My new years resolution is to lose 100 pounds in 1 year. Has anybody ever succeeded in doing this?



  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    edited January 2016
    That would put you at the lower end of your normal BMI range, which might be a bit ambitious to safely accomplish in a year.

    Have you entered your stats in the calorie calculator here? You can safely lose 2 lbs per week in the beginning while you are still obese, but as your weight drops, the amount that you can safely lose every week drops, too.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to lose that much weight in a year?

    130 pounds has always been my goal weight

    I'm guessing from the "has always" that you've never hit your goal weight? As someone who has yo-yo dieted nearly my entire life and never came close to hitting a healthy BMI until I decided that SLOW loss is acceptable, that this is a marathon not a sprint, and that small goals are superior to lofty ones, let me make a suggestion: manage your expectations.

    Weight loss is never linear, never fast, and it never comes off at the speed we want it to. If you start off by impatiently telling yourself, "I can't even GO OUT and participate in social activities until I reach this arbitrary number on the scale," you are setting yourself up for a miserable year where that all important number becomes more important than your health. Because once you lose your first dozen pounds, you're going to have to eat less and less and less in order to reach it by your set time frame.

    Set small goals. After years of yo-yoing, I decided to set "goal weights" in increments rather than that huge end number. My first goal was 150, a weight I hadn't seen since high school. My second goal weight was 140, the weight I kept trying to reach while yo-yoing because it was in shooting distance of a healthy BMI (I'm 5'1", so short girl here). My 3rd goal weight was 130, a weight I had never seen in my adult life and was at the upper end of a healthy BMI for my height. I'm now at 127, and my next goal is 120 -- firmly in the middle of normal territory. Since I've never seen that number, I don't know how I'll look. Maybe I'll like it and want to stay there, maybe I'll want to lose a few more. But I'm in no hurry to see that number because I'm enjoying being at a weight that 2014 Me only ever hoped I'd reach.

    My point in sum: celebrate small goals. Take it slow, take it easy, and once you're in reach of that end number, it'll be much easier to maintain.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    You know, the truth is, even if you don't lose the full 100 in a year if you make this change now, by this time next year you are likely to be really pleased with your progress. Imagine for a moment that a year from now you didn't reach the 130 you are hoping for. Let's say you reach 150 instead. Won't you have many of the same benefits of reaching the 130? I've looked at pictures of 5'9 and 150 and people look incredible! Look at Rabbit up there...I think she's like 160 at 5'9. If I looked like THAT in a year, I don't think I'd be so disappointed if I was still working on the full 100 pounds. All of this to say don't let yourself get so caught up in the deadline and the specific goal because then if you fall a little short you may not allow yourself to enjoy the progress you've made.
  • shushu1433
    shushu1433 Posts: 11 Member
    I want to lose 100 pounds by Christmas 2016. Is this possible and has anybody ever lost 100 pounds in a year? If so, How did you lose the weight in a year? Thanks. :-) I appreciate all your answers. :-)

  • shushu1433
    shushu1433 Posts: 11 Member
    Let me know how you are doing. I want to do the same 100 pounds will take me to my ideal weight and maybe take me off of some of my medications (you know high blood pressure and such) Good luck I will be pulling for you....
  • kimmykitty16
    kimmykitty16 Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone do shakeology I just started drinking it and love it.
  • 20months
    20months Posts: 62 Member
    I was able to lose 120# in a year using CICO.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i lost 100 pounds in a year. i started at 1260 calories (base! ate every single calorie earned exercising) and walking a mile. I upped my calories to 1360 walked more and danced to dance central. Upped again, started running and doing programs like 30ds. Ate every calorie from exercise back. I had a HRM, used a food scale, logged every morsel. Oh, and as for the so-called "cheat" meal. Had date night once a week where I ate all the foodz, appetizers, drinks, dessert the whole shebang! Never hindered my progress. Its doable. I didn't kill myself with cardio, I didn't limit foods, I didn't take diet pills, I didn't buy products like shakeology. I ate real food that I cooked at home. And lots of it.
  • ayahra
    ayahra Posts: 4 Member
    I am ready to start with you! Inbox me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    .how much do you have to lose? 100 pounds is a lot. It's doable in a year if you have much more than 100 over all to lose, say if you're 300++ lbs. but if you have exactly 100 to lose, it will be harder
    I weigh 230 and I want to weigh 130

    Then probably not.

    I started at 213 and I was 140 the next year. It took me 6 months to lose the next 8 pounds (that was 1.5 year ago.. I'm actually 3 pounds heavier now). I exercise for 45-90 minutes 6x a week. Much harder to lose the closer you get to your goal. Still, if you get started now, you'll be much healthier next year for sure!
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I really, really recommend eating more than 1200 calories. I started out eating 1800 a day, and now I weigh 169 (and am 5'7") and eat 1600-1700, and am still losing. 1200 is quite low for your stats.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    I really, really recommend eating more than 1200 calories. I started out eating 1800 a day, and now I weigh 169 (and am 5'7") and eat 1600-1700, and am still losing. 1200 is quite low for your stats.

    Seconded. I'm 5'7 also. I don't exercise (I know I know, I'll start when I am fully recovered from this crappy pneumonia) and I have lost steadily on 1550.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I think your goal is too aggressive and not appropriate for you. It's great to be motivated and all, but the reality of it is is that it's likely going to take you much longer to lose that 100 lbs. You should probably ditch the 1 year time frame and make your goal more sustainable and realistic. 1200 calories for someone of your height and weight is not appropriate. Not only are you setting yourself up for failure and adherence issues, you're risking muscle, bone and hair loss... plus some other negative effects from under eating so much for your stats.

    You CAN lose that 100 lbs, but I think you should reassess your goals and go about it in a much safer and saner way.