What are your feelings on calorie counting?



  • Iguessicandothis
    Iguessicandothis Posts: 2,132 Member
    I enjoy logging my food-it's fun for me. But the biggest benefit to me since joining is that I'm eating far better from a nutritional standpoint.

    I like checking my macros and choosing a snack based on whether I need more protein or carbs to reach my daily goals. I used to barely bother with veggies. I knew I should eat them and I didn't mind them, I just preferred eating chips and cheese and other fatty things way more.
    Now that I'm logging, I choose to eat vegetables regularly.

    It's like writing an exam every day and getting an "A" when I reach my caloric and nutrition goals.

    And my stomach problems, which I now realize were caused by consuming WAY too much fat, have disappeared.