The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    01/04 2.74 mi
    01/06 3.13 mi
    01/09 5.00 mi
    01/11 2.63 mi
    01/13 3.53 mi
    01/17 3.23 mi
    01/19 6.00 mi
    01/22 2.77 mi
    TOTAL 29.03 mi

    I, officially, WAY overestimated my running abilities this month. Will I be ready to run my half marathon in less than four weeks? No. Will I finish it, anyway, with quite a bit of walking? Of course I will.
    That's the way to do it! :wink:

    By the way, I never "ran" an entire half marathon until I was training for a full marathon. In case that helps in any way.

    Do you know if your race will have pace groups? If so, pick one within true reason of what you think is possible. They will help get you there for sure.

    ETA - Is 6 miles your longest run? If so, then you CAN do it but shoudl expect some stress, especially after somewhere around the 8-10 mile mark. Plan to incorporate walking breaks at least every mile, and up steep or long hills. If you can do 8 miles nonstop then you are probably ready for a HM, but 10 miles is best in my totally unprofessional and absolutely unqualified opinions (just based on personal experience).

    Things are different once you are at the event. You may suffer, but the temptation to make that first HM at whatever the cost is strong and can take you a long, long way.

    What is your pace? If you are going to be running over 2:00 then you need to think about nutrition if you are not already doing this...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    OK all. The shirt order is in. Elise is guarenteed to get the shirts by Monday 2/8/2016.
    The $43.12 refund check will go to Elise. @Elise4270, they will mail the check out to you up to 2 business weeks.
    let me know if you encounter any problems.

    7 mens blue shirts.
    6 mens orange shirts
    8 mens lime shirts
    12 womens blue shirts
    4 womens orange shirts
    7 womens lime shirts
    44 total shirts

    Thanks for supporting this guys. Thanks @skippygirlsmom for the idea and @Elise4270 for handling the last mile deliveries.

    I suppose we'll see how it all comes out? That alone pays for @skippygirlsmom shirts. Once shipping fees are finalized, I may be sending some of you back a few bucks.

    Edit- if its all the same to the masses- I could put it towards the shipping for the few that are outside the US. I think we have 3 and Hawaii.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Using a foam roller is causing more pain than the pain I bought it to alleviate! Torture device is really what it is. The pain in my hip was pretty severe after my run yesterday so today has been lots of Motrin and "ice ice baby"!! I'm scheduled for 3 miles tomorrow. We'll see how this plays out...
    You might check this out. I found it pretty helpful. Especially about not foam rolling the area that hurts.

    @WhatMeRunning Thank you! I saved it as a favorite so I can refer back to it when I get home and break out the roller again tonight.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    Post double
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    Wow what a difference two days make! It was 20+ degrees warmer today, a positively balmy -3c (32f ish) I wore what I did for the -22 run and should have doffed a layer.

    So I knew that today I was supposed to run for 20 min (zombies5k), and I knew there was no way I would be able to do it but still decided to give it the old college try. Every two minutes the app would give me a timer countdown and at 10 min I was still going, but starting up a hill. All I could think of was that I really wanted to stop. Just as I was about to stop and walk, a most logical internal voice questioned WHY?! Can you not breathe? Are your legs killing you? Well of course I could, and they weren't so I kept running up that damn hill.

    In the end, I ran all the run bits :)

    THANK YOU all, for preparing me to understand that it's a mental challenge as well as physical.

    1/01 - 4.7 walk/run treadmill
    1/02 - rest, did a half hour x-country ski
    1/03 - 4.5 walk/run treadmill
    1/04 - rest
    1/05 - 3.7+ (I shut off the treadmill during the run..oops)11 min steady run
    1/06 - rest
    1/07 - 4.4 ran all the run bits, first time. did two 10 min runs. felt awesome.
    1/08 - rest, went for a ski, beautiful sunny winter weather!
    1/09 - 4.5 ran all the run bits AGAIN
    1/10 - I was a sloth. Ate like I ran a marathon.
    1/11 - 4.5 third time i ran all the run bits, must make it true
    1/12 - rest
    1/13 - 4.5 zombies week6 w1. was challenging! but I ran all the run bits again :)
    1/14 - rest
    1/15 - 4.4
    1/16 - sloth. more like sloooooooooooooooootttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    1/17 - 4.5 zombies week6w3. was not as challenging as 1/15. felt like I could do more, outside run
    1/18 - shoveling. x-training?
    1/19 - 4.3 week7w1 went good. treadmill run, -25c outside with windchill. I hate the wind.
    1/20 - wonderful x-country ski in the back 40
    1/21 - 4.2 outside miles
    1/22 - nice long x-country ski. wore out the dog.
    1/23 - 4 miles I think, phone froze up
    1/24 - rest
    1/25 - 4.2 zombies week8w1. I DID the 20 min run!


