What do you think is the hardest part about losing weight?



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Dealing with Hunger
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I still bake. There are ways. Freeze the batch as soon as it cools and you'll be less tempted to eat it all at once. :)
  • Getty59
    Getty59 Posts: 72 Member
    I would have to say nothing in fact now that I am eating healthier and staying under my calories I love it I got a friend to start doing cardio with me because I thought I would quit if I didn't have that motivation and now I actually like working out by myself lok I know that this might not be the norm but thought I would give my opinion. I love losing the weight and I love being more active and healthy!
  • julieb316
    julieb316 Posts: 6 Member
    peter56765 wrote: »
    The non-linearity of weight loss and plateaus. It's very demotivating to be so disciplined for weeks and then not see the scale budge, or worse, go up.


    Me too. Not seeing results makes me want to give up. Also just finding the motivation to do this for the long haul...

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    The hardest part is constantly thinking about it. But yours is also the hardest part. They're both my top icks.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    The hardest part is constantly thinking about it. But yours is also the hardest part. They're both my top icks.

    Having to constantly think about calories, food, deficits, steps, weighing myself and most of my food, syncing data, blah blah blah can get so tiring. I think to help combat this I'll have weekends that are totally preplanned out and prelogged on friday so I get a small break without actually skipping any of these activities. I am sure I could probably do it for weekdays too but I'm not going to be overly ambitious!
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Not eating all the cookies. And big bowls of ice cream. Yep, giving those up was and remains hard. However, I love the long walks (and am certain those are actually what's propelling my loss).
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    baking, I love to bake and now it is a much less satisfying feeling when I have to pass all the warm gooey goodness on to someone else.

    Yes, I miss baking. I finally got my baking stuff out of storage and was getting into trying a whole bunch of things about a year ago ... and coincidentally, I also hit my highest weight ever about that time too.

    But I have only baked something once since I started with MFP last February.

    I keep thinking I should try to create low-cal versions of the things I was making, but I haven't done it yet.

    I love to bake and I love to give it to others. I do eat some, but not like I used to. This past weekend I baked a ton of cookies for people at work. I also volunteer to bring dessert when there is a pot luck of any sort.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    Trying not to go overboard at weekends or when we go out.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Temptation - delicious foods at parties. This is my real downfall.
  • Melly301
    Melly301 Posts: 3 Member
    staying motivated
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    Hardest part about losing weight is being around fiends and family who are not on the same page. When I watch my loved ones stuff their faces with cake on a consistent basis because they just don't care.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    Not being happy with your body even once you're close to your goal.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    How long it takes. I'm down 80 lbs but it's taken me 3 years. These last 10 may take another 3 years. Grrrrrrrr
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    Taking one look at a meat feast dominoes pizza and having absolutely no willpower to look the other way.

    The bbq dip on the side is always the decider.
  • Ryan70286
    Ryan70286 Posts: 122 Member
    Just being patience and not being to overly unrealistic with your goals. I use milestones instead of goals. My milestones is set at losing 5 lbs before MLK day.
  • huskylove94
    huskylove94 Posts: 27 Member
    the same thing OP, I get so discouraged when I eat out, give into cravings, or when I do eat well and exercise but the scale never shows it :/