

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Gayle if we could freeze the fat off up here in Minnesota we would be trying to gain weight....

    S...robe I like your idea of intention. I will stop eating by 7:00.

    Michele inspiring exercise routine.

    I understand how daunting it is to join right now. When I check in there are 40-60 posts. I just let myself enjoy what a great group this is and give myself permission to respond and keep up best that I can.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    I survived the party, and obviously ate something wrong.... very bad headache at 5 a.m. this morning so checked in and read the posts. It is going to be a long day today....

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just had a thought. What if we ALL reintroduce ourselves at the first of every month so the new ladies wouldn't feel so lost? They wouldn't have to feel like the nerd at a cheerleader convention. Maybe we wouldn't feel like such a clique. We all know each other so well it must be hard to jump in.

    I'll go first...

    My name is Sylvia, and I live in a small town in extreme southeast Kansas, near Joplin Missouri. I am married to the best man in the world, with one grown son who has an incurable illness called Alpha1 which destroys lungs and liver. I have three sweet grandkids (7, 9 and 11) and I help out with them as much as I can. I have three wonderful dogs, one of which is lying on my lap snoring at this very moment. I'm a potter and a free-lance drafter, and my husband is a chemistry professor at the local university. My highest recorded weight was 302, but to be honest, I stopped weighing myself at that point, so it was probably a little higher. I got a wake up call in the form of heart disease over two years ago, and had three heart procedures and one stent. I started working out in the cardiac rehab facility at the hospital and then joined the Y. I found a friend who walks and works out at the Y with me. I grew up in a disfunctional family, had a bad first marriage and went through years of hell with my son when he was addicted to meth. Oddly, in spite of the issues with my son's health issues, this is the best time of my life. After losing over a hundred pounds, I can enjoy it even more.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Clelia130 wrote: »
    Hi, everyone, I'm new to this group. Just started on January 4, and so far, so good! I have 100 big ones to lose eventually, although my first short-term goal is to lose 10 pounds by February 4. I'm doing MFP with a friend at work, and I am so motivated! Wish me luck.


    welcome.gif I hope you'll make this a regular place to come for motivation and support and encouraging.....tell us about yourself....I am from NW Washington where the weather is so great that I can walk my dogs every day early in the morning and in the middle of the afternoon. I go to line dance classes so I get to exercise to music and be in the company of interesting people.

    :) Barbie
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    It's a gloomy Sunday here in MA. Yesterday I did 30 min P90x3, 30 min on the elliptical, 20 min stretching. I'm not sure what I'll do today yet for exercise. It might be a good day to get out and go for a swim at the gym.

    I feel like going shopping!

    Will be back later. Today, to sync up with the Biggest Loser Challenge, I will stop hiding pictures of myself and will post a new profile pic (this is something I need to work on from a self-image standpoint to reduce negative self-talk).

    Kimses in MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    I'm 50 in December, divorced and living alone, weight has piled on and no one to motivate me. Need to lose 35 pounds to get back into my old clothes and feel like e again. Help. 20 years of marriage over hasn't helped the eating pattern and depression finally seeing the light and the weight needs to come off to start my life

    welcome.gif I hope you'll come back and jump into the conversation.....we have all sorts of backgrounds and have learned to find an eating and exercise plan that fits into whatever our lifestyle and family and job and stress. I have a husband who wants variety in what we eat and I'd be happy to eat the same meals every day so we have to compromise every day.

    :) Barbie
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »

    To the new gal that said this was a closed group, she never introduced herself, or anything. I have a "new member" feature built in to my computer, and it didn't go off. She said none of the key words like, "Hi I am New, may I join this little group, or how do I join". My computer picks up on those. With all the bells and whistles too!


    Becca, sweet southernersass introduced herself on page 25.

    I'm sorry, sweetsouthernsass. We didn't mean to ignore you. This is a very chatty, fast moving group. To keep up, we (well, at least I) often skim pages at a time, so we miss things. Welcome! Please come back. I promise we really are a friendly, supportive (but possibly crazy at times) group.

    um DrKatiebug, I will plead the 5th and say it was all my colds fault. But I am getting better :-)
    uh wait....did DrKatiebug call me crazy...hahahahaha.....ok I will take that as a compliment. It's better than calling me weird (which most Oregonians are proudly by the way).
    that crazy Oregonian...(hmm it has a nice ring to it) snickers..

