A question for 1200 calories per day consumers



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    One of the issues for people and they don't actually realise - they often do not eat correctly for years.

    They eat at around the suggested sensible amount which is 300-600 more than 1200 and don't lose because of insulin resistance and simply put it down to calories rather than trying to understand the science behind their lack of weight loss.

    Even when they diet on the higher amount, they don't realise what they are eating may have any effect, macros do often matter - calories are usually the culprit but not the only reason for a lack of weight loss.

    Get insulin resistance under control, you'll be on a much better level :o))
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    So you suggest I eat until I get sick just so I can meet some magical number? Or eat crap food that has no nutritional value for no other reason than meeting that magical number, even if I'm already full?

    You are mocking me about magical numbers, when you are insisting eating at a magical 1200? I come at this from an experienced background with plenty of clients behind me to show this. I'm suggesting eat more, to have more energy, healthier bones, teeth, hair etc - because the body is being fed.

    I coach people world over, have clients literally from US, UK to Oz and get results. People actually track me down so I can coach them and get the results I want. The info I'm giving out here is what people pay good money to hear and then follow diets I recommend.

    You have achieved what exactly?

    I'm out of this thread because frankly I don't need to waste my time. Ciao.

    Ps - And yes, if it hit fits your macros, no bad foods exist - if you hit your calorie requirements and they are burnt off, nothing will exist from that intake.

    I'm not really concerned about eating a piece of cake if I want a piece. But I'm not going to eat when I'm not hungry just for the sake of eating. I eat when I'm hungry and I don't when I'm not. I know I don't have the greatest eating habits as far as quantity, that's why I make sure I at least get quality foods in. What do you suggest when a person just can't get that amount of food in?

    I've never taken in a lot of calories thru food. I drank most if my calories thru coffee drinks. I can't really do that anymore. I eat higher calorie fats like avocado, nuts, EVOO.

    You change the foods so you can. Lots of your 'healthy' foods that are nutrient dense.

    Heck I can make you a protein shake with 1000 calories in it:-

    50g protein
    100g fine oats
    2 tablespoons peanut butter (natural)
    2 table spoons honey (natural)

    1000+ calories. All healthy foods too.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    What's crazy about the direction of this thread is:

    1. I never gave any advice (I didn't say eat more or less)
    2. I definitely specified that calculators take into consideration weight, height, age, and activity level so the arguments of "I'm over 40, I can't exercise, I'm short" don't really apply
    3.I don't have over 50lbs to lose, I have less than 15 now

    Honestly, I'm not on a high horse or pointing fingers. It was a real question about WHY people choose the calorie goals they have. I didn't say that anyone was going to fail or that what they're doing doesn't work.

    You can ask why I care over and over again; the reality is this is a public forum where people come to ask questions and get answers.

    Well to answer your question ~ I eat this way because I find it very satisfying and successful ~ that simple ;)
  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    What's crazy about the direction of this thread is:

    1. I never gave any advice (I didn't say eat more or less)
    2. I definitely specified that calculators take into consideration weight, height, age, and activity level so the arguments of "I'm over 40, I can't exercise, I'm short" don't really apply
    3.I don't have over 50lbs to lose, I have less than 15 now

    Honestly, I'm not on a high horse or pointing fingers. It was a real question about WHY people choose the calorie goals they have. I didn't say that anyone was going to fail or that what they're doing doesn't work.

    You can ask why I care over and over again; the reality is this is a public forum where people come to ask questions and get answers.

    The calculators are simply a rough guide. There are so many, in fact too many factors the calculators CANNOT, and DO NOT take into consideration. Individuals know their bodies far better than a calculator that was devised, and designed for the AVERAGE person. If the calculator says eat 1600 calories a day, but one chooses to eat 1200 a day, that's their choice. See how that works? An individual's opinion is far stronger than what a stupid calculator says.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    So you suggest I eat until I get sick just so I can meet some magical number? Or eat crap food that has no nutritional value for no other reason than meeting that magical number, even if I'm already full?

    You are mocking me about magical numbers, when you are insisting eating at a magical 1200? I come at this from an experienced background with plenty of clients behind me to show this. I'm suggesting eat more, to have more energy, healthier bones, teeth, hair etc - because the body is being fed.

    I coach people world over, have clients literally from US, UK to Oz and get results. People actually track me down so I can coach them and get the results I want. The info I'm giving out here is what people pay good money to hear and then follow diets I recommend.

    You have achieved what exactly?

    I'm out of this thread because frankly I don't need to waste my time. Ciao.

    Ps - And yes, if it hit fits your macros, no bad foods exist - if you hit your calorie requirements and they are burnt off, nothing will exist from that intake.

