

  • DesireeAshley90
    DesireeAshley90 Posts: 137 Member
    Oh I had to laugh - for real people just lay down on the floor? That sounds like a pretty horrible

    I have totally done that. lol

    <<Same here haha.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    :grumble: Some morons decided to f@#$ around in my lap lane last night... splashing each other and doing handstands and all that. I purposely go to a non-social gym because I wanted to AVOID that.

    ETA: I should clarify. I'm nearly 6 foot tall, make wide flip turns, and swim at competition speed. Sharing a lap lane is not only nearly impossible for me (I don't want to whip someone as I swim past), but shouldn't be necessary. I'm basically paying $30 a month to use the pool. You can wait your turn for a lane just like I did. If you ask to share and I politely tell you no, move on with your life. :)

    Sorry, what? You expect to have a whole lane to yourself? I mean I understand the need in your case, but that's kind of a luxury in a typical gym. Maybe try a university pool.

    but yeah, the handstands, that would drive me nuts too.
    I'm in MN, so especially in the summer, most people just go to the lake to swim. If it's packed I make do, but if I'm in the farthest lane and they walk past someone jogging in the water to interrupt my lap, yeah, I'm going to turn them down.
  • jmoliveson
    jmoliveson Posts: 40 Member
    Speaking of pet peeves, I go to the gym daily and a few days ago I'm on the treadmill and some lady comes in with tons of male smelling musky perfume on. Unfortunately she posted up on the treadmill right next to me so I had to stop my workout and move because I am allergic to many perfumes. To me it just seems rude to go into the gym caked with cologne or perfume. I am fairly new to being a gym regular but I can definitely say this is my new pet peeve!
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    My pet peeve? People with pet peeves.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    :grumble: Some morons decided to f@#$ around in my lap lane last night... splashing each other and doing handstands and all that. I purposely go to a non-social gym because I wanted to AVOID that.

    ETA: I should clarify. I'm nearly 6 foot tall, make wide flip turns, and swim at competition speed. Sharing a lap lane is not only nearly impossible for me (I don't want to whip someone as I swim past), but shouldn't be necessary. I'm basically paying $30 a month to use the pool. You can wait your turn for a lane just like I did. If you ask to share and I politely tell you no, move on with your life. :)

    Sorry, what? You expect to have a whole lane to yourself? I mean I understand the need in your case, but that's kind of a luxury in a typical gym. Maybe try a university pool.

    but yeah, the handstands, that would drive me nuts too.
    I'm in MN, so especially in the summer, most people just go to the lake to swim. If it's packed I make do, but if I'm in the farthest lane and they walk past someone jogging in the water to interrupt my lap, yeah, I'm going to turn them down.

    I didn't really understand what you meant by someone walking past & interrupting your lap, but I'd like to know practically how you turn people down.. at all the gyms I've been to, there's no 'asking', people just get in the lane they want to use. If they're going too fast or slow, the lifeguard usually asks them to switch to an appropriate lane. Is it the etiquette where you are for people to explicitly ask? Interesting.

    Seriously, try a uni pool - where I am, it's possible to get a 'member of the community' membership, and most of the swimmers there are better than what you'd find in a public or gym pool. And, there's less baby pee (& therefore, usually, less chlorine).