    Ha! Love you, Becca. What does that say about us when we take being called crazy as a compliment?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    good idea Sylvia~
    Hi my name is Alison aka Allie,Grandmallie, Ace whatever you want to call me..
    Married for a second time working on that with a hubby going through midlife crisis.. 2 grown children,3 grandaughters.
    work as a dental assistant-slash jill of all trades..
    Live in Connecticut,in my hometown..have been struggling with my weight for a few years, did well and lost 55 lbs,then have put back on some over a stressful 2015.. I am going to work hard in 2016 to get myself together and get back in shape.
    we have a home in a 55 community in Florida and can't wait to get there,hoping in a couple of years full time..
    come back,stop in and chat with us all we are a wonderful group of women that have become wonderful friends. that are scattered through the U.S. and beyond .. across the pond,the North Pole..Dubai everywhere..
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I just had a thought. What if we ALL reintroduce ourselves at the first of every month so the new ladies wouldn't feel so lost? They wouldn't have to feel like the nerd at a cheerleader convention. Maybe we wouldn't feel like such a clique. We all know each other do well it must be hard to jump in.

    Wonderful idea!

    I'm Cheri. We currently reside in Fairlawn, Ohio (just down the road from Cleveland and a few steps from Akron). I say currently as my husband (the money earner) is in the midst of a year long job search. We have 2 grown children. They both live and work in Chicago. An interesting fact is that the were both born on Oct. 8th exactly 2 years apart. I joined MFP in March of last year. Although I haven't lost nearly what I would want to have by now I have instituted so many changes in my life and consider this a health journey. A lifestyle change for the long run. My hobbies include quilting, crocheting, art journaling and have been crafting my days away since 5 grade Girl Scouts! I read these boards several times a day and jump in and out of conversations as I feel the need. The support here is like a little bird on my shoulder throughout the day!

    Cheri in waiting for snow NE Ohio
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    OOh ladies this is my latest mantra:

    Once you work on what's eating you, you won't want to eat so much.

    brutally honest eh? That is the mental part of this journey we trod.
    Being philosophical in Oregon...and no I won't go out and start talking to trees.......

    I've put this quote in my journal. Brutally honest.....what's eating me????? Thanks!

    Cheri NE OHio
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    edited January 2016
    OK, I'll go.
    Hi -- I'm Kim (Kimses since there are two Kims in this group). I live in MA, 45 min outside of Boston. Have 1 daughter who is a Senior in college and 1 son who is a High School Senior. I've been married for 26 years and am almost 58 (on the 14th). I work in High Tech and my office is in NY City, but I work from home half the time. I'm on the road a lot.
    Honestly, ever since going through menopause 8 years ago, I have been completely unable to lose weight. I also take some medication that doesn't help in that area. My bloodwork numbers are borderline in cholesterol and glucose. I want to reverse the weight issue before I cross that line.

    I'm hoping to be able to semi-retire in about 4-5 years and do something that is more meaningful to me. There are lots of things that have to align for that to happen.

    My plan for 2016 is P90x3 (on the third week of that), Biggest Loser Challenge on MFP, tracking in MFP, posting on this thread for support and sticking with a high fiber meal plan as recommended by a nutritionist.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Sylvia - I had no idea that your hubby was from Winston Salem!!

    Southernsass - There are at least three more of us here who are from NC. I'm in Burlington, Michele is in Newton, and DeeDee is in Winston Salem. At one point we had someone from the eastern part of the state, but haven't seen her for a while.

    Becca- I copied that last quote you posted so I could keep it. It seems that I've spent a number of years now sloughing off the attitudes, etc, that were ingrained in me throughout my life to discover who "I" am.