    I'm not really concerned about eating a piece of cake if I want a piece. But I'm not going to eat when I'm not hungry just for the sake of eating. I eat when I'm hungry and I don't when I'm not. I know I don't have the greatest eating habits as far as quantity, that's why I make sure I at least get quality foods in. What do you suggest when a person just can't get that amount of food in?

    I've never taken in a lot of calories thru food. I drank most if my calories thru coffee drinks. I can't really do that anymore. I eat higher calorie fats like avocado, nuts, EVOO.

    You change the foods so you can. Lots of your 'healthy' foods that are nutrient dense.

    Heck I can make you a protein shake with 1000 calories in it:-

    50g protein
    100g fine oats
    2 tablespoons peanut butter (natural)
    2 table spoons honey (natural)

    1000+ calories. All healthy foods too.

    Lol I've got a high calorie protein shake I try to make when I know I'm not going to eat well. It fills me up. Yesterday it's all I could eat. I added some nuts last night but literally thought I was going to get sick trying to finish them. That's the feeling I don't like. Eating when I'm not hungry and choking it down.

    My diary is open...feel free to look. But understand there are days when I'm too tired to eat. I guess it goes along with the crazy shift work.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    3.I don't have over 50lbs to lose, I have less than 15 now
    OP this wasn't directed at you. You asked a question and I read no more into it than that. It just gets really old reading the same people spout their "expert" opinions.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm not a special snowflake. I use mfp as designed. I net 1200 (although I eat considerably more - around 1800ish). 1200 calories as a net is very different than 1200 as gross intake. Mfp intends people to net 1200. Which for me works out to about the same # of gross intake calories (if not just a hair more) than TDEE-%.

    1200 isn't the root of all evil.

    I agree...I think part of the problem is the bazillion people on MFP who don't do it right and think 1200 is gross calories...and they also tend to think that's their maintenance or something.
    1200 certainly can be gross. Net is not a concept used by the dietitians who drew up the guidelines setting that as a good rule of thumb for people to consume at a minimum in order to get vital nutrients (with some assumption of getting balanced meals). The calories needed to fuel the body are another matter. If you eat less than you burn, it has to come from the body. The body's fat stores can release 31.4 calories per day per pound of fat. If your deficit exceeds what your fat stores can deliver, that's a problem as you are sure to lose LBM. I understand mixing the two in order to avoid the complexity, but that doesn't make it wrong to examine them individually and sometimes come up with an answer that 1200 works for you. It did for me to lose 50 pounds. I am now adjusting that because it won't work anymore; I don't have enough fat left to support it. My body didn't break down and my diet didn't fail; that was just a phase of it and it worked every bit as well as I hoped with one exception - the weight lost was 75% fat and I had hoped for 80%. But I lost 50 pounds and dropped by BF% from 35 to 23, had plenty of energy, ran and worked out and had great numbers at the doc's. Sometimes it is a right thing to do. Not THE right thing because there are alternatives. But it was not the wrong thing.
  • djrn144
    djrn144 Posts: 21 Member
    I am doing well with what my doctor and i have chosen for a calorie and macro count. Whose business is it how much or little i eat? Just trying to be healthy and non judgmental about everyone else's choices too. I sure don't understand why people need to be so quick to put others down, maybe there are legitimate reasons for eating lower calories like medical need to get weight off a little faster, etc. Sometimes it is best to listen before opening mouth. ya know?
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I am trying my best to keep the balance right. And it works for me. I think every person is individual. I eat around 2000 cal a day, and burning around 500 a day. My cal are set to 1610 a day.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I find it quite entertaining that some people, like PepperWorm, get so upset that people choose to eat a certain number of calories per day.

    In my opinion, 1200 calories of clean eating is far better than an 1800 calorie diet that includes a lot of crap!

    I eat 1350 calories a day. I eat clean. I get all my nutrients. I am always satisfied. I'm losing fat!

    BIngo! and why do people who have over 50 lbs to lose think they are the experts at what other people should do? very puzzling indeed

    :laugh: :drinker:


    Obviously you didn't read what I said.

    I'm not an advocate of below 1200 calorie diets. 1200 net is perfectly acceptable, too, if you're at a certain activity level/body weight.

    Oh, and poking fun at the amount of weight I have to lose? Real smooth, buddy.

    You do you and I'll do me. Don't be a douche.

    @pepperworm. I misread the quote and thought it was directed at OP. Sorry and I personally would never make fun for how much anyone has to lose. Simply that we are all on a journey and thus shouldn't judge.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    One of the issues for people and they don't actually realise - they often do not eat correctly for years.

    They eat at around the suggested sensible amount which is 300-600 more than 1200 and don't lose because of insulin resistance and simply put it down to calories rather than trying to understand the science behind their lack of weight loss.

