How to make scrambled eggs more filling?

jenniator Posts: 475 Member
edited December 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys,

I was craving some eggs today so I made scrambled eggs, here is my recipe.

Scrambled eggs:
Pam Oil Spray: 0 cal
2 eggs: 160 cal
1 egg white: 17 cal
10 grams of cheese: 35.5
100 grams veggies: 31 cal
Total: 243.5 cal

Sometimes I add 2 slices of Turkey lunch meat (30 more calories), so 273.5 cal in total.

It was absolutely delicious and made a good portion, but the problem was it didn't fill me up at all. Afterwards I had 3 chips ahoy cookies (160 calories) and that helped take off the edge. My oatmeal is only around 197-292 calories and it fills me up a lot. Does anyone have a better idea of how to make scrambled eggs more filling without having the calories be too crazy? Generally I don't like to go higher than around 300 calories for a meal except dinner since I like to have snacks in between as well.


  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I don't find eggs by themselves all filling either. I usually scramble 2 eggs with 113 grams of cottage cheese and a bunch of spinach. That's about 300 calories.

    The cottage cheese gives the whole dish more protein and makes it more filling. I need to cook it longer to cook out the liquid in the cottage cheese, but it works. And the eggs are really cheesy.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Frozen diced peppers. Ham/turkey. Sausage links on the side. Cheese. Spinach. Eat it in a tortilla.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    They sell unflavored whey protein you can whisk that in too.
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    I guess you need to weigh the benefit of say, having 3 eggs instead of 2 (80 calories extra), or 3 chips ahoy to fill up (160 calories extra). Does the extra yumminess of the cookies make the 80 extra calories worth it? Only you can answer that question.

    You could also ditch the cheese from the recipe since it adds calories but not a lot of satiety, which would allow you to add the 3rd egg even easier.
  • jenniator
    jenniator Posts: 475 Member
    I guess you need to weigh the benefit of say, having 3 eggs instead of 2 (80 calories extra), or 3 chips ahoy to fill up (160 calories extra). Does the extra yumminess of the cookies make the 80 extra calories worth it? Only you can answer that question.

    You could also ditch the cheese from the recipe since it adds calories but not a lot of satiety, which would allow you to add the 3rd egg even easier.

    That's true :) I always heard it was good to add cheese for extra protein/fat. I did add 2 eggs + a egg white. I have tried 3 eggs with veggies and turkey in the past, but I still wasn't satisfied :(
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I eat Egg Beaters instead of eggs--less calories for more volume: 184 g egg beaters (equals 4 eggs), 28 g mild shredded cheddar cheese, 56 g John Morrell diced ham. 280 cal, 8 carb, 11 fat, 38 protein. If you like veggies, you could add them in for a larger portion size for very little calorie increase. I eat this all the time for breakfast because it helps me make my protein goal for the day. I usually eat half & save the rest for a snack later, so I know that you can put it in the fridge & warm it up later & it's still good.
  • jenniator
    jenniator Posts: 475 Member
    edited December 2015
    I don't find eggs by themselves all filling either. I usually scramble 2 eggs with 113 grams of cottage cheese and a bunch of spinach. That's about 300 calories.

    The cottage cheese gives the whole dish more protein and makes it more filling. I need to cook it longer to cook out the liquid in the cottage cheese, but it works. And the eggs are really cheesy.

    It really is strange, but eggs never fill me up either which is strange since I've always heard people say they are extremely filling. I dislike cottage cheese a lot, so it sounds a bit gross to me. I've heard people use greek yogurt though which sounds a little better, but still odd. I don't think it would make the meal more filling, but it might.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I do frozen spinach, mushrooms, egg whites, laughing cow light and either a slice of ham or 5g cheese on toast every morning

    Creature of habit
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I do 2-3 eggs, 1/4-1/3 cup of milk, 2 ounces of turkey sausage crumbles, 3/4-1 ounce of cheese, and sometimes a bit of spinach.

