Can't understand not being able to get all your calories...



  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    Actually it is possible when your eating nothing but HEALTHY FRUITS, VEGGIES, lean meats and oatmeal not only do these foods keep you full for a long period of time, but it can be hard to get those calories tried it and well it is possible, and at the end of the day I was full and happy.
    So for those who do not make it to their goal I do not hate, because I know it can happen
  • ShengHuo
    ShengHuo Posts: 42

    I tend to have days where I eat next to nothing followed by days where I eat everything...

    I don't think it's an enviable problem. I have blood sugar problems because I forget to eat. (Yes, I am that special kind of stupid.) My energy isn't balanced and it takes a lot of focus to eat right, but I know I have to. Today I learned of a great trick-- setting the alarm on my phone to remind me to eat! Why didn't I think of that?

    Yep, over the course of a week my calories are balanced, but day by day there is huge variation. I'm trying to work on that. Even though it won't affect my weight if I'm good on a weekly basis, I don't think it's a healthy pattern.

    Also, definitely not enviable. I also forget to eat, or forget to pack something to eat. Or I walk into the kitchen because I remember I haven't eaten in 12hrs, and walk out 5minutes later with only a cup of tea. I look in the fridge, check the pantry, start thinking about what to prepare...then the water is boiled and I forget to actually get the food.

    I've tried the alarm thing and it doesn't work. I think for me it's mostly because my work hours aren't consistent, so it's difficult to pick times. And then too often I want to sleep, not eat. Or I'm out and about and can't eat. Then I get home and I've forgotten.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Usually, those people are miscalculating and/or lying to themselves and/or depriving themselves to be dramatic.

    It's just so "amazing" how a 350 pound 5'3" female that's 35 and has been overweight her whole life eating tons of god knows what can download MFP and magically 6 days later "can't bear" to eat 1400 calories in a day.

    Ok, 12 and 1400, maybe I can understand. I calculated my BMR for my height and weight at 2108. I am having difficulty eating that much every day. Especially on days when I'm active. And its been hot out here the last week, so even less so. I couldn't even finish my salad. Fresh fruits and veggies are lower calorie. I can eat a ton of them, and I am not just trying to lose weight by eating less, I'm trying to improve my health and well-being by eating right as well. That doesn't mean I'm not going to have pizza ever, or ice cream at all, but it does mean that I don't want to make those my primary foods. I have greatly reduced the amount of processed foods in my diet in the last month and it has been making a difference for me. And it makes it very difficult for me to want to eat enough to meet just my BMR. My job is lightly active, so I actually should be eating more like 2300, but I find it very difficult while eating better foods, and I just don't want to make it up with fast food or less nutrient-dense foods all the time.
  • sexymuffintop
    My lord so many self righteous and practically perfect people on this thread. Telling others they eat crap, others that they would be full if they ate more fruit and veg.

    How about concentrate on your own intakes and stop telling other people how to eat. Just a thought.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    My lord so many self righteous and practically perfect people on this thread. Telling others they eat crap, others that they would be full if they ate more fruit and veg.

    How about concentrate on your own intakes and stop telling other people how to eat. Just a thought.

    Actually the OP was actually stating they cant understand how people can not get to their calorie goal.... so the OP is more worried about other peoples intake. Basically telling people what to eat.

    Perhaps actually looking at what people are saying rather than shooting off.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I just started a new program that's overseen by a doctor and nurses. It's a keto-low-carb diet. It does NOT allow any sort of grains, nuts, nut butter, or milk... So it's extremely difficult to get my daily calories. Take a look at my food diary. I'm eating A TON of food, but can't seen to get my calories up. And I'm logging EVERYTHING I eat. Everything.

    And just so no one is concerned, these restrictions are only for the active weightloss stage. I will be able to reintroduce grains slowly back in once at goal.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    To the OP, to respond: when I started my journey here (it hasn't been that long anyway; I started when I logged in, so you can see it's been since May this year), I actually had problems getting my calories in. Why? I needed to change more than my calories intake. I needed to change what I eat and mend my relationship with food. Before, I didn't eat breakfast, I skipped lunch more often than not and then ate everything I could get my hands on in the evenings (well, mostly pasta with meaty sauces and similar), lots of chocolate etc. When I reassessed my attitude towards my body, I needed to turn things around completely. And when I threw out tons of white pasta out of my daily menu, I needed some time to recompensate with healthy foods. So in that first period I indeed had problems reaching my calories goal. Not anymore though. I learnt quickly to fill in my daily menu with healthy, filling and happy foods :)
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Lol at comments saying your body goes starvation mode after 1 day of not eating
  • debilee12
    debilee12 Posts: 19 Member
    If you have had sleeve surgery it's hard to get in the calories. I am 4 months post op and still have a tough time battling to even get in 800 calories.
  • sexymuffintop
    My lord so many self righteous and practically perfect people on this thread. Telling others they eat crap, others that they would be full if they ate more fruit and veg.

    How about concentrate on your own intakes and stop telling other people how to eat. Just a thought.

    Actually the OP was actually stating they cant understand how people can not get to their calorie goal.... so the OP is more worried about other peoples intake. Basically telling people what to eat.

    Perhaps actually looking at what people are saying rather than shooting off.