    Even when they diet on the higher amount, they don't realise what they are eating may have any effect, macros do often matter - calories are usually the culprit but not the only reason for a lack of weight loss.

    Get insulin resistance under control, you'll be on a much better level :o))

    Do you have any advice for getting insulin resistance under control? I had gestational diabetes, and am worried about developing type 2...I am watching my carbs, and trying to avoid refined sugars at all costs. I have 1-2 pieces of fruit per day (usually an apple and something else) and don't touch sweets or soda, even diet. I have googled this topic, and am still not sure if I am doing all I can. Thanks for your input!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I eat less than 1200 everyday and am never hungry. I also work out everyday. I never eat my calories back. My numbers prove that this works for me.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    What's crazy about the direction of this thread is:

    1. I never gave any advice (I didn't say eat more or less)
    2. I definitely specified that calculators take into consideration weight, height, age, and activity level so the arguments of "I'm over 40, I can't exercise, I'm short" don't really apply
    3.I don't have over 50lbs to lose, I have less than 15 now

    Honestly, I'm not on a high horse or pointing fingers. It was a real question about WHY people choose the calorie goals they have. I didn't say that anyone was going to fail or that what they're doing doesn't work.

    You can ask why I care over and over again; the reality is this is a public forum where people come to ask questions and get answers.

    "Why" questions often sound accusatory, especially in writing, when you can't use tone of voice or other non-verbal cues to understand the meaning behind the question.

    But in answer to your question, I eat 1200 calories because
    1) I'm morbidly obese, and I want to lose the weight quickly.
    2) I checked it out with my doctor and she said it was OK for me.
    3) I feel full if I'm careful about getting enough protein.
    4) I feel better than I have in years, both physically and emotionally, so I don't want to change it right now.
    5) The TDEE calculators are confusing to me because every one of them gives me a different number, even if I input the same information into each of them.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    One of the issues for people and they don't actually realise - they often do not eat correctly for years.

    They eat at around the suggested sensible amount which is 300-600 more than 1200 and don't lose because of insulin resistance and simply put it down to calories rather than trying to understand the science behind their lack of weight loss.

    Even when they diet on the higher amount, they don't realise what they are eating may have any effect, macros do often matter - calories are usually the culprit but not the only reason for a lack of weight loss.

    Get insulin resistance under control, you'll be on a much better level :o))

    Do you have any advice for getting insulin resistance under control? I had gestational diabetes, and am worried about developing type 2...I am watching my carbs, and trying to avoid refined sugars at all costs. I have 1-2 pieces of fruit per day (usually an apple and something else) and don't touch sweets or soda, even diet. I have googled this topic, and am still not sure if I am doing all I can. Thanks for your input!

    Yes quite simple really.

    Cut carbs out for 2-3 weeks, as in use a keto diet. Slowly re-introduce carbs, avoiding starchy carbs and anything simple (e.g. haribo etc). Find out which ones you are sensitive and actually stop the cells reacting to the insulin.

    You could even carb cycle (3 days low/zero carbs) and 1 day higher carbs once you've had 2-3 weeks off carbs.

    Hope that helps.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    One of the issues for people and they don't actually realise - they often do not eat correctly for years.

    They eat at around the suggested sensible amount which is 300-600 more than 1200 and don't lose because of insulin resistance and simply put it down to calories rather than trying to understand the science behind their lack of weight loss.

    Even when they diet on the higher amount, they don't realise what they are eating may have any effect, macros do often matter - calories are usually the culprit but not the only reason for a lack of weight loss.

    Get insulin resistance under control, you'll be on a much better level :o))

    Do you have any advice for getting insulin resistance under control? I had gestational diabetes, and am worried about developing type 2...I am watching my carbs, and trying to avoid refined sugars at all costs. I have 1-2 pieces of fruit per day (usually an apple and something else) and don't touch sweets or soda, even diet. I have googled this topic, and am still not sure if I am doing all I can. Thanks for your input!

    Yes quite simple really.

    Cut carbs out for 2-3 weeks, as in use a keto diet. Slowly re-introduce carbs, avoiding starchy carbs and anything simple (e.g. haribo etc). Find out which ones you are sensitive and actually stop the cells reacting to the insulin.

    You could even carb cycle (3 days low/zero carbs) and 1 day higher carbs once you've had 2-3 weeks off carbs.

    Hope that helps.
    Thank you!
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    You can't just look at one side or the other. It goes back to everyone is different. Their needs are different. We aren't all going to fit into the same mold all the time. Weight loss and diet have to be tailored to the individual. As a nutritionist, you're not going to put a diabetic on a high carb diet or tell a person with BP issues that are sodium sensitive to not monitor sodium. I'm guessing that you individualize meal planning for your clients.

    So to make yourself more healthy, you eat in an unhealthy manner below what is healthy for you to eat? Incredible logic.