    Also, keep in mind that 0 calorie spray is only for 1/4 second. They state that because it's under 5 calories. I usually do 2 seconds of an olive oil spray I have, so that's 18 calories.
  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    I have a 4 egg omelet fried in butter with a slice of American cheese and a tablespoon of faux bacon bits, it is plenty filling until lunch.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It just shows how varied people are, as I have a similar breakfast -- 2 eggs omelet, lots of vegetables (for example, broccoli + spinach), a little feta -- and find it extremely filling. Usually I have more protein with it, which makes it even more filling (cottage cheese or smoked salmon are my favorites). That might kick it over 300, but I usually aim for 300-400 for any breakfast, as I'm more a 3 meal person.

    I do find that cheese doesn't really add to the satiety factor (but some would disagree). I include it because I like it and usually go with feta because it has a strong taste in small quantity so I don't have to add much.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    When I have eggs, I usually have to pair it with a carb to fill me. Might be just in my head, but eggs alone = hangry an hour later.
    Eggs and a slice of toast, or a sauteed potato = i'm happy until 30 minutes before lunch haha
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    jenniator wrote: »
    That's true :) I always heard it was good to add cheese for extra protein/fat. I did add 2 eggs + a egg white. I have tried 3 eggs with veggies and turkey in the past, but I still wasn't satisfied :(

    I find that no matter how much I eat for breakfast (usually around 5:30am on weekdays as I get to the office by 7am), I am hungry for a mid morning snack. So, I try to have just a small breakfast in the 2-300 calorie range. Since I know I'll be hungry by 9:30 anyway, having a 500-600 calorie breakfast (toasted bagel with butter & peanut butter) is sort of pointless, except for the fact that it's delicious. :smile:

    Anyway, limiting my breakfast calories has been working well lately, and allowing me to have more flexibility for the rest of the day.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I find eggs very filling. But a 300 calorie meal typically doesn't fill me up either. I need around 400-500 calories. How about having those eggs with an English muffin and a laughing cow wedge?
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    jenniator wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    I was craving some eggs today so I made scrambled eggs, here is my recipe.

    Scrambled eggs:
    Pam Oil Spray: 0 cal
    2 eggs: 160 cal
    1 egg white: 17 cal
    10 grams of cheese: 35.5
    100 grams veggies: 31 cal
    Total: 243.5 cal

    Sometimes I add 2 slices of Turkey lunch meat (30 more calories), so 273.5 cal in total.

    It was absolutely delicious and made a good portion, but the problem was it didn't fill me up at all. Afterwards I had 3 chips ahoy cookies (160 calories) and that helped take off the edge. My oatmeal is only around 197-292 calories and it fills me up a lot. Does anyone have a better idea of how to make scrambled eggs more filling without having the calories be too crazy? Generally I don't like to go higher than around 300 calories for a meal except dinner since I like to have snacks in between as well.

    You answered your own question. Make 4 eggs instead of 2. That'll be a lot more filling for you.
    I normally have 5-6 and I'm stuffed afterwards.
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    I have added fresh veggies even spinach with a little cheese.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Add butter or oil. 1 tablespoon will be around 100calories. I find the fat helps me feel full
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I like to add a serving or two of egg whites to 2 whole eggs :) more protein and volume without a ton of calories.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Load up with the veggies! I have egg and veggie scramble for breakfast most mornings. Normally, mushrooms, spinach or arugula, peppers, onions and a little lower-cal feta cheese. I use a mix of whole eggs and egg whites and make enough for several days. Just warm it up and breakfast is ready.

    I often eat this with a corn tortilla, topped with salsa and fresh cilantro. Breakfast taco!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I'm going to have to try the scrambled eggs with cottage cheese @PeachyCarol ... Mmmmm!
    I grew up with a Manx granny who served me buttered boiled eggs in adorable egg cups as a little girl. Butter + eggs still satisfies me for HOURS today. I don't know why. I butter both boiled and poached eggs.