Can you be fat and in starvation mode?



  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member

    Are you doing TDEE method or MFP method?

    technically neither - just logging food, trying to eat more veggies, meat, and some fruit. Logging exercise (mostly).

    If I was following TDEE - calc I found says I should be eating 2867 based on exercising 3x a week and using the mifflin-st Jepor formula. Obviously way and above what I've been consuming for years. Even when I was doing BFL I was averaging 2200-2400 with higher intakes on my 'free' days. I've been eating 1800 and below for over 7 years now ...longer even. I stopped some of my upper body lifting in 2004 when I injured my shoulder but continued lower body workouts, abs, some back and chest up until midway through my first pregnancy in 2005. I was about to get my shoulder scoped when I found I was pregnant. So the surgery I had done when my first guy was 8 months old. After having him I fell into the trap of not planning meals, and less exercise (he never slept - didn't sleep through the night until he was4 years old - at which point his 6 month old brother stopped sleeping). Youngest still doesn't sleep.

    Anyhow back to MFP - mfp method is eating back your exercise calories? Clarify that one for me.

    At one point I was benching 120. I miss that. I miss being strong. :/
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Are you doing TDEE method or MFP method?

    technically neither - just logging food, trying to eat more veggies, meat, and some fruit. Logging exercise (mostly).

    If I was following TDEE - calc I found says I should be eating 2867 based on exercising 3x a week and using the mifflin-st Jepor formula. Obviously way and above what I've been consuming for years. Even when I was doing BFL I was averaging 2200-2400 with higher intakes on my 'free' days. I've been eating 1800 and below for over 7 years now ...longer even. I stopped some of my upper body lifting in 2004 when I injured my shoulder but continued lower body workouts, abs, some back and chest up until midway through my first pregnancy in 2005. I was about to get my shoulder scoped when I found I was pregnant. So the surgery I had done when my first guy was 8 months old. After having him I fell into the trap of not planning meals, and less exercise (he never slept - didn't sleep through the night until he was4 years old - at which point his 6 month old brother stopped sleeping). Youngest still doesn't sleep.

    Anyhow back to MFP - mfp method is eating back your exercise calories? Clarify that one for me.

    At one point I was benching 120. I miss that. I miss being strong. :/

    MFP method is where you eat back exercise calories and net X amount. so if you need to net 2000 a day to lose one pound per week and your exercise for day gives you 500 you eat 2500 calories so that you are netting 2000 to lose one pound a day....or whatever your particular setting is...
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    If you don't eat enough you will always ends up into starvation mode even if you are fat.


    Explain your thinking? Position? I'm interested in your thoughts, but you haven't given much of a supporting argument to your opinion.

    I might try to field this on behalf of them.

    I think they were negatively reacting to the overused and misunderstood concept of "starvation mode," especially when it was appearing in the same sentence as "always." Some of us twitch at these sorts of statements.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    From what ive read you actually do not go into "Starvation Mode" until your BF gets to less than 10 percent but what will happen is your metablism will slow down a bit but this can be offset easily by excercise. again this is how extremely obese ppl loose the fat so quickly when resticting their intake. I was about 100 lbs overweight ate about 1600 cal a day and excercised cardio mostly and the fat practically fell off (not kidding either like 20lbs a month) did I also loose some muscle yes some but not even close to the amount of fat i burned off. Now is it healthy to severaly restict and realistic in the long term I personally dont think so.
  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member
    MFP method is where you eat back exercise calories and net X amount. so if you need to net 2000 a day to lose one pound per week and your exercise for day gives you 500 you eat 2500 calories so that you are netting 2000 to lose one pound a day....or whatever your particular setting is...
    Gotcha - not really doing this either since I've been eating way below (nor logging all of my exercise consistenly) MFP currently has me at 1890
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    you have to eat nothing for 72 hours to be in "starvation mode"

    How many calories a day do you eat? If it is over zero then you are not in starvation mode...

