December 2015 Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Just curious .. Has anyone ever done any virtual runs on the internet?

    I just did (this month) the Moon Joggers Ugly Sweater Virtual 5K/10K. They're online and on FB. Pay the fee and get a pretty nice medal. Prob will do some more (since my usual Saturday run would qualify as a 10K most weeks).
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »

    My sister tells me it takes a year per 25 lbs. lost for your self-image to catch up to your actual body size. That was about right for me, and also about right for the people who thought I lost too much weight.

    Hadn't heard this before. Interesting. I still have times where I feel/act like the "funny fat kid" I was for essentially my entire life. My wife also sometimes tells me I still dress like I weigh 300 lbs., just in a smaller size. Thanks for sharing this.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 4 miles on indoor track + 4.5 miles on stationary bike
    12/2 - Took my rest day early. Weather is supposed to be way better this weekend, so planning to run long(er) than usual both days.
    12/3 - 5.09 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/4 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/5 - 5.5 miles (I think) phone / GPS crashed after about 4, so I lost my distance and time
    12/6 - 3.1 miles on small indoor track
    12/7 - unplanned rest day
    12/8 - 4 miles on indoor track + weight/abs
    12/9 - 5.25 beautiful miles...40° F at 5:00 a.m. in December! Ran a route that I used a lot last spring/summer, but had been a while. Fun, relaxing, almost perfect!
    12/10 - 5.25 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/11 - 3.1 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/12 - 6 chilly miles
    12/13 - rest day
    12/14 - life day
    12/15 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights
    12/16 - 5 wind-blown miles. Can't complain about 42° F at 5 a.m. on December 16 though!
    12/17 - 5.05 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/18 - 4.1 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/19 - rest day
    12/20 - 4.75 miles around my 'hood
    12/21 - unplanned rest day; up half the night sneezing/coughing/blowing nose. It seems someone has gifted me a cold for Christimas.
    12/22 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights. Cold seems to not have grabbed on (another benefit of losing weight and regular exercise...I don't get sick nearly as often or as bad as before)

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Just curious .. Has anyone ever done any virtual runs on the internet?

    I have done a few. I set a goal for each one, not always a faster time, and it helps keep me motivated. Last one I did I wanted to keep a more consistent pace, I did one where I wanted to cut down the number of walk breaks I was taking. I helped keep me going when the weather was crazy hot and humid and I wanted to quit. Doesn't hurt that you get a cool medal :wink:
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Dec (46 days to HM): 4.48 miles
    02-Dec (45 days to HM): <lazy>
    03-Dec (44 days to HM): 2.78 miles plus 2.13 miles (walk)
    04-Dec (43 days to HM): 4.47 miles
    05-Dec (42 days to HM): 10.04 miles (7K w/ Saturday running group, screwed-up Reindeer Run 10K)
    06-Dec (41 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day> but 3.28 miles
    07-Dec (40 days to HM): 6.54 miles
    08-Dec (39 days to HM): 4.46 miles
    09-Dec (38 days to HM): 3.26 miles
    10-Dec (37 days to HM): 2.68 miles
    11-Dec (36 days to HM): 3.58 miles
    12-Dec (35 days to HM): 6.60 miles
    13-Dec (34 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    14-Dec (33 days to HM): <severe case of the not-fun runs>
    15-Dec (32 days to HM): <still severe>
    16-Dec (31 days to HM): 3.34 miles
    17-Dec (30 days to HM): 3.15 miles (walk)
    18-Dec (29 days to HM): 3.55 miles
    19-Dec (28 days to HM): 7.27 miles
    20-Dec (27 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day> but 3.55 miles (walk)
    21-Dec (26 days to HM): 5.13 miles
    22-Dec (25 days to HM): 3.15 miles <dreadmill speedwork>
    23-Dec (24 days to HM):
    24-Dec (23 days to HM):
    25-Dec (22 days to HM):
    26-Dec (21 days to HM):
    27-Dec (20 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    28-Dec (19 days to HM):
    29-Dec (18 days to HM):
    30-Dec (17 days to HM):
    31-Dec (16 days to HM):

    Upcoming Races:
    16-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins, GA
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 5K or 10K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA

