The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-Rest day
    2-Flare/rest day
    3-13.13mi The first six had me convinced i was going to turn around. the rest was nice.
    4-rest day
    5-pain day :(
    6-3.23 mi. it looked slow but i ran fartlek-esque, but still had to avoid ice flows.
    7-6.46 mi it was fun. I pushed hard. I'm glad my heart monitor works again.
    8-rest day
    9-4.75 mi on treadmill.
    10-rest day
    11-too cold and icey. -7 is just too cold even for me
    12-slept in after walking the dogs. too icey now with a fresh coating of snow over it. hoping to get in an hour at the gym
    13-3.7mi on treadmill. got to my third fastest speed. hoping to keep improving. and yoga
    15-no yoga, rest day
    16-3.25mi. race day. fun race. smaller. was 10 out of 21 in my age group.
    17-rest day
    18-lazy day
    19-1.88mi tried different programs on the gyms treadmill. I am not level 7 anything apparently :wink:

    get to sign up for the gym i liked best :)
    They have TRX straps and Woodway treadmills


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k-done 33:43:123 (gun time-don't have chip time)
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run
    Feb 13-21 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k
    ?Mar 14-Great Pi Run?
    ?Jun 11-Rock n Sole 5 or 8k? honeymoon might interfere

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited January 2016
    @michable I got this for long runs
    and run with this for 10ks or less
    both work great and fit my galaxy 6

    for snacks, I usually run fasted but otherwise use Gu Chomps, 1/2 pack to start and another 1/2 pack every 3-4 miles

    @shanaber nice shoes :)
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    01/04 2.74 mi
    01/06 3.13 mi
    01/09 5.00 mi
    01/11 2.63 mi
    01/13 3.53 mi
    01/17 3.23 mi
    01/19 6.00 mi
    TOTAL 26.26 mi
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @michable I am kind of a minimalist when it comes to running. On short-medium length runs I carry my car key in my hand, unless I run from home, then I carry nothing. For longer runs, I carry a Nathan's hand held 10 oz bottle that has a pouch where I carry my fuel, usually Welch's fruit chews. I carry emergency cash in whatever pocket I have. I know I should probably carry my phone, but I don't. I have been running since before I had a cell phone, so I think old habits die hard.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1/1-1/9-zero miles- respiratory infection
    1/10-5.9 miles
    1/11-4.0 miles
    1/12-4.0 miles plus strength training
    1/13-5.6 miles
    1/14-rest day (maybe some yoga)
    1/15-3.2 miles treadmill intervals
    1/16-9 miles
    1/17-4.3 miles
    1/18-4 miles of dreadmill intervals + yoga
    1/19-4.8 miles+strength training
    1/20 6 miles +yoga
    For some reason my ticker is not updating correctly. I should have 50.8 miles :/
  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 @Elise4270 Thanks for your responses ladies, I would have responded earlier but I never got an alert for the responses!

    As far as a food intolerance, I eat the same foods almost every single day and don't have this pain everyday. If it was food intolerance/allergy, wouldn't it be happening every day if a food was causing it? Also when I get these pains that's all it usually is, no other symptoms just the intense cramping. I will usually sit in the bathroom (sorry for TMI) for long periods of time trying to do SOMETHING to alleviate the pain, but even if I do go to the bathroom it's nothing out of the ordinary and it doesn't stop the pain.

    As far as the gallbladder, I've never had it checked out nor have I had a hidascan. The pain is usually just right under my sternum smack dab in the middle. It feels like someone blew my stomach up with air and then is twisting it until it's about to pop or something.

    Ya, that sounds like gallbladder. I was lucky, mine just quit working and I had little pain. I was a regular donating blood and my liver enzymes got high enough they said -no more, see a doc.

    I understand the bowel trouble. :wink:

    Like @skippygirlsmom said, even if no tests confirm anything, docs are usually are good to identify it.

    Thanks so much for all the information. Should I see a specialist? or will my GP be able to run tests to identify if it is my gall bladder?

    I am feeling much better today, The pain seems to be dwindling today, it's barely even noticeable now.

    I did added another 4.5 miles this morning with an interval run. I ran 400m at around 7.5mph then ran another 400m at about 5.0mph and repeated this 6 times. The last fast pace run I pushed it up to 8.0mph and it was rough but I pushed through it!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 @Elise4270 Thanks for your responses ladies, I would have responded earlier but I never got an alert for the responses!