    Oh and in...for the oncoming eat more to lose more, TDEE, MFP eat back your exercise calories, and general storm that this thread will generate...

    right now averaging 800-1000 a day (so obviously more than 0). I've been at this level for about 4 months now. Prior to that it was even less (but with less exercise too). Exercise/activity right now is still pretty lame - just squats and lunges at home, arm lifts with the kiddos on "off days", walking about 2-3 miles at the gym either on the track, or elliptical - that's been about 3 times a week. Gardening now that summer is here. Daily attempts at stretching at home.
    If you eat that low and not losing weight, your body has slowed its metabolism enough to somewhat counteract it (the so-called starvation mode). However, your body can't hang on to fat forever. After a while, maybe 6 months, something has got to give. Put simply, you can't eat 1000 calories a day forever and not lose weight, the question is how soon.

    The reason people like slow but steady loss through a small deficit (instead of a large one like yours) is because they see some progress week after week, instead of a long plateau followed by a drastic loss.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    no... not really. it will eventually kick in and use its fat stores...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MFP method is where you eat back exercise calories and net X amount. so if you need to net 2000 a day to lose one pound per week and your exercise for day gives you 500 you eat 2500 calories so that you are netting 2000 to lose one pound a day....or whatever your particular setting is...
    Gotcha - not really doing this either since I've been eating way below (nor logging all of my exercise consistenly) MFP currently has me at 1890

    my suggestion would be to pick a plan and stay with it for four to six weeks and see how it goes...whether that is MFP method, TDEE, or just bumping your current intake up by 100 calories a day....

    The only way to get results is to pick a program and stick with it for four to six weeks and see how your body adapts...
  • trbilbao
    trbilbao Posts: 27 Member
    Very interesting that you asked that question. Last night on Extreme Weightloss, the guy was actually undernourished and his doctor would not recommend him for skin removal surgery. He was not eating enough healthy foods to fuel his body properly and even though he weighed over 200lbs he was malnourished. He relied too much on protein shakes to lose the weight. His body NEEDED more food and more importantly the essential vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients of fresh healthy food.

    I love Chris Powell's overall approach to Wellness and not just weight loss.You may want to check out Chris Powell's book about a new way to eat, not just a diet. He is the trainer from Extreme Weight loss. I have just read it and the science really makes sense. I really related to how quickly our bodies adjust to dieting and exercise. His plan mixes things up. I have just begun using his Bod-e system to start the process and feel really good about the supplements and eating plan - EXTREMELY healthy.

    His book can be found here It has his plan, recipes etc.

    The bod-e system can be found here

    Give it a try!

    Good luck!
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    I have endometriosis (along with that comes the ovarian cysts) and it does change the way you gain/lose weight. Since diagnosed my body did not change even with medication. I stayed the same weight, size, proportion for about 5 years but that took a toll on me. I didn't change the way I ate or worked out and guess what, within 6 months I somehow put on 40 lbs! I had everything checked to see if it was my hormone levels or thyroid and it wasn' quick fix there. You have to just listen to your body. I recently made a post about something like this. I have been doing Insanity and haven't been seeing much of a weight loss and reading Shaun T's fitness guides its because I wasn't taking in enough calories. I freaked out too because I was already eating over what MFP says I needed to eat. BUT that didn't take into consideration the type of exercise I was doing. The more you exercise the more fuel your body needs because you kick up your metabolism and start to build muscle..which is a good thing! More muscle equals more fat burning power. Try for about a week or so amping up your calories (even if it is just an extra bowl of fresh fruit, nuts, chicken) and see how your body reacts to it!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Anyhow back to MFP - mfp method is eating back your exercise calories? Clarify that one for me.

    MFP calculates your needed calories for what you need for daily life not including any exercise. So your deficit would work if you were to do no exercise. When you do exercise, you need to add more for fuel or else you are likely creating an unhealthy large deficit. Also, when you pick "I want to lose 2 pounds a week", it subtracts a flat 1,000 calories per day from what it calculated your needs without exercise are. (if you chose 1 pound a week, it would subtract 500 calories).
  • verjavec
    verjavec Posts: 30 Member

    If you eat that low and not losing weight, your body has slowed its metabolism enough to somewhat counteract it (the so-called starvation mode). However, your body can't hang on to fat forever. After a while, maybe 6 months, something has got to give. Put simply, you can't eat 1000 calories a day forever and not lose weight, the question is how soon.

