

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    I vote for the red convertible..... B)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    There... I skimmed through 220 posts!! I had to skim quickly because I have a party to get ready for... I have sampled all the veggies that I have prepared (that is good I think) and now I want to get some exercising in before I finish the meat and cheese platters. I also have to go outside with the compost.... Geez ..I better get at it!!

    Welcome to all the new people.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    Just bought the car
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Punch Buggy no punch backs!!! :wink:
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Lisa good line! I'll have to remember that one.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    Katla, this is for your DH.
    Brand: Dovrepeisen (Norway).
    Fuel: only the best home-grown birch :wink:
    Heat efficiency: wow!
    Satisfaction: you betcha!
    Other info: nice big windows onto the flames.

    I know this isn't a swap recipe thread but golly-gee dinner today was delish and SO simple, so here you go:

    Two chicken breasts with skin
    One clove garlic
    One lemon
    Olive oil

    Take two thin slices from middle of lemon and squeeze juice from one of the ends
    Slice garlic and push garlic and lemon slices between meat and skin of chicken breast
    Put in smallish oven-proof pan and drizzle over lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil
    Bake for 20-30 min at 350 F (175 C)
    Serve with quinoa and a salad

    If you're in the US, one chicken breast will be enough for two people. (European chickens are less *er-hum* well endowed than their American sisters. Breasts only about half the size!)
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

    PS: Hey WOW! Congrats Pip and Kirby!

    Peis.jpg 159.3K
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Penny ~ What a roaring fire you have. It certainly looks warm.

    Gloria ~ so glad you finally found your apt. Sounds like it will be a good deal for you.

    Beth (NC) ~ happy your son got registered and hope he will be able to live with his dad part time. I don't think I could tolerate my son being with us all the time. He did not move out until he was almost 24.

    Damp and chilly here today. Walked the Pom twice but didn't exercise as my knees have been very painful. I might do my arm exercises later.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Saturday everybody! We went to the Y this morning, hubby did laps and I did the machines (the pool was too crowded for me). Then we went home and started decluttering. We hauled three big tubs of junk to recycling, along with a bunch more clothes and some coats I have gotten too small for. It's so hard to part with stuff, even though we haven't set eyes on it in years or even thought about it. I did find a stash of really old junk jewelry that I had 30 years ago and sorted out a few of the nicer little things for the girls, in case they want it. A lot of the really bad stuff went in the trash. I had stuff piled up to donate and then hubby started second guessing me. He's as bad as I am. But it feels good to see the top of my desk again.

    Then we came to the studio and had lunch. Hubby left me here while he went to his office on campus to prepare for Monday's classes. Poor baby has to go back to work on Monday! I am determined to go in the back and actually make something today.

    I saw a post on facebook, on one of those local buy-sell pages, where somebody is selling a dining table. It is the same exact size as the one we have now, but it has a self-storing leaf that makes it into a square table that seats 8. Right now, when the kids come for dinner we have to use a folding table next to the regular table, and it's not very nice. Seating 8 all at the same table would be wonderful, and I measured my space and think it will fit perfectly. So, I was supposed to go look at that tomorrow but the weather is going to be pretty nasty. She said she would call me later in the week. Hopefully nobody else will snatch it up before then. She's not asking much for it.

    It snowed a little this morning, but there wasn't much accumulation. It started out at 32 degrees F and has been dropping. Tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the low 20's. Hubby cut a hole in the wall behind the washing machine to expose the water pipes because they always freeze up when the weather gets really cold. They are on the north wall of the house and are not well insulated, apparently. He thinks heat from the room will help, but I think they need more insulation, or a heat tape down in the crawl space. We will see who's right tomorrow.

    Pip, I love the red bug! My first car was a red 1968 VW. I loved that car to death. Does the bike rack fit? more hubs for Bullwinkle!

    Gotta go get busy. I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Saturday from COLD Nebraska. High today is only to be 17 and down to zero tonight. Glad I am inside today even if I am working.

    Rori--I just seen the message this morning so sent you a PM. So looking forward to learning more about this. Your birthday plans sound fun. Be waiting to hear all about it.

    Joyce--Hugs!! I know I was upset when I realized that I had gainned so much weight this last year. But New year, New us. We can do this. Hope the new pill helps with sleep.

    Heather--You and your friend look like you were having a great time. Thanks for sharing.

    Pip--So glad the surgery went well and report is good. You have such beautiful fur babies. Love the red bug.

    Sylvia--So happy that you got good news about DS and that you are ready to go dancing.

    Gloria--Great news about the new place. Pray all goes well with the move and you all get settled fast. We backed out of windows 10 to 8 and I am so happy. I couldn't do anything with pictures.