    Meh. You the only opinion allowed on this thread then? Shooting off? Lol. Grow up. Opinions are like *kitten* holes. Everyone has one. Deal with it or stay off the forums.
  • caitlinen
    caitlinen Posts: 36 Member
    If I am not eating junk food I find it hard to get to my calorie goal. In order to reach it sometimes I'll eat something high cal but healthy... like nuts. I'm doing a clean bulk right now so maybe that's why. Purposely eating over my TDEE to gain muscle but with no junk, chips, cakes, etc. So it's quite hard!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    My lord so many self righteous and practically perfect people on this thread. Telling others they eat crap, others that they would be full if they ate more fruit and veg.

    How about concentrate on your own intakes and stop telling other people how to eat. Just a thought.

    Actually the OP was actually stating they cant understand how people can not get to their calorie goal.... so the OP is more worried about other peoples intake. Basically telling people what to eat.

    Perhaps actually looking at what people are saying rather than shooting off.

    Meh. You the only opinion allowed on this thread then? Shooting off? Lol. Grow up. Opinions are like *kitten* holes. Everyone has one. Deal with it or stay off the forums.

    Wait what? You are telling me off & to stay out of the forums for doing exactly what you are doing and having an opinion? I'm not the one that needs to grow up. Somehow I think you are the self righteous one
  • erikalanem
    erikalanem Posts: 48
    My lord so many self righteous and practically perfect people on this thread.

    Yea, I kind of agree... I didn't expect people to get sooo fired up! I legitimatally have an over eating problem, cant avoid junk food, never have...I've done vegan, and I still ate junk food and didn't lose any weight...I've done gluten free, found gluten free chips and gluten free everything else, and continued to eat junk food....This is my problem, this is why I am because my experience is different I was curious to understand others...I always assumed if you ate fewer calories you would lose weight and be thin, period. So I was curious why those with the natural gift of being able to avoid junk food, and eat under their calorie limitation (a dream I have always had, but never had the will power to attain) would be using this sight.

    You all have explained many examples of why someone eating under their calorie limit might need this sight. I just thank you all for sharing your experience with me...I do understand, and respect all you! :)

    All of us, from different experiences, and with different needs, are here to help each other. I thank those who have been positive and honest and shared theirs with me :) And I'm just trying to ignore all the angry, rude, or self-righteous ones, who come from every side of the argument....and pray they can find inner peace in all their anger....(For the low cal ones, they are probably just hangry ;) )

    I LOVE Y'ALL!!!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I workout enough to burn off MORE than MFP gives me in calories. I get 1345 (my own setting) and I burn about 1500 at least daily. So for me to eat ALL of that back as well is hard. How is that hard to understand? I'm not able to eat close to 3000 a day, even when I was fat I never ate that much at all. How is that blowing your mind?

    You burn 1500 just doing exercise...deliberate exercise. So do you live at the gym?

    A good bike ride does that for me in about an hour and a half.
  • jh7060
    jh7060 Posts: 32
    haha yeahh, I wish I felt that way. the only time I find reaching calories difficult is if i'm feeling really sick to my stomach, especially sometimes after working out this is likely to happen, and then I don't want to eat or drink anything. otherwise, I find it a bit of a struggle to not go over because i'm usually always hungry haha.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member

    All of us, from different experiences, and with different needs, are here to help each other. I thank those who have been positive and honest and shared theirs with me :) And I'm just trying to ignore all the angry, rude, or self-righteous ones, who come from every side of the argument....and pray they can find inner peace in all their anger....

    I LOVE Y'ALL!!!

    With you there - life's too short already without being short with each other! For everybody who's feeling bruised, here's a hug (well they don't have a hug smiley! here's a flower instead) :flowerforyou:
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I never used to understand it either, but lately it's made more sense to me because I've really cleaned up my diet. When you're eating nothing but veggies, fruits, and some lean proteins, it IS really hard to eat enough calories. For that exact reason, I eat "clean" (paleo, actually) about 80% of the time and allow myself treats the rest of the time. Without the treats, I would never even come close to hitting my calorie goals.

    Then again, I aim to eat almost 1800 calories a day. It does still blow my mind how some people can't reach even 1200 calories. Like, cook with some olive oil or something! It's really not hard!

    Reading this and agreeing happily till that 2nd paragraph.
    The cleaner I eat, the fewer calories I want. And I'm on 1200.
    When I upped them to maintain I put on weight. Fast. So now I'm staying low.
    Please don't assume we are all liars. Much depends on calories burned during my work, on less active days I don't need so much fuel. Simple enough.
  • foot1647
    foot1647 Posts: 92
    Maybe you would be better off on a weight watchers system rather than counting calories. The weight watchers point system don't count most fruit and veg. But realistically a banana is over a 100 calories - fruit and veg scattered throughout the day could easily rack up 4-500 calories - I think you're almost cheating yourself by not counting them.

    I'm still losing weight though even if I under count. I'm extremely active and by not adding the extra fruit and veggie calories I'm still on track to my goal, though its slowed down significantly in the last 2-3 weeks. I'm not interested in counting points or trying to figure out what point goes to what foods. I walk my 9-12.5 miles walk/jog every other night for 2.5 hours and 3 miles on the in-between days, not counting at work or this summer I've been out hiking and camping too.

    I also eat whenever I'm hungry, never deprive myself. I also snack frequently as well.
  • ctcountrygurl
    ctcountrygurl Posts: 10 Member
    The only time I can't get all my calories is on days like today where I workout like a nut (tapout xt in am, and flag football for 2 hours in afternoon). I have 1400 calories left to eat and I will not be able to eat all of that for the p.m. But when you eat "clean" (aka veggies, fruit, lean protein, no processed foods) that's when filling up the count gets to be fun.