    Not sure I'm gonna make my goal - losing 2 days for not-fun runs hurts, plus the reduced mileage to follow the HM training. But I've decided I'm gonna do the HM training, but add a little bit on top, just for funsies. :smirk:

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 1.6 miles - 3K fun run with my friend John, who just lost almost 100 lbs :sunglasses: Oh yeah I realize 1.6 isn't a 3K but that's what they called it even though my watch said 1.6
    12/2 - life day
    12/3 - 5 miles
    12/4 - no mojo day
    12/5 - 7 miles
    12/6 - 3.9 miles trail run with my running group
    12/7 - 5 miles
    12/8 - 12 - wrist surgery recovery
    12/13 - 4 miles
    12/14 - resting knee
    12/15 - 3.5 miles with Skip - we ran after work and the lights on houses are so pretty - knee started to hurt at 2.5 so we cut it short
    12/16 - resting knee
    12/17 - 4 miles
    12/18-21 life days
    12/22 - 5 miles

    39 of 120 miles

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    Virkati wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 You've got the best, calmest, most supportive thread on the entire MFP site as far as I'm concerned.
    This is so true... I ditched MFP and cancelled my account six months ago, but I recently came back for the sole purpose of interacting on this thread and using it as a motivational tool to keep pushing my miles up....

    You guys are awesome! Thanks! That means a lot to me.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    12/1 5.5 miles - 5.5
    12/2 4.1 miles - 9.6
    12/3 5.5 miles - 15.1
    12/4 4.1 miles - 19.2
    12/5 12 miles - 31.2
    12/6 REST DAY
    12/7 4 miles - 35.2 << Last taper week going into RCM
    12/8 5 miles - 40.2
    12/9 REST DAY << First day of carb loading. 740 g of carbs. woo hoo.
    12/10 3.1 miles 43.3 << last run before RCM
    12/11 REST DAY
    12/12 26.4 - 69.7 <<< Rocket City Marathon (3:38:05 gun time // 3:37:59 chip time)
    12/13 REST DAY
    12/14 REST DAY
    12/15 REST DAY
    12/16 REST DAY
    12/17 5.23 miles - 74.93
    12/18 REST DAY
    12/19 REST DAY
    12/20 REST DAY
    12/21 3.2 miles - 78.13
    12/22 4.27 miles - 82.4


    Two days in a row. I wonder if I should try for three tomorrow morning.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    12/1: 3 miles
    12/2: Rest
    12/3: 6 miles with Thursday crew
    12/4: Rest
    12/5: Busy day in NYC
    12/6: Rest from busy day
    12/7: Rest
    12/8: Busy!
    12/9: Too sleepy from a late-night Buffy binge on Netflix...
    12/10: 6 miles with Thursday crew
    12/11: 4 miles
    12/12: 4 miles
    12/13: 7 miles (+4.8 mile hike)
    12/14: Rest day
    12/15: 4 miles
    12/16: 5 miles
    12/17: 4 miles with Thursday crew
    12/18: Travel day: homeward bound!
    12/19: 6 miles
    12/20: 10 miles
    12/21: 4 miles
    12/22: 5 miles

    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)


    Upcoming races:
    5/1/2016: New Jersey Marathon
    6/12/2016: Run & Ride HM at Cedar Point (maybe)
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    12/1 - 3.16 Mi
    12/2 - 5.21 Mi
    12/5 - 6.04 Mi
    12/6 - 3.72 Mi
    12/9 - 4.48 Mi
    12/10 - 4.31 Mi
    12/14 - 3.39 Mi
    12/15 – 4.59 Mi
    12/17 – 3.80 Mi
    12/19 – 4.49 Mi
    12/21 – 5.49 Mi
    12/22 – 3.19 Mi

    Progress toward Goal 51.87 / 50

    Made Goal with time left, will try to get to 70 as modified goal.

    Progress toward modified goal 51.87 / 70
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    12/1: 3 miles
    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Way to go! My first 10K was advertised as flat, some inclines and declines but no major hills. I turned out to be net downhill for the first 5K and net uphill for the last 5K, so I thought I was horribly underprepared before I got to the finish line. And I saw hills! They lied! Those hills on the last half of the course were tough.