    It has been a long day a ready and I am ready to go to bed early. DH and I at lunch we checking out some zumb dances on y-tube. So this evening we plan to try it out. Not sure about church this evening, know we should go since I work tomorrow, but as cold as it is I just want to be home. Well ladies be good to yourselves. We are worth it.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member

    This will now b for sale
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Lillian ... You are right about Buffalo's snow! We are melting off right now, but today's newspaper headline reads "Brace for long-lasting lake-effect." The lake temperature is 39• F ... There's no ice on the lakes ... And Canadian clipper systems are passing through. We're expecting a dumping of snow starting late Sunday... I'll be getting some exercise!

    Pip ... Love the car!

    Having stove envy here! Our fireplace doesn't have adequate draw and fills the house with smoke! So no fires! We've been looking into gas inserts but haven't done anything yet.

    The sugar siren had been calling me today ... Trying to ignore it ... Doing so-so ...

    Beth near Buffalo
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    This will now b for sale

    Had a green bug, stopped changing gears. Loved that car!! Happy you bought the convertible, you both will look hot driving around!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited January 2016
    I started reading at my last post, then realised there were 15 more pages so a change of strategy. I will start at the end and work back. So apologies in advance if I have missed anything crucial.

    This week has been hectic. I have only been at home for one afternoon and had a mountain of prep to do for my activity groups.

    Today I have been trying to catch up. I am in awe of everyone of you. The positivity is so up-lifting.

    My busy week is catching up with me, so I'm off to bed for an early night. I still have over 10 pages to read, but will more than likely fall asleep before I get there.

    I am on track with my Jan goals, and have melted all but 1lb of my Christmas bulge. I am so glad that it is shifting as quickly as it gathered.

    I love all the photos.

    Some of you seem to be having a difficult time.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E5%5E_%5EWelcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri
  • SanfordRoberts
    SanfordRoberts Posts: 25 Member
    After a less than wonderful day yesterday, I have taken the opportunity to START AGAIN today. I was reading an article somewhere on the web about the use of 'intentions' instead of 'resolutions'. I rather like that idea!
    My intentions today are to focus on my creative paid work and know that ideas will come if I put all the process steps into place. I worked a few hours, went to a Zumba class at the Y, came home for lunch and popping in for a few minutes here to log my food and calories. My MIL is in town and is taking my DH and myself to dinner tonight so I will save the rest of my calories for tonight-and be thankful I burned 500+ calories during Zumba today.
    My teenage DD is on a weekend choir retreat-and I worried so much about her last night (Last year she called us at midnight to pick her up-and it is in the mountains about 70 miles away-and when my husband arrived he couldn't contact her because she had fallen asleep-so he slept all night in his car!) but today I feel like things must be ok, or at least she is getting through it.
    back to brainstorming scenic design ideas for a new play (exploring the IDEA of HOME)-for a design meeting on Monday-spending one hour picking up around the house-and ENJOYING my dinner out tonight (even though my MIL drives me a little crazy most of the time!)
    Robin sanfordpg15k2l12zc2.jpg
  • cullie
    cullie Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, ladies -
    Really glad to have all these wonderful posts to read, and comment on at least a few.
    Sylvia - my heart goes out to you regarding your son - I had a 1 and 1/2 year long illness to deal with one of mine (luckily he is almost back to normal)
    Lisa - thanks for reminding us all that it's OK to have to start an exercise program slowly- anything is an improvement over what I am doing now!
    Linda and Grandmallie - I admire your will power!
    Happiness and healthiness to everyone!

    Cullie in PA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    janetr= bullwinkle is doing ok, just gotta make sure she's not being too active, especially around the other 2. thanks for asking
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    PIP WATCH THIS!!!!! I thought it was soooo cool!!!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Never mind, guess it's a closed group. You should really note that somewhere.

    It's not a 'closed' group; but, you do have to check BarbieCat's link on the last day of each month; and then go to that link and it will bring you to the current thead. Then you will need to click on the outline of a star and it will turn yellow; after that all you have to do is click on the gray bell between the bell and (maybe) a gear icon; and it will bring you to the current page, Each time you come back to check posts; it should take you to the next post after you last posted. Some of us will post another post with a smiley face or a period (.) and then it makes it easier to find where you last left off posting. If this does not work for you PM BarbieCat and she can help you. o:)
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    KLanders: Hi Karen-I should have five years left, but with the new mandates for inclusion,and the associated pages of documentation per week, I will be lucky to last the next two. Honestly that is one of my key stressors, although I'm hoping that since my toxic thyroid has gone bye-bye I won't have those late afternoon periods of fatigue and can possibly get my work done at school during my planning period. Wow, imagine that! What do you teach?