    Not always true. I ate under 1000 calories per day for over 10 years. I only gained weight. I kept trying to eat less because that was what the doctors told me to do when I asked them how to lose weight. At my lowest calorie level, I was eating 2 x a week. I would have one evening meal of a cup of mashed potatoes and a slice of bread and then a weekend breakfast of a cheese omelet and a slice of toast. Crappy food for sure! But, I didn't know any better then so I ate what I liked and could get in the college cafeteria. When I moved out of the dorm and cooked for myself, I ate stale popcorn from the theater where I worked and an occassional Totinos pizza. This was pre-internet and I have learned a LOT since then. I'm still working to get my metabolism and my health straightened out.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member

    If you eat that low and not losing weight, your body has slowed its metabolism enough to somewhat counteract it (the so-called starvation mode). However, your body can't hang on to fat forever. After a while, maybe 6 months, something has got to give. Put simply, you can't eat 1000 calories a day forever and not lose weight, the question is how soon.

    Not always true. I ate under 1000 calories per day for over 10 years. I only gained weight. I kept trying to eat less because that was what the doctors told me to do when I asked them how to lose weight. At my lowest calorie level, I was eating 2 x a week. I would have one evening meal of a cup of mashed potatoes and a slice of bread and then a weekend breakfast of a cheese omelet and a slice of toast. Crappy food for sure! But, I didn't know any better then so I ate what I liked and could get in the college cafeteria. When I moved out of the dorm and cooked for myself, I ate stale popcorn from the theater where I worked and an occassional Totinos pizza. This was pre-internet and I have learned a LOT since then. I'm still working to get my metabolism and my health straightened out.
    It's possible that you're one of the few people with low BMR for one reason or another.

    I don't think it's the norm though. I'm not sure how to reset your metabolism other than slowly adding calories until you're just about to gain weight, and exercising.

    My own BMR calculation is quite accurate, probably because I'm now in the normal bmi range. It says I should be losing a pound every three weeks, and that is roughly my loss rate indeed.
  • lizzardsm
    lizzardsm Posts: 271 Member
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member

    Are you doing TDEE method or MFP method?

    technically neither - just logging food, trying to eat more veggies, meat, and some fruit. Logging exercise (mostly).

    If I was following TDEE - calc I found says I should be eating 2867 based on exercising 3x a week and using the mifflin-st Jepor formula. Obviously way and above what I've been consuming for years. Even when I was doing BFL I was averaging 2200-2400 with higher intakes on my 'free' days. I've been eating 1800 and below for over 7 years now ...longer even. I stopped some of my upper body lifting in 2004 when I injured my shoulder but continued lower body workouts, abs, some back and chest up until midway through my first pregnancy in 2005. I was about to get my shoulder scoped when I found I was pregnant. So the surgery I had done when my first guy was 8 months old. After having him I fell into the trap of not planning meals, and less exercise (he never slept - didn't sleep through the night until he was4 years old - at which point his 6 month old brother stopped sleeping). Youngest still doesn't sleep.

    Anyhow back to MFP - mfp method is eating back your exercise calories? Clarify that one for me.

    At one point I was benching 120. I miss that. I miss being strong. :/

    MFP method is where you eat back exercise calories and net X amount. so if you need to net 2000 a day to lose one pound per week and your exercise for day gives you 500 you eat 2500 calories so that you are netting 2000 to lose one pound a day....or whatever your particular setting is...

    TDEE = The amount of calories you need to eat per day to MAINTAIN your weight.
    BMR = Amount of calories your body uses daily to survive

    Eat back calories? Completely your choice... I personally don't

    Either take your TDEE and subtract 20% or eat just above your BMR.

    That's what I do :)
  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member

    I would agree, I am and have been undernourished for a while. I plan on changing that
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Of course you can.... your body just eats muscle leaving you with fat. The longer you do it, the more time it will take to reverse the damage you have done to your metabolism. It can be done though, I've seen folks in their 50s turn it all around with patience, dedication and hard work
  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member
    Just wanted to take the time to say thanks for your post - thanks for taking the time to reply. To everyone too - who replied - thanks. I'll try to get to each of you individually.
  • JavaJael
    JavaJael Posts: 43 Member
    Of course you can.... your body just eats muscle leaving you with fat. The longer you do it, the more time it will take to reverse the damage you have done to your metabolism. It can be done though, I've seen folks in their 50s turn it all around with patience, dedication and hard work

    any links to a program you've seen used with success?