    Went home, and thought about being registered for a half marathon that advertises as being hilly. Sought out hills to run. Missed the half due to injury, but when that same 10K rolled around the next year, the course looked . . . almost flat. Some inclines and declines, but no hills.

    It's good to challenge yourself with hills from time to time, particularly if you're going to run races that have hills.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    Hi All - we are back from Costa Rica, exhausted and a bit melancholy to be home and back to work. Landed before 10pm last night but it was raining and Christmas airport traffic so we did not get home until 1am! I have never had much problem with jetlag on a 2 hour time difference but I was up and awake early and could not go back to sleep.

    I took running clothes on the trip without much expectation of running at all, maybe once or twice. But my daughter was adamant and while hot and humid our runs were amazing with so much to see. We also hit the gym for weights 3 times which was great too, it was so fun to have a workout buddy. We got up early and then had the entire day to do more exploring or just hang out by the pool or walk on the beach. Our room was on the 4th floor and we only took the elevator once and that was when we arrived. We also did not have a single day under 10k steps except the day we flew there and most were well over 15k. I will be really curious to see where my weight is - hopefully it stayed pretty stable. We ate well but enjoyed ourselves and all the fresh fruit, vegetables and fish... I also discovered a wonderful drink/smoothie (at the swim up bar :smiley:) with Baileys, house made fresh Pina Colada mix and fresh (off the tree) banana. SO delicious!

    No run for me this morning, even though it is raining and I would love to. Small taper week for my HM this Sunday. I will be going back and catching up on some of the more recent posts later today.

    12/01.......4.20..........4.20 - + Strength Training
    12/03.......6.81........14.56 - + Strength Training
    12/05.....12.07........26.63 - Birthday run!
    12/07.......5.17........31.80 - + Agility
    12/08.......0.00........31.80 - + Strength Training
    12/10.......0.00........37.00 - + Strength Training
    12/11.......5.17........42.17 - Tempo
    12/12.......0.00 ........42.17 - Travel day
    12/13.......0.00 ........42.17 - Volcanoes and waterfalls!
    12/14.......3.57 ........45.74 - Treadmill
    12/15.......3.14 ........48.88 - Rain Forest run
    12/16.......3.58 ........52.46 - Rain Forest run
    12/17.......0.00 ........52.46 - Carera National Park
    12/18.......5.09 ........57.55 - Rain Forest run
    12/19.......3.95 ........61.50 - Rain Forest run
    12/20.......4.07 ........65.57 - Rain Forest run
    12/21.......3.02 ........68.59 - Treadmill
    12/22.......0.00 ........68.59


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
    02/27/16 - SoCal Running and Beer Fest, Lake Elsinore, CA
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    12/1 - 0 blah day
    12/2 - 6.24 (2.66 lunch run + 3.58 dreadmill walk) Felt like an upside down turtle trying to make it thru quicksand. Felt super slow, sluggish, just awful. Later on the t-mill actually felt pretty good.
    12/3 - 2.83 Work lunch run...felt good. Not great. Seems like if I take more than 2 days off I lose something, like endurance or lung capacity, something.
    12/4 - 2.88 Lunch walk. It was gorgeous outside!
    12/5 - 5.25 Walked to neighborhood Walmart for greek yogurt and coffee creamer. Then drove back to get everything I forgot lol
    12/6 - Rest day. Letting the knee calm down.
    12/7 - Not feeling it.
    12/8 - Getting lazy.
    12/9 - 3.26 Lunch run. Beautiful day!
    12/10 - 3.29 Lunch run...gorgeous day!
    12/11 - 2.92 Fast walk at lunch. I dressed for the weather report. Shoulda known better! It was another drop dead GORGEOUS day. Tomorrow volunteering at Santa Stampede and will try to run the route when it's all over :smiley:
    12/12 - Volunteered at Santa Stampede. Mad respect for the ones running while it snows and accumulates on their lashes and nose hairs! I called it a rest day and stayed inside & cuddled with my cat.
    12/13 - 5.48 Day was too beautiful to let it go to waste. I did an exceptionally slow run for a solid 4.5 miles, but it was basically an accident. Was really only heading out for a walk but then I let myself do what my body wanted. The only reason I stopped is because I hadn't brought hydration with me and didn't want to have another bad "after run" experience.
    12/14 - 2.87 Treadmill. I didn't get my lunch break so I couldn't go out and love the sunshine and warm temps. We're supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow. If I can tolerate the cold, I'll be running at lunch!
    12/15 - Lost my grip on my goals
    12/16 - Same as above
    12/17 - Same as above
    12/18 - Same as above
    12/19 - Started getting my head back on straight.
    12/20 - 6.39 Apartment treadmill. I'M BAAAACK!! And it's still possible for me to hit this month's goal which REALLY helped keep me going today :smiley:
    12/21 - 3.98 (1.38 + 2.6 lunch). First day of splitting miles. On the treadmill by 5:30am off by 6.
    **Biggest win of the month...I actually got UP and hit the treadmill! Seriously HUGE win for me!!!**
    12/22 - 1.57 SECOND day of getting up early and hitting the treadmill! It was more of a struggle this morning than yesterday, but I did it. Apparently I really want to hit the goal this month lol.