    Following zombies5k. Running at 180spm seems to be keeping the shin splints at bay.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    You are 5k ready @rune1990!! Congrats!!
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    RunTimer wrote: »
    Winter means
    • Colder Weather
    • Less Sunlight
    • Fewer RUNS
    Congratulations all for weathering the Snowpocolypse. Don't forget to log your snow shoveling (that's cardio) in addition to your runs

    Thanks @GBrady43068 , Yep..broke past the tape for this month...and still some time to log some more.
    And despite your assurances to the contrary, jumping into the Lake may be a good way to cool off after your run (perhaps Runkeeper is trying to tell you something)

    In it for 50

    • 05 - 4.9mi Rain Run
    • 09 - 9.1
    • 11 - 7.3
    • 13 - 5.1 Rain Run
    • 16 - 6.1 Rain run
    • 18 - 3.0 Family Fun Run
    • 21 - 6.4 Rain
    • 22 - 2.1 Rain (come on!!!)
    • 25 - 6.9 Weaving the SuperBowl50 SF Pedestrian/Commuter Labyrinth :grimace:

    Year Totals - 2016 (Goal:600miles)

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @shanaber, Hobbes is looking great!
    @rune1990, @ceciliaslater and @whatang, great jobs!!

    You folks who got hit with snow, I'm actually jealous. Nothing I love more than getting dumped on by a huge snow storm.

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Jan (15 days to HM): 5.80 miles
    02-Jan (14 days to HM): 10.01 miles
    03-Jan (13 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    04-Jan (12 days to HM): 5.21 miles
    05-Jan (11 days to HM): 4.00 miles
    06-Jan (10 days to HM): 3.57 miles
    07-Jan (9 days to HM): 4.42 miles
    08-Jan (8 days to HM): 3.09 miles
    09-Jan (7 days to HM): 11.82 miles
    10-Jan (6 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    11-Jan (5 days to HM): 3.36 miles
    12-Jan (4 days to HM): 3.39 miles
    13-Jan (3 days to HM): 3.07 miles
    14-Jan (2 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    15-Jan (1 days to HM): 2.29 miles plus 1.09 miles (walk)
    16-Jan (Museum of Aviation HM): 13.16 miles (2:29:08)
    17-Jan: <Life Day> but 2.83 miles
    18-Jan: 6.40 miles
    19-Jan: 4.43 miles
    20-Jan: 0.00 miles but 1.26 miles (walk)
    21-Jan: 4.11 miles
    22-Jan: 3.61 miles
    23-Jan: 10.01 miles
    24-Jan: <Life Day>
    25-Jan: 4.12 miles
    31-Jan: <Life Day>

    I think I'm gonna be moving my runtimes to mid-day (as long as I can get work done around it), so as the days (hopefully) warm, I'll be acclimating myself in prep for the Peachtree. Nothing like running 10K on 4-July when the biggest heat island in several hundred miles has been sitting there soaking up heat for a few months, and your course is right thru the heart of it! :smiley:

    BTW - I've reconsidered my opposition to doing another half. I think I just need to train differently, and do more long runs so the 13 isn't the top of the pyramid. Not sure when, but prob gonna do another one.


    Upcoming Races:
    06-Feb: Al Toll Memorial 15K, Macon, GA
    27-Feb: Cantrell Center 5K, Warner Robins, GA
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    02-Apr: Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K, Bonaire, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K or 15K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited January 2016
    Today starts the first day of my marathon training program. The first day is a scheduled rest day, so already I'm nailing it!

    I found three new loves this past purple Forerunner 220, my new Merrell All Out Charge trail shoes, and WINTER TRAIL RUNNING! Oh my....

    The 220 I picked up last week on Craigslist for $60. It was listed for $75 and without any prompting, she lowered it to $60. She two for sale but the black one I wanted was already sold. eh....I already wear black tights and day-glow colors on my runs, a purple GPS watch isn't going to hurt my style. Other than the bluetooth connection to my phone I didn't think there'd be that much difference than my 305, but I'm finding enough little things that are different that I love the upgrade. Things such as cadence tracking, easier to see screen (particularly when my contacts get all wonky after a couple of miles), vibration alerts, lap alert screen, and livetrack. I'll still keep my 305 for backup, but I'm all in on this 220 now.