    As far as a food intolerance, I eat the same foods almost every single day and don't have this pain everyday. If it was food intolerance/allergy, wouldn't it be happening every day if a food was causing it? Also when I get these pains that's all it usually is, no other symptoms just the intense cramping. I will usually sit in the bathroom (sorry for TMI) for long periods of time trying to do SOMETHING to alleviate the pain, but even if I do go to the bathroom it's nothing out of the ordinary and it doesn't stop the pain.

    As far as the gallbladder, I've never had it checked out nor have I had a hidascan. The pain is usually just right under my sternum smack dab in the middle. It feels like someone blew my stomach up with air and then is twisting it until it's about to pop or something.

    Ya, that sounds like gallbladder. I was lucky, mine just quit working and I had little pain. I was a regular donating blood and my liver enzymes got high enough they said -no more, see a doc.

    I understand the bowel trouble. :wink:

    Like @skippygirlsmom said, even if no tests confirm anything, docs are usually are good to identify it.

    Thanks so much for all the information. Should I see a specialist? or will my GP be able to run tests to identify if it is my gall bladder?

    I am feeling much better today, The pain seems to be dwindling today, it's barely even noticeable now.

    I did added another 4.5 miles this morning with an interval run. I ran 400m at around 7.5mph then ran another 400m at about 5.0mph and repeated this 6 times. The last fast pace run I pushed it up to 8.0mph and it was rough but I pushed through it!


    I started with my GP @katemmamarie
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    moremonica wrote: »
    I am hoping to run for at least a mile tomorrow.
    It will be very embarrassing to be in this group and have a 10 mile goal and not make it.

    Don't beat yourself up! A goal is just that - a goal. We hit it, we miss it, we pass it. It's a one-month thing, and we recalculate for the next one. If you run a 1/2 mile (or walk it!), you're doing better than the "old you" that didn't do that!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ddmom0811 I laughed so hard at the PTSD comment from D when she was little OMG. You'll do great in the HM you got it!
    @michable I'm like @lporter229 I carry almost nothing, also like lporter I use a 10 oz Nathan's hand held for water when I bring it, which is usually for longer distances or if I'm running with Skip (I worry more about my baby than myself when it's hot). When we trail run I wear a SPI belt because I like to take my phone to take pictures and I will wear it for a HM but otherwise not at all. I wear a RoadID when I run so I don't worry about my body being ID'd when I pass out on the side of the road and where I run I won't need money for anything so I don't carry cash. If I take my car somewhere to run I lock the keys in it (ssshh don't tell people). Skip has a couple of shirts with pockets on the back and as someone said above they are getting harder and harder to find.
    @shanaber love the new shoes!

  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    I follow the Hanson's Marathon Method for the most part. Last night was scheduled strength run night. After a mile warm-up, I then ran three 5K's in 25:07; 24:59 & 24:15. Felt great to get in a solid workout.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @moremonica There is not a single person on this thread who will judge you for the distance you complete or don't complete. We support each other no matter what!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    @kristinegift - Did you order them online? If not, maybe you can try another pair at the store just in case there is something about those particular shoes, a defect perhaps?

    Speedwork today; 6x400m intervals in the slushy side streets. We got quite a bit of freezing rain and sleet yesterday but it is in the mid to upper 20's this morning so the treated streets are the only sane option right now. I had no problems save for some wet socks. I also wore new shoes this morning, so broke them in quite well. :smile:

    I am having trouble with my phone rebooting on my runs. It is a regular thing now and is making it impossible to track my runs like I used to. I will probably switch to using a stopwatch and running measured routes. I thought I had narrowed the problem down to being Strava having issues, but today when I used only Endomondo the same thing happened again. The phone does not reboot at other times, only while running. So maybe it is the GPS. I just don't know yet. Maddening though.