    I've also decided the treadmill may turn out to be beneficial in an unexpected way. The scenery never changes which is hell for me, BUT, it's a constant and even surface and that is really helping me to know which muscles are "out of balance". I run on the road almost 90% of the time and don't notice the uneven surface and how certain muscles are compensating for others or being shortened/lengthened because of the road. I can also play with my stride and cadence a lot better too because so many variables are removed. AND it's helping me figure out a hydration schedule. I'm feeling a lot better after a treadmill run since I started trying to determine how much water I need and when. Plus adding electrolytes seems to have alleviated quite a few issues. So, while the treadmill is NOT my first choice, I've decided not to hate it as much as I used to!

  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    12/1: 3 miles
    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Way to go! My first 10K was advertised as flat, some inclines and declines but no major hills. I turned out to be net downhill for the first 5K and net uphill for the last 5K, so I thought I was horribly underprepared before I got to the finish line. And I saw hills! They lied! Those hills on the last half of the course were tough.

    Went home, and thought about being registered for a half marathon that advertises as being hilly. Sought out hills to run. Missed the half due to injury, but when that same 10K rolled around the next year, the course looked . . . almost flat. Some inclines and declines, but no hills.

    It's good to challenge yourself with hills from time to time, particularly if you're going to run races that have hills.

    I've run the Tulsa Run for the past two years (15K). When I first ran it in October 2014, I was warned that they had changed the course due to construction and that it was much hillier than it had been in the past. It was also my longest race to date, by far (had only done a few 5Ks before that). I ended up walking a lot of the last 2 miles because it was SO HILLY. Two major uphill climbs--horrible. I was so unprepared.

    Fast forward to October 2015. This year, I've done most of my training outside, along the highway near my house. My road is on the top of a hill, about 3/4 mile long and 100-150 feet of climb (around a 4% grade, I think). So, that's how I end every run now, no matter the distance. Anyway, when race day came, I was dreading that last couple of miles because I just knew that I would have to walk. Got there, looked at the hill as I approached and thought "This hill is tiny. Steep, sure, but it's probably less than 1/4 mile long." Long story short--it was a piece of cake.

    It's truly amazing what proper training can do. Quite literally retraining how your brain sees things (like hills or distances). I'm still amazed that I can run a half marathon plus, especially thinking back to when I started C25K and could hardly handle the 30 seconds at a time required in week 1...
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    @MorningGhost14 Straight up, I snorted my water!
    @Stoshew71 You've got the best, calmest, most supportive thread on the entire MFP site as far as I'm concerned. I rarely even check the main forums anymore. THIS one brings me joy, peace, and makes me want to be better, do better. No drama here toots...we wouldn't stand for that nonsense!

    I am going to stop my read through of the 6000 posts that occurred since *my* last post and just say: This. Pegged it. This is the only thread I check for the most part, and it is always awesome.