    I had posted a while ago that I was getting a pair of ASICS Cumulus for some crazy low cost. Turns out they were out of stock but offered me a similar discount on something else. I went with the Merrell trail shoes. From what I read, they are fairly well cushioned for trail shoes but have a lower drop than I'm used to (6mm vs. 12mm). I took them for a 3.9 mile test run Friday on local roads. They felt comfortable on the foot but became uncomfortable on the balls of my feet toward the end of the run. The trail runs of Saturday and Sunday, however, allayed any concerns I had however, as they felt great on my feet through the weekend, to the point I hardly noticed they were there. The traction on the snow was fantastic as well. I could count the numbers of time I slipped on one hand. So the official verdict is, I love them.

    Now the third love i found is winter trail running. I had run a few trails before, but never in the winter. Something compelled me to do my long run at a local regional park on Saturday. It was lower 20's and sunny, perfect! At the trail head I met another runner and after some running talk, we decided to run together. Turns out he's an ultra runner and often does 30 miles per day here on Saturday and Sunday, but was recovering from some injury so was down to "just" 20 miles each day. I ran a 9.6 mile loop with him and bailed out while he went out on his second loop.

    That run was so enjoyable I went back out there the next day, this time with my lab Kody, and ran another 6.7 miles. It was even better than the day before! Overcast, light snow, and a bit warmer, we had a fantastic time! The trails were well packed and we had a great time of it. Kody was smiling the whole time but boy was he tired at the end. I'm going to try to do all my long runs out there from now on.

    Those runs put me at 78.1 miles for the month out of an original goal of 135. I expect to finish somewhere around 95 miles now.

    Here are a couple of pictures from Sunday's run. More can be found here if you're interested



    My tired pup after the run


  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    January goal 70 miles

    1/1 3.69
    1/2 4.15
    1/3 3.12
    1/4 rest
    1/5 3.31
    1/6 5.59
    1/7 rest
    1/8 3.00
    1/9 heavy duty yard work
    1/10 3.27
    1/11 3.38
    1/12 snorkel 3 hours
    1/13 6.39
    1/14 rest
    1/15 3.12 (and some more heavy duty yard work)
    1/16 4.25
    1/17 3.05
    1/18 rest
    1/19 3.00
    1/20 5.51
    1/21 rest
    1/22 3.20
    1/23 the last of eight long work days and I just came home and sat......
    1/24 6.25. On the treadmill. On the lanai. Overlooking the ocean. Watching football. Life is good....
    1/25 2.76 Have to post the moonrise/sunrise pics from last night and this am: And there was evening. And there was morning. And it was good....

    Total 67.04

    @shanaber Hobbes is one handsome fellow!
    @7lenny7 Great pics.....and tired puppy!
    @skippygirlsmom Hope the pt helps and you're back at full tilt soon
    @5BeautifulDays Um, yeah. Been there. Done that. Big Superbowl pary on the lanai with roasted pig and turkey in the imu: come on down and get out of the cold!
    @instantmartian There is no shame in walking some. 1. Finish. 2. Finish upright. 3. Try not to finish last....but no worries if you do.

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    OK all. The shirt order is in. Elise is guarenteed to get the shirts by Monday 2/8/2016.
    The $43.12 refund check will go to Elise. @Elise4270, they will mail the check out to you up to 2 business weeks.
    let me know if you encounter any problems.

    7 mens blue shirts.
    6 mens orange shirts
    8 mens lime shirts
    12 womens blue shirts
    4 womens orange shirts
    7 womens lime shirts
    44 total shirts

    Thanks for supporting this guys. Thanks @skippygirlsmom for the idea and @Elise4270 for handling the last mile deliveries.

    I suppose we'll see how it all comes out? That alone pays for @skippygirlsmom shirts. Once shipping fees are finalized, I may be sending some of you back a few bucks.

    Edit- if its all the same to the masses- I could put it towards the shipping for the few that are outside the US. I think we have 3 and Hawaii.

    Fine by me.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Since we have so many dog lovers here, I figure I will drop this story that seems to be going viral. It's from a local race not too far from @skippygirlsmom and I like a couple of weekends ago. It made Runner's World, buzzfeed, USA Today, Yahoo News, Metro (UK), and now Time.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    @Stoshew71 That was great...thanks for posting it!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I’m jealous of everyone that has a goal race (or 2…or 12) already locked in. I need to get serious and commit to one to be my first HM.

    @Elise4270: After seeing your argument for “no work if you get hurt”, I am now contemplating soaking the soles of my sneakers and leaving them outside overnight to “dry”. ;) And I’m OK with the “paying towards @skippygirlsmom shirt plus subsidizing the International shipping folks.