    1/1 - 2.25 miles
    1/3 - 4.1 miles
    1/5 - 6.5 miles
    1/7 - 4 miles
    1/9 - 4 miles
    1/12 - 3.25 miles
    1/14 - 4.6 miles
    1/16 - 11.5 miles
    1/18 - 2.1 miles
    1/20 - 3.1 miles

    45.4 of 50 miles


    Upcoming races:
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    4/16 - Garmin half marathon (Olathe, KS)
    4/30 - BattleFrog 8k obstacle course run (Kansas City, MO)
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    @Ch1psNQueso: Congrats on the PR for the mile split!
    @snha: Congrats on getting the run in..-20 windchill or not.
    @moremonica: I second @9voice9. I have been here 3 different months and I’m hoping this will be the first month I actually maintain enough run consistency to reach goal…but if not, I’ll try again in February. 
    @WhatMeRunning: When I was having issues with my run app (RunKeeper), it turned out that it was related to storage capacity. That app apparently has issues with syncing when it drops below a certain amount of memory. From what I understand, GPS pulls hard on the processor so maybe this is something similar? Maybe check and see if you’re getting really close to running out of memory on the internal memory..or perhaps you have stuff running in the background and you want to close those processes out before going for a run?

    Jan 1: When the run started it was still the I'm counting it here.
    6.59 cold night miles, slow, around 12:40/mile.
    Jan 2: REST DAY
    Jan 3: First “official” training day for the HM and first snowfall of the year (on a run day at least). 3.51 miles. Some fast intervals mixed in with slower paced runs. 12:10 average pace, fastest split was mile 2 (11:29).
    Jan 4: Wimped out 
    Jan 5: Ice in my ‘stache at the end of the run…that’s new. 3.2 miles this morning
    Jan 6: Went an extra .5 before I took my first (brief) walk break. 5.05 miles avg. pace around 12:11
    Jan 7: REST DAY. Plan on some walking and weights.
    Jan 8: Wimped out 
    Jan 9: Beautiful running weather..50 degrees this morning in Central Ohio! Easy 6.2 miles but every step SUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKED! 12:08 average pace. A little over 1/3 of the way to month’s goal. #betterrunnexttime #ohwellatleastIdidit
    Jan 10: run
    Jan 11: Feeling slightly better..we’ll see if I feel up to a run after work. UPDATE: Decided I might be pushing it since it was still pretty cold (around 3 degrees with wind chill) so I’m going to give it one more day
    Jan 12: Big snowfall so I couldn’t do run in the morning (needed to leave a lot earlier for morning commute), planning on run tonight. EDIT: Finally got back out there. I didn’t really do winter running last year and this was the first truly cold day (actual in the teens, single digits with wind chill). I’m not sure if it’s all a “mental thing” but it felt a LOT harder..not just the “man it’s cold, I want to go get warm” part of it (that faded away after the first half mile or so once I started to get feeling back in my fingers) but it was harder to keep a good pace. I’ve decided I’ll need to add a ski mask to my winter running apparel. My “slow” pace is usually somewhere around the high 11s to low 12/mile and it was around a 13:30 tonight..and at times it felt like it was a “hard” pace. Is this a common thing for first-time winter runners? Forgot to turn off my wi-fi connectivity so I think when I ran past the Burger King I grabbed their wi-fi for a sec because suddenly a billion Facebook notifications came in and froze up my RunKeeper so my run was cut shorter than I wanted. (I was doing an interval program and had no idea how to make it restart at a specific point.) I guess I’ll remember tomorrow 3.92 miles
    Jan 13: Single digit temps this morning, hoping to get the run in tonight. EDIT: Much warmer at night. Slow 3.05 miles, avg pace 12:14 but NO walking…at all. 
    Jan 14: Plan calls for 8 miles tonight…and a fast interval of 9 min pace for 2 of that I think..gulp. Glad it’s in the 40s, another night run coming….EDIT: Wimped out, just couldn’t find any motivation.
    Jan. 15: Got out there and tried to do some pace pushing as penance for yesterday but my legs weren’t having it. My “fast” was only in the low 11s..bleah. It’s done but it didn’t feel like a “good” run (but I guess it’s better than a non-run). 4.02 miles..officially just past halfway to goal.
    Jan. 16-17: Cold and I wimped out.
    Jan. 18: Still cold (-14 degree wind chill) but going to attempt to make myself do it tonight, I’m getting lazy.
    Jan. 19: *sigh* Only myself to blame….
    Jan. 20: Temp got to 18. 3.05 miles. 11:26 avg pace.

  • TheMobileMom
    TheMobileMom Posts: 66 Member
    I'm late for January. But better late than never. Looking forward to February's Challenge

  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Was scheduled for 4 slow miles today, but pushed it to 4.5. Still slowly making up for that 10 miles I missed at the beginning of the month. I doubt I'll get all of them in by the 31st, but I'd like to make my deficit as small as possible, while staying comfortable with my weekly mileage.

