Friend requests without messages: Creepy or nah?



  • MEat40forge
    MEat40forge Posts: 106 Member
    I tried sending messages and do not hear back. Discouraging.

    Sending messages feels awkward.
  • nm2bsc
    nm2bsc Posts: 111 Member
    I expect a message with a FR.... But I'm the douche that sends FR with no message... And at least I can admit it

    I don't know about this, I liked the message you sent me ;)
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    nm2bsc wrote: »
    I expect a message with a FR.... But I'm the douche that sends FR with no message... And at least I can admit it

    I don't know about this, I liked the message you sent me ;)

    Lol shhhhhh... Don't go telling all my secrets ️lmao
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    All the time. But I accept everyone. I delete them if I see no usage for a month.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Do I ask that people send a message with their FR? Yep.

    I won't add some rando that I have never interacted with in forums or seen on friends' walls. Why? Because I post personal things here. I like to know that my friends are like-minded - that we actually have something in common other than the fact we both work out. If I'm inviting someone into my personal space, I don't want it to be some stranger that can't even bother to say so much as "hello".
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I use the app so don't get to see the person's actual about me and all of that. I usually add everyone who sends a request - message or not. After a few days/weeks, If they seem annoying or just don't get along etc then I'll unfriend. No big deal. I just look at it as having more space for those people who actually interact, log, and are serious about getting rid of the weight or gaining/bulking.
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    When sending a friend request, I either send it with a message or I have just messaged on their forum topic saying I will send one. In that case I don't add a message cuz I already warned the person it was coming, LOL.

    When receiving it, I view it the same way. Other times I see a request but I recognize the name through someone else or from the forum where I recently posted. I can usually sense a creeper, lol. So far I can't say I have really received any creepy ones, I usually just check out their profile and see they are similar age or something to me.

  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Here's a fun story. There used to be a certain user here who grossed me out in every way and he knew my disdain for him. I got a request from someone with a little note that seemed okay and accepted. Turns out to be this guy using a different account. Therefore, I barely accept anyone unless I've seen you on around on my other friends' walls or in the forums giving non-derp advice. Note, no note, doesn't matter.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    I always send a message and I generally will accept any FR; that said, I prefer a message or some indication on why I was sought out. I've been burned a couple of times by automatically accepting a blank request, but I've also gotten to be fairly interactive with a couple of FPs that started out that way.

    However, I WILL occasionally go through my FL and purge people that don't log in regularly, or don't interact at least a little, or won't seek treatment for eating disorders, or continually whine about their situation while ignoring the advice they've been given.

    TL;DR - Less 'no' up front, more 'no' on the back end.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I accept all the requests I get. With or without message.
    What I find odd, annoying, is the fact that you add here for support and they never comment/like any of your posts, nor send you a message..
    So what for then?
  • sparrish531
    sparrish531 Posts: 499 Member
    This is helpful - was not aware that no message might be a breach of etiquette. I'll be sure to add messages to FRs from now on.
  • juzbecuz698
    juzbecuz698 Posts: 71 Member
    I accept .. It doesn't matter if I get a message or not .. Although I do enjoy a good conversation .. I get along with pretty much anyone
  • heelsandlifting
    heelsandlifting Posts: 648 Member
    Not creepy, just rude :/
  • Mizzaf
    Mizzaf Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not fussed to be honest. There are many people who may not know what to write initially and thats fine by me. However if there comes a point where I'm not receiving any motivation or encouragement then maybe i'll get rid :smile:
  • I usually look to see if i have a mutual friend and if i have then i usually accept them. Sometimes i think people are just friend collectors and are not very supportive so i usually decline then, esp if they do not include a message.
  • Peaches160
    Peaches160 Posts: 78 Member
    Most of my mfp buddies didn't send a message with their friend request... what I personally don't accept are requests from persons without a pic, I add most persons however if u are not supportive I won’t hesitate to delete.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    Do you ever receive friend requests without messages? Well one user requested in their bio that no one send them a friend request without a message because it is "creepy". At first I didn't get it and I thought it was just that person, but I've seen others saying the same thing. I would like to start a discussion about this because I am curious to see what people think. Some questions to consider: Do you think it's creepy to receive a request without a message? Why or why not? Do you send friend requests with messages? Why or why not? Lets converse.

    I don't mind but like to converse after accepting one. If not it's no fun :(.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Not having a message is no more "creepy" than a laundry list of REQUIREMENTS that must be fulfilled before a friend request will be accepted, , , just sayin'.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I generally accept with or without a message. However if I see that you haven't logged on in a month or so I will delete you.

  • risingstar89
    risingstar89 Posts: 20 Member
    tuckerrj wrote: »
    Not having a message is no more "creepy" than a laundry list of REQUIREMENTS that must be fulfilled before a friend request will be accepted, , , just sayin'.

    Good point.