    12/1 3.5 @ 11:17 on the treadmill plus strength training
    12/2 5.25 @ 11:04 on the treadmill. Oh my heck, please let it be sunny tomorrow. Or at least not so wet.
    12/3 4.75 @ 12:03 on the park trail with the doggy. Yay! Sunshine!
    12/4 3.5 @ 11:03 (really 3.25 at 10:48, plus .25 at a walk) on the treadmill, plus strength training
    12/5 3 miles hiking with the cub scouts :)

    12/6 Woke up feeling sore from Friday's strength training, so took a rest day
    12/7 9.25 @ 12:26 on the park trail, nice and easy
    12/8 3.75 @ 10:48 on the treadmill (3.5 at 10:39, .25 walk), plus stretch/yoga
    12/9 5.25 @ 11:32 on the treadmill
    12/10 Sort of rest day? Trip to Colonial Williamsburg with my daughter's history class. Lots of walking!
    12/11 6.25 @ 11:18 on the treadmill.
    12/12 Rest Day

    12/13 3.25 @ 10:10 (5K race chip time 32:06--I finished 191/395 women 30/64 in my age group)
    12/14 7.25 @ 12:03 (7 @ 11:57 and .25 walking) on the park trails
    12/15 2.0 @ 10:29 on the treadmill and strength training
    12/16 5.0 @ 11:49 on the park trail
    12/17 Rest Day. It is cold and wet and my back hurts from present wrapping. Bah humbug.
    12/18 6.0 on the treadmill (5 @ 11:40 and 1 walking) plus strength training
    12/19 Rest day

    12/20 Sick day -- I seem to have developed the creepin' crud
    12/21 8 @ 12:00 on the treadmill (7 at 11:34 and 1 mile at a walk) breathing ok, but still feeling tired
    12/22 4 @ 12:00 on the treadmill and strength training


  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    I've also decided the treadmill may turn out to be beneficial in an unexpected way. The scenery never changes which is hell for me, BUT, it's a constant and even surface and that is really helping me to know which muscles are "out of balance". I run on the road almost 90% of the time and don't notice the uneven surface and how certain muscles are compensating for others or being shortened/lengthened because of the road. I can also play with my stride and cadence a lot better too because so many variables are removed. AND it's helping me figure out a hydration schedule. I'm feeling a lot better after a treadmill run since I started trying to determine how much water I need and when. Plus adding electrolytes seems to have alleviated quite a few issues. So, while the treadmill is NOT my first choice, I've decided not to hate it as much as I used to!

    That's a lot of the reasons I like treadmill running, too. I have yet to find a street/sidewalk around here that doesn't seem to be at some sort of odd angle, putting a lot of stress on my hip and achilles on whichever leg is "uphill" from the other. I love the consistency of the pacing and the ability to push myself to go just a little bit faster at a time. And I like how it works my core for balance--a real weakness on my part. Oh, and I watch movies, which is fun. They're doing a Home Alone marathon at the gym this week, lol.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm going back a few days trying to catch up...

    @runner_girl83 I know you've already gotten some responses on walking parts of a HM. It's definitely ok. I had one rather hilly race where I'd pass one guy who was walking up the hills but then he'd pass me running down the hills. We traded off like that for several hills. He finished before I did. There was another flat 10K I did where I had the same passing relationship with this one gal. She was doing a run/walk strategy and I was always running. Same as before, we kept passing each other but this time I finished first. During my half a couple months ago I took a half mile break in the middle by running at a pace 2 minutes slower. That's really no different than taking a break by walking, it's just a different speed. It's YOUR race, you race it your way. Congrats for deciding to do it!
    @Elise4270 and @kristinegift thanks for your comments Saturday about my wife. She was getting a bit annoyed with the time I spent running building up to my half but since my miles are down now it's not been an issue. It will probably become one when I start ramping up for my full in May. @kristinegift welcome back to the midwest!
    @Ohhim, a cult sponsored race? Weird... Congrats on placing 2nd in your AG!
    @mobycarp, I like the idea of doing a course preview as a 5K warm up, now that I'm finally fit enough to do such a thing. Great time and finish!
    @louubelle16 glad your back to running. 3 weeks out would be tough! Congrats on signing up for a HM too.
    @kimlight2 congrats on the PR!
    @shanaber I'm jealous of your tropical running routes! Thanks for the pictures. You should have someone waiting for you at the HM finish line with a pitcher of your new favorite drink!
    @Stoshew71 the video links were for the North Pole and Antarctica marathons. You can see the website here: They also have a World Marathon Challenge, where you do 7 marathons in 7 continents in 7 days. Seems like I should do them with a username of 7lenny7! But, at nearly $40,000, that registration fee is a bit out of my price range.
    @virkati I rarely check the other threads on MFP either. I get nearly all of what I need right here!
    @kristinegift way to kick that hill's butt!
    @moyer566 rest up and kick that bug's butt!