    Total mileage for the month: 71.8 of 145.1. Almost halfway!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 @Elise4270 Thanks for your responses ladies, I would have responded earlier but I never got an alert for the responses!

    As far as a food intolerance, I eat the same foods almost every single day and don't have this pain everyday. If it was food intolerance/allergy, wouldn't it be happening every day if a food was causing it? Also when I get these pains that's all it usually is, no other symptoms just the intense cramping. I will usually sit in the bathroom (sorry for TMI) for long periods of time trying to do SOMETHING to alleviate the pain, but even if I do go to the bathroom it's nothing out of the ordinary and it doesn't stop the pain.

    As far as the gallbladder, I've never had it checked out nor have I had a hidascan. The pain is usually just right under my sternum smack dab in the middle. It feels like someone blew my stomach up with air and then is twisting it until it's about to pop or something.

    Ya, that sounds like gallbladder. I was lucky, mine just quit working and I had little pain. I was a regular donating blood and my liver enzymes got high enough they said -no more, see a doc.

    I understand the bowel trouble. :wink:

    Like @skippygirlsmom said, even if no tests confirm anything, docs are usually are good to identify it.

    Thanks so much for all the information. Should I see a specialist? or will my GP be able to run tests to identify if it is my gall bladder?

    I am feeling much better today, The pain seems to be dwindling today, it's barely even noticeable now.

    I did added another 4.5 miles this morning with an interval run. I ran 400m at around 7.5mph then ran another 400m at about 5.0mph and repeated this 6 times. The last fast pace run I pushed it up to 8.0mph and it was rough but I pushed through it!


    GP usually orders the test, then sends you to a general surgeon if its positive.. Just tell em you want it checked, most are fine with that.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @KatEmmaMarie When my husband had gallbladder issues (it stopped pumping--no stones), the GP thought he had pancreatitis. When that didn't pan out, they referred him to a gastroenterologist, who ran gallbladder tests and then told us that he probably had stomach cancer (he had esophageal cancer in the past, so his chances for other digestive cancers are considered higher). After none of his tests gave the results he expected, he failed to give a diagnosis and just left it at that. After about 6 months of not being able to eat (or keep) anything, we finally got a lead on a good GE from a friend who is a nurse. That GE diagnosed the issue and removed the gallbladder all within about a week. He still has some issues here and there (high fat foods, mostly), but not the excruciating pain he was in prior to surgery, thank goodness.

    That said, I hope you find out what's going on with your internals and get it fixed soon! I wanted to share this story to say that just because one doctor says there's nothing wrong with you, that doesn't mean it's true. I don't advocate doctor shopping, but there's nothing wrong with getting a second opinion! If you don't get a referral to a GE from your GP, and your insurance allows you to see a specialist without a referral, it might be worth it to seek out a specialist appointment on your own.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    1/1 - 3.5 miles on treadmill
    1/2 - Nada :|
    1/3 - 3.75 miles on treadmill + weights
    1/4 - First day back to office / school...had to stay home to get kids moving and ready.
    1/5 - 4 miles on treadmill + 4.65 miles on stationary bike
    1/6 - 4.5 miles on indoor track followed by an extended stretching session.
    1/7 - Sick / rest day - not sick enough to stay home for the day, but didn't want to push it for a run :/
    1/8 - Another sick / rest day.
    1/9 - 4.1 miles on treadmill
    1/10 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights
    1/11 - 4 miles on treadmill
    1/12 - Life got in the way - sick children, work issues, etc. - Ick!
    1/13 - Woke up with a head like concrete...stupid sinuses! Hoping to feel better enough to squeeze in a rare late afternoon run today.
    1/13 - 3.25 miles outdoors...woo hoo! Early evening run. Had to watch out for refreeze on sidewalks and streets, but enjoyed it.
    1/14 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class). My feet are not thanking me for two runs in under 12 hours. Plus, the person next to me must have eaten a poo sandwich before class...blech!! :sweat:
    1/15 - VJ the greyhound woke me up 3x in the night to go out, two kids and myself coughing all night and one kid with high fever this morning = another morning of no run. UGH! I am getting going to miss my goal this month!
    1/16 - 4 miles on treadmill
    1/17 - ANOTHER sick / rest day...this virus won't quit
    1/18 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    1/19 - Seems my body / this illness thinks a workout every other day is enough...grrr!
    1/20 - 4 miles on treadmill. Hoping to be able to get another run in tomorrow.