    Yes I do make individual meal plans etc.

    I don't eat unhealthy. I eat extremely healthy. Lots of veggies, lean protein, nuts, good fats, fruits, fish. Some days I don't eat a lot because I'm sleeping or at work. I supplement with a protein shake on days I think I'm not going to eat well. I can add fruits, veggies and dairy to eat easily and take it on the go with me.

    Eating healthy foods doesn't make the amount you are eating, healthy. Comprends pas?

    So you suggest I eat until I get sick just so I can meet some magical number? Or eat crap food that has no nutritional value for no other reason than meeting that magical number, even if I'm already full?

    I think one of the things to keep in mind is that your body will adjust to the way you eat. I used to take in a ridiculously low amount of calories each day, and i would get physically sick if i ate a sandwich of normal size. Then a year later, i had no problem at all taking in 3500 calories in a day. If you are so full but you aren't meeting your calorie requirements, increase by 100 calories (a TBLS of PB) each week until you become accustomed to it.
  • mistyme
    mistyme Posts: 26
    I don't really remember why I had set mine at 1200. I guess everyone else was doing it...
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    You can't just look at one side or the other. It goes back to everyone is different. Their needs are different. We aren't all going to fit into the same mold all the time. Weight loss and diet have to be tailored to the individual. As a nutritionist, you're not going to put a diabetic on a high carb diet or tell a person with BP issues that are sodium sensitive to not monitor sodium. I'm guessing that you individualize meal planning for your clients.

    So to make yourself more healthy, you eat in an unhealthy manner below what is healthy for you to eat? Incredible logic.

    Yes I do make individual meal plans etc.

    I don't eat unhealthy. I eat extremely healthy. Lots of veggies, lean protein, nuts, good fats, fruits, fish. Some days I don't eat a lot because I'm sleeping or at work. I supplement with a protein shake on days I think I'm not going to eat well. I can add fruits, veggies and dairy to eat easily and take it on the go with me.

    Eating healthy foods doesn't make the amount you are eating, healthy. Comprends pas?

    So you suggest I eat until I get sick just so I can meet some magical number? Or eat crap food that has no nutritional value for no other reason than meeting that magical number, even if I'm already full?

    I think one of the things to keep in mind is that your body will adjust to the way you eat. I used to take in a ridiculously low amount of calories each day, and i would get physically sick if i ate a sandwich of normal size. Then a year later, i had no problem at all taking in 3500 calories in a day. If you are so full but you aren't meeting your calorie requirements, increase by 100 calories (a TBLS of PB) each week until you become accustomed to it.

    My daily calories are all over the place. They can range from 600-1800 depending on how I feel. I guess I'll go add them up and seewhat tthe average was over the last two weeks. Based on my bf%, I'm probably fine.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    So you suggest I eat until I get sick just so I can meet some magical number? Or eat crap food that has no nutritional value for no other reason than meeting that magical number, even if I'm already full?
    I think one of the things to keep in mind is that your body will adjust to the way you eat. I used to take in a ridiculously low amount of calories each day, and i would get physically sick if i ate a sandwich of normal size. Then a year later, i had no problem at all taking in 3500 calories in a day. If you are so full but you aren't meeting your calorie requirements, increase by 100 calories (a TBLS of PB) each week until you become accustomed to it.
    You are potentially answering "yes" to the other poster's question. If you have met macros with plenty of protein and fat already there, PB is a "crap" food.
    As I detailed in an earlier post, the only reason I would suggest any magic number would be if your deficit was too large for your fat stores to support by releasing 31.4 calories per pound per day. Then I would agree it would be better to eat PB or even marshmallows than to lose LBM. Then again, I would not call that number magic; I call it science.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    So you suggest I eat until I get sick just so I can meet some magical number? Or eat crap food that has no nutritional value for no other reason than meeting that magical number, even if I'm already full?
    I think one of the things to keep in mind is that your body will adjust to the way you eat. I used to take in a ridiculously low amount of calories each day, and i would get physically sick if i ate a sandwich of normal size. Then a year later, i had no problem at all taking in 3500 calories in a day. If you are so full but you aren't meeting your calorie requirements, increase by 100 calories (a TBLS of PB) each week until you become accustomed to it.
    You are potentially answering "yes" to the other poster's question. If you have met macros with plenty of protein and fat already there, PB is a "crap" food.
    As I detailed in an earlier post, the only reason I would suggest any magic number would be if your deficit was too large for your fat stores to support by releasing 31.4 calories per pound per day. Then I would agree it would be better to eat PB or even marshmallows than to lose LBM. Then again, I would not call that number magic; I call it science.

    Based on that calculation, my average calorie intake, and my bf%, I'm higher than my TDEE. So you're saying that's OK?