    @RunTimer: Tell you what. You do the post-run swim in the 30 degrees and let us know about it. ;)

    @MorningGhost14, @aldousmom, @WhatMeRunning, @Stoshew71, @shanaber and yada yada yada: You guys/gals with your 10 mile, 12 mile,16 mile and 18 mile long runs are killing me. Unless I’m supposed to do intervals tonight, I think I’m going to try for a truly long distance tonight. Forecast calls for temps in the 40s and it’s been awhile since I’ve done over 6 miles at a clip.

    @snha: Congrats on busting goal!

    @whatang: Your tale of the “bad” 2 mile run that turned into 10 has shamed us all.

    @rune1990: Congratulations. You are now officially well able to tackle a 5K whenever you so choose.

    Jan 1: 6.59 cold night miles, slow, around 12:40/mile.
    Jan 2: REST DAY
    Jan 3: First “official” training day for the HM, first snowfall for a run, 3.51 miles. Some fast intervals mixed in with slower paced runs. 12:10 average pace, fastest split was mile 2 (11:29).
    Jan 4: Wimped out 
    Jan 5: 3.2 miles this morning
    Jan 6: 5.05 miles avg. pace around 12:11
    Jan 7: REST DAY. Plan on some walking and weights.
    Jan 8: Wimped out 
    Jan 9: 50 degrees this morning in Central Ohio! Easy 6.2 miles 12:08 average pace. A little over 1/3 of the way to month’s goal.
    Jan 10: run
    Jan 11: 3 degrees with wind chill, decided to skip run and recuperate one more day
    Jan 12: Big snowfall in the morning (needed to leave a lot earlier for morning commute). Night run: Actual temp in the teens, single digit windchill. My “slow” pace is usually somewhere around the high 11s to low 12/mile and it was around a 13:30 tonight..and at times it felt like it was a “hard” pace. Is this a common thing for first-time winter runners? 3.92 miles
    Jan 13: Single digit temps this morning, much warmer at night. Slow 3.05 miles, avg pace 12:14 but NO walking…at all. 
    Jan 14: Plan called for 8 miles tonight…and a fast interval of 9 min pace for 2 of that I think..wimped out
    Jan. 15: Got out there and tried to do some pace pushing as penance for yesterday but my legs weren’t having it. My “fast” was only in the low 11s..bleah. 4.02 miles..officially just past halfway to goal.
    Jan. 16-17-18-19: Cold, wimped out.
    Jan. 20: Temp got to 18. 3.05 miles. 11:26 avg pace.
    Jan. 21: No run
    Jan 22: 5.09 miles this morning, 22 degrees.
    Jan 23: To anyone who might be a RunKeeper friend: Despite what the app is telling you, I did not develop a sudden urge to take a dive into the 20-30 degree waters of the Olentangy River post-run this morning. I fat-fingered something during my cooldown. Should I be concerned that my thought process on the somewhat slick roadways this morning when I skidded a bit was “Don’t fall and break your face because then you won’t be able to run anymore!” rather than “Don’t fall and break your face because it’s no fun to fall and break your face!” :D
    5.07 miles
    Jan 24: Rest day

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I have potentially joind a local running group.. (I'm half expecting to text Friday regarding Saturday mornings run: "I'm in, is there a run?" and get back, "our group is full-go away". LOL!) I'm stress eating now.
    And tips on group running social etiquette?

    2/1......5.20 walk
    9/1......4.3 treadmill walk.
    11/1.....Travel Dr appt
    18-19/1....I didn't run? No idea where those days went.
    20/1.... Steroid shot #2
    25/1.....3.89 walk

    78.15/100+ Miles

    Upcoming races:

    02/06/16 Hot Chocolate 15K Dallas
    03/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    03/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    04/24/16 OKC Memorial undecided distance
    Run the year 2016  78.15/2016
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    And tips on group running social etiquette?

    Don't blow a snot rocket right away. Unless you want to establish yourself as a bad *kitten* runner early on. Then blow early and blow often.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    one of my favorite bloggers just wrote a post about this sorta. I imagine etiquette is "don't be a turd"
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    no paying for skippygirls shirt :smile: I was just an idea person, I had nothing to do with all the work, but thank you to everyone who suggested it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    And tips on group running social etiquette?

    Don't blow a snot rocket right away. Unless you want to establish yourself as a bad *kitten* runner early on. Then blow early and blow often.

    It a group of women, so I have a feeling I'll just sniffle. Until its inevitable... And I'm in the back. I guess ducking in to the brush for a bit of relief is a no-no too?

    @moyer566 I am such a turd. I'll have to try very hard not to act like a child. I work with guys, so I'll have to adjust my humor accordingly...