protein shake in the mornings occasionally) No, I don't eat a ton of sugar (however some cannot be avoided). Yes I've cut way back on the processed crap. No I don't drink alcohol in large amounts, even though I live in Wisconsin and it's like, expected. My drink of choice is flat water and rarely do I add any flavoring to it.

    Weight loss is still nothing. I should add that when I started with my trainer I was losing consistently and lost 11 lbs. by doing everything I was supposed to do and have described. Then seemingly overnight I gained it all back (actually it was 6 days) I went to the doctor and had renal failure ruled out along with a blood panel drawn (I've been in renal failure before so that's what we all thought at first) which was when we found some abnormal thyroid levels but not abnormal enough to be overly concerned. My PC sent me to an endocrinologist who did put me on thyroid meds also tested me for Cushing's, and it was found that I didn't have that. (And HELL TO THE NO I am not pregnant. I'm a little too old for that silliness)

    To this day I have not been able to lose any more than 1 lb. It gets me down. I feel like a failure. I don't want to be this way anymore. I know I can do it, I've proven I can. But I'm still doing what I'm supposed to be doing, eating what I'm supposed to be eating, exercising how/when/for how long I'm supposed to be. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night. It's all not working though and it's awful. I've even considered going to Mexico for lapband surgery. I don't want to be obese and gross anymore. I don't want to be that person who is in the electric cart at Wal-Mart shopping for crap food. I want to be able to go for a run with my 16 yo daughter who's going into the USMC, I want to go to Cross Fit with my GF. I want my husband to be proud when other people look at me, and I want people to look at me WITHOUT horror in their eyes.

    So, just remember there are a few of us out there and it's hard. It is so easy to just throw up my hands and give up, but I guess I'm just too God damned stubborn, even though sometimes I really think that maybe I should. And whether we have 9 lbs or 119 lbs to lose, we're all striving for the same thing, losing the weight so we can be healthier.

    I'm sorry for your struggle. I can feel your pain in your post. Perhaps that medication you are taking is causing issues?
    Maybe it's time for a new doctor?
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Take a day. Eat about 500-1000 calories more than you usually do. Your weight will go up for a day or two. THEN IT WILL PLUMMET.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    You may have a medical issue, or you may be losing fat and gaining muscle (cancelling out a weight loss). Are you losing inches?
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    While I have to lose approximately what this child weighs, I do feel her pain.

    Yes, I weigh my food on a scale, AND measure it out. Yes I have had blood work done. Yes there were some abnormal thyroid levels, yes I'm on meds for that. Yes I exercise as prescribed by what my doctor AND personal trainer. Yes I'm eating the amount of calories that both say I should be eating. No, I don't drink my calories, (well I do drink a protein shake in the mornings occasionally) No, I don't eat a ton of sugar (however some cannot be avoided). Yes I've cut way back on the processed crap. No I don't drink alcohol in large amounts, even though I live in Wisconsin and it's like, expected. My drink of choice is flat water and rarely do I add any flavoring to it.

    Weight loss is still nothing. I should add that when I started with my trainer I was losing consistently and lost 11 lbs. by doing everything I was supposed to do and have described. Then seemingly overnight I gained it all back (actually it was 6 days) I went to the doctor and had renal failure ruled out along with a blood panel drawn (I've been in renal failure before so that's what we all thought at first) which was when we found some abnormal thyroid levels but not abnormal enough to be overly concerned. My PC sent me to an endocrinologist who did put me on thyroid meds also tested me for Cushing's, and it was found that I didn't have that. (And HELL TO THE NO I am not pregnant. I'm a little too old for that silliness)

    To this day I have not been able to lose any more than 1 lb. It gets me down. I feel like a failure. I don't want to be this way anymore. I know I can do it, I've proven I can. But I'm still doing what I'm supposed to be doing, eating what I'm supposed to be eating, exercising how/when/for how long I'm supposed to be. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night. It's all not working though and it's awful. I've even considered going to Mexico for lapband surgery. I don't want to be obese and gross anymore. I don't want to be that person who is in the electric cart at Wal-Mart shopping for crap food. I want to be able to go for a run with my 16 yo daughter who's going into the USMC, I want to go to Cross Fit with my GF. I want my husband to be proud when other people look at me, and I want people to look at me WITHOUT horror in their eyes.

    So, just remember there are a few of us out there and it's hard. It is so easy to just throw up my hands and give up, but I guess I'm just too God damned stubborn, even though sometimes I really think that maybe I should. And whether we have 9 lbs or 119 lbs to lose, we're all striving for the same thing, losing the weight so we can be healthier.

    And your diary is closed.

    im not entirely sure why people cry out for help with closed diaries