The Fast Metabolism Diet



  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    firepro wrote: »
    its wierd to be defending this diet. I started Jan 11 and have gone from 272.5 to 244. Its probably about 3 pounds a week. first week lost 10 then afterwards about 2-2.5 per week. On Sixth week, i think.
    Con: Its extremely hard to get started, when you do make something you have to make many servings, then freeze them and then eat them when they are due. Very time consuming in the beginning.
    Pros: I am OCD, I have tried 3 or 4 times to use MFP and have always failed, that is also verfy difficult, if your super busy. With this diet its pretty clear when you are off track. I dont go to the bar at meetings, i dont order really good food and try to cut back servings.(Impossible for me) The thing I like about it, i know what I am supposed to do. I dont have to enter everything into MFP and I dont weigh my self everyday. These are just traps for me.

    Misc: I am sticking with it. Its working or at least giving me a structure to know where I am at. Also not sure about comments on upsales, I see there are some attempts at it, but I am following Audio book and I printed out the pdf. About 10 bucks so far. Probably couldnt have made it the first four weeks without wifes help, but there is no question, I am eating healthier than i have ever. Lots of raw and nutritional foods. No flour, sugar, bad fats etc. I am sure my food bill has been cut in half.

    Bottom Line I am using it (and hating it) and it is working for me. See you at 195.

    And when you are at 195, what then?
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I discredit any plan that wants me to give up coffee and dried cherries. I'm losing weight just fine eating my whole foods Mediterranean style plan with some dried cherries thrown in for good measure.
  • firepro
    firepro Posts: 12 Member
    I was a diet coke addict. I was feeling miserable and I had to make a change. People my age die all the time. I think at 275 and 6'1" qualifies as morbidly obese. If you look at her diet it is mostly made up with things we are supposed to be eating. I think with somebody like me, we have to have a shake up. We have to somehow get to the other side. I think a mamby pamby attitude will never create enough inertia to make lasting changes. As i look at the peope who have made lasting changes, its because they make fundamental changes to their habits. Also I will fill like a winner, will prove i can do it. Also I have had to modify the diet somewhat because its too hard to do it perfectly.
  • firepro
    firepro Posts: 12 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    I discredit any plan that wants me to give up coffee and dried cherries. I'm losing weight just fine eating my whole foods Mediterranean style plan with some dried cherries thrown in for good measure.

    Dried cherries sound great, not sure i have ever had those. Giving up diet coke was the hardest thing, I really felt i was addicted to them i figured i was spending on average 7 bucks a day between tea and coke, thats 2500 per year.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    firepro wrote: »
    I was a diet coke addict. I was feeling miserable and I had to make a change. People my age die all the time. I think at 275 and 6'1" qualifies as morbidly obese. If you look at her diet it is mostly made up with things we are supposed to be eating. I think with somebody like me, we have to have a shake up. We have to somehow get to the other side. I think a mamby pamby attitude will never create enough inertia to make lasting changes. As i look at the peope who have made lasting changes, its because they make fundamental changes to their habits. Also I will fill like a winner, will prove i can do it. Also I have had to modify the diet somewhat because its too hard to do it perfectly.

    I would say I have made lasting changes. Not only do I want them to last, I want them. And not just to my habits, but also to my attitude and my environment. Besides, the changes to my habits are many, but small and boring. No fundamental changes as all, but together they have created a great a structural change. If that makes any sense. An evolution, not a revolution. I think most revolutions fail. Evolutions have a chance.