    Also, out of curiosity for all where does everyone exercise and what do they wear?
    I go to my local rec center. They've upgraded with a number of treadmills, steppers and bikes. They even added a rowing machine which I like, but which tears up my ankles for some reason. They also have a fairly decent collection of machines and weights, which I use, sort of.
    I like to buy the men's running pants because they have pockets. I hate leaving my car keys on a hook where someone could grab them. Also, the men's pants seem better made, sturdier and are made of thicker fabric. Nobody's going to mistake me for a guy so it really doesn't matter what I wear.
    My biggest issue has been finding comfortable shoes. I think I've finally succeeded with my current Nike's
    Anyway, I'm off to the center soon-starting with treadmills again b/c steppers kill my knees. Have a great day.

    Hi I just exercise at home to CDs. I have a step I go up and down,and sometimes I jog in the attic, or maybe around the block and alley. I stay close to home and don't like transportation and parking time. I usually have on pajamas or some around the house stuff. I tuck my pants into my socks so that I never get my toes caught on my pants. I have a cell phone with me in case I should fall or something. I have a heart rate monitor which I have had for about 15 years. It is a polar.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did about 50 minutes of Amy Bento's Metabolic Training Boot Camp DVD. I did not like this DVD at all. There was way too much jumping on and off the rebounder, no modifications were given. I doubt I'll do this DVD ever again. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Full Body Blast and Yoga Detox DVD.

    Becca - good for you buying the foods YOU want. So many times we as mothers put everyone else's needs before ours. I'm so proud of you

    Good luck to everyone in that challenge. That's just not something that really motivates me personally, but whatever helps you is great in my book.

    Mary - "that means you two are on the same wavelength". Who are you referring to?

    Sylvia - I'm so happy for you and your son

    I so agree with Joyce. Starting here even in the middle of the month is wonderful too. Like she said, we're open all the time (even holidays!)

    Joyce - there is a Lowe's Foods and a Lowe's Improvement place here. They are totally not related. Don't ask me why the name is the same I have no idea. Vince goes to the Lowe's Improvement. Sometimes I'll go just to get out of the house and do a bit more walking, but I am totally and completely out of my element there. Now Lowe's Foods -- vince is out of his element there. I totally understand your feeling, our Lowe's Improvement wouldn't sell a Fleet enema, ether (just the thought of it makes me laugh)

    Rori - when is your birthday (the date?) I have good friends whose birthdays are on the 15th and another on the 16th. My friend in Switzerland, her birthday is on the 15th

    Pole Penny - your special introductory offer made me LOL. Yea for your hubby

    Donna in WV - I usually do most of my cooking for the upcoming week on the weekend. Today I think I'm going to try making that wedding cake again, this time I'l do it the way I thought it should be done. I'll use the 12" pan, bake it twice as long, but 1/2 way thru put aluminum foil over it so that it doesn't burn. I know I do this with one type of banana bread that I make. I guess we'll see how that turns out. Update: turned out fantastic! This I like.

    sweetnsouth - oh, this isn't a closed group at all. As a matter of fact, we're totally open. Like Allison said, it's just that we've had so so many people join recently that it's hard to keep up with everyone. Come on in, sit a spell and tell us a bit about yourself

    kimses - I didn't realize you were near the Charles River! Vince lived in Back Bay when he went to MIT and I lived on Comm Avenue. I've heard that Dino's Pizza is no longer on Mass Ave, how I liked their pizza. After we graduated, Vince had to go to Boston once for a meeting and he went to Dino's and brought me back (we lived in NJ at the time) one of their pizzas.

    Well, ladies, I've been reading this article in *Prevention* magazine about the benefits of weight training (Mary, you would probably find it interesting). Anyway, when I started taking the extremepump class, I started out with 2.5kg weights on each end of the barbell. Then I increased it to 2.5kg and one 1kg weight. Then I increased it to 2.5kg and two 1kg weights. Lately, what I've been doing is using two bars, one with a 5kg weight on each end and another with the 2.5kg and two 1kg's. More and more I've been using the bar with the two 5kg weights. Now this week I think I'm only going to have the one bar with the two 5kg weights.

    I just made one vanilla cake that I want to try for the wedding cake. The last time I made it, I did it the way one lady told me to do it and I wasn't happy. So this time I did it the way *I* thought it should be done and it worked out great. Now hope the bride likes it.

    katla - I'm like you in that I don't necessary feel that I need or want a gadget to increase my steps (or whatever). I would like something that tells you the calorie burn, butr it also has to be waterPROOF (not resistant) since I'd like to know the calories I'm burning when I'm in the pool. But I can live not knowing. Thanks for sharing about the American Hippie

    NC Carol - so happy about your son!!! That's great that his sister offered a bed!!! Sounds like things are coming together

    pip - congrats!!!

    Sylvia - doesn't it feel wonderful to know that you're getting rid of clothing because it's too too big on you now? That table sounds wonderful, I do hope you can get it

    cullie - what part of PA do you live in? We lived in Stroudsburg then in Kennett Square

    Michele in NC