    I'm Carol. I have two children, ages 25 and 19. The 25-year-old just completed her masters and the 19-year-old is struggling to find his place in college. I was married for 22 years (dated six years before that) and, pretty much overnight, shed 250+ pounds when he moved out. I work two jobs two jobs to manage.Over the past few years, I lost 86 lbs but right now my ticker would say it's closer to 70, but I'm working on it!! As with some others, I've had injuries and surgeries that have created setbacks. Oh, and we must give depression its due credit for screaming for sugar! I have a solid black cat named Spot and, somehow, I have gained custody of my son's Betta, Arthur. Oh, and I've just re-entered the dating world after eight years of being single.

    The wind is raging here today!! The ground is so saturated from the seemingly incessant rain that we've had that I fear downed trees are in our future.

    I'm off to get ready for church even though I'd really like to stay in my warm bed.

    Carol in blustery NC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I am Carol from GA. I live in Marietta, GA and was raised in a small community outside of Forsyth, Ga. The only time I have lived out of state was when my DH was stationed at Ft Knox, KY. We have been married for 47 yrs, have one 40 yr old son, and two darling grand children ages 4 and 5. I taught 5th grade for 30 years and retired at age 58. I occasionally sell vintage jewelry on eBay and I guess that is my hobby. Live a very quiet life and love that.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Brilliant idea Sylvia!

    I'm Penny. I claim to live at the North Pole but I'm actually about 750 miles from it. My husband of 37 years is involved in arctic research, which is why we moved way up here. I'm originally from the US and grew up in Minneapolis but I've lived in Scandinavia for donkey's years: four decades in Sweden and one in Norway. Two kids, two grandkids, all back in Sweden. I make a living as a free-lance editor and translator. I also teach scientific writing.

    I'm not terribly overweight. I've lost about 15 pounds from my highest weight and I'd like to lose about 20 more. To that end, I jog and lift weights - and try to watch what I eat. My favorite weight loss trick is to prepare a whole pound (500 g) of raw vegetables first thing every morning and eat them as snacks.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • chalcedony
    chalcedony Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Sylvia! Yes, I did find it overwhelming and appreciate the suggestion! I'm trying to keep up with the posts as best I can but it may take me awhile to get everyone straight.

    Got a weight watchers scale yesterday. I had a cheapy mechanical dial one. SHOCK! Instantly gained 8 pound! :open_mouth: LOL, it doesn't mean I haven't lost weight this year, it means I have longer to go to meet goal. It is what it is. :smile:

    Robin with the scale shock from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    hey peeps -

    UPDATE: Posted the pinball machine at 6:42pm, SOLD at 7:51pm. i haven't sold much poop or posted much, but i dunno bout you bu THAT WAS QUICK! coming by at noon to pick it up. he knows we can't help much with lifting it. :0)UPDATE: Posted the pinball machine at 6:42pm, SOLD at 7:51pm. i haven't sold much poop or posted much, but i dunno bout you bu THAT WAS QUICK! coming by at noon to pick it up. he knows we can't help much with lifting it. :0)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    My name is Janet. I go by Janetr (middle initial) as we have another Janet. We live in Oklahoma City. I turned 66 in November, married for the third time. In April we will be together 9 years. I have two daughters, 41 and 40, six grandkids from 22 to 8. My husband has three adult children and five grandchildren (we have numerous step grandkids). I retired in 2011 and love it. I had gastric bypass surgery two years ago in December and lost 125 lbs. I have maintained that weight within 4-5 pounds that I fight constantly it seems. I've had total knee replacement of both knees in the last year. I mainly do water aerobics 4-5 times a week and stationary bike daily, well that's the goal anyway.

    Janetr okc
  • FitKat123
    FitKat123 Posts: 71 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi, I'd like to participate in this thread. I fell and injured myself right before Mother's Day and then received a Fitbit from my daughter as a gift. I thought too bad I can't use it. But I thought I would just checkout Myfitnesspal and log what I eat just to see how poorly or not, I've been eating. And then, somehow, I got hooked. I actually lost weight. I haven't logged in a while and have gained a bit of holiday weight. So, I'm back on track. My resolution is to move more and sit less. I have a desk job but I do have a standing desk, which I will use more. The sitting less at home is actually making me clean more, so it's a win win. The Fitbit is now in use.