Should i eat dinner



  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member

    You feel better about yourself after posting that?

    This is the second thread that I have seen you give advice on that indicates that you don't take the time to read the comments to get a full picture of what the OP really needs. The whole point of the forum is to give sound advice that is actually helpful. If you had taken as much time to skim the comments before responding as you have to defending yourself, you might have been able to give some useful input.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited December 2015
    You don't need to read her backstory to understand that telling someone who is AFRAID to eat their daily allotted calories (which she clearly said in her OP) may not need to be told to exercise. I'm not sure what about that seemed like a good idea to you.

    Someone who is thin and afraid to eat doesn't need us to validate their fears or suggest ways to burn additional calories and net even less.

    [edited by MFP Moderator]
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I've asked this repeatedly throughout the thread, of the OP and others. Can someone please explain why what the OP ate would be considered junk? A bagel and jam, pizza, tuna, chick peas and cookies? Maybe she could add some veggies in at dinner but continuing to tell her not to eat "any more junk" supports her tendencies to label food as good and bad and may be very detrimental to someone who is struggling with disordered eating.


    OP seek help.
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Well OP has gone for now but I'm sure she'll be back. None of us know any of the facts 'for sure' we can only make assumptions based on the information available. I'd say we have a responsibility to take care with our responses, especially with someone seemingly struggling with their food relationship. Hopefully OP is now speaking to someone who can help her IRL.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I kinda think i ate too much junk today. i had a bagel and jam for breakfast with water, an iced coffee, then two thin slices of pepperoni pizza and chickpea salad and tuna for lunch, then 3 cookies then skittles then dried snap peas. I have 471 calories left, and I'm afraid to gain weight if i want to look good for the holidays

    If you are sure you actually have 471 calories left (it's easy to underestimate what one has consumed), why not finish the night with something low-fat, high-protein, and low cal, like a chicken breast and a light salad? Being under a few hundred calories will not kill you, especially because as I said, we often eat more than we think, even if we record everything. Calories estimates are sometimes off.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    or just have ice cream. mmmmm ice cream
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I kinda think i ate too much junk today. i had a bagel and jam for breakfast with water, an iced coffee, then two thin slices of pepperoni pizza and chickpea salad and tuna for lunch, then 3 cookies then skittles then dried snap peas. I have 471 calories left, and I'm afraid to gain weight if i want to look good for the holidays

    You only gain weight if you consistently eat over your total daily energy expenditure. You are under your calorie goal, so you will not gain weight. I know lots of things you can eat for dinner that will fit in your calorie goal.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I kinda think i ate too much junk today. i had a bagel and jam for breakfast with water, an iced coffee, then two thin slices of pepperoni pizza and chickpea salad and tuna for lunch, then 3 cookies then skittles then dried snap peas. I have 471 calories left, and I'm afraid to gain weight if i want to look good for the holidays

    Go exercise some???


    She's under calorie goal.