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member

    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Awesome! Iowa is NOT all flat! Que "Rocky" music...
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Awesome. Hills make you a better runner.

    By the way, I live on top of a hill. So if I run from my doorstep, I will most likely end my run by going up a large hill.

    I don't feel like doing geometery right now, but the road leading into my apartment complex is a .3 mile strip that goes from 206.8 m to 238.3m or a 31.7 m gain. OK, I guess I will do math. .3 miles is about 482.8 meters.

    Slope = delta Y / delta X = 31.7 / 482.8 = ~.06566 = 6.566 grade

    So wow. That 7-8% is even a bit steeper. That's pretty awesome.

    @skippygirlsmom My hill that leads into my apartment complex is about the same as the Cotton Row 10K hill. Just for prospective. lol

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Awesome. Hills make you a better runner.

    By the way, I live on top of a hill. So if I run from my doorstep, I will most likely end my run by going up a large hill.

    I don't feel like doing geometery right now, but the road leading into my apartment complex is a .3 mile strip that goes from 206.8 m to 238.3m or a 31.7 m gain. OK, I guess I will do math. .3 miles is about 482.8 meters.

    Slope = delta Y / delta X = 31.7 / 482.8 = ~.06566 = 6.566 grade

    So wow. That 7-8% is even a bit steeper. That's pretty awesome.

    @skippygirlsmom My hill that leads into my apartment complex is about the same as the Cotton Row 10K hill. Just for prospective. lol

    @Stoshew71 That's quite a hill to start on! I'm used to starting with an uphill (maybe 3-4% grade) which helps keep my pace in check. My parents' house is at the top of the second hill in a valley, so I go downhill either way but then have a monster to run back up. It's definitely been good practice while I'm here!
    karllundy wrote: »

    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Awesome! Iowa is NOT all flat! Que "Rocky" music...

    @karllundy That it is not! And my parents decided to move to the hilliest part of town. It's intimidating!
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    12/1: 3 miles
    Chilly and hilly! There's a gigantic hill (according to this site it's around 7-8% grade) that leads into our neighborhood, and my dad and brother always avoid it when they run; they just run loops around the neighborhood on our side of it so they don't have to climb the hill on the way back. I've never run it all the way before, and today I finally conquered it! And it was my 2nd fastest mile overall of the run since it's probably 5% grade on the back side. Turned onto my street feeling like a total champ :)

    Way to go! My first 10K was advertised as flat, some inclines and declines but no major hills. I turned out to be net downhill for the first 5K and net uphill for the last 5K, so I thought I was horribly underprepared before I got to the finish line. And I saw hills! They lied! Those hills on the last half of the course were tough.

    Went home, and thought about being registered for a half marathon that advertises as being hilly. Sought out hills to run. Missed the half due to injury, but when that same 10K rolled around the next year, the course looked . . . almost flat. Some inclines and declines, but no hills.

    It's good to challenge yourself with hills from time to time, particularly if you're going to run races that have hills.

    @MobyCarp I run hills pretty frequently in NJ, but none quite this steep! Luckily my goal marathon in May has about 50 feet of elevation gain so all my hillwork will be good strengthening workouts but not necessary preparation!
    Virkati wrote: »

    I've also decided the treadmill may turn out to be beneficial in an unexpected way. The scenery never changes which is hell for me, BUT, it's a constant and even surface and that is really helping me to know which muscles are "out of balance". I run on the road almost 90% of the time and don't notice the uneven surface and how certain muscles are compensating for others or being shortened/lengthened because of the road. I can also play with my stride and cadence a lot better too because so many variables are removed. AND it's helping me figure out a hydration schedule. I'm feeling a lot better after a treadmill run since I started trying to determine how much water I need and when. Plus adding electrolytes seems to have alleviated quite a few issues. So, while the treadmill is NOT my first choice, I've decided not to hate it as much as I used to!

    @Virkati I really like doing speedwork on the treadmill in the winter. It's definitely good for testing out cadence and stride and helps you figure out what particular paces feel like, which can help come spring when we're all out racing again :)