Killing myself for Nothing



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    10 Lbs per month is a lot...stop cryin'. Also, you shouldn't be "killing yourself". I'm 40 Lbs down and haven't had to "kill myself". I get my nutrition on and my fitness on and the rest just takes care of itself. I haven't been the least bit uncomfortable or felt deprived doing any of this.
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    You want to lose slowly. Remember its a journey not a race. Try to stay positive. Took me awhile to see results. It will happen
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    WTF is Jilian anyway? It took me 5 months to lose nearly 50 lbs, you are doing very good! Congrats.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    measure yourself. you are probably gaining muscle.

    On that large a deficit doing cardio, the OP is not gaining muscle. If anything she is losing muscle.

    Amen brother
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    10 pounds in a month? I'd kill for 10 pounds in a month. I haven't lost a pound since December. and yet, I still am working at it. If you are disappointed in 10 pounds in a month, you are in for a long hard road.
  • samanthawardle31
    samanthawardle31 Posts: 58 Member
    If I lost 10lbs in a month I would be ecstatic. i just lost 2lbs in a month - but I had quite a few treat days off so I am still happy.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    Damn I wish I could lose ten pounds in a month. That should hardly be considered 'nothing'.

    seriously. hey, i'd be happy losing even 5lbs a month. 10lbs would be incredible!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I would give anything to drop 10lbs this month and reach my goal by the time I go on my hols but its just not likely to happen. Its taken me 8 months to drop 40lbs and I think I'm doing great. You didn't put on the weight overnight so you can't expect it to come off overnight. Sounds like you need to chill out safe in the knowledge that you're doing all the right things and gradually you'll lose the pounds.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Jillian expects five pounds a week.

    Jillian, to put it bluntly, is full of fecal matter.

    Ten pounds in a month is absofrickinlutely incredible progress, and you should be proud. You should also not expect it to continue at that rate, because you don't have enough excess body fat to support that kind of weight loss.

    Ideally, with 44 pounds left to go, you should be aiming for one pound a week. The only thing you should feel depressed about is that you're expectations were unrealistic.


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Seriously... I have been eating 1200 calories a day, doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution for a month, jogging on a treadmill every evening and have only lost 10 pounds!!!! Jillian expects five pounds a week. If you do the math, not counting extra calorie burn for the metabolic training, just what my heart rate monitor says I have burned, I should be losing 3.5 pounds a week. I have barely lost a jean size. So depressed!

    is this even real?
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    10 Lbs per month is a lot...stop cryin'. Also, you shouldn't be "killing yourself". I'm 40 Lbs down and haven't had to "kill myself". I get my nutrition on and my fitness on and the rest just takes care of itself. I haven't been the least bit uncomfortable or felt deprived doing any of this.

  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Jillian expects five pounds a week.

    Jillian, to put it bluntly, is full of fecal matter.

    Ten pounds in a month is absofrickinlutely incredible progress, and you should be proud. You should also not expect it to continue at that rate, because you don't have enough excess body fat to support that kind of weight loss.

    Ideally, with 44 pounds left to go, you should be aiming for one pound a week. The only thing you should feel depressed about is that your expectations were unrealistic.

    Yup...give yourself some many have said. Feeling sorry for yourself is well, very destructive... “It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are finished.” ― Debbie Macomber

    Don't take yourself so seriously, this is supposed to be fun. Cheers :drinker:

  • sypop
    sypop Posts: 102 Member
    Damn I wish I could lose ten pounds in a month. That should hardly be considered 'nothing'.

  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Jillian expects five pounds a week.

    Jillian, to put it bluntly, is full of fecal matter.

    Ten pounds in a month is absofrickinlutely incredible progress, and you should be proud. You should also not expect it to continue at that rate, because you don't have enough excess body fat to support that kind of weight loss.

    Ideally, with 44 pounds left to go, you should be aiming for one pound a week. The only thing you should feel depressed about is that your expectations were unrealistic.

    This lady knows what she's talking about. Listen to her.
  • evon623
    evon623 Posts: 7
    Every person is every person will get different results. Focus on the fact that you are loosing, you should be proud of yourself. This is not an easy journey. I am 45 and know that my body does not function the same as someone who is 35 or 25, so I have to be happy and proud of what I accomplish in my own time... you should be too!
  • LayC
    LayC Posts: 13 Member
    Don't get discourage which is easy to do when you are doing all you know how. You may need to change your routine some. The body has to be shocked out of routine every now and then by doing a harder exercise on a off day or increasing reps in something. I get upset too I has taken me forever to lose 20lbs and I got a few more 20's to go.

    However, I don't look at it like its for nothing I farther along than I was a few months back also I have a thyroid issue that makes my efforts even harder but I just fall down sometimes get back up and start over.

    Keep the faith because it's the faith that keeps us on a daily basis. Many blessings. :smile:
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    measure yourself. you are probably gaining muscle.

    highly unlikely on such an enormous calorie deficit.

    ETA--in reading further, I see this was already pointed out, so I'll just say +1 to that!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Seriously... I have been eating 1200 calories a day, doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution for a month, jogging on a treadmill every evening and have only lost 10 pounds!!!! Jillian expects five pounds a week. If you do the math, not counting extra calorie burn for the metabolic training, just what my heart rate monitor says I have burned, I should be losing 3.5 pounds a week. I have barely lost a jean size. So depressed!

    Jillian is full of ****e! so forget her.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Please adjust your expectations and attitude. 10 pounds in a month is phenomenal! I don't think I've ever lost 10 pounds in a month except when I was ill. Pneumonia will really peel the pounds off; let me tell you! So will asthma, and so not worth it!