    @Virkati - Glad things are returning to "normal".
    @SkippyGirlsMom - Sorry that things are not going well. Hope you don't hurt too much.
    @KatEmmaMarie - Good luck! Hope you get answers soon. Gall bladder seems highly likely (though I am not a medical professional).
    @michable - I have a Nathan hand-held 10oz as well. Only bring it if it is really hot and I am going longer than ~8 miles. I usually just drink after I run. Even when doing HM.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Oh dear Lord, I'm dying. I did 12.5 miles this morning. On a treadmill because it was 16 degrees outside. While watching Sucker Punch 1.75 times (I hate short movies on long run days!) and getting the worst bra-chafing of my entire life. Did I mention that yesterday was "shoulder insanity" day in PT? I am ready for some ibuprofen now. And maybe some of that bourbon y'all were talking about earlier.

    @shanaber I got some new shoes on the way, too--Saucony Grid Excursions!
    @moremonica Your goal is your own...we're just here to cheer you on, not judge you. (Now get out there and move, dear! ;) ).

    1/1 5 @ 10:36 on the treadmill
    1/2 4.75 @ 10:42 on the park trail (20.75/20 miles for the week)

    1/3 5.25 @ 11:14 (5.0 @ 10:51, .25 walking) on the trails near my house. It was a beautiful, blustery day!
    1/4 10 @ 12:00 on the treadmill. While running from Indominus Rex.
    1/5 3 @ 11:14 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/6 Rest Day and feeling fairly sore from yesterday's PT (and maybe Monday's run?)
    1/7 4.75 @ 11:53 on the park trail.
    1/8 3.5 @ 10:07 (3 at 9:48 and .5 at 12:00) plus strength training
    1/9 3.5 @ 12:22 (3 at 11:26, plus .5 at a walk) loping around the neighborhood with St. Woolos the Barbarian, aka The Poopinest Dog in the East, aka Woogie the Worst Running Partner Ever. It's a good thing he's cute!
    (30/30 for the week)

    1/10 Rest Day/Family Day
    1/11 10.75 at 11:46 around the park trails. My heart was light, but my legs felt every centimeter of the last two miles. "Gently rolling terrain" feels a lot like "stinking big hills" after 100 minutes or so...
    1/12 3.25 @ 11:27 on the treadmill. Plus strength training.
    1/13 Rest Day due to dental work...revising the weekly goal down a little, since I won't have quite as much time on my "regular" rest day to make up for this one.
    1/14 5.0 @ 12:47 around the lake trail with my dog, who may be toking behind my back--pokey puppy was slow, paranoid (that stroller--it tried to eat me! those loud lady joggers!--they tried to eat me! that nice old man with a cane!--he tried to beat me from 12 feet away!), and generally disinterested in actually *running*.
    1/15 6.0 @ 11:00 (and .25 at a walk) on the treadmill...I didn't feel up to strength training since my head was hurting this morning (running seems to make headaches better, but not lifting; it's weird)
    1/16 Rest Day
    (25/25 for the week)

    1/17 Rest Day
    1/18 5.25 (8K race) at the lake @ 11:14 for the run part. A balmy 17F and 20 mph winds. Brrr. I've never run in conditions like that. I started out fearing hypothermia and wound up sweating *through* my stupid muppet-fur jacket. I was the last person in who didn't walk part of the way, but it wasn't a bad showing for a trail run for me. Certainly not a PR, but my asthma doesn't like these low temps and I didn't want to push it.
    1/19 3.25 @ 10:44 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/20 12.5 @ 11:45 on the treadmill. Sucker Punch. Bra chafe. Dying. Need painkillers. And food. Lots of food.
    (21/25 for the week)

    Upcoming Races:
    February 14: Run Your Heart Out 5K, Fairfax, VA
    February 21: Disney Princess HM, Orlando, FL
    March 6: Reston 10-miler, Reston, VA
    March 12: Lucky Leprechaun 5K, Reston, VA

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @WhatMeRunning I have that issue. it's been better lately but i never know. I've lost runs :(
    i have found if possible replacing the battery works miracles-in a previous phone
    also making sure everything is up to date.
    someone once mentioned their phone does it when it tries to move from wifi to data or vice versa. you could consider turning off the wifi so it doesn't try and attach to wifis